Here we go, stats for Percival! Sir Percival: Sir Percival CR 17/MR 4
XP 51200 LG Medium Humanoid (Human) Human Fighter 10/ Paladin 5/ MYTHIC 4 Init +5; Senses Perception +2 Auras Courage, Good; Immune Fear, Disease ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+1 feat, +8 armor, +3 shield) hp 156 (15d10+56) Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +9 ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. Melee longsword +19/+14/+9 (1d8+7/19-20,x2), (OFFHAND ATTACK)(offhand) +16/+11 (1d5+2), shield +16 (1d6+7/19-20,x2) Paladin Spells (CL 2)
Might I recommend the Planejammer campaign on Obsidian Portal? They've done a lot of Jammer conversions, as well as other things too.
Well, it looks like I didn't change Tristram's companion back to dog... How embarrassing. No matter, I finally made stats for Sir Gawain. I'm more than willing to modify as needed.
Sir Gawain: Sir Gawain CR 19/MR3
XP 204,800 LG Medium Humanoid (Human) Human Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4/ Cavalier (Order of the Scales)/ Marshal 3 Init +5; Senses Perception +4 Aura Good, Battlefield Presence ——————————————— DEFENSE ——————————————— AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (+1 Dex, +2 dodge, +1 feat, +7 armor, +2 shield) hp 168 (19d10+52) Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +15 ——————————————— OFFENSE ——————————————— Speed 30 ft. Melee longsword +19/+14/+9 (1d8+3/17-20,x2) Cleric spells prepared: (CL 4, Concentration +4) Lv 1 - Knight’s Calling, Honeyed Tongue Special Attacks Lay on hands (3d6) 7/Day ——————————————— STATISTICS ——————————————— Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18 Base Atk +15; CMB +18; CMD 29 Feats Alertness, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (longsword), Coordinated Defense, Coordinated Maneuvers, Precise Strike, Back to Back, Step Up, Following Step, Pesuasive Skills: Climb +10, Diplomacy +24, Handle Animal +10, Heal +12, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +12, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +10, Perception +17, Profession +10, Ride +12, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +8, Swim +10 Languages Old English, Welsh SQ Humanoid Traits, Swift Reactions, Detect Evil, Lay On Hands, Divine Grace, Channel Positive Energy, Weal’s Champion, Challenge +4 (5/Day), Mobile Wall, Tactician/Greater, Banner/Greater, Cavalier’s Charge/Mighty, Demanding Challenge, Seek Retribution Mythic Feats - Mythic Step Up, Mythic Persuasive Mythic Abilities Decisive Strike, Lend Power, Heroic Block, Caster’s Friend, Mythic Power, Surge, Amazing Initiative, Recuperation, Hard to Kill ——————————————— SPECIAL ABILITIES ——————————————— Gurdle of Life Protection (Su) Once per week, when Sir Gawain experiences an attack or spell that would kill him, the Gurdle allows him to drop to 1 HP instead. Mighty Gauntlets (Su) Upon the time of day reaching non, Sir Gawain is granted a +4 bonus to strength rolls (including melee attack and damage) for 4 hours. Special Equipment: Gurdle of Protection, Mighty Gauntlets Class and Mythic specifics on d20PFSRD
Well, I'm back once more! Here's my take on Tristram. Sir Tristan:
Sir Tristan CR 19/MR 3
XP 307200 TN Medium Humanoid (Human) Human Ranger 10/Cavalier 8 (Order of the The Land)/Champion 3 Init +4; Senses Normal; Perception +20 ——————————————— DEFENSE ——————————————— AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 masterwork armor, +2 shield) hp 153 (18d10+44) Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +10 ——————————————— OFFENSE ——————————————— Speed 30 ft. Melee heavy mace +21/+16/+11/+6 (1d8+4); spiked shield +20/+15/+10/+5 (1d6+3) Ranged longbow +18/+13/+8/+3 (1d10+2) Ranger Spell List 1 (DC 15) – Anticipate Peril, Compel Hostility 2 (DC 16) – Versatile Weapon ——————————————— STATISTICS ——————————————— Str 18, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 13 Base Atk +17; CMB +20; CMD 31 Feats Catch Off