
Degoon Squad's page

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IM at present looking for an inexpensive way to aquire animals herds of Bison Impala,, a few elephants and a troop of baboons.
Im aware of Safari toobs and Animal planet tubes( And Safari LTD Alligator alive toob has enough Gators to make a James Bond villain happy and filled my needs for crocodiles) and have a number of each, but don't want to buy 5 tubes for just one figure per tube.

Im Starting a new game based on Rome where magic works. I can use regular Roman , Amazons, and Gaul figures for most melee type characters, but Im looking for Roman , Greek and Egyptian civilian figures for spell casters.

I am thinking of buying some Mantic dwarves with muskets and then using some of the arms/muskets on other plastic figures. Does anyone know if is possible to trade of pieces On the Mantic figures?

I should start by stating by non traditional Minis , I mean mostly small plastic/rubber toys Like Insect Dinosaurs, spiders, Snakes etc that are not sold as gaming Mini's, but are are sold in Dollar, party and toy stores and which many of us use to stretch our gaming dollars
And October for those who dont know is the best Month to buy them as many Dollar store, at least where I live, stock up on different types for Halloween decorations. Bags of cockroachs, spiders flys, and rats are hard to find most of the year but are well stocked at this time.
Only problem is do I hit my players with a CR 30 giant spider or 200 cr2 spiders next week?

I gotten hold of some ancient Greek/Amazon figures and thought it would be fun to add some city states based on the Athens and Plato"s Republic.
But when I thought about the Alignment of the cities I concluded they had to be Lawful Evil.Perhaps not the Devil Worshipping , baby sacrificing Lawful evil, but lawful evil leaning toward Neutral.
First you have slavery, a majority of Athens population were slaves and Plato in his Republic stated there should be 3 slaves for every citizen.
Then you have Athens aggressive policy of attacking and trying to conquer smaller cities just because they felt it was in Athens best interest, never mind the City just wanted to be left alone.
And then there their conduct in War slaughting the entire male population of cities they took and selling the women and children into slavery.
of course the people of Athens would ridicule that their actions where evil, stating they where natural for a city in their position and that one could walk the streets safely,that their laws where just, and people could discuss the issues of the day freely.

I am looking for some non human(Player races) figures I can use for gunslingers armed with muskets or blunderbuss. . So far I found plenty of human figures and a few dwarves and Pirate figures armed with pistols but looking for Musket armed ones. so far all I found are the Slaughterloo figures.

Just wondering if the map cards from the complete encounters can match up with the map cards from the map pack. and how they compare to each othr.

I have a BBEG who is a Necromancer and he wants some servants who dont stink up the place. The idea is smother or poison some slave girls, raise them as Zombies and then cast Gentle Repose to keep them from decaying.
So does Gentle Repose work on Undead or just the dead?

Title says it all. Im am looking for female caster that has both a mounted and dismounted figure. Might add I would prefer one that looked like she was going into the wilderness for hard fighting and not a photo shoot for Victoria secrets.

I was wondering how well maps fit together. to be specific I was looking at the river crossing deep forest and forest path as all three have a river and was wondering how they would look if i tried to line them all up.

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If some one .say like a Bone Oracle uses its command Undead to control an Undead like a Graveknight that already is controlling lesser undead, do the Undead controlled by the Graveknight count towards the Bone Oracle limit? Or are they considered controlled by the Graveknight still?

Skum are state to be all male and mate with human females when they breed at all.
Now many of these Skum appear as human and will not turn into a Skum till its about to die.
Now my question is if a Skum breeds while in its human stage is the offspring still going to turn into a Skum or is this true only after it transform from human to Skum?

After many a Battle our group finally defeated a Coven of Evil witches and their Hag leaders. And while searching the Lair of the Night hag we came across a pale skin girl of about 6 with One green eye and one blue.
The Rogue was for slitting the Changling throat, The Barbarian thought burning at the Stake was better, the Magnus thought she could fetch a few coins at the slave market while the Cleric said she should be locked up at a Nunnery for life , at Which point our Hedge Witch State Loudly that anyone who hurt the girl would answer to him and he would curse them forever .He then offered to our Paladin leader to forgo all shares of the treasure and rewards in return for the child to be raised as his daughter and apprentice.
This shut up everyone except the Cleric who insisted that the Changling was dangerous and could cause great evil when she came of age while the Witch stated while that was true, he understood her calling and would raise her so she used her powers for the good when the time came.This went on for some time between the Cleric and the Witch.
The Paladin finally sided with the Witch( Who is and is played as a Neutral good),who said the child was innocent of evil and should not be imprisoned for what she might do and the Witch was best suited to raise her. And now the Cleric is insisting on making a formal complaint to the Church about the Paladin .
Was wondering if anyone had any idea on how to handle the formal complaint . Would the Cleric word have more weight then the Paladin or would they be equal. And if they decide against the Paladin what would the punishment be?

The rules say an Eidolon appearance is up to the summoner but always looks like a fantastic creature.
If I am on an urban adventure and I summon my Eidolon and try to get it to appear Human (or as a half elf maid using the Fey template in my case ) what would be the chances of somebody noticing something is wrong? And could you use the disguise skill to make it blend in. granted certain evolution cannot be picked(Wings, tentacles,etc) cannot be used if you are trying to get your eidolon to blend in.

What I like, the art work is good and they are very sturdy with bases in all sizes.
What I dislike. The same picture is on both sides. I prefer there be a front and backside , like my cardboard hero figures.
Was wondering if the other pawns are printed with the same picture on both sides.

I know a Eidolon cannot use armor but does that include shields and magic items that add to defense like bracers and rings. And if you give your Eidolon an item does it stay with the Eidolon when it is dismissed and the Eidolon return with the item or will the eidolon lose the item in a Poker game while its in their home dimension?
And do most people give their Eidolon personalities and try to roll play them to any extent .

I want some of my bad guys to have Galleys with zombie rowers.
Since I need about 60 zombies on the oars this exceeds the command level of all but a few, very High level Casters. The zombies are to be just rowers and not combatants unless attacked.
Anyone have any idea on How I can do this and not have a High level on board at all time?

I know I am one of 12 gamers that prefers linux to Windows , And I alos now have an IPad.
I was just wondering if there is any chance of Pathfinders online going to be able to run on any other system but windows? I noticed in the Kickstarter Video the Computer was running on Ubuntu Linux I might add.

If you are behind some one and armed with a reach weapon can you fight or does your friend block you( Form a Phalanx and fight Hoplite style)
Also are there rules for Pikes in any of the books(Really , really long spears)