Dodekatheon |
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Over a thousand years has passed since the Day of Thunder, when the dark Kami Fu Leng was brought low by the seven Thunders. While it has seldom been peaceful, Rokugan has prospered. Now, though, whispers have issued forth; of the decline of the Hantei...of the influence of dark powers on the Empire. For ages before human history began, mortal champions have blunted the evil of Jigoku, and fate has selected you...
Welcome to a recruitment for a Legend of the Five Rings game! Here's all the info you need to get started;
The game will start in Kyuden Seppun, during winter court. Your characters will be there as members of your clan's entourage, for one reason or another.
I will be assigning everyone I select an extra Advantage and Disadvantage that I will base on your background.
I will require at least one shugenja, bushi, and courtier. Clan diversity is preferred. I would prefer no Ronin, but if you really want to play one, send me a PM and we can talk. Monks are perfectly acceptable.
I will be recruiting at least SEVEN players.
Recruitment will run until August 23. I'll be on vacation the 19-22, so will make my final selections that evening.
Let me know if you have any questions!