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9,618 posts. Alias of Patrick Curtin.


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Lets spitball four rounds to get back to the top of the pyramid

Hamar acts as a magic carpet for Alessia, and the unlikely pair rocket back up the pyramid towards the fight

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The Halifax Library is a classic brick building that has seen better days. To one side is a frankly creepy bronze statue of a woman with a floppy hat with the legend ‘Pollyanna’. At some point it must have been an impressive place, but neglect and decades of light vandalism have taken its toll. Several of its windows sport plywood instead of glass. Crude spray paint tags, not even the artistic style you see in more urban settings dot its foundation stones. Trash collects in the corners and weeds grow in the cracks. However, it is open for business, and there are people about

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Hamar of the Hyena Tribe wrote:

Hamar tracks the fallen Alessia and dives to her position to give her a lift back into battle.

Going to retrieve our tank!

Hamar arrows down the edge of the stepped pyramid, angling down close to a flight of blood-caked stairs. He sees Alessia stumping through the jungle below. Although it is hard to read emotions on the undead warrior, Hamar gets the sense she is not pleased.

What is your fly speed?

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RD 1

24 Taishe [miss]
24 Narl pending
24 Jakun [color spray - one down]
24 Kossel [snugged away]
22 Kersh (toss vial)
19 Nahuatl ti [spiritual weapon-Kersh-hit]
15 Lotus Dragons (Bolts)
XX Norveg pending
4 Tragon [atk-kill]
4 13 Spider [spiritual Weapon-Kersh-miss]

Nahuatl Ti's ethereal weapon stabs into Kersh, drawing a groan from him. 13 Spider's glowing macuahuitl fails to connect

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Tragon's strike fells one of the Lotus agents

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Saturday, October 24rd, 2020

Miyuku Saito wrote:
After about an hour of meditation, Miyuku goes through her regular stretching routine before getting dressed and checking in on Miren before breakfast.

Miyuku feels well stretched and calm as she pads quietly to Miren's room

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Dotting to get out of storage

The egg salad lies uneasy on Coyote's stomach as Nace stretches a bit to get the kinks out of his muscles. The dawn slowly brightens into early morning, as the day warms up past the frosty start to a chill sunny start.

Next actions?

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Rock You Like A Hurricane Rd 4

Effects: Group is now >HASTED< Duration: 4/11 rds

25 Hamar: pending
24 Justin: [Sirocco - SR fail]
24 Lillend: [Charm - SR fail]
19 Manhayth: [arrows]
17 Merle: [magic missiles]
16 Karrin: [swift fly pyramid]
16 Mel: [Falling -Fly potion - hold action]
14 Blayze: pending
14 Alessia: [Falling - 36 DAM - walking to pyramid]
10 Flying Polyp [Release whirlwind + ??]

The hideous twisted knot of eyes and flesh twirls in mid air, shrieking in an ungodly high-pitched tone. Manhayth fires his bow at the thing

bow ATK: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 351d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 201d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 141d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35
Bow DAM: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 101d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 121d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 131d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
20% miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 1001d100 ⇒ 521d100 ⇒ 551d100 ⇒ 93

two of his arrows find their mark

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Dotting to bring out of storage

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Dotting to bring out of storage

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I figured I would leave it up to you guys what you wanted to do with morning rendezvous. I can retconn anything you like

Coyote indeed knows of prana, the Sanskrit word for life force. The thoughts had an alien tinge, but also had a human feel as well. This leads him to believe whoever was thinking these thoughts had started out as human, but were essentially transmogrified by something into some sort of supernatural predator. As to the exact predator? Not an undead. Those thoughts are usually completely alien. Something(s) that feed on life force in some fashion. Coyote has heard of psychic vampires, but they are usually genetic anomalies, not made creatures. So, a pack of living life force feeders seem to be the likely culprits

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OK, rolling this up

The group has their dinner. The music throbs behind the metal curtain, loud, but muted by the barrier. After they finish, they head into their car. Coyote takes the name of their inn, then ambles off for the rock shelter he found walking in. The rest drive to the Country Inn and retire to their respective beds.

Weather: 1d1000 ⇒ 390

The evening was chill, dropping into the freezing zone. However, there is no rain or snow. Coyote manages to insulate himself with some of the pine duff that has drifted underneath the rock shelter he bunks in for the evening.

