Dr. Archibald von Sporktenstien's page

No posts. Alias of ThatCanadianDude.

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Howdy, folks.

Recently, while running Hell's Rebels for some friends, I snuck a premade character of mine in as an NPC who aided the rebellion, after which he claimed he was going to Absolom to take the test of the Starstone. We decided to cannonify it in our personal games as having occured and been succesful. One night, I got more bored than usual and actually wrote upon information for the character's godhood, and I was wondering what people thought of it and whether or not it was fun and entertaining.

Prior to ascension, the character was a Chaotic Good Human Alchemist(Chiurgeon) who worshipped Cayden Cailean and loved explosions and healing friends. I wanted to create something that exemplified that. So here's what I cooked up.

Dr. Spork
The Mad Bomber
God of Alchemy, Friendship, Medicine, and EXPLOSIONS!

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Good, Chaos, Destruction, Healing, Artifice
Subdomains: Azata, Friendship, Medicine, Whimsy, Alchemy
Favored Weapon: Bomb
Centers of Worship: Absalom, Andoran, Cheliax, Alkenstar
Nationality: Chelaxian
Obedience: Build a small effigy of something you believe it causing suffering in the world. Then, in an open area, blow it the hell up; the bigger the explosion, the better. If you’re in a place where this is untenable (such as a densely packed city or place with a lot of flammable stuff), instead write out an alchemical formula for any basic alchemical item, with notes explaining anything that a non-alchemically trained person may find confusing, and then either grant this to a friend, or leave it somewhere someone may stumble upon it along with your name and a method of contact. You gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws made to avoid the effects of alchemical objects, including bombs.

Evangelist Boons
1: Chemist (Sp) Adhesive Spittle 3/day, Alchemical Allocation 2/day, or Amplify Elixir 1/day
2: Build it Better (Ex) Things constantly exploding in the lab has taught you to build things that last. You can take any piece of magical gear and, with 24 hours of work, permanently grant it the Impervious special quality. This doesn’t count towards the gears limit on special abilities, nor does it increase the cost to upgrade it later.
3: Instant Potion (Su) By calling on the divine powers of the Mad Bomber, you can convert fat stacks to a potion you need. Thrice per day, if you need a specific potion prepared, you can hold up a pile of gold equal to the cost to create the potion (half the cost to simply purchase it) and, as a move action, make a prayer to the Mad Bomber. The gold will then let out a small explosion (this causes no damage) and be replaced with the required potion.

Exalted Boons
1: War Healer (Sp) Polypurpose Panacea 3/day, Blood of the Martyr 2/day, or Sacred Bond 1/day
2: Fire Proof (Su) You’re used to the feeling of things blowing up in your face. You gain Fire Resistance 30. If you already have Fire Immunity, or are granted it at a later date, this becomes Sonic Resistance 30.
3: Build-A-Friend (Ex) You always have a friend ready and waiting for you. Once per day, as a full round action, you can create a temporary Alchemical Golem. This golem follows your orders without fail for 10 minutes before collapsing into a pile of useless parts.

Sentinel Boons
1: Breaker (Sp) True Strike 3/day, Shatter 2/day, or Fireball 1/day
2: Smarty Pants (Ex) You make use of your intellect in the middle of a fight. You gain Throw Anything as a bonus feat. If you already have it or later take it as a regular feat, you add you Int modifier to all attack and damage rolls with thrown splash weapons when within 30 feet of your target, though the damage only applies to directly hit targets.
3: Bigger Boom (Su) You channel your god’s justice through your own body. Three times per day, as a swift action, you can allow yourself to explode. This is treated as the spell detonate, but with the following differences; the damage is nonmagical (and as such, Spell Resistance doesn’t apply), you treat your HD as your Caster Level, the maximum damage is raised to 20d8, you can designate any allies as exempt from damage, and you only take ¼ damage instead of ½. Fire resistance still affects damage, and the Reflex DC to halve the damage is 10 + ½ your HD + your Int modifier.

