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Combat Monster wrote:

ALright, It's confirmed my Barb (or fighter) will be throwing lightning bolts.

Hopefully to finish off that aberration he just tossed into orbit.

BEHOLD! Thor, God of Thunder!

I am inclined to say no. They don't have stamina, so healing stamina does nothing.

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I see a similar question was asked a couple of times about 7-8 months ago but I still don't see an answer to this. Am I missing it?

Wireless Hack wrote:
your exocortex can access another computer system within 20 feet, allowing it to attempt a Computers check against that computer each round, using your skill bonus. This counts as a standard action for the purpose of the Computers skill.
Hack System wrote:
Hacking a computer system typically takes one full action per tier of the computer system. You can cut this time in half (to a minimum of one full action) for every 5 by which you increase the DC of the Computers check.

So it doesn't look like it can actually hack anything.

The following are the only mentions I see about a standard action when using a computer and this would only apply after access has been obtained.

Computers skill wrote:

Computers are set up to give one or more authorized users “root access,” allowing them to access any information or function of the computer as a standard action, with no need for a Computers check. Firewalls can block off specific sections of a computer and grant different users root access to those sections.

The base DC for many of the tasks of the Computers skill is equal to 13 + (4 × the computer's tier). These DCs may be adjusted by the GM to reflect other circumstances.
Disable or Manipulate Module wrote:
Activating or disabling a countermeasure or module generally takes a standard action.

So it would seem that the "Hack" part of Wireless Hack is misleading since if it only has an effective standard action then it can only access functions of the computer and activate or disable countermeasures or modules. None of which can be performed until after the system has been hacked. So once the mechanic has hacked the system, then the AI can access/use the system as directed by the Mechanic. I suppose that could have situational uses, possibly allowing access to two computer functions in one round. I haven't yet encountered a situation in which this would be useful though my group has only just reached level 9 in our first campaign.

So a more accurate name for this ability would be more like "Wireless Computer Use"?

Pax Rafkin wrote:

Might have to consider it an improvised weapon. Range would be 10'.

But that's a judgement call (GM's discretion)

I can't find anywhere in the rules that says an improvised weapon has a range increment of 10'. It appears to be (RAW) that a character cannot throw anything (or at least hit anything if throwing) that does not have the "thrown" weapon special property. So the only things in the universe that can be thrown and have any effect in combat (without a house rule) are grenades, spears and starknives?

lodger wrote:

Core book says that needlers are often used for delivering medicine. Under the medicines section, we learn that sedatives inflict 1d4 nonlethal damage, and are often injected via needler to subdue foes without killing them.

The problem is: a needler already deals 1d4 lethal piercing damage. How can it plausibly be used for healing or subdual? At 150 creds per dose of tier 1 drugs, that seems like a pretty narrow benefit.

If you use a needler pistol with a dose of sedative, your attack does 1d4 (lethal) piercing plus 1d4 nonlethal for the sedative. It's not the dart that's doing nonlethal damage, it's the sedative. It's essentially a poison that takes effect after the dart's damage.

theheadkase wrote:

You can pretty much throw anything (I italicized the part about the Thrown special property). The thrown special property just means you add Str mod to the damage as well as the attack roll, which is also why weapons with that property have the range increment.

Starfinder Core Rulebook p. 245 wrote:

Ranged Attacks with a Thrown Weapon

With a thrown weapon or a grenade, you can make a ranged attack at a target that is within the weapon’s maximum range and in your line of effect (see page 271). You add your Strength modifier to your ranged attack rolls with a thrown weapon, and to your damage rolls with weapons with the thrown special property. Do not add your Strength modifier to damage rolls with grenades.

I don't see where it says what the range for throwing a weapon without the thrown property is though.

"A barbarian's land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian's speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian's land speed."