1d6 ⇒ 6

During the evening, as Coyote drifts into a restless sleep, he catches distant thoughts. Unlike the typical human thoughts that flow across his brain like an endless white noise when he is near people, these ones are decidedly alien in tone and shape. It almost seems like a sentient wolf pack, hunting through the night

**food near**
**I can smell the prana in the air**
**Enough to feed us all**

Whatever makes these disturbing thoughts fades into the distance as Coyote tries to stay quiet

The Next Morning

Saturday, October 24rd, 2020

The party awakes in their beds. There is frost outside, but the sun soon chases it off, and the day warms to autumnal fall.


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Merle Barer wrote:

Merle casts a fly spell on herself as well as a quickend magic missile at the thing

[dice=magic missile]5d4+5

[dice=overcoming sr]1d20+15

Just made it

Merle's missiles strike the creature

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LOL. Undead Terminator

3 people marked this as a favorite.
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Janet has been afk recently, and I know she has some stuff going on. I’ll tell you what. The ring is a ring of protection +1. That’s all.

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150 feet is 15d6 damage, and you fall much more than 150' in one round. so, Alessia you will take 15d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 6) = 42 minus whatever shenanigans you have to ameliorate that amount

Mel watches in impotent frustration as the armored warrior plunges into the jungle canopy. Alessia feels the jungle floor rise up to smack her roughly

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Tragon Stormblade wrote:
It’s not super clear to me - are any of the enemies within reach of Tragon?

Yes. You are 15 feet away, so you could move and attack if you wish

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The waitress returns with their meal. As they tuck in, the room beyond the metal door begins to resonate with throbbing guitar notes. The song is muted, but the concert is definitely underway.

We are at a slight impasse I think. You can eat and go to bed. You have had a busy day. Or, you can stick around for the concert and get a read on the local scene. Your choice

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Rock You Like A Hurricane Rd 4

Effects: Group is now >HASTED< Duration: 4/11 rds

25 Hamar: pending
24 Justin: [Sirocco - SR fail]
24 Lillend: [Charm - SR fail]
19 Manhayth: pending
17 Merle: pending
16 Karrin: pending[Falling]
16 Mel: [Falling -Fly potion - hold action]
14 Blayze: pending
14 Alessia: pending [Falling]
10 Flying Polyp [Release whirlwind + ??]

the whirlwind clears the edge of the pyramid. There is a 150' drop to the jungle below. Suddenly the howling winds stop. The three drop towards the green tree crowns in a spinning tumble!

I'm assuming this is probably just a small setback. Mel has a fly potion, and I think Karrin iirc is set. Alessia, do you have anything or will the others have to try an in-air pick up?

Mel reorients himself and looks to his two companions to see if they need aid

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RD 1

24 Taishe [miss]
24 Narl pending
24 Jakun [color spray - one down]
24 Kossel [snugged away]
22 Kersh (toss vial)
19 Nahuatl ti [spiritual weapon-Kersh-hit]
15 Lotus Dragons (Bolts)
XX Norveg pending
4 Tragon pending
4 13 Spider [spiritual Weapon-Kersh-miss]

Nahuatl Ti's ethereal weapon stabs into Kersh, drawing a groan from him. 13 Spider's glowing macuahuitl fails to connect

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1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25

The polyp is singularly uncharmed. The Lillend shrugs and yells through the wind to Justin

"The thing is just too alien! I can't even tell if the spell landed!"

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24 Taishe [miss]
24 Narlpending
24 Jakun [color spray]
24 Kossel pending
22 Kersh (toss vial)
19 Nahuatl ti pending
15 Lotus Dragons (Bolts)
XX Norveg pending
4 Tragon pending
4 13 Spider pending

DM Bidness:
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 151d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 61d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Jakun's hands erupt in a scintilating display of colors. One of the thugs hits the ground, twitching and holding his eyes. He goes limp

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 161d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 121d4 ⇒ 11d4 ⇒ 4

The two bolts miss Tragon. The vial sails over Tragon and Jakun and explodes in fire over Taishe

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 101d6 ⇒ 2

Anyone within 5 feet of Taishe takes 1 pt of fire damage. Taishe you will also only take 1 point if that to hit misses you

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Rock You Like A Hurricane Rd 3

Group is now >HASTED< for 3/11 rds

25 Hamar: [hit/miss]
24 Justin: [magic missiles]
24 Lillend: [inspire]
19 Manhayth: [hit/miss]
17 Merle: magic missle -fail SR]
16 Karrin: [held in whirlwind]
16 Mel: [held in whirlwind]
14 Blayze: [gun jammed]
14 Alessia: [held in whirlwind]
10 Flying Polyp [Whirlwind + Windblast]

Blayze attempts to fire her guns, but there is a jam

I'm wicked busy and don't have time to DMPC Blayze. I'm going to run her as a silent NPC for now unless someone has the time to adjudicate her actions

The three trapped in the whirlwind are swept off the top of the pyramid into open space. The whirlwind seems to be just traveling a straight line roughly southwest. Everyone inside please take 1d8 ⇒ 7 damage. Those held within the whirlwind are trapped, but they can commit personal actions. Mel seems to be chugging a potion. He screams something into the wind Perception checks for those in the whirlwind.

