Silas Vekker

Driver Archibald Carter's page

11 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Paddy wrote:

well, since you lot are now unemployed, how about a fresh start? Would you like to work on some nice land? We happen to own some farm land down a ways and could use some men like you to help work it. There is also an inn we own that is right beside it that needs some help also. I don't think the rest would object to letting you on. Now, why don't you take some of this coin and get some supplies and such and take it there. Just let them now Paddy and the gang sent you. You will have to build your own homes, but I don't think you'll mind.

Paddy takes 100 coins for the men at arms and the driver to buy supplies and equipment to help set up the farming operation

The driver falls on his knees before Paddy, weeping openly, and clutches the young Irishman's gloved hand in both of his calloused hands....

God bless ye, sire!.... God bless ye!.... Ye have given hope where there was none.... I shall pledge my lot to thee, good sire!..... Tell me the name o' me new master, pray thee!

Suddenly, a weary but relieved look crosses the faces of the four guardsmen and the driver, all of whom lower their weapons and raise their hands in surrender and thanks!

Ye have freed us from the vampire's spell! Praise be to God!

The driver drops his crossbow, hides his face in his hands, and weeps with relief and remorse for the vile deeds he has performed under duress....

The cart driver, noticing that the cart has lurched to a halt, spins his heavy crossbow around to the front of the cart, but sees no one!

What the blazes!?

He wastes his turn scanning about for unseen foes (Hisao)....

After Hisao-San

The driver peers back over the tarp-covered cargo of his cart, and sees The Beetle Man assaulting his master....

Heavy crossbow 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 bolt sails over Nacht's right shoulder....

The driver pulls a pair of goggles into place over his eyes, then picks up a heavy crossbow from the seat beside him!

Move actions both....

Initiative 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* wrote:

Nacht had allowed the beings to speak and while distracted he fades into the crowd coming back around as Paddy-being was clearly interested in what the cart-being had. As if he blended into the background.

He then looked under the tarp.

Perception to notice Nacht peering under the tarp....1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24....fails!

Neither the driver nor any of the four riders notice the nigh-invisible Beetle Man peering under a corner of the tarp....

Nacht sees a finely-crafted stone sarcophagus surrounded by a few smaller chests and cases....

Paddy wrote:
Oh bugger. What you got mate? I have gold....I can pay top dollar.'re you can't be....are you smuggling?

Without slowing, the driver shouts back at Paddy: We're bringing some of our late master's possessions to his next of kin in London, if ye must know, though I cannot see how it's any business of your'n!

The riders watch The Lusty Fools warily over their shoulders....

Paddy wrote:

Oh well...what about venison? I could really go for some good meat right now...

[dice=sense motive] 1d20+9

Venison you may find in Greenwich, sires! Good day!

The driver is clearly not interested in revealing his cargo....

The caravan gets 40 ft behind The Lusty Fools....

Paddy wrote:

Seems a bit odd to have that many guards for a simple cart of goods, doesn't it? Paddy says quietly.

Paddy calls out to the "caravan"

Ho there! Carrying quite the load there eh? What are you carrying? Crown jewels? Gold from across the world? Rare liquors? I would be interested if ye had some liquor there...

Sorry, mate! No liquor here.... Godspeed you, sirs!