elgabalawi's page
Organized Play Member. 221 posts (1,553 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.
With DB blocking Red from K'Marz, he moves up and fires a ray of frost at Black
attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 for probably not damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 4) + 4 = 10
GM MattMorris wrote: Good idea on the hero point, Brian. Did I remember to give everyone 1 after the zoo? I don't think I did. So, 1 to Brian and Tim, 2 to Alex.
woot! every once in a while i remember something non-combat oriented about one of my characters :-)
Derrikk moves in, sees where the final xulgath has gone, and directs Adora to attack.
jaws: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 1 = 17 for piercing: 1d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 10 one of which is fire
Annalise Wilblund wrote: Annalise will dispense any healing the party needs
For Red
[dice=Cure light wounds]1d8+1
[dice=Cure light wounds]1d8+1
Vyr Embar wrote: want to A-L and slips to Red? sorry, not sure what this means
GM MattMorris wrote: I'm going to you give a circumstance bonus for the round for describing that dramatic trick! So, we'll call that a success and a success from Send in the Clowns.
[ooc]I'll take it! But I thought they were already both successes with a 17 and 18, right? Or am I missing something?
Orm Blueleaf wrote: Ok, so in addition to the cash reward, here's a summary of other items we got and who I have recorded getting them, plus stuff from earlier that was never claimed, so I made some suggestions of who should take it. Please take note and add to your character sheet :)
Thelonious: wondrous figurine, scroll of mending, scroll of remove paralysis and scroll of restoration.
Derrick: Coyote cloak, climbing arrow, silversheen, +1 rune from sickle to transfer
Papillon: healer’s gloves
Orm: monkey pin, lesser salamander elixir
Unclaimed Magic with suggested carriers/users:
oil of mending (just put in party pool; Orm happy to carry it),
savior spike (needs to attach to armor, so Thelonious or Derrick),
Owlbear claw trinket [Talisman that gives attack weapon specialization effect to an attack, so I’d say Papillon since knife is 1d6 bleed]
feather token (holly bush) [Thelonious since it can give you cover]
sounds good to me. didn't we all get rings too?
GM MattMorris wrote: The orcs have the tell-tale signs of being killed by adventurers within the last 24 hours.
Ha! I seriously had not put it together that these were the ones we had killed. I like to think that if I had been there in person I would have taken greater notice of the dead bodies still not lying around and maybe recognized a dead orc or two as well, but who knows :-)
GM MattMorris wrote: You're right Alex. I could have sworn I adjusted your HP, but every enemy having 3 actions takes its toll on me.
beyond understandable!
Thelonious Junebug wrote: Every time you forget I just want you to picture that bard meme where the girl is playing the flute and crying. that is completely fair and appropriate
I know! I think maybe it's some sort of trauma response.
Thelonious Junebug wrote: Thelonious takes off running after Orm.
Happy Birthday, Alex! Hope you had a great day.
Thanks! working on site (I'm on a one week out of every three rotation, and it worked out that this was my week) was a bit of a drag, but the Indian food and The Voice watching made up for it when i got home
GM MattMorris wrote: Uhtred son of Uhtred wrote: Uhtred would use no escape. I'm only seeing 16 points of damage that Uhtred took 6, and 10. Was that part of the screwy numbers? That first hit is a crit, so 12 whoops. saw the 27 and was thinking it missed by 1, but didn't notice the actual 20 :-(
not that it matters, but Derrikk the Dwarven Wolf Lord's background is Animal Whisperer and his act will revolve around his wolf companion. I certainly don't mind another animal trainer in the group, but if you're looking for something different ...
sounds fantastic. glad to have you along!
I have religion, thievery, and stealth as well (along with acro and a couple of lores)
I haven't fully flushed out the skills for Derrikk, but yes to survival, nature, and medicine at the least.
It's all coming together!
well, i feel lame about it, but i think i've gone to the dwarf ranger with the wolf companion. i admit it, i like succeeding too much and the -2 to wis was just killing it :-(.
But Derrik the Dwarven Wolf Lord is super pumped to be invited along.
