Dean A. Winchester's page

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Liberty's Edge

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Just got my copy of the "Blood of the Beast" player companion and I'm working on building a Kitsune sorcerer using the new Nine-Tailed Heir archetype to use in Pathfinder Society once the additional resources is updated to include the new material. I'd like to get all 8 of the magical tails before level 12 and if my math is right by using the new archetype well as the Nine-Tailed Scion race trait it is just possible to get all the tails as early as level 7. I realize the feat requirements for this will leave the character slightly underpowered but I've been trying to figure out this character concept since I first got into PFS and would like some advice to figure out if there is any way to make this a viable character

Liberty's Edge

hi, I need some advice on how to build a Kitsune Sorcerer for Pathfinder Society. I know Kitsune make great Enchantment focused Sorcerers, and I was planning on taking the Fey Bloodline, but beyond that I'm not really sure how to go about building the character, I've never used a spellcaster before. I'm planning on taking the Magical Tail feats to augment my known spells since most of the spells granted by the feat are enchantments, and I don't plan on using any metamagic feats right now because I want to get a better feel for how spellcasters function on their own before I go messing around with the more complex mechanics. any advice I can get would be very much appreciated

Liberty's Edge

Hi, I'm looking for some advice for using my Gunslinger character, I've already used it twice and I'm fairly happy with how it plays, but I just want to make sure I've got him set up good before he hits lvl 2 and everything gets lock in place. I'd like advice for any changes you think would be good for the ability scores, as well as any suggestions for gear that I should buy. I'm using the Pistolero archetype and plan on taking 5 levels in that before taking levels as a Feral Hunter, also I need advice on general combat strategies to stay alive when faced with a GM that has a less than stellar attitude towards Gunslingers (since this is a very combat oriented character I don't mind being a target, but in my last scenario I barely avoided getting pushed off a bridge and this GM is not likely to back down from his "kill the Gunslinger" crusade)
anyway, here are my stats:
dex:17 (+2)
masterwork pistol
dagger pistol
point-blank shot
precise shot
muscle of the society (basic:combat)(taken to improve carry capacity despite the low strength)
criminal:sleight of hand (basic:social)
current armor:
masterwork chain shirt
masterwork buckler
I currently have 201 gold to work with as well as 2 prestige points and 4 fame, my current light carry load is 58 and with my current gear I'm at 51.7, I want to avoid getting into medium encumbrance until I have enough fame and gold to buy a set of muleback straps. thanks for any help or advice you can give