
DustinGebhardt's page

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This is all great advice. I never thought to include a grapple check, but if I introduce this, the player will just start carrying around dead mice. I also made it a move action to retrieve a mouse from its container, a la retrieving an item from a backpack. Of course, I also mentioned (in jest) that this could be a avoided if the character had a bandolier of mice or something similar.

As Timothy Hanson said, he's doing something that is less effective than a normal attack (both in attack and damage value). He could have thrown a dagger, surikan, etc and done more base damage with the same sneak attack dice to boot. So, despite my initial responce of "C'mon. Really?", I may just go with the flow and allow it to continue.

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I have a PC in my group playing an awakened heavy horse. She has not yet taken a core class level, but will take paladin soon. She has asked me a question regarding feats that require Imp Unarmed Strike. Does a creature with no hope of using a "normal" weapon effectively qualify for feats that require IUS?

I can see her point that if she wants to use feats that require IUS, she will have to take Feral Combat Training, IUS, and Wpn Focus (x,y,z), of which the IUS really has no use, plus the FCT is "wasted" just to give her the ability to use feats with the IUS pre-requisite.

On the other hand, I can see some validity to requiring her to take the 3 feats, as this seems closest to the RAW interpretation.

Initially when she wanted to play the horse character, I told her that I would not make huge changes to the campaign just for her character, and so far we've both been good about making other rulings on the fly.