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DeltaCain's page

Organized Play Member. 59 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I don't know if this has been brought up before. Google didn't seem to return any immediate results to indicate that, that would be the case so I apologize before hand if this beating a dead horse.

But something I've noticed in regards to Hellknights, in particular this one minor order, Order of the Pike, is that their lore describes them having a lot in common with the Order of the Nail, additionally it seems Nail sponsored their way back in as a minor order. Despite this, the listed analogous order for the Order of the Pike is in fact the Order of the Scourge.

Less a question and more of a statement I suppose, but it feels like this might have been accidental. The obedience's of Nail also seem to be a better fit than Scourges such as getting a favored enemy type, getting to use status as a spell-like, mage's dis-junction as an exception for the third level boon, admittedly that doesn't seem to fit super well for a naturalistic flavored order but 2/3 ain't bad.

Also, admittedly Scourge's aren't completely out of place in Pike, but Nail's seem to be the obvious fit, at least to me.

Am I missing something here, what is the connection between Pike and Scourge?

tivadar27 wrote:
The site (organized play foundation) currently appears to be down... not sure if something's being updated, but figured I'd report it.

Few months later it still seems broken. Also the additional resources link just takes you to the home page. Seems none of us have access to the document now.

I know this is not likely the place to be submitting this, but would any of you chaps be willing to spit some ideas for homebrewing some kind of academy in Xa Hoi? Probably themed around draconic sorcery and the like considering the country is ruled by a sovereign dragon.

29. [Xa Hoi] Phở Rồng: a broth made from the bones of drakes, seasoned with ginger, fish sauce, fire salts, and brown sugar. And served with cilantro, (drake flanks if any left), pork belly, sliced carrots, onions in a bowl with rice noodles.

Also forgive the run on sentences please. It is mostly stream of conscious at this point.

I have in my head a setting I’m trying to flesh out, please feel free to jump on this if it interests you, a setting in which the power house Xa Hoi is tricked into aggression in picking a fight with their neighbor Dtang Ma by some sort of third nations false flag operation, possibly Nagajor, who is waiting to swoop in like carrion in the aftermath of the Great War between the two of the investigating party doesn’t discover and intervene somehow.

JohnTheSavage wrote:

I'm interested. Still deciding on an exact character concept but I'm planning on whipping up a ninja or something ninja-adjacent.

Is there any wiggle room on the "all characters begin play at adulthood" rule? I might have a couple ideas for a middle-aged or old character.

I had considered it once before but it being a sort of living world where drop-in style games happen, the age categories outside of being aged magically are just too munchkins for INT casters.

Gilthanis wrote:
Interested. Do you want basics for Pc thoughts or full characters?

Either or is fine.

The party currently consists of two martials if that gives some perspective into what might be needed.

In the traditional party composition, a rogue, a healer, or a wizard would be helpful.

When generating character backstories keep in mind the following : I don’t particularly care for edge lords, and for the most part the setting leans pretty lawful as far as alignments are concerned. And lastly the primary objective is escorting an infant, so you’ll need to play characters that are adventurers with a mind that would do so.

Mythicman19 wrote:
I have an idea for an inquisitor with the preacher archetype, who just wants to help people but seems to be at ends with the current daimyos leadership.

That could be interesting, DM incoming.

Simeon wrote:
Seems interesting. Not sure exactly what I'll make. Are the character creation rules the same as what's in the google doc?


Kita Kyuichi wrote:

There is a space in that link, but removing it seems to work:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rx3dkDxS8Fjy7Iymglx_jJ2wLqLr5IOAZoC9waL l3Zc

This Samurai was a character I absolutely loved in PFS, but I am not doing PFS anymore, so I would be willing to rebuild him according to your rules.

I would need to rethink his Daimyo's motivations if there is no Society involved in this campaign at all, but that would be a minor tweak only.

There are no pathfinder society factions involved but I’d be glad to have you join I’ll send you a PM ago the discord

Mythicman19 wrote:
I’m interested but can’t use the link to access the character creation rules.

Sorry about that, hopefully this does the trick: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rx3dkDxS8Fjy7Iymglx_jJ2wLqLr5IOAZoC9waL l3Zc

Hi, I GM for a play by post campaign on discord that’s been ongoing for a few months now. There is still one player involved, but others fht volunteered have dipped due to life happening.

