Drock11's page

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Please stop my adventure path subscription.

I have a complicated problem with order # 3185149. I have been busy with work lately and didn’t notice until today that this was getting to be late. After checking the tracking information on it I learned that it’s listed as delivered on August 20, except that just isn’t the case. I’m 99.9% sure I never got it.

After going down to the local post office this morning, and speaking with the lady that works in the office she did indeed remember the package being there, and even remembers it being put out for delivery. The best guess about what happened is the new women that took over recently and started delivery packages misdelivered it. While the time listed as delivered isn’t impossibly at time that I could receive it the fact that it’s a time that’s almost always well before I get my mail would add to this.

Also, due to the circumstances, while the chance it was stolen from my place isn’t zero it’s very extremely unlikely. By best hope now is that it was somehow listed as delivered, but is still floating around out there in postal service la la land even thought it got as far as it did, which isn’t likely. I would hope that if a neighbor out there got the package by accident they would be a good enough neighbor to, if not deliver the package themselves, at least take it back to the post office and tell them they sent it to the wrong place, but after a couple of days I think the chances of that happening are also slim.

I’ve resigned myself to it being a loss at this point. What’s Paizo’s policy on this? I can hardly think you’re at fault considering as far as it got, but I never received your shipment. Is this a situation where I have to eat the loss, or is getting a replacement for the non-pdfs in this order a possibility?

I received my order today and all items came as they should be except I was shipped The Harrow Handbook in place of Alchemy Manual.

Unless I'm remembering wrong there are two items in this order that were in my sidecart. It looks like they weren't shipped with my last subscription although they appeared to be in stock when it shipped.

Umm...as I'm not sure whom to go to to find an answer to this, and I would normally just PM the person that did it instead of putting this on the meassageboard. When I tried PMing the member of the staff who deleted it doesn't seem to be an option I can do.

Why was a post I made yesterday deleted in the Overheard at the Paizo office thread.

It really wasn't off on a tangent or off topic any more than about a million other post on that thread non-staff have made that have been allowed and nobody has cared about, and I have a hard time seeing anybody finding it inappropriate or offensive. To be frank, I'm more than a bit baffled. If it was obvious what I did wrong I would make more of an effort to not have it happen again.