I've always avoided this question by playing unarmored or light armor but what does this mean a barbarian's movement is when wearing medium armor? The tables only show us what a base speed of 30 or 20 is adjusted to and those two numbers aren't enough to know what the adjustment should be. Does a 40 go to a 35, 30? Why?

Pendagast wrote:

guns aren't available… don't use a gun

the feat is merely used to get wis based grit/panache

Oooh. I understand after reading. With a 1 level dip into swashbuckler and this feat, I would have access to both grit and panache abilities, gain points as a swashbuckler, and have a pool based on wisdom. That's a great idea.

Guns aren't available and although the inquisitor dip is interesting, I don't like sacrificing BAB if I can avoid it. However, I do like the Snake Style and am strongly considering the unarmed strike feat route.

Perhaps a fighting style that uses unarmed strike feats with a cestus to debuff and then uses spiked armor and a tail attachment when just need to do damage.

Errant Mercenary wrote:

I would suggest a dip into another class. Monk for Wisdom to attack.

There is also the Guided enchant substituting strength for wisdom to attack/damage apon-property---guided

Or Guided Hand, a feat revolving around religion and wisdom for Wis to attack

Monks don't get wisdom bonus to attack. They get it to armor and ki pool. Is there a monk feat that gives wisdom to attack?

You have to have channel energy to get Guided Hand feat so the only ways I see to get that feat is a 1 level dip in cleric or 4 levels in a class like Paladin or Warpriest.

This is intended to be a relatively low magic campaign but I will keep the Guided enchantment in mind and make sure my DM knows about it.

I'm a Kobold Fighter in a party of Kobolds with the following stats

Str 9
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 11

I don't want to change the stats or the class. Is there any way to make the Wisdom do more for me than Will saves and Perception? 3rd party is fine and 3.5 might be considered.

Splendor wrote:

In case others had a problem finding it.



Aura strong universal [evil]; CL 12th
Slot none; Weight-; Price 30,000 gp
This orange-colored, translucent, faceted item is an ioun stone and has the same properties. While it orbits its owner's head, that owner gains a bonus feat. This can be any feat she meets the prerequisites for.
The ocher rhomboid ioun stone radiates an evil aura at all times, and anyone who wears it (that is, causes it to orbit her head) is considered to have committed an evil act. The alignment of the one wearing the stone shifts one step toward evil. Players who wear the stone should be given the opportunity to atone for this action before the scenario's conclusion if such an alignment shift would result in their removal from the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign.
This ioun stone is cursed, and can't be removed by its owner or anyone else except by the methods outlined on page 536 of the Core Rulebook.
As with other ioun stones, the ocher rhomboid has a resonant power when placed inside a way.finder. First, it turns the way.finder into a cursed item that can only be removed in the way the stone itself can. Second, the wearer gains Knowledge (arcana) as a class skill for as long as she wears the wayfinder.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, caster must be 12th level; Cost 15,000 gp
So its an evil cursed item that's base price is 30,000gp. Which means it probably costs more if its not cursed.

What's a wayfinder?

Alleran wrote:

The ocher rhomboid ioun stone from PFS grants a free feat. It is, however, a cursed item (requires break enchantment to get rid of it) and shifts your alignment one step towards evil the first time you use it.

Cost is 30,000gp, as I recall. So 30,000gp plus the cost of an atonement means you're set.

Any idea what feat it grants? Is it just any feat? Does the character have to have the prerequisites already? Is it continuous or limited uses?

Splendor wrote:

There are not alot of magical items in Pathfinder that allow feats, and most of these have variable costs because they are weapon enhancement, armor enchantments or meta magic items.