**Name of Game**: Majoko Odyssey
**System**: play by post
**Resources**: 1pp, with some optional rulesets and home rules.
**Setting**: Golarion-Minkai (basically pathfinder feudal Japan)
**Sites**: my personal discord and forum page.
**Character creation: we use these rules https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rx3dkDxS8Fjy7Iymglx_jJ2wLqLr5IOAZoC9waL l3Zc/edit#
**Frequency**: around one post a day, more or less. It’s PBP so it’s really at the convenience of the individual.
**Description**: The lone player left is organizing the means of transporting a “magical child” over a trek cross country, hoping to find a home for her.

Please apply here with a basic character concept if you’re interested.

Thanks, Delta.

Is there any chance in the future that you guys will elaborate on the listed philosophy Ichimeiyo?

I speculate that it's supposed to be mostly a reflection on the Japanese code of chivalry Bushido but it only has a paragraph that I've seen saying it's simply a code of honor.

Or go into more detail about what exactly that code of honor entails? Asides from just striving to always be better.

Hi, so typing this from my phone so I hope everything appears correct enough to comprehend.

I’ve noticed a kind of proclivity in the fantasy genre and with pathfinder to gravitate towards cats, wolves, foxes, etc. but there are really only a couple of true dogs and no playable race for them. Will Paizo ever branch out the “hounds” as options for player characters be they an equally competent choice of animal companion or as a kind of “dogfolk” playable race? I apologize if the question had been answered before but it is kind of anticipated with quite a few of the players I know and with some of the forum posters on this site.

I understand that for most the answer is dogs come from wolves yadayadayada, but biologically only some dog breeds are directly descended from modern wolves, there was the split from the direwolf from the wolf as we know it and the mollosus.

Anyways hope this question finds you well, aurevoir

Can the magehunter prc cast with a 2 handed weapon?

So I’m running an espionage campaign where all my players are twilight talons. Since they belong to an organization I figure it’s only natural if there is an advancement pending their success. Unfortunately I have no idea what it is they should “advance” or promote to seeing as they’re all virtually medieval black ops agents.

My first thought is that since they are a branch of the Eagle knights they should promote amongst them, however I have no idea what those ranks might resemble since I don’t think there’s a source that lists any. Being a para-military organization it feels wrong to have essentially secret agents actual ranks start at something like private.

So if you’re willing give me a crack at what you think they should “promote” through.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you all for your insightful replies!

Actually vital strike wouldn't apply.

EDIT: so under definition 2 it would pretty much just be the rend feats.

From feats it would be:

All-consuming swing
Deadly Stroke
Great Rend
Greater Blood Frenzy
Greater Vital Strike
Improved Vital Strike
Rending Swarm
Startoss Comet
Startoss Shower
Two-weapon Rend
Weapon Tricks Two Handed weapons: Cleaving Smash/Crush Armor

-most of these are directly related to vital strike, so I assume the feat under the second interpretation would replace the strength bonus to dex bonus in that situation.

a quick search in herolab under the feats tab for the term "Additional Damage" reveals that between paizo and dreamscarred the term shows up in 34 different feats.

Dasrak wrote:

I agree with Omnius, that sounds like an extremely pedantic reading. The feat is extremely clear about what it does, and it seems like you're just looking to find an interpretation that neuters it. If you don't like it, don't allow it at your table.

On second look, what does the feat even do under the second interpretation? I can't think of any effects that are phrased specifically enough to actually benefit from it if you're being pedantic to that extreme. What effects actually give a strength bonus to melee damage and use the specific words "additional damage"?

In the core game vital strike is the first that comes to mind... two-weapon rend. But I think it's mostly maneuvers and stances from path of war.

I don't think they're being too pendantic at all honestly. The other side has specific instances, and from the balance approach of the game I could see it meaning specific instances of *additional damage* because it would otherwise make things like slashing grace/fencing grace/ agile weapon enchants obsolete.


So this has caused a bit of a heated debate on one of my servers online. Essentially there are two schools of thought i've seen.

1. Deadly Agility is a straight replacement for STR to DEX on damage rolls when using the weapons outlined in the feat.

2. Deadly Agility only replaces STR to DEX on things called out specifically as *additional damage*.

As it's written I lean towards the latter. But, some are arguing that additional damage is not a defined game term in the combat rules are glossary and that it's contextual definition is implying that it means that damage modifier on the weapon damage rolls for those specific weapons.

The other half of the argument is saying that it allows you to use DEX instead of STR on specific feats in abilities that refer to additional damage, and in the context of the Path of War System strikes/stances/initiator abilities that state that they deal additional damage. Not the damage modifier from the weapons normal attack roll.


