I am posting this to all of my games, so apologies if you see this multiple times:
Unfortunately, I have some bad news.
A combination of work-related stuff has lead to me having to take some time off from the forums. I am, in all honesty, going to need to be gone for several months, as I am going to be travelling for extended periods of time (weeks or more) and I'll likely not have good access to the internet.
As I am not someone who would want to have you all sit and wait for me here, I am going to be withdrawing/closing all of my open forum games.
I want to thank everyone who I have had the pleasure to game with over the last couple of years here, as I have immensely enjoyed my time on the forums, and hopefully, once my work stabilizes, I will be able to rejoin the community.
Thank you again for your time and energy, and I am sorry that I won't be able to keep things moving forward in any of the games that I am running.
Feel free to stun me, but I'm enjoying watching this immensely. Reminds me of the "What does god need with a starship?" scene from Star Trek V.
That's a good question. Must be why you're the Cap'n!
So I am posting from work:
Apologies about not posting sooner, but I have been down internet wise for roughly a week, and will not have internet back up yet for a week or so.
This means that I haven't had internet for the last 4 days (as we had 4 days off at my work for the holiday).
It's been...an experience where I learned that I use the internet more than I thought I did.
With all of that being said, I will try to post from work as I can, but if I am in your game, please bot me as needed.
If I am running your game, please bear with me while I try to post when I can. Hopefully, sooner than better, but I want to be up front about this issue.
again, I apologize about the delay.
Spending a point of Momentum for an extra d20
Control+Command DC 13: 1d20 ⇒ 171d20 ⇒ 91d20 ⇒ 2
Mustering what protection she can from the likely backlash of such a thing, Pegira will attempt to reach out to the source of the sound with her mind.
Hello. I am attempting to reach the source of the music that has invaded both myself and my fellow crewmembers. We mean you no harm, and I am sure that you are not attempting to harm us, but your song is actually harmful to the minds of those it touches. We wish to communicate with you, but would find it difficult to do so while your song is harming our brains. Is there a way that you could stop transmitting it to us, so that we can open a dialogue?
"Also, we should probably see about turning off the signal if possible sir, to prevent eventual madness and death."
Back now.
Posting this to all my games, so sorry if you see it multiple times:
This week both my office and I personally are going to be moving. It's been crazy busy and I am not going to be able to post until Monday at the earliest. Please bot me if I am in your game, and if you are in a game I am running, I will get a post up as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience.
"Clearly something is trying to communicate with us. I think we need to make our way to the 'ship' regardless."
"If it's a starship, then it likely is a generational ship, and there may well be people in cryosleep. I should go as well, if for no other reason than that we'll need to know if they are carrying anything dangerous to the crew."
"Interesting. I'd like to take a look at the data if you don't mind."
Just wanted to let you know that you are appreciated as well!
I believe that's the plan, yes; also:
Pegira joins Jalla up on the bridge, and then says "Sir, I know we have alot going on right now, but I believe we should deploy subspace beacons to warn people to stay away from the station. I feel it would be irresponsible not to."
"I have gathered the information we need. I am ready to proceed back to the ship."
We will head back presently. sends Pegira over text message.
"I want to check something before we go, since we have Doctor Jenner's terminal open."
Pegira calls up the roster of personnel on the ship, and has the computer scan them to determine the progression of the symptoms and see if any of them are bad enough along to require constant care.
"<<Dr. Hagen to Captain Dell.>>" says Pegira as she activates her comms.
"Doctor Jenner's notes show that she has tracked the signal back to a point in Orion space. I am sending the telemetry to the ship now."
Pegira will then send the data that Dr. Jenner was tracking to the Bastion.
"What would you like us to do with the crew on the station sir?"
"Okay, I understand. I need you to back away from the screen so I can take a look at it."
Assuming she does:
Pegira gets close and stuns her with a phaser, then moves to catch her body as she falls. She then turns to look at the monitor the doctor was looking at.
"Doctor Jenner. Can you hear me?" says Pegira as she steps into the room, phaser raised and pointed at the woman.
"Would you like some help?" offers Pegira.
Pegira gestures to Jalla.
Pegira nods at Jalla to open the door, while pointing her phaser at the still closed door to cover her.
Pegira, without hesitation or missing a beat, immediately fires on the lieutenant on the ground, hoping to silence him, her weapon clearly on stun.
Control+Security, TN 15 (with spec): 1d20 ⇒ 21d20 ⇒ 15 3 successes.
Let's go with the same place we beamed onto before.
I did. Let me fix that:
"I do not have any sedatives for the crew of the space station, so please only use stun setting weapons on them until we can get some sedatives synthesized for them."
"You'll want to stun anyone who attacks us. Anyone who does so is not in their right mind, and doesn't deserve to be killed because they are sick."

Away team in tow, Pegira begins to take charge, then remembers the security officer is present, and so defers to her to take charge of security.
While Jalla does that, Pegira will begin by apologizing to the others "I am sorry, but as a telepath who has been exposed to this disease, I am also a carrier, and you have all been exposed as well. That is why we must all work to resolve this as fast as possible, although I am carrying sedatives for each of you, should you begin to show accelerated symptoms of the disease. Here is where they are located" Pegira shows them each where the vials of sedative are located on her belt, each labelled with a crew member's name, before continuing "And here is how you would administer them, although I know that each of you has had first aid training."
"As to what to expect on the other side, if Dr. Jenner is smart, she will have realized that this is a disease and quarantined the station, but I have the authorization to override quarantines. If the crew has been overcome with the disease, we might likely be walking into a mess of dissociative disorders, best explained by thinking of the time in your life where you watched someone who has skipped sleep. This is type of behavior is what you will likely see: irritability, anger, slowed judgement and reactions, impulsive decision making, and the like."
