
Dawn Leigh's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post (99 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge 3/5

I am personally excited to see all the new changes for the upcoming season! I am a GM (and store coordinator) and haven't had much of a chance to play any of my characters but I am quite happy to see these changes come down the pipeline. One of the resounding complaints that I have heard from new players is that PFS is too restrictive and confining. I think these new changes will make our MMO centric new players more excited to play (and possibly appeal to the "fairer" gender. The Kitsunes are adorable!)

I do have a question however, will we see new Pre-Gens come out that mixes in the new races and the new advanced classes come out any time in the near future?