Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Dean gives up on the altar and draws his rapier, his eye on the double doors. "Take my mutated skeleton with you, will you?" he asks. "I'd hate for it to get damaged in the explosion. You can leave it in my rooms at the Academy; they're used to strange packages being delivered for me. I have just the right buyer in mind...."
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
"Looks like the only place to go is out," Dean says. "Let's go back up to the headmaster of the Academy; maybe he'll be able to tell us how to deal with that little beastie and her nasty pot of summoning." He eyes the stone basin on the dais. "Any chance that can be moved? We could use it to block the door until we get back." I believe I remember some kind of pedestal or basin in here....
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Sir Herbert Atkins wrote: She got an AOO for your standing up, then didn't get onewhen you grappeled, so you were successful. Then she succeeded her check to break free, and so vanished again.....Next round! Made her will save against the daze, I suppose? Not that it's hard to save against a cantrip. For all I know, she has spell resistance, too. Dean curses as the tiny pest vanishes and once again begins casting to locate her. round 1 of detect magic; can't pinpoint the aura until round 3
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Dean lets loose a surprised curse as his erstwhile bodyguard suddenly flies past him and splashes him with cold water. Desperately, he keeps his concentration, though, knowing he's the only one who can see the magical aura. He hopes that the rest of the group can fish Emanuel out -- and that what he's watching isn't just a decoy as the invisible imp flits up behind him ready to strike. Watching to see if the aura makes any move. If it doesn't, he's going to assume that the creature is dead/unconscious but still levitating and turn his attention to the pool of water.
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 Dean was focussing too much on the visible threat to do more than flinch when the dagger appeared out of nowhere. "Well struck, Emanuel," he calls out. "I trust we won't be finding that meat on the menu in your restaurant however." Keeping his guard up, he holds his dueling cape at the ready to fend off attacks from the invisible fairy. Total defense, AC 21
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 "Watch yourself, men," Dean calls out. "I'd lay a wager the bad fairy is still here, despite the fact that we can't see her. She didn't seem too happy with the results of her efforts, though, which may bode well for us." He takes a few quick strides forward ending next to the pool, which should put him within range and fires his hand crossbow at the spawn. Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
"Die? We all shall one day, my diminutive friend. There's no call for that today, though. We are mere seekers after knowledge. I, like my companion, am most interested in hearing about your 'Mother.'" Dean could use a CLW, but I don't know if he has any spells left. Let me go check what he's cast since he's been in the dungeon.... EDIT: Dang, looks like he's out of spells. I guess he'll just stand there and go total defense to improve his AC to 21. Btw, sorry, Wits, but Untrained: You cannot make an untrained Knowledge check with a DC higher than 10. Unless the DM has ruled otherwise, of course. :)
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Nevynxxx wrote: Up to date list of the encounters, the stuff you've found, and the XP you've gained. This is definitive XP wise, it may be wrong, but it's the way it is now ;) Don't forget my mutant goblin corpse! ;) "Well, Emanuel," Dean suggests as he steps back from the doors, "I didn't see anything suspicious. Do you want to do the honors?"
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
"Luc, this looks like a challenge up your alley," Dean invites, as he steps forward to examine the doors. Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 Any carvings or decorations? Any signs of a trap? "Perhaps one is meant to approach with clean hands?" he surmises, looking from the basin to the doors.
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Sir Herbert Atkins wrote:
Which is the unexplored tunnel? The one below the one with the blue dot? Dean takes up his precious dead goblin once again. "You, my friends," he gives the imprisoned skeletons a remorseful glance, "I'll have to come back for. I'll be happy to provide light for whoever wants to take the lead, but with this burden, I'd prefer to bring up the rear."
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
"Because the thing is," Dean continues as he stands up, "these skeletons have been dry bones for quite some time. That goblin, on the other hand, was very much alive before we remedied that little problem. So, a long time ago, someone was in here with mutations; and now ... has someone discovered this place and picked up where the original occupant left off?"