The ones I have found are as follows:
-Opalescent White Pyramid (Ioun Stone): Is 10,000 gp and grants A specific Martial Weapon Proficiency.
This would be 5000gp if it took up a slot.
-Dark Blue Rhomboid (Ioun Stone): Is 10,000gp and grants Alertness.
This would be 5000gp if it took up a slot.
-Scarlet and Green Cabochon (Ioun Stone): Is 10,000gp and grants the Endurance feat.
This would be 5000gp if it took up a slot.
-Gloves of Arrow Snaring: Grants the Snatch Arrow feat 2/day, and ignores snatch arrow's requirements (Dex 15, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike).
Should be 10,000 for 'at-will'
-Blessed Keepsake: Is 8000gp and grants the wearer the ability to detect a specific outside alignment and the Alignment Channel feat.
I wouldn't make a feat price, I would make each item have a different cost, ones with no/minimal requirements would start at 5,000gp.
For something like the Dimensional Agility feat chain (Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, Dimensional Maneuvers, Dimensional Savant) I would put around 120,000gp. (Which is what a continuous blink magical item would cost).

This is about working with the rules and not trying to invent values.

PRD wrote:
Charges per day Divide by (5 divided by charges per day)
PRD wrote:
If item is continuous or unlimited, not charged, determine cost as if it had 100 charges.
PRD wrote:
No space limitation Multiply entire cost by 2

This says to me that if an item grants a continuous effect then you would divide the base value of the effect by .05. If it has no space limitation (ioun stone) then you multiply by two.

So to figure out the base value of the effect that a Dark Blue Rhomboid gives, you would reverse the math and divide by two and multiply by .05. Since the only properties of this magic item are "Alertness Feat", "Continuous Effect" and "Slotless; (10,000/2)(5/100)=250gp. This means that a tier 1 feat with no prerequisites has a value of 250gp.

It's the same situation with the other ioun stones that have been mentioned.

The Gloves of Arrow Snaring have two properties; "Snatch Arrows Feat" and "Use 2/day". (4,000)(5/2)=10,000. This means that a third tier (two feat prereqs) feat has a value of 10,000gp. This means if you wanted gloves that grant continuous Snatch Arrows, it should actually cost 10,000/.05 = 200,000gp.

Not assigning feats a price makes it impossible to be consistent with item creation in this area. The GM and players should be able to recreate the mechanics of any item the characters can purchase.

I don't have the stats for Blessed Keepsake. Does the detect alignment ability work like Detect Evil? Does it have a limited number of uses or is it continuous? Does it take a slot?

Well very expensive is relative since I have about 1.7 billion gpv to work with.

I'm specifically trying to do the Dimensional Agility feat chain.

I checked the FAQ and read some threads where this came up but nobody did any math.

There are several items in the game that grant feats and I'm trying to figure out how the value of those magic items is determined so that I can create some of my own.

The Gloves of Arrow Snaring grant a third tier feet usable twice per day. The item cost is 4,000gp. This gives the third tier feet a value of 10,000gp. (4000 * 2.5 = 10,000)

The Dark Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone grants continuous use of the Alertness feat. The item cost is 10,000gp. Figuring slotless and unlimited use, that gives this first tier feet a value of 250gp. (10,000/2) * (5/100)

Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone is the same, confirming the first tier feat value of 250gp.

Is anyone aware of any magic items that grant second tier feats so we can figure out a cost progression? Also, if there are any items that contradict the numbers from these, that would be interesting.

Mark Hoover wrote:
3 bard/gunslingers (3 Mariachis)?

The Three Amigos

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I never noticed (hehe) it before so would not miss it.

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

So, with ACG just around the bend the question is perfectly clear:

What character will you make first?
And as a follow up:
What kind of potential do you see in the classes?

I will buy the pdf on Friday and I will read through all of the archetypes. Then I will probably create a Slayer built around throwing weapons (probably daggers but maybe axes). I've been putting off a thrown weapon build while I wait for this book. The wait is agonizing because the Slayer looks like the class that I always wanted to play. The perfect combination of ranger and rogue. No spells and no favored enemy with sneak attack and a full BAB!

What are the numbers in parenthesis next to your stats?

