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I'd love to get these too!

dustin DOT gebhardt AT gmail DOT com

I have 2 or 3 spots open for a newly-begun Legacy of Fire AP game. We had a full group, but the weekly schedule didn't work for 3 of the players.

We play weekly, Sundays, from 10AM to 2:30PM. We play at my house in Apex, near the intersection of I-540 and Hwy 64.

Are you still looking for a game?

I have a small group that just started the Legacy of Fire AP. We play on Sunday, from 10AM to 2:30PM, in Apex near the intersection of I-540 & Hwy 64.

About me:

  • Using the Robin Laws' GM types scale, I'm mostly Storyteller (75%), with the remaining 25% split between Method Actor, Power Gamer, Casual Gamer, and Butt-Kicker.

  • Here is a link to my GM profile.

I ended my last campaign about a year ago when I moved away from the area, but now I'm back (and better than ever!). I'm looking for 4 to 6 players for a weekly Pathfinder game, playing on Saturdays or Sundays, typically from 10AM to 3PM, and typically hosted at my home (in Apex). Here are some details of the game:

  • Tactical players need not apply. My combat sessions are geared to be fast and loose, with PCs swinging from chandeliers and the BBEG twirling his moustache and delivering his monologue.

  • The game will be character-centric. The characters are the stars. I modify the adventures to maximize the fun and challenge. PCs with deep backgrounds are encouraged, and I will never use it against the PC (but I may use their background to propel the story forward).

  • This game will probably be run in the OD&D world of Mystara. Expect an old-school feel. You will encounter several classic monsters. Death happens, but it doesn't mean the end of a PC (perhaps a ghost character? Undead?). I reward players that stay in character and make the hard choices. Tell me what you want the PC to do and I will tell you to make the appropriate check; don't just make a skill check and ask for the outcome.

  • New players are welcome and encouraged. The game will be PG-13 (moderate violence, mild language, mild adult themes). I don't expect everybody to know all of the rules, and I allow some character changes if something doesn't work the way you thought it would.

  • Unique characters are always welcome, but "Special Snowflakes" should stay away. This is a group game, so I try to include something for every character in every session. However, some sessions may feature one PC more than another. Everybody will get their moment to shine, if they desire that.

  • The overall campaign will have a direction, but the PCs will choose how they get there. Expect to have several loose ends and open story-hooks at any given time. This is somewhat of a sandbox approach, but with a theme.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I'm still in the market for the remainder of the AP.

March bump.

Pretty please, can we get the remainder (haha, I spelled it right this time!) of the adventure path soon?

Bump! Any chance of minis for the reamainder of the LoF AP? ;-)

I love this sheet. It's been posted over at Reddit a couple of times and I grabbed it from there.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is all great advice. I never thought to include a grapple check, but if I introduce this, the player will just start carrying around dead mice. I also made it a move action to retrieve a mouse from its container, a la retrieving an item from a backpack. Of course, I also mentioned (in jest) that this could be a avoided if the character had a bandolier of mice or something similar.

As Timothy Hanson said, he's doing something that is less effective than a normal attack (both in attack and damage value). He could have thrown a dagger, surikan, etc and done more base damage with the same sneak attack dice to boot. So, despite my initial responce of "C'mon. Really?", I may just go with the flow and allow it to continue.

I'm DMing a Legacy of Fire game and one of my players is a goblin ninja. Recently he asked if he could acquire several mice and carry them along while adventuring. After looking at him oddly, I agreed. Then, at our next game, he successfully Stealthed near an enemy, then threw a mouse at the creature, saying that it was a sneak attack. I gave him the -4 to attack for an improvised weapon, but I couldn't come up with anything that explicitly said he could or could not do this. Granted, the base damage was minimal (1 point), but the sneak attack damage was what he was after.

1. Is there anything that rules for or against this?
2. If this is allowed to continue, at what point does the suspension of disbelief break down? "I throw a speck of sand at a guy." "You hit." (Player rolls sneak attack damage).

Volkspanzer wrote:
Well, I'm not certain, but any activity that doesn't require physical exertion, such as a STR based check or DEX based check, would be excellent grounds for what you do in your spare time. Crafting items would be an excellent activity, if you go by RAW, as INT checks normally don't cause fatigue.