Guard, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Endurance, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Disarm, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Improved Shield Bash, Saving Shield, Two Weapon Fighting, Shield Slam, Saving Shield, Shield Master Skills: Knowledge (geography) +14, Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Perception +20, Sense Motive +18, Survival +16 Languages Old English, Welsh SQ Favored Enemies (Animal, Human), Hunter’s Bond (Falcon Companion – Use Bird Stats), Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style (Weapon and Shield), Favored Terrain (Forest, Urban), Woodland Stride, Swift Tracker, Evasion, Terrain Training, Adaptive Strike, Challenge, Mount, Tactician, Cavalier Charge, Banner Mythic Abilities: Amazing Initiative, Mythic Power, Surge +1d6, Recuperation, Hard To Kill, Champion’s Strike – Fleet Charge, Always a Chance, Punishing Blow, Maximized Critical Mythic Feats: MYTHIC Improved Disarm, MYTHIC Bull Rush Specific information available on d20 PFSRD Yeah, I kinda got lazy with what the abilities do... but, if they didn't directly affect the math, I didn't write much on them...
Bleh, I've been away from this for too long. So, I have two knights created so far. Galahad and Lancelot... Granted, Lancelot was building off of what I made for Galahad. I dunno if screwed up the Mythic stuff (because I don't really get that system quite yet.) Sir Galahad:
Sir Galahad is the son of Sir Lancelot and Lady Elaine of Corbenic He quests for honor, dignity, and loyalty. He was one of the destined knights who sought out the holy grail. Even during the fall of Camelot, he continued to remain loyal.
Sir Galahad CR 16/MR 3 XP 204800 LG Medium Humanoid (Human) Human Paladin (Oath of Loyalty) 16/Guardian 2 Init +1; Senses Normal; Perception +10 Aura Good, Resolve 10 ft., Courage 10 ft., Justice 10 ft., Faith 10 ft. ——————————————— DEFENSE ——————————————— AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, +4 Master Shield, +1 Dodge, +7 Armor) hp 204 (16d10+90) Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +12 Immunities Diseases, Charm, Fear ——————————————— OFFENSE ——————————————— Speed 30 ft. (Armor) Melee mace +20/+15/+10 (1d8+4/18-20,x2) Paladin Spell List (CL 16, Concentration +18) (DC 13) 1 – Bless, Protection from Evil, Tactical Acumen, Wrath (DC 14) 2 – Aid, Paladin’s Sacrifice, Resist Energy (DC 15) 3 – Cure Moderate Wounds, Helping Hand (DC 16) 4 – Sending ——————————————— STATISTICS ——————————————— Str 18, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14 Base Atk +16; CMB +22; CMD 33 Feats - Power Attack, Furious Focus, Mounted Combat, Mounted Skirmisher, Toughness, Shield Focus, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave Mythic Feats – Extra Path Ability (Add. Call), Mythic Dodge (Expend one Power to get +10 Dodge bonus to attack), Mythic Shield Focus (Shield + Feat bonus to touch) Skills: Acrobatics +10, Climb +10, Diplomacy +15, Handle Animal +14, Knowledge (nobility) +15, Knowledge (religion) +10, Perception +10, Profession +12, Ride +10, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +10 Languages English SQ Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Loyal Oath, Loyal Guardian, Lay on hands, Divine grace, divine health, mercy, Channel positive energy, Divine bond (Divine Horse mount) Mythic Abilities – Hard to Kill, Mythic Power (5/Day), Surge 1d6, Amazing Initiative, Recuperation, Guardian’s Call, Armor Master 1, Armor Master 2, Armor Master 3 Traits – Defensive Strategist ——————————————— SPECIAL ABILITIES ——————————————— Loyal Oath (Su) Galahad has chosen an oath of loyalty to King Arthur of Camelot. When the paladin is adjacent to King Arthur, she grants him a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws and to Armor Class (equal to Charisma.) The loyal oath lasts 1 minute, or until Galahad dismisses it (a free action) or discharges it (see below), whichever comes first. If Arthur is struck by an enemy and Galahad is adjacent to that