Some gods like to consider and plan their actions, considering every miunte detail before commiting. Dr. Spork is not one of those deities; the God of Explosions is a god of taking action, and noting the results after. You can never truly know what will happen until an action has been taken, so take it, learn what you can, and prepare your next action to be even bigger and more spectacular. Try the action again, but with more fluoruish; repeated results are the sign of good alchemy. Once you have repeated results, unleash them into the world to do good; whether it be by giving a new recipe for healing medicine to a local clinic, or venturing out with the latest in high tech explosives to destory a monster menacy a local tavern, the Doc expects you to take what you learn and use it to make a better world, one explosion at a time.
The Doc's primary worshippers are alchemists, gunsmiths, demolitionists, non-magical doctors, evokers who fancy big specatcles, and anyone who seeks to make a big difference in a big way. Those of quiet, subtle disposition rarely seek out worship of the Mad Bomber, but a few who find that actions can speak louder than words can find comfort in the eyes of a God who agrees entirely.
The Doc appears as a slender Chelaxian man, brown hair messy from multiple experiments gone both right and wrong. His most prominent feature, however, is a pair of mirrored goggles, blocking his eyes from the world, ringed with the chared remnants of failed experiments. Below that, his body is away in vials, bottles, and flasks containing a variety of different coloured mixtures. He is almost always portrayed with a slightly off-kilter smile.
The Doc's holy symbol is a small, black orb, from which a small white fuze exsudes, a sparkling fire at the tip, and a pair of blue circles and a smile on it. Anyone who knows alchemy also recognizes this as a alchemical bomb, albeit with a face on it.
Much like his beliefs, signs of the Doc's favour are rarely subtle. An explosion shining bright colours, or letting of a few smaller explosions of its own are typically signs of his favor, as is finding the ringing in your ears or stinging of yours eyes dying down much faster or never occuring at all. Poor favor with the Mad Bomber manifests as dud explosives, damp blasting powder, or explosives going off too early or too late.

Temples and Shrines: Almost all temples to Dr. Spork have an open courtyard area, where fireworks, firearms, and explosives can be set off without risking damage to the buildings. Past that, the temple proper can easily be mistaken for a labratory at a university of repute, as most rooms of worship contain multiple tables, upon which alchemical sets are set up. A typical sermon involves a read from "The Science of Friendship", along with the creation in groups of a few small alchemical items, such as tindertwigs or the occasional tanglefoot bag. Afterwards, everyone is encouraged to test whatever they created in the court yard. Due in part to this and the Doc's encouragement of medicine, most temples also have clinics built in.

Try a Bigger Boom: Followers of the Mad Bomber believe that a good plan that fails shouldn’t be scrapped. Rather than start anew, they believe that reattempting the plan, while making it bigger and more elaborate, is the key to true success. Sure, if you fail to blow up the front door to an Evil King’s castle, you could try to find another entrance, but that would take additional time and there isn’t even a guarantee that such an entrance exists. It’s better to pile even more explosives in front of the door, as you know it’s there, and the first explosion probably at least weakened the hinges a little.

Relations with Other Religions:
In life, the Doc was an adamant follower of Cayden Cailean, and in the realm of godhood, the two remain fast friends and drinking buddies. At times, the Doc even comes across as a bit of a fawning fan boy, and he remains somewhat unused to the fact that he’s now on the Drunken Hero’s level of power. Despite this, their mutual love of good drink and fighting for what they believe means the two remain close.
One god you wouldn’t expect the Mad Bomber to get along with is Torag, and yet the two of them have found common ground in a sort of friendly rivalry. As Torag works to create more and better walls to defend his people, the Doc works to find bigger and better explosions to aid to toppling oppressive regimes. The two of them constantly push and test each other, with Torag building a new wall to protect his people, only for the Doc to finally build an explosive strong enough to topple it, only for Torag to build a new wall that the old explosive can’t even scratch, and so on and so forth. While a part of him finds annoyance in any of his walls being destroyed, Torag knows that walls must be tested and improved to make sure they’ll stand up when the time comes. The Doc, on the other hands, just likes blowing things up.
Past that, the Doc is on relatively friendly terms with most non-evil gods, save for Gozreh, who does not take kindly to the destruction wrought by the young god.
While the Doc takes the issues with Gozreh in stride, there are 3 Gods whom the Doc can't stand; Zyphus, Haagenti, and Norgorber. The Doc views Haagenti as giving alchemy a bad repuation through association, and his opinion towards Norgorber is much the same. But the majority of his ire is directed at Zyphus. The God of Accidental Death takes a lot of pride in claiming the souls of the Doc's followers who accidently forget to double check their more recent explosive calculations, and the Doc is beginning to find that someone may be messing with their numbers.
Clerics of the Mad Bomber may prepare Bomber’s Eye as a 1st Level Spell, Alchemical Allocation as a 2nd Level Spell, and Amplify Elixir as a 3rd Level Spell.