Reach weapons doubling the wielder's reach is not a hard rule. It says typically. The way I read it is that the reason they typically double the wielder's reach is because adding 5ft to reach doubles a 5ft reach. I don't think it's intended to be taken as "reach weapons double reach". Also, a large creature's reach is normally 10ft. so if you add 10ft. to that, it gets doubled.

Changing the wielders natural reach does not change the size of the weapon. A large reach weapon would still add 10ft to the character's reach and provide a 5ft window in which that character cannot reach.

Something I'm doing in a world that I'm building is taking a page from Shadowrun; Dwarfs, Elfs, and Orcs are all (meta)human.

Exocrat wrote:
Wizard, Witch, Arcanist, Sorcerer, Alchemist, Bloodrager, Magus, and Bard.

Arcane spells for everyone!

Barbarian, Fighter, Inquisitor, Magus, Ninja, Shaman, Slayer, Sorcerer

Barbarian: I think it should be called Berserker but I think this type of character is necessary because sometimes it's just fun to hulk out and crush things.

Fighter: It's a very flexible class and necessary for a lot of builds that don't involve magic.

Inquisitor: Fills the role of a divine hybrid class.

Magus: Fills the role of an arcane hybrid class.

Ninja: Fills the role of a sneaky thief-type better than the rogue.

Shaman: Fills the nature-oriented divine role without being locked into shape-changing like the Druid. I hate that Druids are so focused on shape-changing.

Slayer: Fills the role of the skirmisher warrior without being so focused on specific types of enemies like the Ranger is. Ranger requires too much knowledge of what you're going to be fighting in a campaign. If your DM can't tell you then you can't plan for effectiveness.

Sorcerer: Fills the full arcane caster role with lots of flavor built in. I like magic as innate more than magic as a science. It also forces the caster to be more focused than a Wizard.

A group of Kobolds. Everyone starts off as part of the same clan. Everyone has to start with a teamwork feat. No full spellcasters to encourage the use of swarm tactics and teamwork feats.

A group who specializes in seige-breaking. They get hired whenever a seige has gone on too long to get inside and create a way in for the armies. They could also be used for assassinations.

wraithstrike wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Bard, Inquisitor, Ranger, Barbarian, Sorcerer, Cleric, Witch, Druid

oops. I thought I was in the classes thread. :)

I have never seen anyone play a halfling so I might switch them out for an android just to have that one odd race.

The problem with Halflings as they're statted is that they're weaker than the other races. I wish they another ability to bring them in line with the other races.

This is what I would do:
Slinger: Halflings have a cultural tradition of throwing and slinging games beginning as children. Thrown weapons and slings are also how they traditionally defend their homes. Halflings gain a +1 attack and damage with thrown weapons and slings. In addition, they are proficient with all simple and martial thrown weapons and slings.

If those were the only four classes available and they're just vanilla, cant change anything about them classes, I might consider it depending on the game. If it was supposed to be a quick pickup game then this is a fine format.

However, if the classes were modular and easily customizable then I would totally be on board.

My builds frequently include dipping unless it's a spellcaster. Multiclassing sacrifices too much for a spellcaster.

JoeJ wrote:

As suggested in another thread, a half-goblin, half-gnome multiclassed Alchemist (Fire Bomber)/Gunslinger (Experimental Gunsmith) is just too fantastic an idea to resist.

How does one create a half-goblin, half-gnome?

1. Currently playing (PF): Dragon (wyrmling)*, Monk/Barbarian(Savage & Serene), LE.

2. Spider-eye Goblin, Rogue, CN

3. Don't remember, it's been too long. Might have been a Hobgoblin, Fighter/Barbarian, NE?

*Character actually started as a Tiefling and was "reborn" a Dragon early in the campaign.

I'll take a stat as high or low as it can go. It just depends on the character concept and class. If I want to play a retard who bashes things then I'll dump Int and get Str as high as it will go. If I want to play a weak, scrawny, bookish wizard with no common sense then I'll dump Str as low as I can and probably not up Wis or Con while I take Int as high as it will go. Usually I don't dump stats because I normally like well-rounded characters.