One of my players wants to do just that. They are in the 1 year of downtime between LoF1 and LoF2. His character wants to:

  • single-handledly rebuild the ruined monastery (8 hours Craft)
  • establish and supervise (as a foreman) a quarry and mine (8 hours Craft/Profession)
  • 4 hours Magic Item Crafting
  • 2 hours personal time
  • 2 hours sleep

mdt wrote:


The way I treat this in my games is, you can turn a normal day into two days. Eight hours of travel/adventure, 2 hours of other activities, 2 hours of sleep (12 hours). Lather/Rinse/Repeat.

This would work, with the note that you'd be sleeping for a total of 4 hours per 24 hours. So, you still net 4 extra hours of activity, but you don't get the full functionality of the "8 hours of sleep condensed into 2 hours".

Lathiira wrote:
In our previous campaign, I used those extra six hours for extra watches, a bit of magical item creation, fixing up mundane gear, writing in my journal, spell research, and an extra hour of meditation.

This would seem to clash with the ruling provided by James Jacobs in the linked post. He states that any time you are awake for more than 16 hours, you automatically become fatigued.

So, I suppose the real question is this:

Does the time spent awake cause the fatigue, or the (presumed) lack of sleep make you fatigued?

I've tried to read the many posts on sleeping, staying awake, fatigue, etc but I can't seem to find one that answers this question:

According to James Jacobs
, any awakefulness after 16 hours causes you to become fatigued. But what happens when you have a ring of sustenance? You only need 2 hours to gain the benefits of 8 hours of sleep/rest. What can you do with the other 6 hours that doesn't instantly make you fatigued?


8 hours of travel
8 hours of adventuring
(you are fatigued after this point if you are still awake)
6 hours of ???
2 hours of rest/sleep.

Any hope of finishing out this AP with paper minis for each module? I'm about to finish up the first module and I'd love to prep the minis for modules 3-6 sooner rather than later.

Love the work so far!

Coming back to this post after severla days and I find out that my players have posted in the thread. My first thought was something similar to the scene in Back to the Future where the Libians find Doc and Marty in the parking lot of the mall.

"OMG they found me. I don't know how, but they found me. RUN MARTY!"


@solanole. Well, you can take mounted combat and its related feats, assuming that your character can find a suitable mount. :-)

Thanks to @archaeik for the explanation.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a PC in my group playing an awakened heavy horse. She has not yet taken a core class level, but will take paladin soon. She has asked me a question regarding feats that require Imp Unarmed Strike. Does a creature with no hope of using a "normal" weapon effectively qualify for feats that require IUS?

I can see her point that if she wants to use feats that require IUS, she will have to take Feral Combat Training, IUS, and Wpn Focus (x,y,z), of which the IUS really has no use, plus the FCT is "wasted" just to give her the ability to use feats with the IUS pre-requisite.

On the other hand, I can see some validity to requiring her to take the 3 feats, as this seems closest to the RAW interpretation.

Initially when she wanted to play the horse character, I told her that I would not make huge changes to the campaign just for her character, and so far we've both been good about making other rulings on the fly.

I don't want to resurrect an old thread, but I can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere else on the forums, FAQ, and Errata.

Does a mystic theurge gain domain spells?

One of my players is creating a PC with a strict honesty personality. Since this is a defining characteristic for the PC, she wants a trait based on this. Any thoughts on one that will work? Or, if a custom trait needs to be created, what would be appropriate?

I've recently moved away from my long-running gaming group and I'm looking to find a local group of players (I generally only DM). Obviosuly, I don't know anybody in the area, and finding a group where our playing/DMing styles match may be difficult and/or time consuming.

Does anybody have a survey or questionnaire for the players? I've seen questionnaires for characters, and they are useful to help flesh out and define the character. But I'm not looking for that. I need a survey for players. It should ask questions that help define the type of game they want to play. High or low magic? family-freindly or blood-and-guts? Etc.

I don't want to force my game down the throats of the players. I want to come up with an agreed-upon game where we can all have fun and know what to expect.


Thanks guys and gals. I've registered with a couple of local Meetup groups and visited a couple of the FLGS's. Hopefully I'll get a group together soon.

I just moved to Raleigh (Cary), and I'm looking to start a new gaming group. My last group played for over 2 years before I had to move.

I would describe my games as pulpy, action-oriented, grand in scope, and player-centric. I welcome players that think outside of the box and are beyond the basic roll-to-hit, roll-for-damage humdrum. If your character likes to swing across the room on a chandelier, this game might be for you. If, in a few words, you can describe what your magic missile looks like, this game might be for you.

