Hand of the Inheritor

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Goblin Squad Member. 211 posts (257 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

So I was thinking about Monks and their lack of easy access to enhancement bonus to their Unarmed Strike (not counting Bodywraps of Mighty... and Amulet of Mighty).

And then I looked at the rules for Magic Weapons and spotted the line:

PRD Magic Weapons wrote:
All magic weapons are also masterwork weapons

Normally this could be seen as the main obstacle that prevents someone from using the Magic Weapon Creation rules from crafting a +5 Disruption Unarmed Strike, but then I found a wonderful little 2nd level spell: Masterwork Transformation

Do I read the spell correctly in that it allows you to turn your Monk Unarmed Strike into Masterwork quality for 300gp per fist/foot/elbow/etc?

Because once that hurdle is overcome there shouldn't be anything that prevents me from using the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat to forge me some magical weapon fists, is there?

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The Mobile Fighter archetype gains a class feature at lvl 11: Rapid Attack.

This feature allows you to perform a single move during your full attack action and dole out your attacks at any point during the movement. The only thing is that you must forgo the attack at yor highest BAB.

"The" as in singular. Which means that if you have Haste or a similar effect on yourself it would seem as if you made a normal full attack but with a move within it as well.

Now, how does the Whirlwind Attack feat synergize with the Rapid Attack class feature? Could they prrhaps be used together and then used with Lunge for a truly awesome "Mook Dropper"?

I've recently been looking around a bit and wondered if it is possible to try and make a more grace-based two-handed warrior.

The idea is along the lines of a traveller that has recently returned from Minkai, having spent much of his youth there.

One thing he learned during his stay was a slightly delicate type of swordsmanship, using the Nodachi, and I'm having a slight conundrum of how this guy should be built, feat-wise, beyond the Improved Critical feat and possibly other Critical feats.

Assume a 20-point buy for stats.

I might even go for a Dex focused build and the Agile Weapon property, even if that might gimp my damage. So as it stands: Suggestions?


And with those pleasantries out of the way, the meat of my problem:

Currently playing an Aldori Swordlord in a campaign of Kingmaker, I am starting to run into som slight difficulties of the Weaponless and Huge/Un-trippable kind. It doesn't really help that I should be anticipating more of it in the form of Dragons and Fey (according to advice given by this forum no less).

Makig an attempt to alleviate this I have been looking towards the Performance Feats section of possible paths forward, in particular a line involving the Savage and Dramatic displays with a side-order of Shatter Defenses. I'm debating whether or not to take Deadly Stroke but currently leaning away from it, going more in favour of trying to convince/ask my GM if I could use a modified version of the PF Campaign Setting version of the Aldori Dueling Mastery to be a sort of "Greater Aldori Dueling Mastery".

Or I could get Keen and Butterfly Strikes at the earliest convenience so that the scythe-wielding Barbarian in our party can wrack up his DPS something humongous.

Currently the character is a 5/1 Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/Aldori Swordlord and levelling to 6/1 at the start of our next session.

His feats are:
Dodge, Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori Dueling Sword), Weapon Finesse
Improved Trip
Weapon Focus (Aldori Dueling Sword)
Dazzling Display
Improved Disarm
Aldori Dueling Mastery (the non PFCCS one)
and if nothing makes me change my mind, Shatter Defenses and Performing Combatant at the lvl up.

So, any advice to give?

So looking at things in the guid to duelists, I had this potentially awesome idea. Thing is that I don't know if it would be doable.

The concept: Decent damage while being useful and almost having AC to "the high heavens".

How to do so: Multi-classing with a human, base as a Fighter

Fighter; Aldori Swordlord lvl 1-4, Character lvl 1-4
1 - Weapon Finesse + Combat Expertise + Dodge
2 - Weapon Focus (Aldori Dueling Sword)
3 - Improved Initiative + Defensive Parry class feature
4 - Quick Draw + exchange Dodge for Aldori Dueling mastery

Monk; Maneuver Master lvl 1-2, Character lvl 5-6
5 - Two Weapon Fighting + Improved Disarm as Bonus Feat + Stunning Fist and Improved Unarmed Strike for 1st level Monk
6 - Improved Trip as Bonus Feat + Evasion Class Feature

Fighter; Aldori Swordlord 5-7, Character lvl 7-9
7 - Dodge + Disarming Strikes class feature
8 - Crane Style
9 - Mobility + Steel Net class feature

Duelist 1-10, Character lvl 10-19
11 - Crane Wing
13 - Crane Riposte
15 - Greater Trip
17 - Greater Disarm
19 - Improved Critical (Aldori Dueling Sword)

Fighter; Aldori Swordlord 8, Character lvl 20
20 - Disarming Strike

Monk; Maneuver Master lvl 3, Character lvl 21
21 - Tripping Strike

Fighter; Aldori Swordlord lvl 9-20, Character lvl 22-34
23 - Eclectic (Duelist) + Lunge
25 - Feats to be picked...