Hey Tim, I was just coming on to say that I could try to put together a monk if we needed melee. Your ideas around it sound more interesting than mine, though :-)
anyway, let me know if you'd really rather do the bard, and I'll look more into it.
argh. now i'm back to thinking about dwarf ranger with a bear. we'll see. I'll be sure to update you every step of the way, though. ;-)
update for those who are bored or have the time to be thinking about this stuff right now. I think I'm going to go with a goblin ranger who has a wolf companion (slash mount). currently his contribution to the circus is just "taming" the wolf, but he hopes to work up to adding in his growing archery skills down the road.
Hey Jessica,
Glad to have you on board. I'm Alex.
I'll try to ponder more over the weekend and see if any more thoughts rise to the surface regarding a character. Otherwise, I'll just stick with the ranger, but I'll let folks know when I can. Matt, feel free to put a hoped for timeline out; I'll probably work faster under pressure :-)
I'm thinking of maybe a ranger with a bear animal companion who he "tames." And then maybe adding some archery to it as he progresses.
i seem to have forgotten how to do this. I posted and deleted, but it's still not showing up anywhere for me to get back to this campaign/thread that I can find. Brian's clearly screening my calls, so if someone has the time to remind me, that would be cool. I'll try to track it down later as well. thanks
well, i'm coming up as a character in the character tab, i just thought i remembered it coming up in my alias's "campaign" tab as well. maybe i'm misremembering
hmm. i also went back to add a picture to this guy and posted again, but the picture didn't show. i feel like i've managed screw everything up :-)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sorry, I'm at work and can't remember my google password to be able to log in and adjust the map - I know it's some version of "i f!#$ing hate passwords," but i can't remember what is capitalized and what isn't
Flynn moves 5ft. south/down on the map and takes total defense as he waits to see what happens next
let's see what Gorum brings us he whispers to himself
cool. thanks. in fact, i think it was the arcane pool stuff that i was half remembering but forgot that it was specific to that ability.
i believe the answer to my question in the subject is yes, but i couldn't find anything as definitive as i would like (even though i thought i had seen something at one point).
oh, and in case it isn't clear enough in the subject i'm asking if i cast magic vestment on my +1 armor, at a level at which magic vestment gives a +1 enhancement bonus, does the armor acts as +2 armor? and likewise with magic weapon.
thanks in advance for any insight.
ah, radiant flight is what i was thinking of, but i'll check out the celestial plate as well.
Thanks so much!
I thought I saw something in one of the books a bit ago that was purchasable 1/day flying enhancement for heavy armor, or maybe it was a specific full plate that could fly once a day, but now I can't manage to find it anywhere.
Does that ring a bell for anyone? and if so, could you fill me in?
Thanks in advance!
So there's feat ways to get decided to damage for slashing weapons (dervish dance, slashing grace), but I can't find one for an actual piercing weapon. Anyone have any insight on this? It doesn't have to be a feat, just want dex to damage on a rapier without buying the agile property.
Thanks in advance
Thanks! I'll check that out
Hi, does anyone know of any magical items that give an extra channel or two per day? Thanks
Sounds logical to me.
Thanks again
this is for a pfs character, so is there anything you would have me point to in particular to state my case?
hey, so if my magus has the silent spell arcana and the still spell arcana, can he use both of them at once to cast a silent and still spell?
thanks in advance
Argh, those are exactly what I was looking for, mythic stuff isn't pfs legal, right?
Hmm, I'm not seeing the bonus to breaking doors with the size increase in the spell description. If you could point me to that, that would be super. Thanks
Given the cost, I may start with just purchasing some enlarge person pots. I hadn't thought of that, but it could be worth it for the occasional flavor
I will now commence looking at all that
Yeah, not quite what I'm looking for, but thanks for the thought.
Thanks, this is for a pfs character, but that's nice to know.
Wish I had known about that
Never leave home without it :-)
Thanks, I'll check that out. Looking for fun flavor for my barbarian who might take that rage power that gives a +8 to breaking stuff