Even though this was kind of started in another thread, it evolved into something all its own. The rules are simple, pick an Adventure option and narrate what happens! Afterwords, set some options of your own for the next player to choose. Death = Adventure reset, either jumping to another point in the story or making a new one. I don't want this to be Tomb of Horrors/From Software levels of death though, so I'd prefer to keep it to as minimal as possible (unless you REALLY want the character to die.)
Lemme start!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your and your compatriots have been tasked with the annihilation of a powerful lich who seeks to mobilize an undead army against several kingdoms. His domain, known as "The Sprawling Necropolis" holds not only the plans for his craft, but untold riches! As such, if the prospect of heroism does not entice all of you, perhaps wealth beyond wildest dreams might!
As your team arrives, you see a desolate wasteland filled with crumbled ruins and makeshift strongholds of scrap iron and stone. All of you descend further into the abysmal realm, as evil energies become more apparent and overwhelming.
You wander ahead to scout for enemies, but not before a cleverly disguised magical trap causes you to fall into the entrance of a dark tunnel. As soon as you reach the floor, the tunnel seals itself up. As your companions begin to dig in effort to aid you, sounds of foul creatures begin to swarm upon and close in on your friends. Sounds of combat rage back and forth for what seems endless. Eventually, the sounds of your allies diminish as the undead horrors disperse. You only hope your allies retreated safely rather than falling to the evil hordes. You are alone in a dark cave and you are sealed from the upper world... for now. Luckily, you remember that you're equipped with a lantern and kit to light it. You also have enough metal-based equipment (sword, shield, armor) to signal for help by making a racket.
What do you do now?
A.) Blindly traverse the tunnel in the darkness?
B.) Light a lantern to see your surroundings?
C.) Wait around for your allies to find and help you?
D.) Make noise in hope that someone will hear you?
After our hero, BJ Blazkowics fails during an alternate WWII, the Axis claims victory thanks to the powers of Deathshead and his SUPER-SCIENCE! Fast forward to an alternate 1960s and the sounds of Revolution begin to play! Sadly, they're not written by the Beatles, since we have "Die Käfer" instead.
From what I've seen, it looks like MachineGames and Bethesda have tossed out a lot of the ultra-serious route for Fallout-style humor and glorious stupidity! Personally, I can't wait to use whacky atomic-sci-fi gadgets to tear off nazi grunts' faces off while German rockabilly blasts in the background! Plus, I'm a sucker for retrofuturism and dark settings. Now, if you're wondering about the title, the trailers will kind of explain... except, not really. Long story short, some dude who looks like Stan Lee makes a cameo (looking as old as he does now), nazi robots are apparently nuclear powered, and the Deathshead new world order took over the world of rock music! (Noooo!) Personally, I'm not expecting a great game, but at least a fun game with tons of bizarro antics and Axis mad science driven horror is good by me.
And of course, there's another matter... Beta release of the next DooM game (which I hadn't heard about till W:TNO was teased.) Also, New Order themed TF2 items, if you're into that... (And yes, I do collect hats)
I'm a massive fan of speculative fiction, from realistic alternate history to heavily imaginative fantasy! One thing I like to ponder is how things can turn different in a world's history... I guess you could say fan-fiction of sorts.
But, what I'm wondering is what could result in some terrifying and bleak futures in Golarion? What events from both past and future could turn into something downright chilling? Now, some are pretty obvious (and stated in various stuff like in APs) such as the potential Demonic Apocalypse that would result form failure in Wrath of the Righteous! But, I'm sure some are much more nuanced and subtle! As a fan of both dark fiction and Golarion, I'm interested in hearing ideas.
So, one of my blog followers asked if I'd be willing to take up a new project, make characters of Arthurian Legend in Pathfinder. Seems like a pretty daunting task, since the cast is quite expansive. But, I'm trying to figure out how to tackle all of this? Some are a lot easier than others, plus I have TONS of resources to choose from (Pendragon, AD&D Legends & Lore, D20 books) but, it's just a matter of building something that feels right.
For example, what classes and specialized weapons would the Knights of the Round Table use? I guess Paladin is an easy choice (Mordred being an Anti-Paladin or some equivalent), with some levels in fighter, monk, or ranger perhaps... Morgan and Merlin are obvious some sort of arcane caster, Morgan would probably be some mix of Sorcerer, Witch, and Druid; while Merlin would be some mix of Wizard, Druid, and possibly Witch or Magus (Hey, some interpretations would argue this)
But, since these are legendary heroes (as statted in most of the source material), would it make sense to make them Mythic as well? Less trained knights and characters like Sir Galahad (son of Lancelot) are probably better teetering on accessing Mythic, but... I dunno.
But, enough rambling out of me! Does anyone have any ideas?
So, for folks like me, most FPS games tend to feel a tad... boring. When I first got my hands on TimeSplitters for Playstation, I was blown away! It was a mix of film genre pastiche and high octane zany antics. With each sequel, it became more awesome! In fact, Future Perfect is indeed a perfect game (for me at least.) The characters are tons of fun, the environments are a blast to go through, and each chapter never feels fresh and ripe for adventure. Not to mention, Future Perfect tied together all the events of the previous games. Sadly, when Free Radical Design folded up, any games after the 3rd installment did too...
That was until Crytek gave the OK for an indie group to make their take on the series, "TimeSplitters Rewind." After some set backs, this project is chugging along in development. And with each update, more and more of that classic awesomeness is showing its wonderful face.
