Duergar Slaver

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Mark Moreland wrote:
BUT, since this is a product thread and we're now WAAAAAY off-topic, may I suggest any gripes about what word Taldans use to describe their laws of succession be moved to their own thread rather than continue to muddy this one? People are going to have to scroll through so much grar just to see if the player's guide has been released yet.

You are going to announce that HERE? sweet

Steve Geddes wrote:
When that happens, people sometimes get upset and one way to mitigate that is to be aware of what's an expectation, what's a promise and how often they are met.

Agreed, however it is sadly common for that to be used against people. If people are to be aware what is a promise and what an expectation then that should not be left to us. inferring that upon one another with hindsight (as has happend here).

Setting the expectations every now and then would go a long way to help define what the promises are and what peoples expectations are. Avoiding the assosiated problem literaly every adventure path.

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Steve Geddes wrote:
Depends on your expectations. Mine is that the player guides come out with issue one, if possible. I dont know what date others expect (the day subs begin fulfilling? If thats the date theyre nearly always late) but no subscriber is guaranteed their copy early so sitting down to play before then is taking a risk, in my view.

It's not really expectations, or at least not just ours. The good people at paizo themselves have said that they always try to make the player guide go out when the subscribers get the first issue, so they set that expectation for themselves as well. Try being the operative word in that sentence. I'm a firm believer in "it's ready when it is ready" however you can't really blame people for having expectations.

In the adventure, the adventurers may be able to choose their own house.
It mentions that the only house(s) unavailable are the common buildings and governor house. This implies that building A7 is up for grabs (and makes sense since it would need to house at least 4)

The encounter "First Among Equals" however, relies on that building being assigned to the priests first and bickering on who gets to live here later. the book does not detail how to handle this situation. There is no other house that people would argue over given the situation, so it is no simple matter of changing the house in question.

My solution to this was to move the encounter up so it is the first thing that happens. With the fact that the house gets assigned to the players resulting in Luetin and Harcourt picking a fight with the PC's in stead - a much more dangerous senario because players may feel "justified" in responding with force (deadly even).

I really wish the writers had just made that house off limit to, despite how little sense that would make.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
So I guess there won't be a Player's Guide PDF yet huh?

its not going to be here before next week

In the sidenote: "AN ARMY OF TAGALONGS" it is mentioned that you can get 20-30 survivors in part 1. can you actually get 30? or is this just a rough estimate. because I only came to 25, maybe Í'm missing something.

since when have pathfinder steamships been a thing?!?!?

Darche Schneider wrote:

To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed with the healer's handbook.

I was really hoping we'd get somethings in it that would make the heal skill rather useful for one. Instead we get more screw it, we've got magic!

Like the best god as far as traits and stuff goes for a healer is one of the evil gods that lets you treat deadly wounds twice a day per person. And for some reason there wasn't really anymore on that guy in this book but a small blurb that was like "Some healers are evil" and a couple less useful feats that nod towards a more evil healer. (Though insidious healing is pretty good)

Ways the Heal skill could have been more useful..

1) Uses for Interrogations
2) Speeding up the heal skill checks. Obviously no where near the point of magic, there is limitations after all that should be impossed
3) A fighting style for a more evil healer that capitalizes on their knowledge of anatomy.

Probably a lot more other ways too.

There is also a lack of mundane healing items. Things that might need a high craft alchemy for example to provide some sort of healing effect while not being magical.

I guess they are caught between a rock and a hard place. "medical" uses for interrogations are already an alchemist archetype feature, so you're going to trivialise something. Craftable healing without magic faces a simular problem. in a universe where people would say, go see a cleric when we would say go see a dockter obviously magic is more prominent. if you'd then create a situation where adventurers wouldn't even need one. that would be weird.

Your point about evil leaders tho, paizo has no excuse on that one. i loved the old item that turned healing into an adiction. such a good interpetation of "evil healing" we need so much more of that.

