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I swear I tried to search for threads containing this topic, but I did not find anything that addressed the manner or cause of this heroic figure's death. The wiki says he sacrificed himself in order to defeat the Whispering Tyrant.

It is assumed that he died during the Shining Crusade when he confronted The Whispering Tyrant outside of Gallowspire yadda yadda yadda, but didn't the Shield of Aroden save him by rebounding the powerful magic against TB (and shattering the shield in the process)? Assuming the shield saved him from dying to the Tyrant's wish spell, then how did he die? Just curious what the story is. Thanks!

In looking through my Belkzen sourcebook I noticed Heliu's Folly is very close to where Redlake Fort appears to be located. They aren't the same thing I trust, but which would characters encounter first as they travel inland from the River Esk?

Personally I'm planning on having them be part of the same old chain of forts but having Redlake Fort be farther east (closer to the river) than Heliu's Folly. Does that seem right, though? Just curious.

Also, I noticed there is a note about a battle site along the River Esk that is manned by a paladin and supported by angels in times of need. I didn't see this mentioned in book 2 of Giantslayer but wanted to bring it up as a landmark as the PCs travel upriver. I take it the paladin doesn't interrupt river trade and would have no problem with the boat traveling upriver? Thanks!

Our group (6 players + 1 DM) just wrapped up our 3-year adventure through the Carrion Crown AP. I played a bard/fighter named Rikko Andiarmo during the course of the adventure. In fact, all 6 players started and finished the AP with the same characters (thanks to much leeway by the DM).

In character, my Pathfinder Initiate kept a journal of their adventure and I posted it online. Here it is for those interested in reading through it. Warning, it contains lots of spoilers (some spoilers may not pertain to the AP as written as our DM changed some things throughout the course of events). Also, it is over 220 posts long. *grin* Enjoy!

Pathfinder Journal

I am building a half-orc npc druid (NE alignment) for inclusion in a party of orcish scouts in a mountainous region. The idea is for the druid to fly around in wildshape (either as eagle or air elemental or something else entirely possibly) and scout out the area for the ground patrol. Being able to communicate with the ground patrol across distances is key. I would expect them to be good at summoning and aerial combat. The ground patrol consists of an orc fighter, 2 orc barbarians, and 2 orc rangers.

If it is level 11, uses the heroic stat array, and has npc WBL...what would it look like? How would you build it?

I originally was thinking of trying an eagle shaman but now I'm not so sure. I welcome your thoughts. Thanks!

I'm looking for advice on how to build a human winter witch/frost queen type caster bbeg. I'm thinking of cross-blooded sorcerer 1 (draconic and elemental) winter witch 19 (winter patron?) but not sure if any archetypes would be beneficial that fit the theme other than winter witch? I'm not opposed to having her be middle-aged or even old, but not venerable.

I'm also trying to figure out a way to have her have access to the simulacrum spell so she can have level 10 versions of herself.

20-point buy with PC wealth to get to CR 20. She should be good at crowd control but also have good cold-blasting abilities.

Any takers? Thanks in advance!

Is all of the damage nonlethal? Assuming it is used against good-aligned, human enemies it would do 1d3+3+4d6 nonlethal?


I have in mind an encounter for a group of 6 PC's who will be level 20 at the time they reach this encounter (25-point buy and at least average WBL if not above), but I am looking for suggestions on who or what to include in the encounter.

The idea is a council of demonic advisors to a demon prince. It would be located in the Abyss. Anticipated EL is 23-24, which means if I want to have 8 enemies they can each be around CR 17-18.

1. Marilith, CR 17
2. Lich is kind of expected, but something with a twist would be nice
3. Demodand?
4. Rune giant might be kind of neat, perhaps with 1 level of barbarian, CR 18 (scratched, need to replace)
5-8 Thoughts?

Ideally this will be an encounter that's fun for the players and contain an oft-talked-about combat as well. Interesting enemies are equally as important as challenging enemies.

I have no idea what the group might be comprised of at the time the campaign reaches this point. At present they lack a pure arcane caster but have the other bases covered. Thanks!

Edit: scratched #4 as I plan to already include something similar in a prior encounter.

The (old) wiki shows a Golarion calendar with 12 30-day months. The new calendar in the Inner Sea World Guide shows a calendar that matches the modern calendar (aside from leap days every 8 years for some reason).

I just want to make sure that the Golarion calendar should mimic our own. I'm also curious why the change? Thanks!

The colossal size category essentially stops at a space of 30 feet (6x6x6) with a reach of 30 feet for a tall, colossal creature. I have a dragon mini (no, the irony isn't lost on me) that is marketed as "64 squares of death!" because it takes up a space of 8x8x8. Should it also have a reach of 40 feet rather than 30 feet? Is there rules support for this anywhere or is it okay to simply extrapolate the size rules out beyond the standard colossal size? Thanks for the help!

