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As was previously pointed out, you can't use magic missle with spellstrike.

Spell Recall (Su): At 4th level, the magus learns to use
his arcane pool to recall spells he has already cast. With
a swift action he can recall any single magus spell that
he has already prepared and cast that day by expending a
number of points from his arcane pool equal to the spell’s
level (minimum 1). The spell is prepared again, just as if it
had not been cast.

Does this work with spells that were memorized with metamagic feats applied? If so i would assume you use the modified spell level and point expenditure?

Jadeite wrote:

Magic Missile is works neither with Intensified Spell (no damage dice cap based on level) nor with Spellstrike (not a touch spell or a ray).

And even Scorching Ray just adds 4d6 of fire damage.

You sir are correct, this thread has gone off topic

Scorching ray is useless with spellstrike unless you take the close range arcana...and even with the close range arcana spellstrike breaks scorching ray because you only get 1 ray out of it.

Im looking at magus...not wizard...things that can be combo'd with spellstrike.

im actually looking closer at the feet for magus builds but my curiousity happened to get the better of me's magic missle. its a little cheaper on the spell slots for magus to use intensify spell over empower spell....10d6 shocking grasp for a second level spell slot plus a free weapon attack to go with it doesn't suck.

Thanks for the replies, sorry if this is a reposted question, i didn't feel like looking for another thread and yea i agree with you Lazar, even if it did work it's not really worth the effort...besides there being better 1st level spells to intensify anyways.

not entirely sure if this is really worth it for 2 extra dice but does it work?