So going through the wild hunt section makes mention that the wild hunt are given their own sub-type of fey I presume, and each monster listed in the wild hunt section lists a few abilities but I noticed one in particular that doesn't have a description.

Under the descriptive abilities for all the wild hunt monsters they list defensive grace... but I can't find that anywhere.

Any chance one of you guys have found something, or we can get an faq update as to what the wild hunt sub-type does, and what some of the missing defensive abilities do?

dragonhunterq wrote:
I thought they might have got it from this PFS source, but I can't see the maulaxe on the thrown list.

If there was a way for me to +1 your post I would.

So in herolab user the fighter weapon group for the maulaxe is listed as (axes, hammers, thrown). https://prnt.sc/ha3rye

However when I search the source text, Adventurer's Armory, and free sources like the pfsrd or archives of nethys the weapon grouping doesn't appear. Am I blind?

Is herolab full of s+&*, or do they know something we don't?

Horas Ebonfeather wrote:

I was trying to build a sniper around the idea of ,Cairn the longshot from Trigun.

I was going to use 5 lvls of Gunslinger; musket master,
than take rogue 6 lvls, sniper archetype with gives me the +10 feet for sneak attack per 3 lvls, than take rogue talents and use ninja trick talent and use all three talents on deadly range will add 30 ft to my sneak attack to a total of 80 feet. Than with the distance magic on my musket plus the musket master ability it would make the first range increment 100 ft.
My feat selection would be, point blank shot, precise shot, improved precise shot, rapid shot for sure
maybe wpn focus, snap shot, snap shot improved, and improved initiative

what do you think of this idea.

I realize that this is pretty late. But irl the suppressor placed on a sniper rifle isn't designed to stop people from hearing you. It's been my experience that suppressed weapons are loud as f@*%. A suppressors main job is to prevent spotters from seeing the muzzle flare. Snipers are trying to sneak in, collect data, make one shot if they have to, and leave without being seen unless they're in overwatching positions and then in that situation, their stealth isn't usually that necessary.

I do realize that this is a fantasy game, I just hope some irl stuff can lend some ideas to the character concept. Oil of silence is a neat magic item tho seeing as it completely mutes the weapon, tho doesn't necessarily stop the flash or the cloud of smoke usually associated with black powder weapons.

Lathiira wrote:

From a strict role-playing/versimilitude perspective, I'd have to ask how you mechanically have apprentices under this system.

You're a wizard. Over the course of time you form a bond with a young man who shows some interest in learning the arcane arts. We'll say for now he's an expert 1 (merchant family, learned the basics of the trade). How would you reflect over time his growth and development as a wizard? Since can only have NPC classes, he'll always be stuck without even the beginnings of magic.

This same idea could apply to any class: a cleric recruiting an acolyte, a knight training a squire, etc. Classes don't give abilities all that often that say "this NPC gains a level in a class of your choice". Nor do feats.

Just figured I'd ask, maybe I'm missing something here.

tbf their is somewhat a suggestion in the rules that pulls towards that cohorts only have NPC classes anyway, we just spell it out here. like the Squire/lightbearer/and groom feats suggest.

As far as that goes the adept npc class is a magic using class that could completely fill the role of a Wizards apprentice.

So a sort of living world group of mine are discussing the potential use of leadership in our setting instead of defaulting into banning it. Each of use are coming up with our own format to present and then we'll decide on one. This is what I have so far:

Players may recruit a cohort after feat investment inside of a quest or campaign tbd by the GM after the GM has determined the leadership score of the player character. After completion of the session the player may design the cohort using the following rules:

I feel like my format presented has a very strict control over what cohorts can/can't be.

1. A player may only recruit a cohort, and may only ever have 1 cohort.
2. Cohorts may only take levels in NPC classes unless a feat or ability specifies otherwise.
3. Cohorts may only be made from allowable races.
4. Cohorts use the NPC heroic stat array.
5. Cohorts do not use the Automatic Bonus Progression.
6. Cohorts use the NPC heroic wealth by level array, this progresses as a cohort levels.
7. A Cohort may never have a cohort or follower of their own no matter the circumstances.
8. Cohorts never receive gold from a session, instead they may only receive wealth through leveling. Their wbl represents their salary from their master.
9. Cohorts do not receive a consumables allowance, if a player wants to equip their cohort with consumables they must do so out of their own pocket, or with their own allowance.
10. Cohorts are controlled similarly to animal companions, the player may roleplay both his PC and his cohort.
11. A GM may refuse the use of cohorts at their table.