Monk; Maneuver Master lvl 4-20, Character lvl 35-50
35 - Feats to be picked...

Aldori Swordlord archetype
Maneuver Master archetype

The Premises:
There is no need for Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori Dueling Sword) since I convinced my GM to exchange the Aldori Swordlord's proficiency in Tower Shields, Medium, and Heavy Armor for said feat. This build is also built on the fact that Crane Style does not require you to actually use it with Unarmed Strikes or "Monk weapons" to reap the benefits from it, and it is the same way with its child-feats.

So what do you guys think? Did I miss something?

Oh, and the usual "Iron Will" feat-chain won't be picked up until later levels because of flavor and having an Achilles Heel to rp.

So my GM is going to be starting a new campaign soon, Kingmaker, and to prepare a bit I started to look through the Player's Guide for the adventure path.

Currently, what interests me the most would be a Human Fighter of the Aldori Swordlord archetype but I'm having some problems with determining what feats I should be picking. I have a list of 15 feats that I want and the level I am considering to take them at.

1Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori Dueling Sword), 1Weapon Finesse, 1Combat Expertise
2Weapon Focus (Aldori Dueling Sword)
3Quick Draw
4Aldori Dueling Mastery
5Weapon Specialization (Aldori Dueling Sword)
6Improved Disarm
7Improved Initiative
8Greater Weapon Focus (Aldori Dueling Sword)
9Improved Critical (Aldori Dueling Sword)
10Improved Feint
11Greater Disarm
12Greater Weapon Specialization (Aldori Dueling Sword)

I am also considering Dazzling Display and Gory Finish, as well as Leadership.

The concept of the character is a finesse based fighter, no big surprise there, who will be using disarm and feint to manoeuvre his opponents into less favourable positions. The damage will be upped by a custom ring with a permanent version of the Lead Blades spell, making the Aldori Dueling Sword deal 2d6 damage instead of 1d8. I'm open for ideas on new feats, items, and restructuring of the feats I already have here.

Hello everyone, I recently started pondering on how to make a finesse fighter with the Dawnflower Dervish Archetype in order to make my at times extreme cheese be a bit less so. Nah, in all seriousness I'm wondering about the validity of the build I'm trying.

Here I'll post in no particular order the feats that I'd planned and the stats that I will be using. I'd prefer not having a human as the race but said condition is not a must. Currently the stats are as they were rolled in supervision of my GM and with the Sylph as the race.

Str 16, Dex 20(18), Con 13(15), Int 17(15), Wis 10, Cha 11

Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Expertise, Whirlwind Attack

Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance

Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Weapon Specialization (Scimitar), Greater Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Greater Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)

Improved Critical (Scimitar), Critical Focus (Scimitar), Stunning Critical (Scimitar)

Step Up, Following Step, Combat Reflexes, Step Up and Strike

Power Attack

Penetrating Strike, Greater Penetrating Strike

The thought is to manoeuvre around creatures and take the flanking position when possible, I'll be relying on magical items to boost my saves as needed to remain viable at higher levels and also an item that allows me to apply the spell lead blades to my Scimitar for a larger dice step (and a nicer dice step progression for eventual enlarge person situations). I'm considering to pile my ability increases in Dexterity.

Acrobatics +15, Climb +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (Engineering) +10, Knowledge (Geography) +10, Knowledge (Local) +10, Perception +15, Stealth +10, Survival +10, Swim +10, Use Magic Device +10

As you can see I'm also focused on some utility through a high intelligence and the skills that this would give, I'm using the favoured class bonus to gain the extra skill points (using the knowledge to check for possible traps, advantageous positions, ambushes, and such).

I read somewhere that Whirlwind Attack is a waste of time, and I'm pondering the usefulness of Sidestep and it's improved version (take 5-foot step upon missed enemy attack without consuming allotted movement).

Any ideas ?

Hello, people.

I am joining a campaign a few of my friends are already playing and I was considering the concept of a Tengu character that uses weapons with the 18-20 crit range combined with Butterfly's Sting to enable that big 2h-Hammer (x3 or x4) Fighter to crit way more times than should be allowed.

For a small time I was considering the Aldori Swordlord archetype but some feat placement got me in trouble.

Then I was considering a Vanilla Fighter that used an Elven Curve Blade.