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IMO the best to go about this from the beginning would have been to create a cat that was the product of the Awaken druid spell. Then you'd have an intelligent cat that you could add class levels to.

As far as fixing it now; if it bothers you do what the others here have suggested and see if the DM will allow you to get a girdle of opposite gender and a hat of disguise.

Well I guess this is going to be the slowest two weeks ever then because I was already wanting the Advanced Class Guide because the Slayer looks like the combination of Rogue and Ranger that I always wanted (at least in the playtest pdf).

Has anyone published a base class or prestige class designed around the idea of being effective at throwing weapons or that has class abilities that would synergize well with a character that fights with two throwing weapons (daggers, throwing axes/hammers...)?

toxicpie wrote:

Thanks everyone, really interesting discussion and some great thoughts. I like the point about the spells making torture unnecessary.

The deities aren't the Golarion gods, instead they are the Ancient Greek gods. He's an inquisitor of Hera, and I haven't decided if she's LG or LN. Are there any gods of marriage, childbirth, women etc. like her in Golarion?

You could download a copy of D&D 3 Deities and Demigods. It has the Greek pantheon in it. Hera is N in that book. .pdf

I agree with Quintain. Think of it this way. You are also not considered flat-footed while walking. This seems to me to just be a way to establish the default so that nobody has to ask if you're automatically flat-footed while flying.

I've always wanted a thrown-weapon build but even the blinkback belt doesn't solve the problem of needing multiple magical thrown weapons for it to be effective. It's just way more expensive than using a bow.

Improving upon the Dagger of Doubling might solve that problem though.

Some scientific-sounding ones using latin:

Magna Spicati Gladius - loud spiked sword(fish)

Pulsum Gladius - vibrating sword(fish)

Then there's the obvious: Planar Swordfish (Quaevis Gladius) or Sword Shark (Gladio Turpis)

I see 0 mention of a favored enemy in that build.

Favorite Class Option

Fighter gets the build an extra feat at first level.

Ah yeah so a silent, still, burning hands (3rd level spell) could probably get you out of this.

I should add that a character in this situation could take purely mental actions, so if a Sorcerer had the Still Spell feat it might be able to cast a spell.

icy prison wrote:
You trap the target in solid ice 1 inch thick per caster level. If the creature fails its save, it is helpless, but can still breathe (the ice blocks line of effect to the target). If the target makes its save, it gains the entangled condition but can otherwise act normally. Whether or not the target saves, it takes 1 point of cold damage per caster level each round it is helpless or entangled in the ice. The ice has hardness 0 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness; if broken, the creature is freed. A creature can break the ice as a full-round action with a successful Strength check (DC 15 + your caster level).
Helpless: wrote:

A helpless character is paralyzed, held, bound, sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise completely at an opponent's mercy. A helpless target is treated as having a Dexterity of 0 (–5 modifier). Melee attacks against a helpless target get a +4 bonus (equivalent to attacking a prone target). Ranged attacks get no special bonus against helpless targets. Rogues can sneak attack helpless targets.

As a full-round action, an enemy can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless foe. An enemy can also use a bow or crossbow, provided he is adjacent to the target. The attacker automatically hits and scores a critical hit. (A rogue also gets his sneak attack damage bonus against a helpless foe when delivering a coup de grace.) If the defender survives, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die. Delivering a coup de grace provokes attacks of opportunity.

Creatures that are immune to critical hits do not take critical damage, nor do they need to make Fortitude saves to avoid being killed by a coup de grace.

Dexterity (Dex) wrote:

Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important one for rogues, but it's also useful for characters who wear light or medium armor or no armor at all. This ability is vital for characters seeking to excel with ranged weapons, such as the bow or sling. A character with a Dexterity score of 0 is incapable of moving and is effectively immobile (but not unconscious).