Ridiculon wrote:

Also, in the specific case of Create Pit, everyone seems to overlook a crucial fact. The reflex save never says you have to leave the area of the spell, it only says "Any creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to jump to safety in the nearest open space". If there is no open space nearer than the bottom of the pit then your reflex save will send you to the bottom of the pit, minus the falling damage. This was a change to the wording of the spell implemented in 2014, specifically to handle this exact argument. Can we please stop arguing about 2-3 year old, solved issues?

It doens't really though, seeing as a lot of pit spells, with the exception of create pit will stil do their desired effect if you end up at the bottom. if you make a save to avoid the effect, getting damage from the effect would be a problem in and of itself or as you would say "go through all of the pathfinder materiel you have access to and find one instance anywhere of someone/thing being denied the benefit of a successful save"

Reflex saving yourself into an acid pit that keeps damaging you for the duration of a spell that you saved against seems to contradict that.

Its actually an even bigger problem with pit spells as making the save will make you move to a different square. which you can't. so even if you were allowed to make the save, wether or not the result from that can even be executed is up for debate.

Rysky wrote:
Diekssus wrote:
Remeber the god that they worship has evil worshippers in the form of dragons, even have their own place in his afterlife. So in this particular case, it's okay, with Moonrunner's caviat.
Actually Apsu is LG so no, he doesn't have any evil worshippers.

Citing from Inner sea faiths "Apsu’s faith

isn’t limited to the metallic dragons, though—even
some of the most vile chromatic dragons venerate and
pledge support to Apsu,"

"A multienvironmental island floats at the edge of the realm,
home to the few chromatic dragons who serve Apsu in his home domain."

So yes he does.

Remeber the god that they worship has evil worshippers in the form of dragons, even have their own place in his afterlife. So in this particular case, it's okay, with Moonrunner's caviat.


my question is about Lictor Resarc Ountor. Appearing in two (relatively) recent publications; Scourge of the Godclaw and Path of the Hellknight.

The two representations are rather strikingly different. not just on a visual level but also whom they worship and what they do. (one in favor of co-operation between forces of law, the other convincing people to sell their soul to asmodeus).

In previous adventures characters have had changes happen over time. As an example. in kingmaker a king was boosted a few levels and sported a new evil outlook on life. however in that case the change was mentioned.

Not only that but considering the release dates were for the same month. I get the impression that it's not a intentional difference.

In shot, I wonder which one is cannon?

ChaosTicket wrote:
Dromer Greyskin wrote:
To which question?

you only asked one: "Also does it also gives the Special Abilities of each creature, such as +1 Natural Armor Bonus of a Turtle?"

if you want clarifiaction on "animal it resembles" the assumption is that you by default can only pick familiars of the animal type, so not some of the more exotic choices.

Aside from that its only there to establish that aside from what is described in the feat, it'll function exactly as a normal familiar.

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Right next character, a Yojimbo of the Order of the Ennead Star. I'm going to anime vilain this up.

Tychris wrote:
I also hope we get an update to Signifiers so that Wizards are more legitimate options for opting into it, because currently Cleric/Oracle is just the clearly superior class option.

um... dont you just take a dip lvl of cleric and the rest wizard to qualify? its twice the progression. works fine as it is now in my view, i just wish they would add features to allow themselves to represent different chapters like the normal hellknight prestige class.

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As long as my familiar can still conjure up an infernal contract detailing the deal with the paladin, with the clause that his soul is condemned to hell if he betrayes the spirit of the agreement. I'm totally fine with accepting his deal. this will be glorious!

I feel i should clarify, I meant keeping it 2 levels behind the pc's taking its CR into acount, so a level 8 group, would have a CR2+4sorc fearie dragon.

Well the things i would caution against are; picking a fearie dragon, they are as eretic as fey, and are quite the pranksters. Which can start to wear thin on the players after a while, the dragon wouldn't change its behavior like people would.

As for the problems of levels, keeping it 2 levels behind the pc's should be fine. making it not a hinder in combat yet clearly weaker so it doens't steal the show of your pc's (this is presuming that the encounters are intended for a group of 3 pc's) but yes, if it is to serve as anything other than a cheerleeder, it should gain level's. don't calculate xp, just keep it 2 levels behind the party.

