Dramatis Personae's page

33 posts (547 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 44 aliases.


Lilith wrote:
A bakery brigade? I approve highly of this. :)

With costumes. Chainmail bikinis.

Nick Logue handing out cookies. In a chainmail bikini!

Thoughts flowing, can't stop...


off and smoking

The Eye of Aroden (Minor Artifact)

According to the so-far very general information about this device, it can:

  • detect possessors and give protection from them
  • scry known possessors
  • force wall to contain them temporarily
  • bind them within a vessel capped with the eye

    Also the demons are (weakly) attracted to this device usually for the purpose of destroying it.

    Contained within the orb is a demon bound by Aroden.

  • Okay, I've started laying the tracks to deal you in.

    They are bid to visit an old hermit in the Kho mountains, an old Osirian desert elf of your acquaintance, and former holy man of Aroden, and now an oracle.

    He is known as Ka (Osirian for 'soul').


    In the Star Trek ship to ship combat game I used to play mining ships were pretty tanked up: armor, torpedoes.

    Pirates. Gotta get the ore through.


    Stig's on the verge of death. I better level him up or a b%@!$ slap might knock him out.


    You're on Mythrildragon.


    120mm cannon

    Sgt. Curtin wrote:
    Patrick rummages through the salamimobiles stuff for their bolt cutters

    Roger that.

    ...just proving someone's point guys.

    Hey, if you guys start reprinting collections can you have Paizo cancel my subscription ASAP?




    A little Conanesque banter...

    Schedule madness! No worries folks, we'll ride 'er out.

    Heathansson wrote:

    Oh, if he only would've taken that INTEL memo seriously, and not the ones from the CIA regarding Iraqi WMD's...

    Dubya was a president who relied heavily on his advisers. Enough said.


    David Fryer wrote:
    On a more serious note, I wonder how much of the anti-American sentiment is actually based on differences we have and how much is based on a percieved U.S. hatred of their country? I have met many people here in the states that hate the French, or the Germans, or the Canadians because they think that they hate us. I wonder if the same is true in other countries and their feelings towards the United States?

    The fact that people like having someone to hate would seem to be the fundamental mechanic behind all this.

    I mean, look at the whole 4E debate...

    David Fryer wrote:
    ...as the wealthiest nation in the world...

    Ten Richest Countries (based on 2004 GNP per capita in US$)

    1. Luxembourg - $56,380

    2. Norway - $51,810

    3. Switzerland - $49,600

    4. United States - $41,440


    And I rather doubt you've been gaining on them.


    Apparently you guys are behind Luxembourg on purchasing power, too.

    Not trying to start something here, either, just observing that the richest nation title is getting a little questionable these days.

    Darrin Drader wrote:
    Why spend energy tearing something down that isn't hurting you when you could spend energy supporting something else? If something is worthy of no support, then it will eventually collapse on its own, while the thing you support will grow stronger and flourish.

    You're talking about Razz. You might as well ask the sun not to shine.

    As an outsider looking at the Republican party, I've gotta say, it's really a tragedy what has happened. Good luck cleaning it up.

    BlaineTog wrote:
    You're going to have to re-do most NPC stat blocks if you want them to use Pathfinder classes. Unstaggering the sorcerer's casting isn't really all that much more work.

    The point is that you can still walk some players through a 3.5 module with their PFRPG characters without redoing everything.

    If you feel that every last little thing create as a DM, and everything that appears in your games has to go by the RAW, and has to use the exact same system as the PCs then fine. But you're just making unnecessary work for yourself. Not everyone worries that much about the small details.

    Onward to page 7. Has Ben come back to draw out his departure yet?

    I couldn't be bothered to read everything on this thread, even though I'm sure its hilarious.

    Mothman wrote:

    So are you getting on the zombie train Beeler?

    For what it's worth I reckon it'd be cool to have you on board (assuming Kruel doesn't mind playing with 6).


    So there's been a pit of a flurry of Modern games here recently, mostly with a post apacolypse and/or zombie thing (these things tend to come in waves don't they?). What we need next are some Alien and/or Predator themed games ... or maybe something Buffyesque ...