Now I'm looking at the Mobile Fighter Archetype and I'm thinking of using the Daisho type style, alternatively Katana-Katana or Wakizashi-Wakizashi.

A few additionals:
I'm planning on usiing a homebrew feat that I like to call Nitoryuu.

Long hours of practice with the weapon of the Daisho has taught you how to flow them together, paired as the daisho states or in combinations of two and two, in intricate flourishes of graceful slashes and thursts, each deadly in its own right.
Prerequisite: Weapon Finesse, weapon proficiency with Katana and Wakizashi.
Benefit: When you wield any two weapon combination consisting solely of Katana or Wakizashi you may consider both weapons Finessable if they are not already so by exchanging the Deadly property of the weapons required.

The question is, assuming the above homebrew is allowed, what weapon should I choose to better fit in the desired effect of granting critical hits to the ones using big nasty x3 and x4 weapons? I'm planning on getting Improved Critical/Keen so that both weapons regardless of what they are would get doubled crit-range.

I'm also using the "all finessable weapons when wearing light/no armor and not being encumbered" version of Dervish Dance.

So, for the Gunslinger class, which I admit has made me stoked, I realised that there is this nifty little combination of feets and deeds that could make it rather... painful against nearly everything.

The first question I have is this: How do you gain more attacks with the gunslinger when it comes to using two or more pistols? There was a mention of the Two Weapon Fighting feat somewhere in the UC, but I can't find it now, so how does rapid shot work?

The reason for this is that I want to know the maximum number of possible attacks per round, disregarding the need to reload, as this affects the Deadshot Deed.

Assuming a BAB of
this would give
with Greater Two-Weapon Fighting. Adding Rapid Shot, if possible, would make this
of potential[/d] attacks that can be done as long as the Gunslinger uses twin pepper boxes or could just draw and fire pistols until the number of attacks have been reached.

For the unknowing; Deadshot is a fullround action that costs 1 Grit Point and allows you to roll a number of attack rolls equal to the maximum number of potential fire arm attacks you could do in a round, need to reload ignored, and then for each attack roll that hits you add the amount of damage die you get from firing the weapon in the first place in a similar manner to Vital Strike.

When using this wielding two normal one-shot pistols, would the
still be the number of attack rolls for Deadshot?

Since this, to my knowledge, is only a single attack action (a fullround attack but still a single attack) would it not be possible to use Vital Strike with this as well? If yes, would vital strike simply add another set of damage die to the damage roll or would it add the total number of damage die given? The latter seems extremely overpowered, not something I would allow as a GM, but I want some input on it.

Considering the vs-touch-AC-within-first-range-increment property of nearly all firearms, the +6 to hit one is likely to get from Dexterity at that level, including the modifier for Point-Blank Shot, and the minimum +1 that both weapons would have at that level the final number of rolls would look something like

Assuming a standard AC value of 31 for CR 16, and then that out of this the touch AC is roughly 21 the hit percentages would be
which on average means that at least 7 rolls good enough to hit.

The Double-Barrelled Pistol has the property that both barrels can be fired at once with a -4 penalty to hit but doubling the damage done, this would in Deadshot mean
or in percentage vs 21 touch AC be
an average of 5 successive attack rolls.

Damage wise, only by dice, this would in combination with Greater Vital Strike (according to the non-OP way) be a total of 49.5 damage (1d8+10d8) for single shot and 81 damage (2d8+16d8) for a double-shot, on average. This is before weapon properties like flaming, enhancement bonus, pistol training bonuses (pistolero archetype), Up Close and Deadly (pistolero archetype), etc, are added in.

If I am correct on Double-Shot then properties like flaming and enhancement bonus to damage would double as the projectile number doubles while pistol training (hitting where it hurts) and Up Close and Deadly Deed (the former, only better) would only be applied once.

so for funsies sake, assuming only one energy damage property on the +1 DB Pistol, we have a total of
1d8+1+1+8 +10d8+5d6 (Enhancement+PB Shot+Pistol Training +Deadshot+GV Strike+UC and Deadly+Flaming)
which averages at [b]77 damage in one shot
2d8+2+1+8+6 +16d8+6d6 (Enhancement+PB Shot+Pistol Training+Devastating Strikes +Deadshot+GV Strike+UC and Deadly+Flaming)
which averages at 119 damage in one shot.

And this is not taking into account that Deadshot Critical Threatens should even one attack roll result in a crit (but you confirm it with your highest BAB-5, decreasing the penalty by 1 per additional critical threat you get).

So yes, some help here, is this even viable?

P.S. I assume the double-shot to send the bullets close enough together that the damage is added together prior to applying DR.