Driver Archibald Carter |

well, since you lot are now unemployed, how about a fresh start? Would you like to work on some nice land? We happen to own some farm land down a ways and could use some men like you to help work it. There is also an inn we own that is right beside it that needs some help also. I don't think the rest would object to letting you on. Now, why don't you take some of this coin and get some supplies and such and take it there. Just let them now Paddy and the gang sent you. You will have to build your own homes, but I don't think you'll mind.
Paddy takes 100 coins for the men at arms and the driver to buy supplies and equipment to help set up the farming operation
The driver falls on his knees before Paddy, weeping openly, and clutches the young Irishman's gloved hand in both of his calloused hands....
God bless ye, sire!.... God bless ye!.... Ye have given hope where there was none.... I shall pledge my lot to thee, good sire!..... Tell me the name o' me new master, pray thee!