My interpretation is that being treated as having a dexterity of 0 is effectively the same as having a score of 0. The only difference in this case is that the character is allowed to make a str check to no longer be helpless.

Duncan7291 wrote:
What kind of action would it be to move the stored item from your tail to your hand? Im trying to maximize my move economy.

My interpretation is that it should be free (or part of the swift action of getting the item) to move an item from tail to hand as long as the hand is empty. There may be a rule clarification that I've not seen somewhere though.

Accelerated Drinker wrote:

Benefit: You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard action as long as you start your turn with the potion in your hand.

Prehensile Tail wrote:

While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action.

Technically, RAW, Accelerated Drinker says it must be in your hand. However, I think the intention is for an item held by a prehensile tail to qualify as being held by a hand. I think the intention is for these to work together. Yes, you should be able to retrieve the potion as a swift action and then drink the potion as a move action.

Imbicatus wrote:
Or if you don't want to multiclass, the Irorian Paladin from Inner Sea Combat.

This archetype looks nice as a concept but some of the new abilities appear less useful than the ones they replace.

Sense Perfection essentially allows the character to detect if a creature is a Monk, Ninja, or Enlightened Paladin. It's so specific as to be pretty much worthless in most games.

Aura of Excellence seems like an okay replacement for Aura of Courage since both are very situational but Aura of Perfection is also only useful in very niche situations when compared to Aura of Justice. I don't think I've ever played a game in which a reroll ability was used more than once against the party.

Here's one called Kaenyd from the pathfinderdb.

It has 4 of 5 stars with 28 ratings.

Wizard or Cleric. Arguably the two most useful/versatile classes in the game and there are no stigma attached to them unless you take a death or disease oriented domain.

In the game I currently play, we are allowed anything on but we are not using Hero Points.

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It's a really strong, retarded orc with autism. I think the people protesting just have no concept of how to step outside of their "normal" box.

Role playing a 5 in a mental stat is going to be just as difficult as really role playing an 18 in a mental stat. Most of us are not geniuses or social savants and as such cannot actually think like one despite trying to play characters who are. The same applies to a 5. If you allow people to play characters with really high stats then there's no good reason to disallow or scoff at low stats.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
DrDew wrote:
Do you think it's actually a weak prestige class for a PC then? Perhaps replace unholy fire with something else?

I think it's not sure what it wants to be when it grows up. If you're angling for a guy who kills people with hellfire blasts, you'd be a lot better off playing an Infernal bloodline sorcerer. If you want to play a full BAB combatant who uses fire, a barbarian with a flaming sword is probably more effective except at range. If you want to be someone who spends his whole career becoming one with fire, then a flame oracle is hard to beat.

I'm also not entirely sure that "hellfire" is enough of a schtick for a PC class of its own, even one that's only 10 levels long. Maybe an archetype that swaps some other class features is a better way to go, once you decide on the answer to what first paragraph is asking?

But, like I said, this is a dandy PrC for monsters as-is, because it increases their BAB and hp at a reasonable rate while still giving them powers they couldn't otherwise get. And a lot of monsters don't really need a broader scope of abilities, because they'll get killed after one encounter anyway. From that perspective, I almost wouldn't want to change it at all.

Hmm. Yeah it does lack a certain amount of utility and it would be cool to add onto a monster as is.

However, I have a barbarian character who is a descendant and worshiper of Mephistopheles and when I saw this PrC, I thought "oh wow, a full BAB PrC focused on my demon lord!" Also, he's a dragon (DM did that) so he can't really throw anything or use a bow so I was thinking it was a cool way to get decent ranged attacks.

I think I'll leave this one as-is and call it Minion of Mephistopheles (maybe it will get used on a monster) and make some changes to try to focus the Disciple more toward the fighter-types.

I can start by replacing flare and unholy fires with bonus combat feats at 4 and 8.