A frost giant is a large creature that is 15 feet tall and has a reach of 10 feet. How many squares off the ground directly above the giant does someone flying have to be to be "out of reach" of said giant who is standing on the ground (not jumping or flying) swatting at them?

Does the giant only occupy a 10x10x10 cube even though it is 15 feet tall? With its reach of 10 feet it can easily reach 20 feet from the ground (4th square from the ground) but should it be able to reach 25 feet (5th square from the ground)?

I realize similar arguments could be made for 7 foot tall humans who only occupy a 5x5x5 square, but the giant seems to beg the question of why a 15 foot tall creature with a 10 foot reach can't attack someone 25 feet off the ground. So how does it work?

I checked for previous posts and FAQs on the subject, but came up empty. Do you have to be aware of your attacker in order for them to provoke the AoO from CAGM? The rage power doesn't read that you do, but it seems like you would need to be aware of them in order to get the AoO. But maybe not?

I've always just assumed that a monster with a spell-like ability usable 3/day or 1/day gets to use each SLA that many times per day. Is that correct, or is it 3 uses per day period or 1 use per day period?

Take a planetar for example. It has 5 spells it can use 3/day. Can it use all 5 SLAs 3 times each or some combo of those 5 SLAs 3 times total? Same question for its 4 SLAs usable 1/day. All four are usable 1/day or only one?

It's probably a silly question, but I thought I would check since I wasn't gaining any insight from the Bestiary description of Spell-Like Abilities (shown below from the PRD). Thanks!

Spell-Like Abilities: After listing the caster level of the creature's spell-like abilities, this section lists all of the creature's spell-like abilities, organized by how many times per day it can use the abilities. Constant spell-like abilities function at all times but can be dispelled. A creature can reactivate a constant spell-like ability as a swift action.

Okay, I picked up Inner Sea Magic recently and I can't shake the image of Nex in it. Is he intended to look like Chris Tucker?

"Do youuuuu...understaaaand...what I would do to Geb if I could get out of this demiplane?"

Can't shake the voice. Stuck in head forever now. /sigh

Hi there,

My search fu has failed me. /sob
I'm looking for a thread (I believe it was rather lengthy) in which Ravingdork posted a build for a high-level blaster caster that could do hundreds of aoe damage in a round. Does anyone have that thread handy perchance? I want to see the build that was used. Thanks in advance!

If you were going to go about building a ray-based wizard (using CRB and APG only, not UM), what would they look like? Assume 15-point build and I wouldn't gimp any stat below an 8 (and I seldom gimp multiple stats, just FYI).

If you've built one already, I would love to see it. Otherwise I'll look to the boards for advice on how you would go about building one. This may be my weekend project. Also, how would they look at 1st level and 7th level?

I'm guessing human for the additional feat? Thanks in advance!

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Assume the PC's know of a village that contains "some" werewolves. Is there a magical way to discern who are werewolves and who are not? Just curious. Thanks!

I tried to do a search of the boards for this information, but did not find any. My apologies if this has been asked and answered.

Are channel energy uses restored every day regardless of rest? I know spells cast during the previous 8 hours prior to recovery count against the day's allotment, but I'm not sure about channel energy uses. Is there a rule somewhere that specifies? Do they work like spells (recovering at the same time as spell preparation, and any uses in previous 8 hours count against next day's allotment)?

I see rules for rage and ki requiring 8 hours of rest, but I don't see any such mechanic for bardic performance. So I have a similar question about refreshing bardic performance uses.

Any light shed on the subject is appreciated. It impacts how I design encounters for my group (which, ironically enough, consists of a cleric, bard, barbarian, and monk among others). Thanks!

Regardless of how they are acquired (whether by wish, tome/manual, or other means), should inherent stat bonuses be counted towards the WBL of a PC? Considering manuals that grant +1 stat bonuses have a value of 27.5k it seems like they should, but since there's no item associated with the bonus maybe it doesn't?

If you spent 25k gold to buy a wish to grant yourself a +1 inherent bonus to, say Wisdom, should that 25k be counted against your WBL as if you owned a tome? If not, then how do you handle creating high-level PC's that should have had access to inherent bonuses over the course of their careers suddenly having to use WBL to buy them when characters that played from 1 to x do not have to allocate WBL for them?

I'm genuinely curious. Thanks!

The title pretty much sums it up. I'm curious if there might be anyone noteworthy from story or song that Iomedae would have journeyed with prior to her becoming a goddess?

I checked the wiki page but didn't see anything other than her 11 acts, and did not find anything within them that was helpful. If she didn't adventure with other famous heroes then that's fine, but if she did it would be helpful to me in my campaign to know whom that might have been. Thanks!