Divine Realm:
The Doc's home base in the Outer Planes is located in the golden fields of Elysium; specifically, the specially created location of Elysium Labs. The Labs are themselves into two parts; the Labs and the Testing Grounds. The Labs are said to contained one million of everything needed for alchemy, and when used, they are said to replenish immediatly, so the testing continues. Countless tables lined with alchemy sets, experiments, and doodads line the wide open floors of the labs. But it's the Testing Groups where things get done. Here, potent illusions that react realistically to anything done to them constantly and repeatedly rebuild themselves, ready to have all the various googaws and doohickeys tested on them. The best part about the labs is their ability to reform after catastrophic damage, even bringing people lost back to life. With the unpreditability of the work, this has proven very useful.

Planar Allies:
Harold D. Scorpion Harold, the Herald of the Doc, appears in one of two forms; one is as a large scorpion with a top hat and cannon for a stinger. The other is as a slender Chelaxian male in a suit with a rapier and, of course, a top hat. A consummate gentleman, but with a dry sense of humor, Harold shows up when the key to solving any problem is more explosives, which he carries an unlimited amount of. When not specifically on a mission, he enjoys traveling the Material Plane, engaging random folks in games of intellect, quizzing them randomly, always able to get a handle on the kind of person they are from their answers, and either providing them with a reward or secretly hindering them depending on whether or not they seem to be on the up and up.
Boomer(Unique Celestial Clockwork Spy) A result of a collaborative effort between Dr. Spork and Brigh, Boomer is a small, yet incredibly fast Clockwork Spy capable of blowing himself up, only to reform an instant later. Boomer is hyperactive and eager to please, and not only doesn’t mind blowing up, but seems to actively enjoy it. Getting him to aid is relatively simple, as he’ll aid almost anyone who offers him small, shiny gears he can add to his chassis to increase the destructive and fragmentary nature of his explosions, as well as a chance to test them out on something breakable.

Clerics: Rather than gain proficiency with their God’s chosen weapon, Clerics of the Mad Bomber receive Throw Anything as a bonus feat.
Inquisitors: Typically hunt down those who would use alchemy and explosives for evil purposes. Inquisitors who don’t take one of his domains typically take the Black Powder, Fervor, or Valour Inquisition.
Warpriests: Are granted the title of “Battle Pope”

So, thoughts? Opinions? Critiques?

Liberty's Edge


It was time. The Swallowtail Festival had arrived in the town of Sandpoint. A crowd had gathered in the square on Church Street, just outside of newly constructed temple. Tents had been erected, and tables set up for games, food and more. In front of the new temple, a small stage had been set up on which stood several people.

The first of these people, a Varisian woman, took center stage. Raising her hands, the crowd went silent, allowing her to speak.

“Greetings, friends and visitors, and welcome to the Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival!,” she announced, drawing an applause from most of the people present. “I see amongst you many familiar faces, and some not-so-familiar ones. To you out-of-towners, I am Kendra Deverin, the Mayor of Sandpoint, and I welcome you to our great town."

“I can see we have a great turnout for this festival. I think I can see... yes, it is! It appears even Larz Rovanky has managed to tear himself away from the tannery to come here! That, or he left to grab some more tanning solution and we’re blocking the way back to his shop.”

These comments drew plenty of laughter from the locals, and a grunt and flipped middle finger from the gruff bearded man near the back of the crowd.

“Now, I know we’re all eager to get right into the swing of things, but before that, there are a few other things we must go over...”

