Artemis Entreri

Debrio's page

Goblin Squad Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

According to the FAQ at they are counting on having 20k slots filled after third month of EE. I don't know if some more PR is needed or if word of mouth will suffice in order to accomplish that.

Goblin Squad Member

And what would you consider a good number for the amount of individuals in the starting community during EE?

Goblin Squad Member

Roughly how many is following this game and it's progress? Does anyone know?

Goblin Squad Member

Bringslite wrote:
Debrio wrote:
Is it written in stone that all CE-aligned characters are aspiring serial killers?
No. I would not limit anyone to such a narrow niche. I do think that you would find a high percentage of psychopathic AND possibly serial killers in that range. What do you expect from a chaotic evil player that embraces the alignment according to the definition the RPG game gives us?

Well, there is obviously a whole range of possibilites limited by imagination really.

I think the key is to differ between third and first person perspective. A mentally deluded character who think he is doing something productive by pouring poison in a lake (for example) might not consider himself "evil", even though many would agree that the act itself is evil from a third person perspective.

That's why I'm a bit reluctant to the phrase: "If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse." But maybe I'm taking the philosophy-thing too far here.

Goblin Squad Member

Is it written in stone that all CE-aligned characters are aspiring serial killers?

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If implemented at some point I think player owned buildings should have a purpose other than "Look at my shiny new house".

Goblin Squad Member

Also, some people kill for the fun of it and might actually view the nagative standing gain as a plus. #burnjita

Just as in IRL, doing something "bad" has to be coupled with a risk that is worth considering.

Goblin Squad Member

Hopefully they have something pretty to deploy on the GW site. This thing could use a facelift.

Goblin Squad Member

It's an honor being spanked by Bluddwolf in public. Here is a friendly bump to compensate for my misstep.

Goblin Squad Member

Could you add me to UnNamed Company please?

Goblin Squad Member

I will take great pleasure in killing you all. How do you know what good is?

Goblin Squad Member

If more people log in we could add a Q-bot and stuff. Assuming you are authed.

Goblin Squad Member

Would love to see some IRC activity so I'm bumping this and hoping for the best :)

Goblin Squad Member

Cool idea, but what about other players waiting for a tough NPC to kill you, so they in turn can kill said NPC and get your gear without suffering any security penalties.