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The ability says it works like overrun, but then says that no CMB vs CMD check is necessary if I read it right. Does that mean that the trample ability automatically knocks enemies prone if they are trampled?

That's my current take on it, but I thought I would check and see if others knew of an official answer on the subject. I searched the rules forum on "trample" and saw several threads but none that I looked seemingly had the answer. Thanks!

I don't think my players will read this, but just in case I'm spoilering what I have envisioned. Please help out as you can.

I will be building up over the course of the campaign to a confrontation with the druid in his wilderness lair for when the PCs reach level 15. The APL is 16 due to 6 PCs and I plan on this being an EL 18 encounter.

Planned combatants: npc druid 17 (CR 16), viper vine (CR 13), giant flytrap advanced to 7 attacks and 19 HD (CR 13), 2x elder earth elementals (CR 11).

I could use some help fleshing out the druid, especially as it pertains to feats, wild shape form, and animal companion. I plan on using the heroic npc stat block. He's human. Alignment is NE.

I was thinking tiger for the animal companion (no dinosaurs for this druid, including wild shape forms) but there may be better possibilities.

As far as gear goes, I was thinking of getting the following...
weapons: amulet of mighty fists: human bane, shock (20k)
protection: +1 wild dragonhide plate (19.3k), cloak of resistance +2 (4k)
magic: headband of inspired wisdom +4 (16k), ring of counterspells (4k)
limited use: candle of invocation, NE (8.4k) used to summon an astradaemon

Thoughts? Thanks!

Scrags are aquatic trolls, and as such have regeneration 5 (acid and fire). Casting a fire spell underwater requires a caster level check (DC 20 + spell level) in order to create a cloud of steam that otherwise has the same effect as the fire spell cast.

If a caster attacks a scrag underwater and successfully casts a fire spell, does the "steam" count as fire and turn off regen? I wouldn't think so (steam is not fire), but I thought I would get others' opinions. Thanks!

Any thoughts about weapon and armor progression by level? Just curious if anyone else uses any guidelines based on WBL, or anything else for that matter. Thanks!

Sorry if this has been answered before, but I searched the General Discussion threads and only saw how HAs can benefit from Divine Bond (but not how much benefit can they receive).

So if a HA is a +5 holy weapon, that makes it +7 total enhancement. Can they then be further enchanted with another +3 of enhancements (so long as it doesn't raise the +5 any higher, I know), or is there something I'm not taking into account? Thanks!

Do clerics get back all uses of CPE and domain abilities (with uses per day restrictions) regardless of whether they used them during the past 8 hours?

I know the spells they use in the past 8 hours count against their next day's allotment (pg 220), but it doesn't say one way or the other about CPE uses and domain ability uses (as far as I could find at least). Just curious if they should count against the next day's uses or if they get them all back regardless.


Quick question. Is it feasible from a design perspective to have the druid's animal companion have a monster template or two (Giant and/or Fiendish) if I lowered its HD accordingly (for a +1 template I would lower its HD by 1)? I don't think I would allow this for a PC to do, but since I'm trying to design a unique encounter I was trying to put some personality into the animal companion.

Is lowering the HD sufficient, or is there more to it than that? Thanks!

Posting to the community for some simplistic help about a possible archvillain in Numeria.

I am toying with the idea of a central computer gone bad/mad, and making them into an archvillain for a homebrew game based in Golarion. The computer would be immobile, but of course have far-reaching influence via "telepathy" (radio waves or something similar) and other similar powers. It would be stuck inside the Silver Mount. Clearly it has influence via the Technic League (and through them to the Black Sovereign) as well as the Gearmen.

My question is, how could heroes defeat it? I don't plan on giving it a "body" (like some type of advanced golem) per se, as it is housed within the entirety of the Silver Mount. Maybe it has a central processor that can be destroyed? Of course, destroying such only provides a false sense of security, as it has other locations it can retreat to... *evil grin*

How would you run it, in 50 words or less? Thanks!

I have looked through the Campaign Setting book as well as the wiki page for Aroden and not found anything that describes how long Aroden stayed on Golarion before he ascended to the heavens. I believe he fought Tar-Baphon some 800 years after he founded Absalom (don't have the timeline in front of me but that is what I recall), but then there is little mention of him doing direct deeds after that.

I'm just looking for some insight as to when he might have ascended and stopped walking the world. Thanks!

The rogue talent Bleeding Attack specifically states that it bypasses damage reduction (such as that provided by a stoneskin spell). The Bleeding Critical (and subsequent reference to bleed condition) do not have any such saying.

Would Bleeding Critical damage be subject to damage reduction?

Is there any reason to believe that the two types of damage would stack (since they affect damage reduction differently)?

Just curious. Thanks!