enemy, as an immediate action he may make a single melee attack against that enemy; making this attack ends the loyal oath. Galahad may declare and reclaim oath 6 times per day. Loyal Guardian (Su) At 8th level, whenever Arthur is hit with a melee or ranged attack, if Galahad is adjacent to the target, he can spend an immediate action to have the attack automatically hit him instead of the intended target. This ends that loyal oath. Absorb Blow (Su) As an immediate action, whenever you take hit point damage from a single source (such as a dragon’s breath, a s p ell, or a weapon), you can expend one use of mythic power to reduce the damage you take from that source by 5 per tier (to a minimum of 0 points of damage taken). If you have another ability or effect that reduces damage (such as protection from energy), reduce the damage with the absorb blow ability before applying any other damage-reducing effects. For every 10 points of damage that this ability prevents , for 1 minute you gain DR 1/epic and 5 points of resistance against acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. The DR and resistances stack with any other DR and resistance s that you have. Empathic Healing (Su) You can expend one use of mythic power to transfer up to 10 points of damage per tier from a touched ally to yourself, healing the target and damaging you. This transferred damage bypasses all effects that reduce or negate hit point damage (such as damage reduction). Alternatively, you can expend two uses of mythic power to transfer an ongoing disease or poison from a touched ally to yourself, which halts ongoing effects on the target from that affliction and requires you to attempt any remaining saves against it. If you’re immune to the disease or poison, transferring it to yourself destroys the affliction. Sir Lancelot:
Sir Lancelot was one of the bravest knights of the round table. Even before uniting under Arthur’s order, he quested for glory and honor. His quest began to derail when he met Queen Guenevere, wife of King Arthur. Because of his affairs and the chaos that ensued, he helped to fracture and destroy the round table due to his selfish desires. As such, Sir Galahad remained bitter towards his father.
Sir Lancelot CR 20/MR 5 XP 307,200 LG Medium Humanoid (Human) Human Paladin (Divine Defender) 18/Guardian 5 Init +1; Senses Normal; Perception +12 Aura Good, Resolve 10 ft., Courage 10 ft., Justice 10 ft., Faith 10 ft., Righteousness 10 ft. DR 5/ Evil, Epic ——————————————— DEFENSE ——————————————— AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +4 Master Shield, +1 Dodge, +7 Armor) hp 204 (18d10+100) Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +13 Immunities Diseases, Charm, Fear, Compulsion ——————————————— OFFENSE ——————————————— Speed 30 ft. (Armor) Melee longsword +23/+16/+11 (1d8+3/19-20,x2) Paladin Spell List (CL 18, Concentration +20) (DC 14) 1 – Bless, Protection from Evil, Tactical Acumen, Wrath (DC 15) 2 – Aid, Paladin’s Sacrifice, Resist Energy (DC 16) 3 – Cure Moderate Wounds, Helping Hand, Prayer (DC 17) 4 – Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Chaos SA – Smite Evil 6/Day (+3 Attack, +18 Damage against Evil targets; double damage for outsiders/dragons/other related) ——————————————— STATISTICS ——————————————— Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16 Base Atk +18; CMB +22; CMD 33 Feats - Power Attack, Furious Focus, Mounted Combat, Mounted Skirmisher, Toughness, Shield Focus, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave Mythic Feats – Extra Path Ability (Add. Call), Mythic Dodge (Expend one Power to get +10 Dodge bonus to attack), Mythic Shield Focus (Shield + Feat bonus to touch) Skills: Acrobatics +15, Climb +11, Diplomacy +16, Handle Animal +16, Knowledge (nobility) +16, Knowledge (religion) +12, Perception +12, Profession +13, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +10 Languages English SQ Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Lay on