Hand of the Inheritor

Edinoiz's page

Goblin Squad Member. 211 posts (257 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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Male Half-Celestial Goblin Harbinger (Bleak Emissary) 1 | HP: 2/12 | AC 21; TAC 16; FF 16 | F +5; R +5; W +3; +4 vs poison | Init +7

Trying to leap as far back from the glassplosion as possible, Kavak tried to see where he had taken the wrong turn this time. And for reference, the last time he "took a wrong turn" was a night that involved jello, crackers, two irrate police officers and a night spent in the arrest. "It was probably trying to do this without expending too many resources." And maybe it also had something to do with going into melee with these guys. But Kavak was not going to admit that.

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
the curse has gotten to me D;

"Nope, nope nope-nopenope!!!" moving away from the mirror men, Kavak quickly decides that he could stand to not be targeted anymore. Flying straight up to the ceiling, Kavak sheathes his kukri and instead begins procuring a potion from where it was attached to his belt.

So I believe Kavak is some 10-15 feet above everyone's heads? Also, at 2/12 HP from that blast Q.Q

"Whatever we do, we decide quickly. And if someone can keep up that covering of the mirrors it would probably be in our favour!"

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Male Half-Celestial Goblin Harbinger (Bleak Emissary) 1 | HP: 2/12 | AC 21; TAC 16; FF 16 | F +5; R +5; W +3; +4 vs poison | Init +7

Of course, just let me randomize this: [Ray - no response], [Daevic - no response], [Ammon - a response?], [Skjor - if Ammon can't answer, this will be who he calls]. So yeah, I can't edit the post, just assume that Kavak is slightly irrate that people aren't answering their phones.

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Well, Kavak was born in a goblin enclave established in some caves on the Iran-Irak border where they managed to subsist on occasional raids and a strange kind of cave fungus. He was supposed to be the next shaman but he was decidedly more neutral than what was required. His lack of aggression and his weak body relegated him to a low place among the other young goblins and he was further hampered by the verbally passed down hatred for letters, he could not fully exercise his intellect as much as he needed. It was a rough and brutal life. To escape the realities of his situation he tended to sneak up to the surface and watch the skies on cloudless nights.

It continued with little difference day in and day out until evil machinations created conflict between Iraq and Iran. The conflicts were engineered by evil outsiders on both sides of the border and the magical and modern armaments used rendered much of the area inhospitable. Eventually a battle was raged just above ground. The magic and mundane shelling caused the cave system to begin collapsing and Kavak made it out, to his knowledge he was the sole survivor. Thus he was allowed to see the celestial host up close as they descended to scour the surface clean of corruption with their holy magic, having finally had enough and ending the conflict by taking a more direct approach via various loopholes like the requests for miracles.

Suffused by the holy magic Kavak noticed that he was beginning to change. He was growing more intelligent, he was feeling healthier, and eventually he flew, as if by accident. He had travelled on his own for a while, clothed in remnants of the uniforms left at the battle and after managing to find something valuable he set towards civilization. His first encounters were rocky, to say the least, but he persevered, and took to living on the road, always headed someplace else. Eventually he ended up in Japan and he has stayed there since, only leaving when he found the letter in his apartment. The story of his years in Japan can wait until later (read; until I have nailed it down), but they are chiefly responsible for his abilities and learned state.

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I think I have a concept here. A Kasatha Bolt Ace Gunslinger.

He is a Canadian trapper and hunter who uses the crossbow, preferring them and their relative silence to the loud nature of guns. He was kind of a loner, with his parents being the only Kasathans around for miles and miles. Then again, that comes with growing up so close to the Hudson straight it is practically in your backyard. But the life of a hunter in the cold reaches of Canada didn't quite suit him.

He set out on his nineteenth birthday and eventually joining a travelling circus where he performed feats of markmanship for a living. While he has seen quite a few parts of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico he has not visited his family home in years, and that weighs on him. And to make matters worse; jobs like that aren't exactly stable. He's been jobless since the circus went bankrupt a week ago.

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Well, this seems mighty interesting, sign me up!

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The Mobile Fighter archetype gains a class feature at lvl 11: Rapid Attack.

This feature allows you to perform a single move during your full attack action and dole out your attacks at any point during the movement. The only thing is that you must forgo the attack at yor highest BAB.

"The" as in singular. Which means that if you have Haste or a similar effect on yourself it would seem as if you made a normal full attack but with a move within it as well.

Now, how does the Whirlwind Attack feat synergize with the Rapid Attack class feature? Could they prrhaps be used together and then used with Lunge for a truly awesome "Mook Dropper"?

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Oh, but there were 5 feat slots, 4 if you don't count Combat Reflexes as being part of the Pin Down feat chain, which it is.