Meanwhile a horrid burst of fetid scalding wind hits those still on the pyramid with tornado-like force.

Everyone not in the whirlwind make a DC 26 Reflex or take 14d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1) = 31 damage. Reflex halves. Anyone who is flying levitating must make a DC 25 Fly check or be pushed 2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 40 feet back from the polyp and suffer 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3bludgeoning damage


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Attack number 1 actually hit

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Just to wrap it up...

The party enjoys a long a filling meal at Ogre's Hall of Heaven. There is fine mead as well, and the group gets quite merry indeed. The ogres serve many side dishes alongside the spitted roast boar - they have many seafood items, breads, cheeses, nuts, and a small game and foraged greens stew that is incredibly rich and succulent.

The party heads back to the Copper Cauldron, and Justin staggers back to his apartment. Everyone is groaning with overfed pain. Except Karrin, who goes into the main dining room of the Cauldron to see what tidbits are still available from dinnertime


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The shifting/phasing abomination seems to fade out just as Hamar's vorpal scimitar goes snicker snack. The blade whistles through empty space

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I have been remiss, and it is my bad - but this thing has SR 25. Could I get a few caster rolls for the casters? Only this round’s magic, anything older I’ll assume passed. Also, Hamar, did you roll the 20% miss chances on your latest attacks? I don’t see them

The spinning mass of gelatinous cancerous flesh howls as the party attacks. Their friends whirl around in the miniature tornado sweeping them closer to the pyramids edge

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LOL. Twitchy lot

DM Bidness:
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 151d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 221d20 ⇒ 4

24 Taishe
24 Narl
24 Jakun
24 Kossel
22 Kersh (toss vial)
15 Lotus Dragons (Bolts)
XX Norveg
XX Nahuatl ti
4 Tragon
4 13 Spider

OK. I’m going to assume there is no surprise round. Also, you can move into the room past Tragon I am going to try and cobble together a map of some sort to give you something to work with. Post those actions!

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Tragon readies his blades and turns the corner of the tunnel. The room opens up to a wader area. There are two firing slits in the wall, fashioned like fortress arrow slits.

Three men are in the area. Two rank and file Lotus Dragon members, and the false merchant Kersh. The two men have leveled crossbows at the tunnel entrance, and they fire as soon as Tragon comes into view. Kersh has a vial of something in his hand, which he lobs at the tunnel entrance, aiming past Tragon

Roll initiative!

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Rock You Like A Hurricane Rd 3

Group is now >HASTED< for 3/11 rds

25 Hamar: [Pending]
24 Justin: [Pending]
24 Lillend: [Pending]
19 Manhayth: [Pending]
17 Merle: [Pending]
16 Karrin: [held in whirlwind
16 Mel: [held in whirlwind]
14 Blayze: [Pending]
14 Alessia: [held in whirlwind]
10 Flying Polyp [Whirlwind]

Manhayth draws his bow again, and lets loose another volley of arrows

1d20 + 19 ⇒ (4) + 19 = 231d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 341d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 301d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 171d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Post actions please

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OK. I’m going to assume Blayze isn’t going to
Post. Let’s close this round out and start with new actions.

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The crowd noise is dulled by the new metal curtain between the dining area and the bar. However, there seems to be a swell in the volume. A few distant chords can be heard. For a local band, Dreaming God seems to have a pretty good following. Perhaps they are a regional-level band.

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Tragon gets a feeling on the back of his neck that there is danger ahead. He doesn't hear anything, but the curve in the tunnel is a very logical place for an ambush to be placed

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The waitress returns after a few minutes, and takes any food orders the party wishes to place. The food is typical American pub, but there are a few vegan options. Nothing more exotic than a few Tex-Mex items.

The stage is being set up efficiently by the t-shirt-clad minions at the other end of the bar. Two waitstaff roll out a folding metal screen on a track that bisects the large building. It cuts the bar area off from the dining, with an access door set into the middle. The stage is hidden from view and the rumble of the bar crowd lessens to background noise

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Tragon gets the door open. A corridor heads south, jogging eastward 10 feet down. There seems to be no one waiting, but it is impossible to see around the bend in the weeping brick tunnel.