Ashram wrote:
I hope not, considering we already have an order for that, Order of the Guard, AND we have the Honor Guard archetype, both of which I'm relatively sure a samurai can take.

They cannot take the archetype. the order is obviously fair play. This makes it doubly important, as samurai served as bodyguards (earth historicaly anyway) more often.

I cannot believe that we've dropped to the point of someone needing to go to the product page topic, to post spoilery bits about a free product....

Lithin wrote:


Is it possible to bulk download documents? Buying the big humble bundle you have to download a ton of different files instead of just 1 zipped.

Paizo files are marked with your own personal watermark. all files need to be individually watermarked, its for that reason that you'll have to download so many sepperate files.

Question, would a petitoner (hell) worshipper of Mahathallah work?
you know the kind who still has his memories and looks exactly like a human?

I wonder how they will deal with the powercreep that you get with doubling down on your evil. A problem with pathfinder ever since they've started to support evil again. But its still a concern. How am i as a Aspis Consortium agent going to compare to devilbound petitoners and elf to drow to half-fiend demon worshippers?

I mean, If we are playing this campaign, redemption is probably not high on the priority list. So why not dam ourselves utterly if we can get a shot at ultimate power out of it? Ending up as a larva in the abyss is going to suck anyway. why not try to become a half-fiend? Are the Deamons going to eat my soul harder if i dont become a lich as soon as i can?

Aspis Consortium agents will have it hard.....

6. @#$%-Up Some Leshys Take that, adorable plant-people!

Hell yes lets do this!

SlimGauge wrote:

Bonded Mask arcane discovery can be found on the Archives of Nethys

The source is Pathfinder Adventure Path #80: Empty Graves (Mummy’s Mask 2 of 6)

with your curiousity indulged, any input on the actual question? :)

DM_Blake wrote:

What it means:

"While you wear THIS mask, you cannot wear any OTHER magical items in the head-slot, but of course you CAN wear THIS mask in your head-slot; in fact, you're required to wear THIS mask in your head-slot. Enchanting THIS mask means it still occupies your head-slot and you still cannot wear OTHER magical items in this slot."

Nothing about the rule that I've seen so far in this thread prevents enchanting this mask.

Remember, the mask is non-magical, the feat gives the benefit.

Orfamay Quest wrote:
SlimGauge wrote:

You do not own the PDF to cut and paste from ?

Arcane Anthology wrote:

Nameless One

You completely eschew your former identity, making you impossible to locate or even name.
[benefits unrelated to the question at hand left out]
While benefiting from this feat, you cannot wear any magic items in the head slot, as the mask used by this effect effectively occupies this
slot (though this benefit is not magical for the purpose of dispel magic and other effects).
[penalties for revealing your identities are unrelated and left out]
I don't see anything in that description that prevents someone from enchanting the mask.

"you cannot wear any magic items in the head slot"

an enchanted mask is still considerd a magic item right?

SlimGauge wrote:

You do not own the PDF to cut and paste from ?,

I'm also searching for what you call "the apropriate[sic] wizard discovery" but haven't found it yet. Do you recall its name ?

Nope, don't have the pdf, I only manage the paper versions of our group.

But if i recal the discovery is in the second part of the Mummy mask campaign. its called bonded mask.

Edit: found it on a forum, source is correct

Bonded Mask: Your devotion to the Forgotten Pharaoh
enables you to select a mask—typically an Osirian funerary
mask—as your bonded item. The mask must be worn
to have effect, and occupies the head slot. In addition,
the mask shields you from notice. While wearing your
bonded mask, efforts to use the Diplomacy skill to gather
information about you take a –1 penalty, and you gain a +1
competence bonus on all saving throws against scrying and
mind-reading effects that allow saving throws.

2 androids would not unbalance the points enough for that to matter, its the party avarage that is important. in a group of humans, you can easilly get a race with more then 30rp going.

OldSkoolRPG wrote:
Diekssus wrote:
DM_Blake wrote:

As I understand it, you're wearing a mask that occupies the head slot. That mask is not (initially) magical. But it is large enough that it fully occupies the slot and doesn't let you use a different magical item in that slot.