Please let me know if you see any major holes in this format, and please share any leadership formats you like to use at your table as well more ideas the better.

Yeah I'm sort of leaning towards that one, but there are a few alternate racial traits that leaves some room for doubt, and so I figured I'd source out for info.

Using Wyvaran as the example.

If I replace Dark vision(rp/-) and slapping tail (rp/3) for evasive maneuevers (rp/unlisted) what is the total race point value of my wyvaran character.

Is it:

a.) 17;alternate racial traits without a listed value are considered equal to the thing(s) they are replacing?

B.) 14; removing slapping tail reduces the value by 3.

C.) Unknown; Evasive maneuvers has an unlisted rp value effectively making the character an unlisted RP race now.

Advisement much appreciated.

I was trying to make a James Lahey sort of character from Trailer Park, when I noticed that there just aren't that many alcohol inspired classes, or effects. Open to suggestions. Right now i've got a:

Human-Fighter (Cad) (antihero)
Drunkard's recovery
---that's about it.

I kind of want to do something divine based instead, where the character is inspired by a metaphysical force known as "The Liquor", but i'm sort of lost on where to go with that.

MageHunter wrote:
I think for shirren sex the idea is that male means they have sperm, females have eggs, and the host has the 'incubator' plus some certain traits. Unlike humans that seems to be the only biological difference, so I don't think shirren care too much about pronouns. Also they are telepathic as well as having a bug language, so their language might get weird. They is probably best.

In the AP that was released the host Shirren introduced specifies that Host Shirren are referred to with gender neutral pronouns, that's just how they do it in their culture, so this is correct.

I have a bone to pick with mechs in the realistic tactical sense, is that they usually present a big silhouette, and super destructive weapons often get miniaturized to the infantry level. Unless the mechs are little bigger than infantrymen like how powered armor is presented, you're just kind of a big target that enemies could range out.

It is with great enthusiasm that we write this letter to inform you of your acceptance as a member of the auxiliary forces of the prestigious Dwarven Ninth Battalion. Your report date is no later than [star-date time group] at star fort Earth-Axle to begin orientation, in processing, basic combat training, group assignment, and campaign. We wish you luck and success in the next steps of your service as a member of the auxiliary forces in support of the Dwarven Ninth Battalion.

We cede not one more inch of rock.
MacCraig, Charon General Commander, Ninth Battalion
MacCullen, Torval Lieutenant General Adjutant, Ninth Battalion
Grainne, Astrid Major Commander, Auxiliary Forces

Like many races after the gap, the Dwarven people are also a people without a homeland. The Ninth Battalion serves the interests of Dwarven-kind; their security, and the preservation of tradition and the Dwarven way of life.
RIPPED FROM FACTION GUIDE: A military force without borders, the Ninth Battalion seeks to bolster its threatened brethren whenever and wherever needed. When not directly involved in ongoing combat operations, the dwarves of the Ninth Battalion focus on forging the ultimate in armor and weapons, ensuring their members are equipped with the very best the Ninth Battalion has to offer. Military drills are commonplace, as are the legendary celebrations in the Ninth Battalion’s feast halls that frequently follow.

I'm working on a war setting for a few players of mine. Tentatively, a major dwarven military organization [still fleshing out titles], are locked in extended combat, ground and interstellar, with a confederation of Green Skins (Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Orcs, maybe a few other minority races).

My first sort of introductory sessions will actually be the players are in a basic training on "Battlestation Janderhoff".

Where the players will establish/flesh out their roles like Squad Leader, Heavy Weapons, Sniper, etc. And will go over drills, and reactions etc.

Learn how to call for artillery fire, evac, air support.

Do unarmed strikes count as operative weapons for the purposes of applying dex to your attack rolls?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
How much by the rules does resolve heal?

Spending a resolve point and resting for 10 minutes replenishes (or 'heals') all of your stamina.

Gilfalas wrote:
Paizo Inc. Community Use Policy wrote:
"These character and starship sheets use trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. These sheets are not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com."

Fillable Auto Math Character Sheet

Fillable Starship Sheet w/ Selection Fields

When I click the link I get directed to Lumin, where it says I need permission from you (or whoever the owner might be) any chance I can get that, or you can make the sheet public somehow?

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