    Paranoia using d20 Future rules.


    Aberzombie wrote:

    If, by working democracy, you mean a political climate where many who oppose the ruling party are threatened, beaten, thrown in jail, or perhaps killed, then yeah, it works like a charm.

    Actually, in Iran as with China, the power is balanced between several groups with different policy approaches. These groups do not agree with each, and they don't throw each other in jail when the others oppose them.

    The problem is that you paint them all with the same brush, and don't realize that there are competing interests there. Were you to educate yourself on the workings of foreign governments you would be quite surprised at how much some of them have in common with your own country.

    Are people thrown in jail for significant dissent when they are not protected by one of the interests? Sometimes. Won't deny that. But then it wasn't too long ago the same thing happened in America.


    [BTW, this is the account I use for a shitload of pbp NPCs. Not trying to hide or nothin'.]

    Aberzombie wrote:
    ...which is probably about as close as you can get to a true democracy.

    America is as close as you can get to a true democracy? That's just not true.


    That's cool.

    Then the regulars keep it alive all week.

    Sorry but I had to do something about awol PCs GG. It was either that or just cancel the game. I've got too many players posting once every 4 days... once every week.

    So right now Bohdan is about to split off from the party.

    Are you still in? You want me to retcon it or shall we play it out. It shouldn't take too long before you guys meet in Katheer.



    I have two accounts.


    Wow, that works in real life too? I though people just did that on the threads.

    The Jade wrote:
    Kruelaid wrote:
    I also teach Shakespeare.
    What do you teach him?


    Goes back to grading papers.


    Why isn't this thread in the books section?

    Patrick Curtin wrote:
    Fiddler's Green was the only known human holdout...

    I don't buy this thing where everyone lives in the same place and lets some dude boss them around. I'd head for Montana and ride the highways, myself.

    And the supply runs were weak, man. Those zombies were shuffling pussies, I could make it across town on a mountain bike.


    Molech wrote:
    Ed Deviers DIED in 1605 you FOOOOOL!!!!!!!


    Your point?

    Evidence that any of the plays were written AFTER that date. Looked everywhere for it. Can't find it.

    Oh! And where did all of Ed's plays get to. I mean all his contemporaries wrote about his drama writing skills, but there are no remaining plays. How odd.

    logophylia wrote:
    Kruel - I'm interested - how were you taught to hold a bind with a staff ? I've never been able to come up with a reliable method as there just isn't anything to "hook on" with, if that makes any sense.

    Again, I have agreed with Nick that this is a grapple and not a bind, although some bo-staff holds produce more or less the same effect that Craig describes in his feat.

    Obviously I can't show you, but....

    if you have seen arm locks you can probably imagine that this is possible.

    Just like a bind you use counter pressure to restrict movement, but it requires you to grapple the arm or the head and well as threading the staff or spear.

    The most reliable of these attacks begin with a strike to the arm followed by a thrust behind the head, under the chin, or under the armpit - the holds are different depending on where you are and where you thrust.

    You close/sidestep outside the disabled arm, depending on how long the staff is, and slide the staff as you step in holding it now only with your reverse hand.

    Your forward hand is free to grapple... you really need to see this to understand how to create the counter pressure, and a strong, limber person can certainly escape. They will have to drop their weapon to do so, however.

    Like any submission you have to be almost excessive in how much force you use or they will writhe free, which I guess you know.

    There are moves like this with tonfa that are taught to most police forces around the world today and they are probably on the net.

    But to tell you the truth, as cool as it is to study this stuff (Short Staff, learned from Masaru Shintani before he died, long staff, Shifu Wang Kai, here in China.), I'd never use it if I was in a fight - never.

    I personally advocate repeated and concussive blows to the head in any situation where your life is at risk.

    Few karate schools teach this kind of stuff for any other reason than fending off their feeling of boredom over practicing punches to the head week in and week out for years and even decades.

    Hunt head. It's simple and much more effective. This fancy shit is just that.....