But you want to enchant that mask.

Right so far?

All of this should be allowed by the RAW for home games, assuming your mask qualifies as a masterwork item suitable for enchanting. PFS maybe not so much since they don't allow custom magic items.

However, using it as a bonded item would first require a specific class ability that lets you choose a head-slot item - normally you cannot. But it seems you've found a couple options for this, so using those exceptions there should be no problem.

I would tend to agree with that, from a reasonable standpoint. however the phrasing of the feat led me to doubt:

"While benefiting from this feat, you cannot wear any magic items in the head slot, as the mask used by this effect effectively occupies this slot"

It specifically mentions any magic items in the head slot.

It is hard to offer insight on a feat that isn't available online yet. If you post the full text of the feat you are more likely to get relevant answers.

do you have any idea how long that one is, its half a page of tekst.

DM_Blake wrote:

As I understand it, you're wearing a mask that occupies the head slot. That mask is not (initially) magical. But it is large enough that it fully occupies the slot and doesn't let you use a different magical item in that slot.

But you want to enchant that mask.

Right so far?

All of this should be allowed by the RAW for home games, assuming your mask qualifies as a masterwork item suitable for enchanting. PFS maybe not so much since they don't allow custom magic items.

However, using it as a bonded item would first require a specific class ability that lets you choose a head-slot item - normally you cannot. But it seems you've found a couple options for this, so using those exceptions there should be no problem.

I would tend to agree with that, from a reasonable standpoint. however the phrasing of the feat led me to doubt:

"While benefiting from this feat, you cannot wear any magic items in the head slot, as the mask used by this effect effectively occupies this slot"

It specifically mentions any magic items in the head slot.

KingDrache64 wrote:

So it seems like the PC has to be actively involved in the encounter to gain xp from it.

And being "involved" in the encounter is probably up to the GM as well.

But I do have the feat Master's voice which allows me to have constant mind link with them so hopefully that will be enough to convince him.

Remember that cohort's and the like are usually weaker than your main character, your GM might rule that the encounter was to easy for you to learn anything from it because of that.

Wszebor Uriev wrote:

I can't see much trouble so long as you stay within those guidelines. If you send the cohort on a trip on his own and you RP the cohort, then give him XP. If the XP exceeds his possible level you have two options. One: the cohort doesn't advance to the next level. Two: the cohort becomes an independent NPC.

That's how I'd do it, anyways.

Your quote also reveals why he wouldn't earn experience for his "master" he doesn't count as a partymember, ergo, no experience.

KingDrache64 wrote:

When it comes to classes with thralls, or cohorts from leadership feat, perhaps familiars from summoners things that are part of your character, do you gain the same xp or diminished xp from them?

I am wanting to play as my Thrall and let my Thrall herd retire for a few missions. Assuming my GM is okay with this (he is) would my thrall heard continue to gain xp as I level the Thrall?

This also adds the prospect of sending all my believers on mini missions to gain a miniscule amount of steady xp for me... Just pushing the idea further here.

short answer, they don't. they cannot get XP on their own without stopping to be a familiar or cohort.

SlimGauge wrote:

The tension is between these two sentences in the Arcane Bond rules

Arcane Bond wrote:
Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon.

Several paragraphs later, in the section that talks about repairing or replacing a bonded item.

Arcane Bond wrote:
A wizard can designate an existing magic item as his bonded item.

I don't believe this is a case of the second overriding the first, because there is an interpretation that lets them co-exist. I believe the second sentence only allows a wizard to designate an existing magic item FROM THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY as his bonded item.

Your mileage may vary, check with your GM.

EDIT: I can't find a feat called "Nameless One". What is the source ?

The source of the feat is arcane anthology

however like i mentioned there is a discovery that allows a wizard to take a mask as a bonded item. The hellknight spellcaster prestige class allows for the same thing. It is also not about arcane bonds specificaly, again the orc witch archetype also gets a mask that magic can be added to. It also does not add to my original question. That is, if the feat specifically mentions that you cannot have a magical item in the head slot, can you have the mask in the feat made magical.