Feel free to have you character’s react, interact with each other in the crowd, or what have you. Once everyone’s gotten at least one post, the speeches will continue.

Liberty's Edge

I figured this would be worth setting up now. To start with, if anyone has any information about their characters that they want all the other players to be aware of, this is the place to put it.

In terms of how we run this, my original plan was to do picture and simply have people state what they're doing, but after doing some research, it would appear that Roll20 is the best option for how I want to run this. As such, if everyone could please make an account if they haven't already, and then provide me with the necessary e-mail(you may PM it if you prefer your privacy) so that I may invite you, I'd be most appreciative.

For a quick sum up, our cast is...

Bogan Canis - Male Human Fighter(Tower-Shield Specialist)
Trisha Halcyon - Female Changeling Mesmerist
Anca Covanu - Female Human Warpriest of Desna
Ven Nicolae - Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue
Sabina Fueges - Female Human Oracle
Egil Forkbeard - Male Human Skald(Fated Champion)

Here's hoping for fun and adventure. Let it be known that I'm open for questions or constructive criticism at any time.

Liberty's Edge

I figured this would be worth setting up now. To start with, if anyone has any information about their characters that they want all the other players to be aware of, this is the place to put it.

In terms of how we run this, my original plan was to do picture and simply have people state what they're doing, but after doing some research, it would appear that Roll20 is the best option for how I want to run this. As such, if everyone could please make an account if they haven't already, and then provide me with the necessary e-mail(you may PM it if you prefer your privacy) so that I may invite you, I'd be most appreciative.

For a quick sum up, our cast is...

Bogan Canis - Male Human Fighter(Tower-Shield Specialist)
Trisha Halcyon - Female Changeling Mesmerist
Anca Covanu - Female Human Warpriest of Desna
Ven Nicolae - Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue
Sabina Fueges - Female Human Oracle
Egil Forkbeard - Male Human Skald(Fated Champion)

Here's hoping for fun and adventure. Let it be known that I'm open for questions or constructive criticism at any time.

Liberty's Edge

The Land of Varisia is an adventurer's paradise. Across its landscape, the ruins of Ancient Thassilon stand as a testament and warning of the dangers of unchecked magical power. Littered with ancient traps, horrible monsters, and the collected knowledge of the once mighty Thassilonian Empire, few adventurer's would turn up their noses at such a treasure trove.

Goblins chew and Goblins bite
Goblins cut and Goblins fight
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!

But not everyone who lives here dreams of treasure and ancient knowledge. Many are simple folks, eking out a living in one of the many settlements that litter Varisia, from the large cities of Korvosa and Magnimar, to smaller habitats, like the town of Sandpoint.

Goblins race and Goblins jump
Goblins slash and Goblins bump
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!

It is in this quaint town that our adventure begins. The town of Sandpoint finds itself in the midst of the grand Swallowtail Festival, commemorating the construction of the new Temple of Desna after the loss of the previous in a devastating fire some years prior. It's a time of joy and festivities. Surely, nothing bad can happen on a day like today...

Chase the baby, catch the pup
Bonk the head to shut it up
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed
We be Goblins! You be food!

Greetings, folks. I'm here looking for some folks to aid Sandpoint in what will surely be simply running a nice festival, with very little murder necessary. I'm new to running Play-by-Post, but I have a few other games under my belt, including the entire Hell's Rebels AP, as well as parts of Wrath of the Righteous and Strange Aeons. But now, I want to take it back to where it all began. Or rather, take it back to the updated anniversary edition of how it all began.

I have two folks already onboard, and I do hope they will grace this thread with their characters so you can work around that. In total, I'm looking for 4-6 amazing men, women, and indeterminates with which to cast off on this adventure.

Of course, a few rules...


-20 Point Character Buy
-Any 3PP must be approved by me, and I reserve the right to refuse any of them
-2 Traits, one from the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide
-Good or Neutral Alignments
-Starting money is the maximum available to your class
-Use the Background Skills(2 extra skills ranks every level, but these can only be used on Appraise, Craft, Handle Animal, Knowledge[Engineering, Geography, History, or Nobility], Linguistics, Perform, Profession, or Sleight of Hand)

Any questions? Let me know.