Callous Rake

Dominic Amann's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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The single page print file does not include the cover pages, and the Cover file has them as single images which I cannot get to print across 4 pages. Could you release the cover as single pages? It works fine for the content side.

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I am probably replicating someone elses idea, (or worse yet, missed it in the rules), but I could see a neat way of "old-schooling" disadvantage: have the player roll one die, and I roll the other. That way, if they succeed, they won't really know if they succeeded.

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We must be very Canadian, because at our table, people co-operated in creating characters that filled niches, and worked their chosen traits in with a degree of anticipation that is only enhanced by the fact that what they will mean "mechanically" is a mystery.

And again, players are co-operative with regards to alignment as well. Most of the beefs I hear here have to do with players not really entering into the spirit of this specific adventure path. There do seem to be a number of others people can play that should cater to a wider range of tastes.