Tragon, perception check please.

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My school had a pile of the old comics in French class. Very funny stuff. I remember Obelisk and his Obelisks :)

There are several boars roasting around the hall. Ysgardian potatoes are a glandular version of the normal spud, being the size of a decent pumpkin. Sharvuk comes from a barbaric, yet honorable set of ogres, and their food is truly succulent in a barbecue pit sort of way. The chestnut stuffing is plentiful, seasoned with secret ogre spices. Every chin gleams with rendered pork fat

If you want to play out any more, I'm happy to keep going.

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After finishing their ‘first’ meal at the Bites of Bytopia, the pub they started at, Karrin leads them to her favorite Sigilian eatery, Ogre’s Hall of Heaven. There the proprietor, Sharvuk ‘Ogre’ Crunchbone, an actual full-blooded ogre and accomplished restauranteur, greets Karrin with a bear hug

“Karrin! My favorite customer! It has been too long! Come! Come! I make you roast boar with Ysgard potatoes!”

Everyone has more than enough food (except for Karrin, for whom satiety might be a physical impossibility) and enjoys the ambiance of a the restaurant. It is fashioned like an ogre feast hall, and is heavy on the meat and carbs

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No traps or secret doors can be ascertained

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Tragon Stormblade wrote:
Tragon checks to make sure the party is with him and then tries the door.

The door opens easily, gliding on oiled hinges. It reveals another circular room, almost identical to the one where the faithless Kersh climbed out. There is even a rope ladder and trap door in the ceiling like the first room. The room is empty except for another shut teak door on the south side of the room

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The group discusses the gold, and the consensus is that only those involved in battling the beast should get a cut. Mr Swire, Crookshanks, Avrahim, and Martin are part of that. Braxton Sha’Vander declines gracefully

“You folks did the work. I merely was along for the ride”

Murph also declines

“You all split my share as thanks for the rescue”

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Hmmm. I had written a long thing on the ring, but it isn’t here. Lousy gremlins

Coyote examines the ring, looking closely on the barely-perceptible runes. The writing is Göetic script, a language that is rarely used in conversation. It is more of a spell-crafting runic tongue, with each letter a magic charm. The runes he can make out deal with protection and safety. He would guess that the ring could protect the wearer from harm

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As soon as the oil hits the stone, there is an audible *snap* sound, and the star depression enlarges and deepens. A greyish shimmer fills the hollow. Beyond it can faintly be seen the belching towers of the Great Foundry.

Murph strides forward and enters. Justin gets the feeling she wants off this plane posthaste. The others file through as well.

The other side is indeed Sigil. The sulfuric smog of the Foundry District enfolds them like a familiar friend. The party heads towards the nearby taverns of Alehouse Row to find somewhere to grab a hot meal and a drink.

At a small quiet snug, they sip homebrew ale and munch a surprisingly delicious sampler of small dishes. The waiters keep bringing trays to the hungry crew. There are chicken, pork, beef, rothé, and all sorts of vegetables and seafood all cooked in various methods - most wrapped in dumpling or pastry shells.

After a celebratory meal, the various party members slip away. Justin recalls that they will be headed off to find the being known as Pando next peak. Martin makes his goodbyes, as does Avrahim, Crookshanks, and Mr Swire. The merchant Braxton Sha’Vander V thanks them all again, and tells them that he owes them a favor, not a bad thing to have from a merchant who deals in rare magical items

Sha’Vander’s backstory :


Justin’s memory is sharp on that store. It is actually well known in wizarding circles as one of the premier consignment/auction houses of niche magic from around the planes. Justin has window shopped there before, and also knows that Thomas is Braxtons barber.

Finally, replete and tired, the remainder of the party makes it back to the Copper Cauldron for a nights sleep before the next adventure!

Four years! Congrats all. Two days spent in four years. Truly amazing. Feel free to ask questions or role play any final thoughts

Bribes always welcome

Rock You Like A Hurricane Rd 2

Group is now >HASTED< for 2/11 rds

25 Hamar: Miss
24 Justin: Mag miss (26)
24 Lillend: Inspire Courage (+2)
19 Manhayth BOW ATTACK -miss
17 Merle: mag miss (30)
16 Karrin: [held in whirlwind]
16 Mel: [held in whirlwind]
14 Blayze PENDING
14 Alessia: [held in whirlwind]
10 Flying Polyp [Whirlwind]

Manhayth draws his bow, and lets loose a volley of arrows

1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 201d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 211d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 231d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 151d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

The winds about the abberation send his arrows spinning off into the cloudy sky. The whirlwind takes the hapless party members and drags them closer to the edge of the pyramid!

