Madame Ivanja

DreadScarlet's page

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We'd be building from the box and supplementing in some of the Goblin class deck cards. I know at least one of the goblins is alchemy focused, which RoR isn't that great for from memory.

cartmanbeck wrote:

Well, I would highly recommend you run them through the Season of the Goblins scenarios, here (which I helped design, shameless plug):

Season of the Goblins
These scenarios are written specifically for Goblin characters, and if you're not worried about reporting the sessions as official organized play, you can simply shuffle the goblin decks into the other boons and off you go.

It looks like this is only about 2 adventures worth of scenarios? Which cards do I need? And would this be like starting at Adventure Deck 1 or B?

I'm also still very curious about RoR vs SnS for this

My group just finished up Wrath of the Righteous and we thought it would be fun to grab the goblin class decks and play through a campaign as an all goblin party.

We were looking at going back through Rise of the Runelords for this, but we actually skipped Skulls and Shackles so I'm curious if people think that might be a better one for an all gob troop.

Any thoughts?

We're adding 2 players to our campaign and we have the Summoner deck and one of them wants to play one of those, but sadly no character sheet for them. And then the second wants a heavy armor divine user, but we're hesitant to pick up the warpriest deck without knowing if that's the direction they want. So yeah I hope these gets updated soon too.

Both Pegasus and Celestial Unicorn have the power:

"Discard this card to explore your location, or to move to another location and then explore."

If it is not my turn, am I able to use one of these to move to another location and then simply not gain the explore since it is not my turn?

The only reason I feel unsure about this is that the only rule I can find simply states I may not explore when it is not during the explore step, not stating anything about me playing a card where one of the effects is to explore.

Yeah I'm sure that it's not the intent to be able to do this, which is why I brought it up. However, given cards to what they say and not what they don't, I wanted it clarified to proper wording to match the intent.

Her base power actually allows for her to recharge a very large percentage of the cards in her deck(Anything Alchemical, Liquid, Arcane or Divine) as well as carry various ways to heal discarded cards. So as long as she's playing lots of cards while doing this then it's really not very dangerous for her I feel like.

Just got the Alchemist class deck last night and while looking over Mother Myrtle's role card I realized there's a ridiculous exploit that can be done with her Preservationist role.

The power:
"At,the start of your turn, you may display an ally that does not list Diplomacy in its check to acquire. During your turn, you may recharge a card to draw a displayed ally."

The key part is how the second sentence pairs with the Mastiff who's power is:

"Display this card to draw 2 cards. At the end of the turn, discard this card."

It would seem the two of these together enable Mother Myrtle to draw two cards, pull the Mastiff back into her hand and repeat, continually gaining a profit of one card for the transaction. Yes this could kill her, but she need only play cards between cycles and recharge them herself or heal them in some way.

Now while Mastiff does have Diplomacy listed in it's check to acquire, Mother Myrtle's power doesn't specify that for returning the card to her hand only for displaying it. I assume it is supposed to?

My group recently started up Wrath after finishing Runelords campaign, which other than the horrible Death Zones scenario was pretty easy for us during the last legs. That scenario is too punishing for having a larger party size, in the end we decided we should have split into pairs and done it separately.

We had made an agreement that if we failed any of the base scenarios that we would move on to the next one anyway, due to the rewards all being lackluster and non-basic B cards being only very minor upgrades anyway. We ended up failing on 3 out of the 5, succeeding only on B1 and B3 and even having our very first death out of our entire campaign history on B5.

What was our problem? Mechanics that scale for number of players, just like the problem with the Death Zone scenario from Runelords. We have 6 player, so all these scenarios where you basically have to close everything to win or completely empty locations to close them take way too many turns for us to handle. Also barriers like Demonic Horde and Arboreal Blight hit everyone no matter where they are and with six people you're almost guaranteed for Demonic Horde to hit someone multiple times and someone else never. Half our party had access to curative abilities, but there wasn't enough healing to mitigate the 12 damage an angry tree does to the party automatically and there's no reveal armor to be had during the B adventure, so there's no way to use an armor to block both hits.

What's more there's a location that exists that just shouldn't work the way it works, especially combined with all these summoning barriers. The Abattoir, all banes get +6 difficulty? Our arboreal blights and demonic hordes basically hovered around a difficulty 20 for anyone trying to manage that location, which is an absurd number to hit during B unless it's a villain and we can afford to pool our resources.