hands, Divine grace, divine health, Channel positive energy, Divine bond (Divine Armor) Mythic Abilities – Hard to Kill, Mythic Power (13/Day), Surge 1d8, Amazing Initiative, Recuperation, Guardian’s Call, Mythic Saves, Traits – Defensive Strategist ——————————————— SPECIAL ABILITIES ——————————————— Sudden Block (Su) As an immediate action, you can expend one use of mythic power to hinder a melee attack made against you or an adjacent ally. Add your tier to your AC or the ally’s AC against this attack. The creature making the attack must make two attack rolls and take the lower result. Once the attack is resolved, you or your ally (your choice) can make one melee attack against the creature. The damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction. Avenging Maneuver (Ex) Taking grievous wounds only empowers you. Any creature that confirms a critical hit with a melee attack against you provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You can use this attack of opportunity only to attempt a bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver check. You don’t provoke attacks of opportunity for attempting this combat maneuver check. Shared Defense (Su) The Divine Defender can expend one of their Lay on Hands ability as an action to grant all allies within 20 ft a +3 bonus to AC, CMD, and Saving Throws for 3 rounds. This stabilizes unconscious allies, grants immunity to bleed damage, and gives a 25% chance to negate sneak attacks and critical hits scored against them. This ability does not stack with the chance provided from the light, medium, or heavy fortification armor special abilities. These bonuses are cumulative with each other. Allies only benefit from these bonuses while in the listed area. Drive Back (Ex) As a full-round action, you can attempt one bull rush combat maneuver check and apply it to all opponents within reach. If you have the Whirlwind Attack feat, you can use this ability at the same time that you make an attack against each foe within reach, allowing you to attempt a free bull rush combat maneuver check against each foe that you hit. After you’ve pushed opponents backward, you may move with any one of your bull rush targets. Turn the Tables (Ex) If a creature fails a combat maneuver check made against you, as an immediate action you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt that same maneuver against that creature. You receive a +10 bonus on this combat maneuver check. Impervious Body (Su) You gain DR 5/epic. This ability can be taken a second time at 6th tier or higher and a third time at 9th tier or higher. Each additional time it’s taken, the DR increases by 5. Once I figure out even more mythic Arthuriana, I'll probably continue this.
So, one of my blog followers asked if I'd be willing to take up a new project, make characters of Arthurian Legend in Pathfinder. Seems like a pretty daunting task, since the cast is quite expansive. But, I'm trying to figure out how to tackle all of this? Some are a lot easier than others, plus I have TONS of resources to choose from (Pendragon, AD&D Legends & Lore, D20 books) but, it's just a matter of building something that feels right. For example, what classes and specialized weapons would the Knights of the Round Table use? I guess Paladin is an easy choice (Mordred being an Anti-Paladin or some equivalent), with some levels in fighter, monk, or ranger perhaps... Morgan and Merlin are obvious some sort of arcane caster, Morgan would probably be some mix of Sorcerer, Witch, and Druid; while Merlin would be some mix of Wizard, Druid, and possibly Witch or Magus (Hey, some interpretations would argue this) But, since these are legendary heroes (as statted in most of the source material), would it make sense to make them Mythic as well? Less trained knights and characters like Sir Galahad (son of Lancelot) are probably better teetering on accessing Mythic, but... I dunno. But, enough rambling out of me! Does anyone have any ideas?