The the Nameless One feat mentions that your mask takes up a magic item slot. However, how does this work with enchanting that mask? If one takes the apropriate wizard discovery can it be a bonded item to, and would that allow you to add magical qualities to it? would it also be able to be used as a Fetish Mask from the orc witch archetype (that also allows the adition of magical qualities)?

The question has no rush, just working on possible characters

yes..... Squid pro ro

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I'd like to read the player guide first, however a Sahkil pact wizard with damnation feats is high on the list.

I just hope I'm not alone in apreciating that the title of archduke holds any worth in a fantasy setting. history can be so silly sometimes.

Looking forward to this adventure, time to get litigious! I loved being able to use bureaucracy against Cheliax in the second adventure, using infernal contracts against THEM..... way to stimulating to even think about.


It better live up to the expectation ;)

Everything is improved by the inclusion of more metal. Get these dice!

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Fabian Benavente wrote:
The original concept ideas included two tieflings which later decanted into humans. One of the players asked about a strix but I thought it was just too weird, specially for an urban adventure.

Considering that this is one of the few, if not only, campaigns with strix as a playable race being plausible. that's to bad.

One of my players who previously wanted to play a paladin actually switched into a lawful neutral Airborne Ambusher, who wants to join the hell knights.

He did take the Cloak of Feathers feat at level 1 in order for him to blend in better.

All because he wanted play a stix once in a campaign path :P

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My group looks as follow's

a rogue(Kintago rebel) of the Sarini family going for noble scion later.

a Wizard(instructor) best friend of the character above. The brains behind the escapades they got into.

a Cavalier(Esquire) with a (herald squire) cohort, Order of the blue rose, worshiper of Milani.

a Paladin (chosen) of Iomedae, used to be a farmer, got chosen one day, could live under law before, but no more.

Thematically its fantastic. nice dynamic, I'm seriously doubting their survivability. It is cohort heavy, so that should make it a bit more viable.

I just hope that one can at least moderate his own damnation. I'd love to play as a lawfull neutral member of the godclaw, getting revenge on those arogant imodeans for hogging her artifacts. Otherwise I'll break out my evil stash again i suppose.

MMCJawa wrote:
nor errors...the way the printing process works IIRC, for the book to be released in Mid August would mean its probably already on a boat coming across the Pacific.

true enough, however we are generally not privileged to know when the delay occurs, often company's may try to save time on other parts of the process in order to catch up, only to adjust the date when that falls through.

Dragon78 wrote:
What delay?

They changed the date from early august, to mid august. Not a big one, so I wondered if it was related to shipping or getting out some last minute errors. Heine Stick thanks for the link.

I'm rather curious what caused the delay this time. Although I'm fine with it, better a well written book then one that needs to be errata'd to be useful. Still its the second 'postponing, the previous estimation to optimistic? or just the idea of, a lot of other things ship august, lets just bundle it up.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Planar Focus - This one lets you gain a ton of new options for the Hunter's animal focus class feature, based on different planes.

wait wait, does this mean I could make an unchained summoner, Slap on the naturalist archetype, get this feat, and make eidolon's based on a specific outsider and have them use animal focus of that outsider? that's insane, that better not have any benefits that would stack.

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LazarX wrote:
There usually isn't even then...the lifespans of the players are a limiting factor. :)

Luckily, there are plenty of ways for people to become immortal in pathfinder. Some obviously more morally dubious then others certainly. But it would be rare for you to run out of options.

However when playing as monsters, it can be incredibly hard. I've played a skulk before in a kingmaker campaign. He eventually had to become a half-babu in order to keep him alive.

To get back to one of the earliest questions; Hags are immortal as far as they've been shown to be in adventures so far. There have been hags of hundreds of years of age without any age category modification.

Sadly no collected source for this. It's mostly scrounging for assumptions.

wasted. It is not a feat that has any effect if gained multiple times. If you want to be even more wasteful, play a class with the domain feature and take nobility.

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