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Retroactive Knowledge (religion) to know if the mutant goblin he's carrying around was alive or undead 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 Heal check to determine the age of the mutated skeletons 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Dean moves in to examine the skeletons in the prison cells more closely. "Look here, Wits, would you say these mutations were natural, or the result of chemical agents -- or perhaps more crude surgical techniques? That is, did whoever imprisoned these creatures search them out for their mutations, like some kind of collector, or did he do this to them?"
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 "Wits, my friend, we've hit the motherlode," Dean cries in delight as he sees the skeletons. "And what's this?" He pulls a scroll carefully from beneath the remains of a crumbled chair and unrolls it gingerly. "These runes are ancient. Anyone care to take a look?"
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Dean gingerly hands the text back to Wits, a look of distaste on his face. "I'd take care how much you choose to learn from that book, my friend. It's a religious text of the evil goddess of monsters." His expression changes. "Not that it wouldn't be worth a pretty penny from the right buyer." He turns to Reynard. "Agreed. All this," he motions about him at the catacombs, "has been down here for centuries without troubling Sandpoint. It can't be mere coincidence that no one has run across it until the unpleasantness at the parade." He sighs. "If only I'd known all this was down here, in my own backyard, so to speak, I shouldn't have had to go so far afield in search of valuable relics. Oh well." He heaves up his mutated goblin corpse once more. "Shall we go back and try that other door? I'm very curious to know if there's another entrance to this place other than the one in the Glassworks."
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Sir Herbert Atkins wrote:
I vote we go back to the last door -- that is, the first unexplored option we get to. No point in wandering up and down past closed doors and unexplored tunnels. Work our way back to where we started if we don't find another way out. Dean examines the items Reynard retrieved, searching for arcane auras. detect magic
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
"While the raven's dead, the maggots are alive," Dean notes. "Apparently the sphere isn't inimicable to all life, perhaps only more advanced life. In either case," he goes on, turning to Emmanuel with a wide smile, "you should be fine." Dean apparently has no rope. Anyone else?
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
"It looks like it's some kind of permanent levitation device," Dean goes on. "Nethys only knows how it was achieved. I wonder if the levitation is an intrinsic property of the metal, or if disassembling it would destroy the effect...." Is there another door on the other side of the sphere? I.e., do we have to all travel through here?
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Dean sets down the dead goblin-mutant and looks at the room in amazement. "How long do you suppose it would take to dig this whole thing up?" Knowledge (arcana) to recognize the runes or anything about this effect 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 He takes a copper piece out of his pouch and carefully tosses it into the sphere to see what will happen.
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Dean glances up from the position he's taken up in the back, carefully carrying the mutated goblin corpse along with them. "I suppose it's too much to hope that we'll find ourselves right back in town when we open this door?" he quips, setting down the dead goblin and readying his canesword.
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Dean raises an eyebrow. "Goblins are hardly the brightest cog in the great wheel of life under normal circumstances, and that one seemed more dim-witted than most. I'm fairly certain its corpse is the only thing of value we can get from it. Now whatever mad genius was behind its mutation....," he smiles. "That's the man I'd like to talk to." Turning to Emmanuel, he goes on briskly, "Come, man, you can't cook a zombie, and they're doing no one any harm down there in their pits. Assuming we make it back to the surface, we can send a team down here more specialized in their neutralization. I, for one, have no interest in risking life and limb when it's not strictly necessary. And in that vein," he continues, "I'll thank someone else to take the leading position when we go through that next corridor." The burn marks on his face and left arm show up a vivid red in the magical illumination. "I hate to rob anyone else of the joys of discovery I've enjoyed," he ends wryly.
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
"That thing's alive but only just," Dean offers, as he turns to look down the pit. "Don't do anything to it that will violate the integrity of the skeleton Down here...," he draws back as the rotting slats fall into the pit, "looks to be zombies. Poor fellows, but no value to them, and I don't see any point in jumping down all these pits and climbing back up just to put them out of their misery." He looks across the room to the exit corridor. "If we step lively, we should be able to avoid the 'traps.'"
Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 2
Heal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 "Hello! there's something in these pits. Wits, my friend, if this is some sort of incubator, you may yet be in luck." Dean lights up the tip of a crossbow bolt and carefully slides it between the slats and the stone to illuminate what's below.