Hi there,

Curious about how to interpret the number of undead targets a mass cure spell (other than mass heal, which seems to be unlimited) can do damage to. Are the undead who take damage in addition to, or instead of, "targets" of the spell? The text just says it does damage to undead within the area of effect.

So if I'm level 15, can I only heal 8 allies and do damage to 7 undead (so long as they are within the area of effect), or can I heal 15 allies and do damage to 15 undead? Is there a limit to the number of undead effected? Thanks!

School conjuration (healing); Level bard 5, cleric 5, druid 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will half (harmless) or Will half; see text; Spell Resistance yes (harmless) or yes; see text

You channel positive energy to cure 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +25) on each selected creature. Like other cure spells, mass cure light wounds deals damage to undead in its area rather than curing them. Each affected undead may attempt a Will save for half damage.

Setup for the question is as follows. Four low-level characters (Valeros, Merisiel, Kyra, Ezren) are in a 5' wide hallway standing in front of a door, and already have initiatives set up to match their marching order (Valeros 1st, Ezren 4th).

Valeros opens the door and is affected by cause fear, making him frightened so he tries to run through all three other characters in an attempt to get away from what's beyond the door. Merisiel and Kyra let him go by, but Ezren tries to "stop him" from running away.

Ezren does not have Improved Grapple, and so elicits an attack of opportunity from Valeros. We ruled that Valeros would not attack him. Oddly enough, Ezren rolled really well on his grapple and managed to grapple Valeros. Valeros on his turn then breaks the grapple easily and proceeds to run away.

Okay, so my questions pertaining to this.

1) Can Ezren take an attack of opportunity as a friend runs through his square to try and "stop him" (in this case initiate a grapple)? Since it was still Valeros' turn (he had only moved 15' of his 80' move), I ruled it as an attack of opportunity for Ezren to try and stop him, otherwise Valeros would have been long gone before anybody got to do anything about it.

2) Should we just have assumed that Valeros was trying to Overrun his three comrades in his haste to get away? I know you can allow allies to move through your space, so we didn't think overrun was necessary.

3) How would you have handled it?

Thanks for any responses!

Just curious what the community's thoughts are on using a cohort cleric as party of 5's primary healer? We are a melee heavy bunch. Level 11 (cohort cleric would be level 9).

Paladin - will be backup healer

Has anyone in a group this size (or larger) had a cohort as primary healer? What are your thoughts? Thanks!

Please disregard this query. I have received my answer in another thread (under Product Discussions). Thank you!

This is a question our group has puzzled over for a while (when it comes up). Just interested in others' takes on these areas of effect.

Channel Energy - 30 foot radius burst (60' diameter) centered on the cleric. Straightforward and easy to understand. Included here as a point of comparison.

Cure Light Wounds, Mass - one creature/level (within range), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. We've traditionally played it where it affects a number of people (up to the level of the cleric) so long as there is not more than 30 feet of distance between any two of them. So it could be an ovoid 80' in width so long as there was no more than 30' of distance between any two people within it. It has been suggested that it is really a 30' diameter circle area of effect. Channel energy seems much more effective in most cases than this version of MCLW.

BTW, in a recent high level encounter (using 3.5 rules) we attempted to use this interpretation when fighting an army of undead and with one spell we wiped out a huge portion of the lowbie undead army. The army was just for effect anyway, so it wasn't a big deal to the DM.

Horrid Wilting - living creatures, no two of which can be more than 60 feet apart. Traditionally we've run it like MCLW above, but in thinking about applications on the field of battle this single spell would wipe out most armies (or at least large formations marching in order), which seems way overpowered. Is it really just a 60' diameter? If so, why not say 60' diameter with selected targets?

There are other examples also, but decisions on the above will help us adjudicate how we rule the others as well. Thanks in advance for your input!

Forgive me if this has been asked for already. I checked the titles of posts and didn't see anything resembling this, but I may have missed it.

Would it be possible, once the official ruleset hits the shelves in August, to have an online character builder be part of the Paizo site? I'm specifically thinking of PFrpg, but other builders might be possible to support other product lines.

Something that lets you determine race, class, level, skills/ranks, feats, even magic items (based on level-appropriate gold amounts), etc. which autopopulate a character sheet that could be printed out as a pdf. With the plethora of avatar images available, those could also be incorporated so players can have an image of their character to go along with the stats.

It could be a useful tool for DM's as well as players. DM's could check the calculations of their players, or they could create important npc's for their game. Players could accurately keep track of their stats and abilities from game session to game session.

It would also drive additional traffic to the site (for advertising purposes) as both players and DM's have to keep coming back to update and print out their sheets.

It wouldn't work for hybrids or character builds that don't follow the RAW, but they could use the portions they wanted and modify the rest (with options to modify stats as created before printing). Just something to think about. I, personally, would love it.

Thanks for listening!