Robin's Laws says that I'm a power-gamer and storyteller. Therefore, tacticians may be frustrated with my game.

I'd like to start a weekly or every-other-week game. Friday evenings and the weekend work best for me, but I'm flexible.

Reply to this thread, if you are interested.

Time to add another volume to my Neil Spicer collection! Yippee!

Thanks for the help, folks! I've taken your suggestions to heart and here is what I have so far:

Wiz 18

Ability score: 12, 18, 15, 34, 24, 28

Feats: Impr Initiative, Combat Casting, Spell Focus (enchant), Great Spell focus (enchant), Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Bouncing Spell, Persistant Spell, Spell perfection (domination), Persuasive

Gear: greater rod of metamagic, persistant spell, tome of clear thought +5, tome of leadership +5, tome of understanding +5, belt of physical perfection +4, robe of eyes, mantle of spell resistance, boots of speed, gloves of arrow snaring, helm of teleportation, headband od metnal superiority +6, amulet of the planes, ring of prot +5, ring of wizardry IV, cloak of resistance +5, bracers of armor +8

Concentration: 1d20 + 36

Spells/day: 4 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 12 / 7 / 7 / 6 / 6 / 4
DC: 22 + spell level, +2 for enchantment spells, +2 more for dominate person

1. Time stop (casts greater invis, repulsion, globe of invulnerability, stoneskin)
2. cast mind fog (Heightened?, Extended?) Use persistance metamagic rod.
3. Spell perfection: dominate (heightened to 8th level with free bouncing) DC 34
4. cast more heightened spells (insanity, power word kill, feeblemind, irresistable dance). With 6 8th level spell slots, most of her spells will be heightened to 8th level to increase the DC. 2 of these can be persistant.

Plus I will be adding "minions" (if you can call ~10th level NPCs "minions")

The APL is 11, each PC is built using a 30-pt buy. There are 7 party members. Double wealth is the rule of the day.

I already have some stat-ed out minions (charmed, dominated, along for the ride, etc) with an average level of 9 or 10. The party usually makes short work of single opponents, so I know that I need to get a good sized group going. I'm using the adventure Prism Keep from Dungeon mag #45 and the BBEG is Irinia, for those of you interested in such things. I'm hoping that a couple of the them succumb to the charm/dominate aspect to increase the tension. Personality wise, Irinia is haughty and spoiled. She is used to getting her way, and using her magic when her good looks fail her.

My upcoming adventure features a female human enchanter, level around 14. I haven't played a caster in a while so I need some help with feats, ability scores, gear, and tactics. She will have double treasure for her level.

Any suggestions?


The L-Spells tab:
Cells CS16, CS19, CS22, etc are referencing the ability modifier. They should be referencing the (Ability)_Permanent value. I changed the $DB$6>=# to $CX$6&"_Permanent">=[#+10]. The #+10 is the minimum ability score needed to cast each level of spell, ie 10 for level 0, 11 for level 1, etc. I also changed the caster level reference to us the CL_xxx NAME so that prestige classes now contribute to the caster level as they should.

EX (CS16):

=IF(AND($CX$6&"_Permanent">=10,ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL_"&$ CJ$6),INDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Casters_Abil ity,MATCH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),2,0))),VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL _"&$CJ$6),INDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Cast ers_Ability,MATCH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),2,0),"")

I think I had to fix CX19, etc also. It is trying to find a "1" when it should be looking for "1st".

I forgot what I did, but my cells now show:

=IF(CS19="","",VLOOKUP(INDIRECT($CX$6&"_Permanent"),Table_Abilities,4,0 ))

And I change the "4", to 5, 6, 7, etc for each spell level.

On the DataSkills tab:
In the feat column, the Skill Focus feat is searching for column 32 when it should be looking at column 19.

EX (for the Perception skill):
=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Skill Focus ["&A33&"]",Feats_Known)),IF(VLOOKUP(A33,Table_Skills_Known_L,19,0)>9,6,3),0)+Trai ts_Bonus_PerformDance+Skill_Mod_Univ_Cha

On the L_Back tab:
The Other Magic Items are not added to the Magic_Item_Summary_L cell. For some reason, I cannot add to the text string in cell AK3. So, in AK4, I created a new string called Magic_Item_Summary_Other_L and added this NAME to the Summary on the DataMagicItems tab.

