
Deedo's page

5 posts (195 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


Rive's Initiative
1d20 ⇒ 4

I pick him up and set him down in the line-up behind Atreos

Ok, let's go.

I finished rolling up characters. I made a Genasi Swordmage in case we need a Defender. As a back-up, I made a Tiefling Warlock (Dark Pact) in case we need another striker. I am happy to play either. I have different character concepts for both.

I am going to build the Genasi's character page and will just switch if we need something else.

I am sorry for the lack of posting...a couple of long work days. I am looking forward to fleshing something out tonight.

Hey all, just jumping in to say howdy.

I like the concept. Starting at level 2 ought to be fun.

I am thinking about a backstory concept (nothing solid just yet) and I have no idea what race/class I want to play. Does anyone have any strong feelings?

Hey all, this is Annette. I am posting as me (Deedo is the screen name) just t check this out. I will post in a second as my character.

Ooh, let me try my hand at the dice thing as well...

1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6