I just got back from it myself and I LOVED IT! Granted, I was the "LEGO Maniac" of the family and was obsessed with making bizarre creations (Cyborg Knights dueling against Giant Bugs, Magical Gunslingers fighting Wizard Zombies in Space, giant monsters rampaging through LEGO City, and more) Hell, I still use my LEGO stuff for my D&D/PF games (Why blow money on minis/terrain when you already haveit!) I saw it with my friends back from college, cuz they are/were huge fans too! After all, it's a film for everyone! Kids, adults, 200+ year old liches, etc. Plus, that "leitmotif" of sorts will NEVER get out of my head... ever! Because... well... (I swear, if this doesn't become the next rickroll...) Now about the ending scenes: That's what gave me some hardcore feels... cuz the dad is how I approach LEGO now, rather than the kid I once was. My MOCs are less about rule of cool chaos, and more a specific theme. Sure, I had a "Space Pirate" set up as a tongue-in-cheek thing for a Spelljammer game, but I dunno. So yeah, a movie about LEGO gave me manly tears.
"Anachronistic Adventurers" (Mostly PC content, based mostly on pulp novels and Cold War stories) and The Modern Path (D20 modern turned Pathfinder) are basically built for modern based campaigns. Modern Path even has an expansion dedicated to modernized fantasy settings. So nothing could stop you from Dragons in board rooms, Ork biker gangs (WAAAGH!), Drow punk rockers and all. Granted, both books were made with D20 Modern and Urban Arcana in mind. Because of that, gun damage is more than standard Pathfinder. If you want a look, they have some of their stuff up on a SRD Wiki for free. Anachronistic Adventurers has more standard PF-friendly guns, if you prefer. Also, Dias Ex Machina Games makes some killer sci-fi products. Amethyst is great for magic vs. tech (even if you want to ignore the rules for magic/tech cancelling the other out.) And, if you want some cyberpunk/techno-thriller flavor, Neurospasta is another setting by them that I heavily recommend for tinkering (Lots of rules for hacking, robotics, cybernetics, augmentation, and more.) I've been slowly developing my own modern/futuristic fantasy world myself. It's more or less a blend of things I like (such as Stargate, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Planescape, and Spelljammer) Also, I'm down with magitech (no biggie that you aren't), so I see no reason why a machine gun can't shoot Fireballs as well? But, that's just me. One of the ways I've had around it is that magic is a gift that only so many people are capable of harnessing without it turning into Wild/Primal magic. As such, technology is built for those who can't handle it (Kinda like the tech in that Avatar the Last Airbender spin-off, Legend of Korra) In terms of class stuff, I'm not the guy to ask about that (I can't help but recommend Modern Path and Anachronistic Adventurers enough though!) But, I've made tons of Modern themed monsters on my gaming blog. (A lot of them are my takes on D20 Modern creatures)
Before the year is done, I figure I'd post some (mostly) converted and homebrewed monsters from the past couple months. Enjoy. D&D Encounters - Dark Legacy of Evard (Nerath/Greyhawk) Daemon, Ultroloth (Planescape) Daemon, Arcanaloth (Planescape) Daemon, Nycaloth (Planescape) MORE Neogi (Spelljammer/Planescape) Greyhawk 2000 - Alterations (Greyhawk/D20 Modern) Alterations (Random Encounters) (Greyhawk/D20 Modern) Living Dumpster (D20 Modern)
I have tons and tons readied for this. - Conan the Barbarian (Also, as mentioned)
In terms of character - Jump in the Fire by Metallica. (CE Human Pyromancer Wizard/Alchemist, kinda like a strange mix of Xzar and Ignus.)
A clueless, eh? You've come to the right place, berk- err, basher! I have many maps and artifacts on the Great Road! No cross-trades, only authentic- Not a customer, I see... Beh, no matter. This group of barmy sages might better help you explore the wheel.
