Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan wrote:
The gift horse in question was a ticket to a Caribbean cruise on the Carnival Magic. We had several days at sea and stopped at Montego Bay (Jamaica), Georgetown (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands), and Cozumel (Mexico). We got to snorkel out to a shipwreck and hike to (and climb up!) a Mayan pyramid. I know some of you are much more traveled than I am, so this might not sound like a big deal for you, but this was an absolutely amazing experience for someone that had never even been to the seashore. It's going to be very hard to return to reality... ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() I have received a gift horse and, rather than looking it in the mouth, I'm going to go for a ride. I will be far from home and computer for the next ten days or so. Please bot Drewan in my absence. Talk to you soon! ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Wisdom: 1d20 ⇒ 16 Wow, least likely to make it.... Crouching over the tunnels while munching on a ration, the catfolk finally says, "You know, if the creatures are starting at the same location, there must be a cavern under us. Maybe that's where our quarry went. Have you seen anything that might be an entrance?" ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan, once he's convinced the beetles are gone, begins pulling fuel from the extra fire for later use, leaving the little one to burn down shortly while the original continues to burn. "Since you are up, how about you take the next watch to see if your playmate returns?" ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() I sure thought you told me Drewan had plenty of wood earlier - if he didn't have enough for a viable fire, he would not have lit it, saving the wood for the other two instead. Or the original fire if you are telling me that the second fire will only burn for two rounds. ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan has no effective attack from here. He's working on a defensive position for the crazy goblin to fall back to. Drewan considers the supply of wood and divides the pile into two smaller piles before lighting the one closest to Blamo. The other little pile will be about the same distance from the original fire as the one he just lit and about that distance from the second fire. Can't wait to see what's in the spoiler! Here's to a safe and blessed holiday for all! ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Family gatherings #1 and #2 are complete. Short respite, then two quick gatherings on Christmas (and a long one), then back to work for a few days, then two more longer gatherings. We get to see nearly everyone in the family this time of year, some of them two or three times. Doesn't work for some, which I respect, but I enjoy it. ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() The catfolk observes. Did the beetle swarm come from a particular direction when it entered the clearing? Does the humanoid appear to be made up of beetles or does it appear to be a creature covered in beetles? I'm assuming the former. ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() "But it's only...." Drewan shrugs, "OK, sure, I will see about hunting up some variety. Thank you for your blessing." Drewan will spend the afternoon trying to find some food. Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan looks around, still confused as to what happened to the ones they were following. "Well, we can retrace our steps to where the other trail parted from this one. Unless you have an idea for figuring out where these went." ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan (and Spes, I presume), get to the clearing to see Blamo shout at his adversary again, then start searching for something. Pretty soon, he is excitedly following tracks shouting about how he will find whoever it is he seeks and BURN HIM. After following the tracks around for five, no, six. Make that seven times, Sarge screams out in frustration and returns to camp. Drewan looks at Spes and shrugs his shoulders, then follows the goblin back to the campfire to stoke it back up. Watching the mad goblin, he prepares to return to sleep, telling himself that he will need to wake periodically to make sure someone's really standing wa...ZZZZZZ ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Good to know. "Uh-oh, he's in a bad way, Spes. Can you bind his wounds?" Drewan will haul the smoldering, bitten goblin closer to the fire and keep it stoked to keep the beetles back. He tries to assist the frogman, if necessary. Heal Aid Another: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9 Untrained, low Wis, so close ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan will grab the flaming goblin and roll him around in the dirt vigorously to put out the flames. A question - would I be able to use guardian's call in response to the damage from the fire to negate the damage and gain fire resistance 5? ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan wakes with start. Seeing the fire burning low, he moves to stoke it. "Spes! Where is Sarge? Did they eat him?" Until the fire is roaring again, he doesn't really look away except to locate more wood for the fire, so he wonders if there is a skeletonized goblin body just out of sight. Maybe over there. Or there. ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() The cat looks at the little frogman. "OK, so I will stay near the fire tonight." He looks quizzical like he has another question, but he keeps it to himself. When it's Blamo's turn, Drewan will awaken him and make sure he understands about the beetles and the fire. ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() The catfolk tilts his head to the left as he regards the frogman's answer, then growls and sticks out his tongue. Looking around the campsite for more signs of the little creatures, he finally says, "Go back to sleep. I will stay nearer to the fire. Maybe that will keep them back. If not, I'll wake you up again. You might want to pack your stuff up so it's easy to move if we have to run, though." He proceeds to gather his things back into a bundle, following his own advice. ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() "I did not get a good look. They surprised me - I came down out of the tree so fast, I don't think it would have been quicker if I just jumped. Do you know what kind of creature makes a bite like this?" ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() He holds up a bloodied paw. "Because I didn't want the two of you to be eaten in your sleep by some swarm of insects. I heard something and climbed the tree thinking height would give me perspective on whatever it was, but while I was waiting, they crawled out and started munching." ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan does not have darkvision, just low-light. Fortitude: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 "Ow!" Shaking off the bugs (or whatever), the cat scrambles down the tree, trying to get to the fire and awaken the others. "Spes! Sarge! Wake up!" ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() "Sunrise is fine, I just wasn't sure is all. I will take first watch and wake up Sarge. He can wait you up when it's your turn." So Drewan, then Blamo, then Spes for watches? Perception overnight: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 ![]()
Male Catfolk Warrior Ninja 1 AC 16/13/13; HP 16/16; 0 non-lethal; Save F2/R5/W0; Init +5; Per +4, Low-light Vision
![]() Drewan wakes Blamo up. "We should camp over there." The intent is for a camp that is less obvious from the trail if possible, including some shielding for the light from the campfire and leaves to diffuse the smoke from the fire. Drewan will make a nest of sorts for himself in the large tree near the fire and will take his watch from up there. "I can take first or last watch, but my eyesight is little better than a human's in the deep night. Can you see in the dark, Spes?"
About Kissan the JagBotting Instructions:
When in doubt, move between Edmund and Melee threat. Hunter's Tricks 7/day
Hobbling attack: Immediate action when has hit an opponent. Decrease speed by 1/2 for 1d4 rounds Rattling attack: Free action before the attack. If it hits, shaken for 1d4 rounds Pounce Attack: Charge
[dice=Grab #1]1d20+10+4[/dice]
-2 AC for round. If a grab is successful, both creatures gain the grappled condition. +5 to maintain grapple. CMD= 26
Kissan AC=23 (21 after a charge). -2 attacks. Can Rake if starts next turn grappled. Can release grapple at any time. Full Round Attack
Standard Attack
If Kissan starts the round grappled: 2 Free action Rake attacks