I won't deny, I've always been a huge Planescape fan. More importantly, I'm still kinda sad that yugoloths aren't OGL content, so they won't be made into Paizo's daemons... well, as a paizo product. So, my question is; has anyone converted any yugoloths (especially ultroloth and arcanoloth) that didn't make the jump?
As I've mentioned before, I run a blog dedicated to making Pathfinderized versions of various creatures (and sometimes races, classes, etc) I've already covered some of my stuff here.
In the spirit of Halloween, I wanted to share some of the scarier converted creatures I've tackled. As usual, feedback is more than welcome.
I've always been curious about what optional rules are listed in the APs. Beyond a few modules I've purchased, I'm sorta in the dark; save for reprinted content in Ultimate Campaign. So, I'm wondering what optional rules are in what Adventure paths?
Perhaps in good time, I'll have the spare cash to invest in subscription (as I've really been interested in the last and current seasons especially. Not to mention, the two upcoming APs look very interesting.)
So, one of my players wants to play a melee character that can dodge the bullet (figuratively and literally) and go as for as sabotaging a troop packing heat to ensure some kind of victory. Even with some gonzo action movie ideas like slicing through a bullet in epic deflection (Albeit, this can be an easy reflavor.) Since my game is Guns Everywhere/Commonplace, this might provide a potential issue for him (especially because I consider incorporating stronger guns from D20 Modern/The Modern Path), but I'm all ears for advice. So, just as there are "mage killer" builds, are there "gunman killer" builds?
So, I was kinda inspired by the PF to 4e thread here and I'm curious if anyone on the community (or beyond) has converted Points of Light/World Axis/Nentir Vale/4e setting into the Pathfinder rule set. When I first came over to PF, I wasn't into the Vale to say the least (I'll leave details for another discussion.) It wasn't until 5e was announced that PoL interested me as an option/alternative for games, universes, and beyond. So, with that, does anyone have any converted material from the setting (well, pseudo setting of sorts), cosmology, etc? The most I found are some race conversions over on the piazza.
I decided to try once more at converting some stuff over to Pathfinder. One of the groups I play with are huge into the Forgotten Realms (pre-SP of course) and wanted to see the races from the 3.5 Underdark book carried over! The ones that aren't already converted or easily refluffed were converted over.
Racial Feat: Gain Multiweapon fighting as a bonus feat
Racial Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, and Stealth are always class skills
Climbing: + 8 climbing; can climb along walls and ceilings due to spider-like hooks in hands like the Spider Climb spell.
Weapon Familiarity: Short sword, dagger
Light Blindness: Exposure to bright light (mundane or effects of spell like “daylight) causes blindness for 1 round. They are dazzled in subsequent rounds if they’re in the affected area.
Fast: +10 base speed
Light Sensitivity: At 3 HD, change Light Blindness to Light Sensitivity, as a sign of your character better adapting to another environment.
Improved Defenses: At 5 HD, the character gains a +3 racial bonus to Will saves and Reflex saves
Deep Imaskar:
Deep Imaskar Racial Traits
+2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity
Medium Humanoid
Speed: 30 Ft. Land
Sight: Low-Light Vision 30 Ft.
Spell-like ability:
At-Will: Identify, Magic Weapon
1/Day: Darkness
+5 bonus to Stealth checks while underground
Languages: Common and Roushoum. Bonus Languages: Elven, Terran, Undercommon.
Gloaming Racial Traits
Small Humanoid (Outsider)
Darkvision 60 ft.
20 ft. land, 40 ft. fly
-2 strength, +2 dexterity, -2 wisdom, +2 charisma
+2 saves vs. Psionics and Shadow/Illusion magic
Racial Skills:
· Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and Stealth are always class skills.
· Gain a +4 racial bonus to Stealth
Light Blindness (see above)
Shadow Magic - +1 save vs Shadow spell, Gain ghost sound, pass without trace, ventriloquism as spell like abilities 1/day = to user’s caster level.
Portal Sensitive: Gain Portal Sensitive as a bonus feat
Improved Underdark Power: +2 racial bonuses to save vs. psionics increases to +4
Shadow Mastery: At 3 HD, Gain +1 Caster Level to casting Shadow spells
NEW FEAT – Portal Sensitive
You can perceive a portal just by passing near it.
Deep Imaskar or Gloaming,
You can detect an active or inactive portal as if it were a normal secret door (Search DC 20). If you merely pass within 5 feet of a portal, you are entitled to a Search check to notice it as if you were actively looking for it. You also gain a +2 bonus on your caster level check when trying to discern portal properties with the analyze portal spell.
Portals can be found only by using analyze portal, detect magic, or the granted power from the Portal domain
Weapon Familiarity: Treat Pincer Staff as a martial weapon
New Weapon: Pincer Staff
Price - 20 GP
Damage (S) - 1d8
Damage (M) - 1d10
Damage (L) - 2d6
Crit - x2
Reach - 10 ft.
Weight - 15 lbs.
Type - Bludgeoning
If you hit an enemy within one size category of you, you may grapple as a free action without provoking opportunity attacks. Each turn the hold is maintained, you may deal normal damage.
While not a direct conversion (LA and all that), did I do a pretty good job at balancing these guys? Sure, as monster PCs they're very powerful.
So, I'm new to homebrew and conversions... In fact, I'm a first time poster here on the forums! With that, I've done a little work over on my blog on tumblr (I know, tumblr gets a lot of hate), so... just wanna know, is it balanced? Does my work accurately represent its source material? Am I on the right path?