As I've mentioned before, I run a blog dedicated to making Pathfinderized versions of various creatures (and sometimes races, classes, etc) I've already covered some of my stuff here. In the spirit of Halloween, I wanted to share some of the scarier converted creatures I've tackled. As usual, feedback is more than welcome. Animated Tank, Alexander 9000 (Deadlands Hell on Earth) Battle Hound (Deadlands Hell on Earth) Defiler Lich (AD&D Dark Sun/Ravenloft) Roach Thrall (D20 Urban Arcana) The Men in Black Suits (Alternity Dark*Matter/D20 Dark Matter) Umlaut and Tokentakker (CarnEvil) The Lich/Zombie Master (Gauntlet Dark Legacy/D20 Post) (The two were similar enough that I mashed them together.) Undead Priest (TimeSplitters 2/Future Perfect) Portal Daemon (TimeSplitters 2) Elohim (Alternity Dark*Matter) Luciferian (Alternity Dark*Matter) Mirror Mage (Gauntlet Dark Legacy) "Spooky Scary Skeletons" (Don't ask.) Enjoy.
I for one loves me some techno-fantasy/science fantasy. From the early days of Blackmoor and Barrier Peaks to China Mieville's more magitech stuff and even Eberron. As for firearms? Well, Alkenstar and Numeria don't have to have too much of an impact on your Golarion if you don't want to. Golarion's pretty big, after all. I swear, the angst over firearms is what killed off some potentially cool content for 3e Forgotten Realms. The prototype for the product had all sorts of applied magic and even magical firearms. Sweet! Not to mention, 4th took it a step further and turned Lantan into Atlantis... (Or if you play with my bunch, the dystopian city of Rapture!) It's easier to ignore/subtract yourself than add yourself. (Again, which is why Golarion is my new Forgotten Realms.) And that almost toolbox nature of Golarion is one of the things I like about it the most! I know it was mentioned, but Howard has indeed used alien beings. Conan punched out Cthulhu once, for Crom's sake!
Since someone already brought up time travel, I may as well rambling something I've been playing with in my head. Because I love troperiffic sci-fi involving time travel, what better place to start than Numeria! Also, since time travel is extremely dangerous, I'd have the consequences ranging from splitting into a separate time line to reality going haywire itself! I won't deny it, Reign of Winter inspired the realm hopping aspect. Tears through Time
1 - The Temporal Children
2 - The Automaton War
3 - Fall of a Union
4 - The Once and Future King
5 - An Experiment in Madness
6 - The Grasp of Nyarlothotep
(Well, I found out The Mummy's Mask is a thing, so looks like that last part is an impossibility)
Dystopia - Iced Earth
Vamptastic wrote:
I believe Super Genius Games (anachronistic adventurers) and Game Room Creations (modern path) have enough guns and gun rules to have an anachronistic modern fantasy shootout! (Complete with +3 Uzi of Fireball spell! Okay, not really... but it's possible!)
Magitech/Steampunk? PureSteam (which just got out of beta) and World of Terah seem right up your alley! I'm not sure if PureSteam is out yet, but Terah's for sale right here on the site! Also, if you want a d20 modern feel, Modern Path and Arcana of the Modern World are good options too. The "Modern Hero" is pretty customizable, with countless subclasses and archetypes to choose from (albeit, all inspired by D20 Modern and D20 Past) Also, this setting's firearms are up to par with D20M, so melee might be hindered if you use these rules. However, I do recommend the class archetypes that can easily "modernize" Pathfinder/D&D classes. For example, the Shadow Slayer Paladin provides an easy method of updating the class. On the less PF-compatible side of things, I'd recommend mining Ravenloft's Masque of the Red Death for some more gothic-tinged ideas. Not to mention, I'd recommend checking the faux-Victorian world of Planescape as well (in case you want a more extraplanar side of things.) And, if you have a GOG account, playing Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is a must!
