The Horned Hunter

Dux Darius's page

Goblin Squad Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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It now seems the Cure light wounds wand SPAM in solved.
We just need to have a trained healer to heal everyone up from near death with an hours rest.

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I suppose if it was harder to recover from severe wounding. Enemies would likely not try to finish off a mortally wounded opponent.

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Having an enemy with a weapon in hand(or chewing on you)next to you while you are unconscious should be lethal!

Having levels should not make you wiggle around to avoid blows with lightning speed in your sleep.

Being helpless is helpless. It is dramatic and cinematic!

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Why does proficiency add to Armor class when unconscious or helpless?
I understand a more skilled character defending himself better. But When when he is not aware? Or Paralyzed, or helpless? That makes no logical sense. It is not even flavourful let alone realistic.

What about a damage saving throw with armor being a bonus.

This could be with armor ranging from +1 to + 12 Plus enhancements

This just off the top of my head

So the details can easily be worked.

Critcal success no damage
success 1/4 damage
failure 1/2 damage
Critical failure full damage

DC = 10 + damage/2

I have not extended these numbers out.
TAC would be used to hit.

critical hits do more damage and more likely to penetrate.

BryonD wrote:

It isn't any more odd than 9 levels of naked zero magic going wizard makes you harder to hurt than wearing full plate.

But the math does work better.

True. I think a high-level Mage would be harder to hit naked than him in full plate and untrained.

But he should substantially harder to damage in the plate.

The whole proficiency added is a good idea in principle, but not when you are not aware enough or able to add it.

Increasing your defence with skill make a lot of sense. But then armour should not be adding to your defence, but deflecting or absorbing damage. Armours main function is to absorb blows from weapons preventing injury to the wearer.

I guess a new look at a form or Armour as DR or Hardness would not be a bad idea.

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I am having are hard time understanding how proficiency should be added to Armor class when unconscious/asleep/helpless/paralyzed?

It is harder to hit a (12th level, Expert dex 20) unarmoured guy who is laying dying(AC should be 21). Then to hit a fully awake aware guy who is 1st level in plate armour(trained, Dex 14) and holding a shield in the way. (AC should be 20).

proficiency should only be used if aware and able to act.

I was wondering why they did not have crits do damage to Stamina and Hitpoints? I think it would make for more drama without any slow down in play.

It would reflect the occasional great shot!

Instead on double Stamina damage and an equal amount to each.