Blayze is the only one with no posted actions

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Guys, I don't think I am going to have time to do this battle. There are just too many NPCs and my time is crap now. Let's assume as usual you would kick their asses

The fight is brief, but brutal. the two spider things lie dead and twitching. Loooking around, Justin spies a star-shaped depression in the wall, much like the one described by O.L.l.I in his note

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The group heads down the corridor. The door at the end is typical. Teak, well-cared for, and solid.

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The bartender gives Coyote a professional smile and sets up his order. The total ends up close to the $30 he slapped down. Piels seems to be a low-cost option for the locals, but the rest of the order’s prices seem more in line with a tourist spot.

The bartender is young, but there is a tiredness in her face that makeup can’t quite hide. She is covered in tattoos, her two arms almost sleeved. She points to a waitress and tells Coyote she’ll have the order brought to the table.

There is some activity over at the bar end. A few men with intricate iridescent knot work on their black tee shirts begin wheeling out equipment and plugging in cords.

Still super swamped in RL, so if you don’t mind doing a bit of social stuff I’ll keep an eye out

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Coyote bellies up to the bar and catches the bartender’s eye. She listens to his request for a cheap pitcher and relates they carry Piels on tap, $5 a pitcher

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The waitress leaves them with their menus. She seems unperturbed by their party, but the leafing season brings many characters to Halifax. Some of them are in the Mill Barn tonight. There is a knot of bikers in a corner in the bar section. K(local) for info. There are different groups of youthful parties, some very New England Preppie, some Milltown Regular. A scattering of New Age and Ecohippie can be seen too. This place doesn't seem to resonate with the older leafers.

K(Local) DC12:

The pathces and insignia the bikers sport mark them as a branch of the Riders of the Apocalypse, a fairly hard-core biker gang that has branches from New England to the Upper Midwest

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Coyote Jones wrote:
Prior to actually entering town, I figure Coyote would have scoped out a campsite for the night and stashed his backpack there

Coyote has his pick of campsites as he walks to town. The area is forested heavily, and anyone with a bit of woodcraft could make a snug nest without issue. He finds a spot where several glacial rocks are piled with pine trees surrounding them and stashes his kit under the natural hut the rocks make. The floor is pine needles, with a clean astringency to them that speaks of an unoccupied area

At the Mill Barn…

The party reconvenes and enters the Mill Barn. It looks to be exactly what its name suggests- an old barn repurposed for a restaurant with a largish dancing area and stage. No one is playing anything yet, but there is a set up of instruments on the stage and a backdrop that reads DREAMING GOD in bold crimson letters. The border of this fabric backdrop looks to be illustrated with some sort of Celtic knotwork.

The crowd is fairly large even at this early hour. It’s payday for many, and there are still a fair amount of tourists in the area. Bands also always seem to draw crowds, and this looked like a local favorite from the way the tables near the dance floor are already claimed.

Back on the other side of the large barn is a more restauranty setup. Booths and tables line the area, about half with patrons. A smiling middle aged woman approaches them and leads them to their seating. She gives them the option of booth or table.

After a small wait a waitress arrives and hands out menus. The fare is fairly standard American Pub style, with a few nods to vegetarian sensibilities

Any actions?

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Friday, October 23rd, 2020, 6PM

Rolling along ...

The group, sans Coyote, travel to the site of the old Whelan Mill by the Nonquesset River, in downtown Halifax. The Spoon is tucked away on the east side the huge parking lot, but as they approach, they notice it is dark. There is a 'CLOSED' sign on the door, and they can see that hours run from 6am-3PM.

However, another building, the Mill Barn, is lit up and has cars out front. It looks to be a restaurant/bar combo, and there is a sign advertising a band named Dreaming God which will be playing there Friday, which happens to be tonight.

Coyote slips into town, flitting from alley to alley. He sees the parking lot, and he arrives just after the car full of the others circles by the entrance of the Spoon. He sees on the other side of the massive old parking lot a decaying collection of buildings, some sort of old abandoned factory. In front of the chained and locked gate of the complex is a large billboard that reads COMING SOON! THE WHELAN MILL RIVERFRONT SHOPPING COMPLEX!. The sign is faded, and looks like it has been there for quite a while. He sees the Mill Barn as well. It is a honkytonk, just like the hundreds he's drank a glass in over the years. It wouldn't stand out from San Diego to Syracuse.

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