We didn't feel challenged in the end, we felt tortured pointlessly. Our play group consists of game designers, statisticians and programmers. We make most of our decisions based on calculated probabilities and risk analysis. When we look back at how we played we don't feel like we made poor decisions and while sometimes we had bad luck, it wasn't any worse luck that we had during B for Runelords. In the end we didn't have fun and we don't regret skipping to the next one whenever we failed.

In the future we are even likely to house rule party size scaling mechanics before giving scenarios a try, specifically because of how B played out. Our trust in a fair battle has been damaged.

I'm not asking about summoned banes though. I'm talking about if a character encounters a bane at a location and then evades it.

So my assessment is correct then? Since the evaded bane is still encountered, Faith Healer Seelah can indeed pull evaded bane's to the top of her location deck?

Or is it supposed to read that it only applies to 'undefeated' banes?

Also, I just now actually realized the ability doesn't relocate banes, it just keeps them at the top of the deck. The wording talking about putting them at her location makes it seems like she is moving them despite the ability only working on characters at her location.

The Paladin Class Deck version of Seelah has the following power in the Faith Healer role:

"[ ] When a character at your location does not defeat a non-villain bane he encounters, you may recharge a card to put that bane on top of your location deck."

Can this power be used when another character evades a bane?

The ruling for evasion only specifies:

"Shuffle it back into the deck; it is neither defeated nor undefeated, and the encounter is over."

So in this case an evaded bane would still be considered not defeated for the purpose of her power correct? Since it does not use the keyword undefeated to describe the bane that can be relocated?

Well yeah, but he doesn't need more power, it's just in fitting with the theme of the character. He always seems to arrive just as one of his allies is about to die.

I almost made the second role just the exact same one again, but with a different descriptor under the name. If I tried to really take it serious... Maybe it could be Mary Sue?

Edit: Could give him a power like "[ ] When another character at your location([ ] or any location) would die during an encounter, move to their location, prevent that damage and immediately defeat their encounter."

It's just a joke anyway. I'd have put it in homebrew if it was serious. Was just amusing myself and friends with a rendition of One Punch Man as a pathfinder character. I thought I'd share it here too after putting so much work in editing.

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Never released but I found the character sheet, it's no wonder he was cut from the set!

Click here for Character Sheet

But it does say in the rules that when you fail to acquire a boon it is banished. The rule specifying from your hand is only referring to powers on other cards that instruct you to banish/bury/discard as skizzerz pointed out.

Now thinking again though, I wonder if it was worded wrong or if it was also intended to apply to allies being buried or banished by other cards/powers.

Like for example if Amiri banished an ally for extra dice, would that ally be sent to Siwar's discard? The ability seems ambiguous and up for interpretation.

Ah so it should more specifically read like "When a character would banish or bury an ally for it's power"

Like the weapon recharging abilities do for fighters and the like.

Siwar's courtier role has "When another character at your location would banish or bury an ally, he may put it in your discard pile instead."

Does this include when that person would banish an ally for failing to acquire them? Or does only apply to ones banish or buried from that character's deck?

I was thinking about using Damiel in a WotR campaign, but I don't want to commit to him without knowing how many Alchemical items will become available down the line. Could anyone out there give me a run down of how many more Alchemical cards to expect from adventure packs 2 and up?

I also notice that they've all become password protected this time. I rather appreciated being able to pull them apart and assemble into a list of notable characters for when my friends and I are picking characters to use in a campaign, which we were going to start one next month. Doesn't work with this batch though.

There also is a graphical error with one of Maznar's role check boxes. And Gronk has two check boxes for 6 blessings, rather than one for 6 and one for 7.

Thanks Vic, wasn't aware it hadn't been fully released yet. =)

Any word on when the downloadable character sheets will be updated to include the characters from this class deck?

I scoured the rule-book and forums looking for an answer and found nothing.

Since cohorts are cards that can be in your hand, is it possible to give a cohort to another character at your location at the start of your turn?

Let's say I'm playing as Seoni and I'm down to my last 6 cards but I'm sitting at the Thassilonian Dungeon location. If I play a spell from my hand, which is then recharged automatically in this case (or I'm some other character and successfully recharge the spell) would I then immediately draw that spell back into my hand based on the location's ability?