"Our goal here is to use the specialized equipment to find a treatment and find a way to shut down telepathic communication, so that I can not infect anyone else on board. There is also the artifact itself, which is broadcasting telepathically. I'm hoping/wondering if the data is what is causing a problem with the communications buffer, but we'll leave that to the First Officer. Does anyone have any questions about this situation we're about to walk into?"
"<<Yes sir>>." says Hagen over the comms as she collects a security team of infected people as well as a phaser for herself.
"Captain, permission to go to the station to follow up with Dr. Jenner? I'd like to bring her in on this issue, as I believe her expertise will prove useful. Also, I'm concerned that there may be issues on the station, since Dr. Jenner has not gotten back to me."
Pegira continues to work, primarily creating doses of Sedative powerful enough to render each crewman unconscious, but not powerful enough to kill them. When she hears about the clogged communications buffer, a thought occurs and so she texts the bridge Captain, do we have an idea of what sort of data is clogging the buffer? I wonder if it's related to the current situation. - Dr. Pegira Hagen
I can tell you that the longest a Human has gone without sleep that we know of is 11 days by this kid in the 60s, but there's also the story of this DJ who was going to stay up for something like 2 weeks for charity and ended up being schizophrenic after a little over 8 days.
I know when I was a kid I stayed up for 5 days straight without sleeping, but I was halucinating pretty hard at the end...
I would imagine that you should expect people in Starfleet to be able to stay up for at least 24 hours without it truly effecting them. That's why Pegira is keen to get this situation resolved quickly.
Pegira contacts the station via text transmission to see if Dr. Jenner has any reported cases that match the symptoms the ship is experiencing; she also includes a strong recommendation to quarantine the Orion ship...
"D@#$ it!" Pegira says aloud before sending an emergency message to the bridge asking if any ships have left the station within the last 24 hours.
"text messages only, and no face to face time." Pegira reminds the others. "Also, sir, you need to send out an order that anyone who has not slept in more than 24 hours is to report to the sickbay immediately."
"Computer, initiate quarantine procedures!" shouts Pegira as she finishes her perusal of the reading.
"Captain, we're all likely infected, and anyone who is telepathic and not infected should be immediately sectioned off from the rest of us, with no communications allowed, as it is a disease that is transmitted via sound. We should secure all communications immediately and only allow written communications for the time being. Additionally, we should initiate an immediate scan for anyone whose brainwaves do not match the known patterns of the disease and isolate them, likely on a shuttle so they may leave if they need to."
Thinking for a moment, Pegira then begins issuing commands to the replicator to begin mass-producing tranquilizers, at least one vial for each crewmember.
Would infectious diseases apply to this roll? if so, we can add in the effects. Also, spending a point of momentum for a
Hagen picks up a medical pad and begins doing some quick reading, scanning the relevant topics.
Insight+ Medicine TN 15: 1d20 ⇒ 131d20 ⇒ 91d20 ⇒ 2 that's either 3 or 6 successes, depending on whether or not my specialization applies to the check. Just take as many as you need to give me the full skinney and drop the rest into the group momentum pool.
"Yes sir; specifically, the music from the device on the station. I have to admit: even attempting meditation techniques to remove it from my mind have not worked. It's almost acting like it has a purpose, but one I can't fathom."
Control+ Medicine TN 16: 1d20 ⇒ 201d20 ⇒ 17 Doh!
Pegira meditated for over an hour, but it turned out that drowning out all other noises just made the music more insistant. Unable to stand it anymore, she quickly dressed and made her way to the sickbay, in order to be scanned there. Asagai was on duty, and it would be a good test of his ability to handle a crisis.
Unable to sleep, Pegira decided to try some of the meditation techniques she was taught by her mother as a young girl. Sitting comfortably, she begins drowning out each of the sounds around her by identifying it, and then ignoring it. Finally, just the sounds inside her remained, and she focused on shutting each of those off until just the stillness of the void was left.
Pegira awoke in a sweat, looking for unseen foes. Her combat experience had taught her to not jump up and start attacking anything, but to instead feign sleep while she took in her surroundings.
After a moment or two, she got up and went to the bathroom, where she splashed some water on her face then asked the computer to call up the video of her room between the hours she entered it an this moment.
I hope we haven't lost good ole' Hill! I'm also fine to going to the next scene, too.
"As this device is communicating telepathically, we should probably see if there is some way to turn it off, since we don't want it's telepathic projections to effect others here."
"Was your grandmother the one who found it?"
As the Captain and Jalla enter the lab, Pegira is showing Dr. Jenner some readings and making notes on a tricorder. Turning as she hears the door open, Pegira looks at the visitors with a gleam of excitement in her eyes "Well, Captain, it appears they have found a relic that can broadcast and receive telepathically. It takes a telepath like myself to pick it, which is why I'm not surprised that Dr. Jenner missed it. Had I been in her shoes, I wouldn't even have looked for it."
Waving over Jalla, she says "Lieutenant zh'Qjaqir, can you help us verify these readings?"
It's clear that in many ways, Pegira views discovery with the same lens of excitement that she views combat.
I am waiting on our captain to join me in the lab so I can explain what is going on.
"As I said, right now, it's only sending and presumably receiving music. We'll need to tread carefully here. This device might also be related to the comms issue your station is having."
"<<Doctor Hagen to Captain Dell. I have discovered something extraordinary in Doctor Jenner's Lab. Please send for our communications officer as well, as we may need to fine tune this device. Hagen Out.>>"
"Opera, surprisingly enough. See here, and here, how the instruments light up when we feed it music? It's broadcasting and likely receiving, so if I had to guess it's some sort of communication device. If it would be alright with you, I'd like to get our communications officer to take a look, as I only know a little but about this science."
"Did you know that this device is broadcasting music, and doing so telepathically?"