I decided to try once more at converting some stuff over to Pathfinder. One of the groups I play with are huge into the Forgotten Realms (pre-SP of course) and wanted to see the races from the 3.5 Underdark book carried over! The ones that aren't already converted or easily refluffed were converted over. Chitine:
Chitine Racial Traits Small Monstrous Humanoid +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -4 Charisma Vision: 60 ft. darkvision Speed 30 ft. land, 30 ft. climbing +4 CMB (Grapple), +4 CMD (Disarm) Racial Feat: Gain Multiweapon fighting as a bonus feat Racial Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, and Stealth are always class skills Climbing: + 8 climbing; can climb along walls and ceilings due to spider-like hooks in hands like the Spider Climb spell. Weapon Familiarity: Short sword, dagger Light Blindness: Exposure to bright light (mundane or effects of spell like “daylight) causes blindness for 1 round. They are dazzled in subsequent rounds if they’re in the affected area. Fast: +10 base speed Light Sensitivity: At 3 HD, change Light Blindness to Light Sensitivity, as a sign of your character better adapting to another environment. Improved Defenses: At 5 HD, the character gains a +3 racial bonus to Will saves and Reflex saves Deep Imaskar:
Deep Imaskar Racial Traits +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity Medium Humanoid Speed: 30 Ft. Land Sight: Low-Light Vision 30 Ft. Spell-like ability: At-Will: Identify, Magic Weapon 1/Day: Darkness +5 bonus to Stealth checks while underground Languages: Common and Roushoum. Bonus Languages: Elven, Terran, Undercommon. Gloaming:
Gloaming Racial Traits Small Humanoid (Outsider) Darkvision 60 ft. 20 ft. land, 40 ft. fly -2 strength, +2 dexterity, -2 wisdom, +2 charisma +2 saves vs. Psionics and Shadow/Illusion magic Racial Skills: · Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and Stealth are always class skills. · Gain a +4 racial bonus to Stealth Light Blindness (see above) Shadow Magic - +1 save vs Shadow spell, Gain ghost sound, pass without trace, ventriloquism as spell like abilities 1/day = to user’s caster level. Portal Sensitive: Gain Portal Sensitive as a bonus feat Improved Underdark Power: +2 racial bonuses to save vs. psionics increases to +4 Languages: Undercommon Bonus Languages: Common, Terran, Elven Shadow Mastery: At 3 HD, Gain +1 Caster Level to casting Shadow spells NEW FEAT – Portal Sensitive You can perceive a portal just by passing near it. Prerequisite Deep Imaskar or Gloaming, Benefit You can detect an active or inactive portal as if it were a normal secret door (Search DC 20). If you merely pass within 5 feet of a portal, you are entitled to a Search check to notice it as if you were actively looking for it. You also gain a +2 bonus on your caster level check when trying to discern portal properties with the analyze portal spell. Normal Portals can be found only by using analyze portal, detect magic, or the granted power from the Portal domain
Kua-Toa Racial Traits Medium Humanoid +2 Strength, +2 Constitution/Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma Amphibious: You can breathe in air and water. Speed: 20 ft. Ground, 40 ft. Swim Vision: Darkvision 60 ft. Slippery: Gain +5 CMD against Grapple Improved Energy Resistance: Gain 10 Resistance to Electricity Improved Natural Armor: Gain a +4 natural armor bonus to AC Light Blindness (See Above) Swimmer: +8 Bonus to swim, Languages: Kua-Toan, Undercommon, Aquan. Bonus Languages: Elven, Common. Weapon Familiarity: Treat Pincer Staff as a martial weapon New Weapon: Pincer Staff Price - 20 GP Damage (S) - 1d8 Damage (M) - 1d10 Damage (L) - 2d6 Crit - x2 Reach - 10 ft. Weight - 15 lbs. Type - Bludgeoning If you hit an enemy within one size category of you, you may grapple as a free action without provoking opportunity attacks. Each turn the hold is maintained, you may deal normal damage.
While not a direct conversion (LA and all that), did I do a pretty good job at balancing these guys? Sure, as monster PCs they're very powerful. |