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Great Player Resource


I did not go into this book expecting to get a lot of use out of it myself. As a GM I have always found the base classes enough to flush out any NPC. Mostly because if I want them to be different I can tweak them on the fly. But for my players this book is a gold mine of both new ideas and fantasies coming true. My players have tried multi-classing to get some of the concepts in this book to work but often you end up just wasting the level because some things would not mesh well or not work together to be viable.

I feel as there are some minor flaws in the book but this is a first printing. I have yet to see a first printing come out perfect. So as far as I am concerned that does not lower the rating. I greatly enjoyed the art work. They managed to catch the feel of the different classes almost perfectly. Though the half-orc warpriest was a bit predictable. I do appreciate that they had archetypes for most of the different classes available. Personally I have always enjoyed the different archetypes because it allows for that simple customization to get a perfect fit for what you are imagining.

I think as a GM the section I will be referencing the most will be the equipment section. Partially because I do like to give out cool items to my players. But mostly because items give me a chance to really fill out my world in some of the more mundane scenes. I can describe what is on the shelves in a shop or how a particular item looks in the hand of an enemy.

Overall I think this book will see a lot of use at my table. Not by me but by my players. Which is a nice change of pace since most of the reference books do tend to be stacked over by me. Great job on the book!