1. Add ioun stones and the remainder of the Wondorous Magic Items.
2. In the DataMagicItems tab, include columns for each skill competence bonus. This will aid is adding custom magic items. And roll those bonuses over to the DataSkills tab, Magic bonus column


Figure out a way to auto-calculate the value of armor and weapons other than the material and the base bonus. Things like frost, flaming, holy, glammered, etc do not add it. Currently, I enter a value placeholder in the character equipment area (0 weight, equiped)

Add a calc for the "bashing" quality for shields.

Add ioun stones to the magic item list.

Greg Wasson wrote:

Anyone may drink a potion. To use a scroll the spell must be on one's spell list OR pass a umd skill check.

EDIT* strange, I kept hitting refresh expecting to see a responce. So of course when I respond, I am uber ninja'd :P

Try hitting CTRL+F5 (in Firefox) to force a complete page reload.

/end threadjack

It is often much easier to use the desired CR as an equivalent to XP. So, if you have an APL of 4 and you want to throw a CR 4 encounter at them, you can use Table 12-2 (pg 398) "Total XP" column and see that a CR4 encounter is worth 1,200 XP.

Now, with that set as your XP budget, you build your encounter using the individual CR of the creatures until you get close to your budget. In this example, you can use:

A single CR4 creature
A CR3 creature plus a CR1 creature
2 x CR2 creatures
3 x CR1 creatures
6 x CR1/2 creatures

In general, I give my PCs 2 bonus skill points at 1st level to reflect their pre-adventuring days. They must put these skill points towards something background related, typically a Craft or Profession. I also have the PCs pick 2 Traits, which again must reflect their background.

dracomancer wrote:
. . . It appears that the sheet is calculating spells per day based off of Wisdom modifier rather that comparing Wisdom stat to 10+spell level.

I mentioned this previously:

DustinGebhardt wrote:

Wed, Sep 8, 2010, 11:31 AM
. . .
Also, the first part of the AND logic statement reference the Ability Mod ($DB$6). It should reference the (ability score_Current - 10)

I've hardcoded the Wis ability score for my party's cleric, but here is the Spells/Day cell for 5th level spells:

=IF(AND((Wis_Current-10)>=5,ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL_"&$CJ$6),I NDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Casters_Ability,MAT CH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),7,0))),VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL_"& $CJ$6),INDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Casters_Abi lity,MATCH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),7,0),"")

Derekjr wrote:
Is there a place to add the +1 elemental damage to the weapon field (flaming, shock etc) so that the enhancement bonus is calculated into the overall cost of the weapon?

I know that this is a work-around, but I simply use a line in the inventory page with a value placeholder for the missing value. This also works for armor enhancements (shadow, imp shadow, fortification, etc). I put the qty at "1" and the weight at "0" and fill in the GP column with the difference between the calculated cost (per the sheet) and the actual value from the Rulebook.

The List_Casters_Base_All should reference the Y column, not the X column

On the Spells tab, there seems to be some confusion on the Spells per day calculations at each level. If a prestige class adds to the spellcasting level of a base class, the increased spells/day is not showing. It is currently referencing the caster level of the base class only. If you replace the:


in the VLOOKUP with:


, this should work.

Also, the first part of the AND logic statement reference the Ability Mod ($DB$6). It should reference the (ability score_Current - 10)

I've hardcoded the Wis ability score for my party's cleric, but here is the Spells/Day cell for 5th level spells:

=IF(AND((Wis_Current-10)>=5,ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL_"&$CJ$6),I NDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Casters_Ability,MAT CH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),7,0))),VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL_"& $CJ$6),INDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Casters_Abi lity,MATCH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),7,0),"")

I've just about read the GMG from cover to cover and I think it is awesome. However, I was hoping for some structured rules for creating hazards and haunts. I see that LPJ Design has a pdf with additional haunts, but I'd like to see a table akin to Table 13-3/13-4 in the Core Rules. I need a way to determine CR, effects, etc.

Any suggestions?

LoreKeeper wrote:

Has anybody suggested the possibility of monstrous NPCs? Essentially a bestiary with focus on class-leveled monsters (generally intelligent and conversant).

So instead of Jane Doe, human rogue 2/expert 4

We'd get:
* Gizgut, obnoxious drumcaller, goblin bard 5/expert 2
* Caylewdnia, alluring enchantress, nymph enchanter 6
* Paul Carvot, friendly giant, stone giant fighter 2/barbarian 4


L_Spells tab. The Arcane Armor Training Feat is not reflected in the Arcane Spell Failure box.

Customization tab, Equipment sub section: they have a black font on a black background.