Here is the revised feat-list:

1 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Tetsubo), Power Attack, Skill Focus: Survival
2 - Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
3 - Furious Focus
4 - Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo
5 - Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Touch of Rage)
6 - Vital Strike
7 - Combat Reflexes
8 - Greater Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
9 - Devastating Strike
10 - Stand Still
11 - Improved Vital Strike
12 - Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Strength of the Beast)
13 - Pin Down
14 - Improved Devastating Strike
15 - Iron Will
16 - Greater Vital Strike
17 - Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Power of Giants)
18 - Penetrating Strikes
19 - Improved Iron Will
20 - Replace Improved Devastating Strikes with Greater Penetrating Strikes, Greater Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo.

Pin Down allows AoO even on 5-foot steps and Withdraw actions, Stand Still locks them in place. Now, if by some odd reason, I was facing a sufficiently strong creature that is also immune to crits I'd just keep hitting it wih my Greater Vital Strike.

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So let's give this a try.

Mind you, this one will be focused on max level damage and thus include a few items.

Fighter - Archetype: Two-Handed Fighter

Stats - Human - 20pt buy:
Str - 48 (= 18 + racial (2) + character level (5) + "Belt of +6" (6) + Orc Bloodline SotB (6) + Orc Bloodline PoG (6) + Manual (5) )
Con - 14
Dex - 14
Int - 7
Wis - 7
Cha - 17 (= 11 + Headband of +6 (6) )

Opportunistic Gambler

1 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Tetsubo), Power Attack, Skill Focus: Survival
2 - Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
3 - Furious Focus
4 - Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo
5 - Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Touch of Rage)
6 - Vital Strike
7 - Combat Reflexes
8 - Greater Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
9 - Devastating Strike
10 - 
11 - Improved Vital Strike
12 - Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Strength of the Beast)
13 - Greater Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo
14 - Improved Devastating Strike
15 - Improved Devastating Strike
16 - Greater Vital Strike
17 - Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Power of Giants)
18 - Penetrating Strikes
19 - Greater Penetrating Strikes
20 - 

Now, to round out your magic items:

Some kind of ring/amulet/whatever fits to give you Lead Blades. Or just spending your limited skill points in UMD so that you can wand it onto yourself.

Something to give you the Deadly Juggernaut Spell. Perhaps another wand or maybe just the Juggernaut's Pauldrons?

Gloves of Dueling, of course.

A +5 Impact Courageous Thundering Tetsubo.

Now, these will be the relevant class features:

3 - Overhand Chop (Double Strength Damage Bonus to 2h-weapons when making a single attack with the attack action)
- - -
5,9,13,17 - Weapon Training +4 (+6 with them gloves)
- - -
15 - Greater Power Attack (+100% damage from Power Attack when using a two-handed weapon instead of +50%)
- - -
19 - Devastating Blow (standard action which, by suffering a -5 penalty to hit, allows you to make an attack that automatically critical threats on hit)
- - -
20 - Weapon Mastery: Tetsubo (Oh come to papa, auto confirming critical threats and also increasing the critical multiplier by 1)

There will be a few big points in the development of this character where your damage receives a spike.

The first will probably come when you get Impact on your Tetsubo.

The second will likely be when you can reliably get Enlarge Person and Lead Blades on yourself.

A few others will be the Greater Power Attack, Greater Vital Strike, and so on.

But the largest one will be at 20:

Enter Devastating Blow + Weapon Mastery: Tetsubo

This should hit for:
4d8 + 5 (Tetsubo) + 38 (doubled Str bonus) + 5 (a continous Deadly Juggernaut) + 7.5 (Touch of Rage) + 2.5 (Courageous) + 6 (Weapon Training) + 4 (Greater and normal Weapon Specialization) + 20 (Greater Power Attack) = 4d8 + 78 = 96 points of damage per average normal hit.

If we want to we can simply add 12d8 + 6 to represent a Greater Vital Strike which would make a Greater Vital Strike hit land at about... 156 on average. Not bad, but we can do better.

For this was a crit with a Tetsubo and we happen to be Tetsubo Weapon Masters.

Thus Crit Multiplier = 5
An average hit would strike at 480 damage. With an additional 5d8 from Thundering so... 502.5 points of damage.

And if we happen to have someone nice in our party whom built Butterfly Strikes...


502.5 + 6x5 + 12d8 = 568.5 points of damage.

Huh, that's enough damage to instantly knock the Tarrasque unconscious, and prevent it from regenerating in its second round...

So a lvl 20 AVERAGE of 502.5 per hit and round on his/her lonesome, an average of 568.5 per hit and round if helped by a teammate with Butterfly Strikes.

Is this sufficient?

The open feat-spots were to be filled by the feat line that prevents opponents from withdrawing and all that, assuming 3-4 spots is enough for that?

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Edinoiz wrote:
...an argument between the players and their characters...
These games and their inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. :/

To clarify, the characters were arguing in between themselves and the players were arguing in between themselves, not players arguing with their characters.