The Forever Man

Donovan Gance's page

83 posts. Alias of ManiaINC.



'Twas the night before Armasse, when all through the city,
All crusaders rejoiced! (Really quite a pity.)
Priests busy tending the wardstone with care,
In hopes that no demons would ever come near;

My cultists would soon be snug in their beds,
While visions of tea-leaves would dance in their heads;
I'd a nice pot of chamomile, the harvest was through,
And I'd just settled down for a nice cup or two,

When back in Kenabres there arose such a clatter,
I peeked from my demiplane to see what was the matter.
To my teacup of scrying I flew like a vrock,
Peered into its waters, and recieved quite a shock.

The wardstone'd been replaced with fire and smoke
Giving the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what might you think that I finally see,
But the Storm King Khorramzadeh, demon ruler of Iz!

With a swing of his sword and a crack of his whip,
He announc'ed his presence. (Geez what a prick!)
More rapid than eagles his cohorts they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, quasits! now, succubi! now, hezrous and omox!
On, dretches! on nabasus! on, mariliths and vrocks!
Into the city! past the watch wall!
Now dash away! crash away! smash away all!"

And then, because writing a poem is ever so hard,
(Although you really must admit, I could've been a bard!)
I decided I'd finish the writing a bit later,
And handed the reigns to The Humble Narrator!

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Dear Diary,

I've had it with that Deskari! The bastard has an ego bigger than the damned Worldwound! This is the last, and I mean LAST time I let the oversized cricket tramp all over my private demiplane and ruin my precious tea gardens. I mean it's not like we're on different teams; we even share the same domains! And yes, I absolutely did pick mine first, so I am not, as that ignorant fool so unintelligently claimed 'jacking his style.' I honestly don't see what he has against me, tea can be just as evil and destructive as his silly locust plagues - after all, I know plenty of tyrants who drink lots of tea. And who do you think supplies them? Me!

Anyways, I've finally decided to do something about all this. I've notified all of my remaining cultists - all four of them - and sent them to the Worldwound to fight in the crusades. That's right! A demon cult fighting for the forces of good! That'll surely put another notch in Deskari's mandibles. Not only that, but I've entrusted them my four most POWERFUL artifacts, so naturally, this should be quite an easy job. Today, I may be a simple demon, but tomorrow I shall have Deskari bowing before my evil forces of goodness! Or good forces of evil? Good and/or evil forces of good/evilness? Oh pah! Whatever it is, I'll have my REVENGE!

-Debilis, Lesser [in title, but NOT in evilness] Demon Lord of Tea


Hey there chums! Who's up for some Wrath of the Righteous? But wait, it's been overdone you say? I agree, but has it ever been done with... the last few cultists of a barely competent demon lord? I think not! I'm looking for four players to play your classic gang of end-the-world cultists... attempting as best they can to take on the role of classic save-the-world type heroes. So read on if you're up for a thrilling battle between the forces of evil and... well... more evil.

Chaotic Evil ONLY. We're playing demon cultists here, not some silly bunch of paladins. Remember though, you've been commanded by your demon lord to act like perfect heroes and play nice (or as nice as possible) with the other crusaders, so it's more like Chaotic Evil desperately trying to be Good. Who knows - you may even find your alignments changing over the course of the game.

All players must, obviously, be worshippers of Debilis, a wannabe demon lord tired of getting pushed around by the big boys. Debilis' domains are identical to Deskari's - Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and War (subdomains: Blood, Catastrophe, Demon, Tactics). Remember that Debilis incorporates tea into all of these somehow and so must you. Just like Deskari, his favored weapon is the scythe (the better to harvest tea leaves with!).

Ability Scores:
15 point buy - no exceptions. This isn't a party made up of epic heroes, this is a gang of the cannon fodder that the heroes usually kill on their way to stop the high priest.

Due to alignment restrictions, there will be no paladins, druids, or monks. Also no gunslingers. Anti-paladins and monks with the Martial Artist archetype are fair game however.

All races are allowed. You'll probably be somewhat of an outcast, both among civilized and more monstrous races, as you are one of the only worshippers of literally the lamest demon lord.

Average for class, don't worry about the detailed equipment list, just list your weapons and armor and any other important things you always carry. Once the party has been decided each player will also recieve one of Debilis' four teapots, all artifacts of "epic" power, as described below.

One campaign trait, one regular trait, one drawback. Check the player's guide for the campaign traits, which will determine your Mythic Path.

Debilis' Teapots:
All four teapots are perfectly identical, made of crude wrought iron, with lids that are sealed shut. Each teapot contains an unlimited amount of identical tasting tea, although the tea will only pour if a cup is held underneath it. They are indestructible and if lost will reappear within 24 hours. Although they certainly look sinister, thanks to what little magic Debilis actually possesses, they cannot be detected as magical evil artifacts by any means and all spells reveal them to simply be mundane teapots.

The Teapot of Chaos

The Tea of Chaos will, when drunk, have a completely random effect upon the drinker. What the effect will be - not even Debilis himself knows. Use at your own risk.

The Teapot of Destruction

The Tea of Destruction is highly volatile when mixed with any other substance, dangerously flamable, and extremely alcoholic. It tastes delicious though!

The Teapot of Evil

The Tea of Evil will cause anyone who drinks it or anything it is poured on to temporarily radiate a strong evil aura. Strong prank potential.

The Teapot of War

The Tea of War is just regular tea. Nobody should ever have to go to battle without tea.

I'll leave recruitment open for a good week or so, at which point I'll select four characters. In addition to character and backstory, leave your timezone and posting frequency (I'll commit to one post per day minimum on weekdays, but if possible I'll try for more).

Evening all! ManiaINC here checking for interest in a Monday night Roll20 (or MapTool, I heard it's quite good but am unfamiliar with the program) campaign. I've been playing/GMing for a couple years now and I've only just gotten into online gaming (a move separated me from the usual group), but I'd love to try playing something with a little faster of a pace than the usual PbP.

Because of my lack of webcam/somewhat shoddy internet we would be playing solely through chat, without any video/speech tools.

As far as what we would be playing, I'd probably go with one of the APs (no time for homebrew, sadly). A buddy of mine has at least the first book of practically all of them, so I could run whatever the group wants.

So if anyone is available and willing to play at 6-10/11ish (-8 GMT) on Mondays, drop a post. If I start seeing some interest I may even throw out some of my top secret campaign ideas!