Circlet of Persuasion is listed in the wrong item-slot group.

the first weapon block shows a +1 attack bonus by default (I assume that this wasn't cleared out before saving the master file).

Customization tab is protected (again, not a big deal)

Ender_rpm wrote:
Party Level?

The party is made up of 6 PCs and 1 NPC, with an APL of 8.

Jess Door wrote:

I've read that enormous thread and enjoyed it immensely. But he brought up the problem of running that same type of game with higher-level PCs. But I like the thought.

far_wanderer wrote:
If that was a "minor" plot hook, then I don't want to know what constitutes a major plot hook in your games.

The current plot circles around the end of the multiverse and all of divinity via one of the baddies from the Elder Evils splatbook. The characters are currently on the Isle of Dread (a combination of the OD&D Expert Set and the Adventure Path (Savage Tide?) version found in Dungeon Mag #142-143). They are piecing together a multi-part artifact (a la the Rod of Seven Parts) and figuring out exactly what is beginning to transpire. And soon the party will go through a fast-paced Legacy of Fire mini-arc. So, a single city overrun by undead doesn't seem all that . . . significant. :evilgrin

Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Although it doesn't give you a specific adventure to borrow from, you might try looking at the GameMastery Guide. There's an excellent article in there on running an Undead Uprising type of campaign.

I have the GMG, but I guess I haven't read far enough to encounter that section yet. Thanks for pointing that out!

And in actuality, I had flippantly tossed this sending in without expecting the group to follow up on it. I was trying to take a lesson from the Sagiro Story Hour over at ENWorld and weave several mid-level plot lines together, with the players picking and choosing which to follow. And each un-followed plot line continues on, oftentimes to the detriment of the characters.

And thanks for the ideas so far! I heart the Paizo Messageboards

During our last game, I tossed out what I thought was a minor plot hook to one of the PCs. It was a sending message with the gist of "Your brother has kidnapped your sister and the city has been overrun by undead." However, like all good -smirk- players, they've taken this and run with it. So now I'm asking the PFRPG collective for suggestions, ideas, and/or even modules that might fit the theme of an undead-controlled city. Maybe some sort of zombiepocalypse? Did a necromancer (or necro-cult) trigger some sort of ritual?

Any thoughts?

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
I was wondering if it were possible to have a PRPG stat block page? It woudld make things cool for us GMs.


DM_Blake wrote:
. . . my Codpiece of Defending, . . .

LOL. I now have the desire to see this statted up.

By the RAW, there is no way for an item to be possessed by a ghost. However, I would allow it, based on flavor. I would not change any mechanics nor allow any benefits from this.
I seem to recall a 3.5 PrC or base class that could call upon their ancestors (or other spirits) for short term benefits. Any help out there on locating this class, please?

DataMagicItems tab, the movement enhancement bonus is not rolled up to Row 1 (Cell AE1 aka Magic_Item_Move_Enhancement_Land).

Since you want to DM for roughly 9-13 sessions, I would look at a smaller story arc. The D-based series I hear is very nice, although I haven't read it myself. All of the Paizo stuff, be it Adventure Path or modules, is well written and should be fairly easy to run. With 6-7 players, you will need to modify the encounters. I would strongly suggest you add enemies rather than making the existing ones stronger. And it would be recommended that you alter the story as needed to fit the adventure to the PCs. Getting the players to buy into the story and becoming engaged with their characters is key to running a good game.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
I'd rather see Monks able to choose and Order to which to belong, much like the Chevalier, or a God, much like a Cleric, and gain different abilities depending upon the path they follow.


This would be awesome!

DataSkills tab. Use Magic Device. The logic to see if ranks>1 is pointing to the wrong row (130 vs 132). You have Track and Trapfinding in the DataSkills tab, which is throwing off the linear row numbering.

Eyes of the Eagle are wrong. wrong CL, wrong aura, wrong price, etc.

First, I'm giving much love for the latest version(s). Looking back at the v0.7x stuff, the sheet has grown by leaps and bounds. With that said, I have a question. I'm working up a wizard7/rogue1. Does the magical knack trait apply to spells per day? I always thought that CLASS levels determine spells per day. If I set the class level on the spells tab to 8, it populates the spells per day (on the Abilites and Feats tab) with the array from an 8th-level wizard. I always thought that magical knack (and Practiced Spellcaster from 3.5) only applied to things like range, area of effect, duration, etc.

A flail is a traditional farming tool. Dire flail for the 2H version?

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