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Great story, poor execution


The story and everything releated to it is 5/5 without any complains, can recommend it blindly.

BUT (and it's a big but)

The kingdom management system is broken. There are many homebrew rules for fixing it but as is it gets 0/5, getting an average of 2.5/5 (and in Pf2e we're rounding down).

What doesn't work in management?
Basically everything. Kingdom turns take way too long of session time, the whole process is tedious, and frankly, boring. It's such a wasted opportunity because this could be the best system, exported to all games all around. I hope that it will be reviewed and fixed in the future but for now either don't use these rules or implement Vance and Kerenshara fixes for it.

When Paizo fixes the kingdom management system, I'll be more than happy to give this game 5 stars, but for now I just can't. This game is about building kingdoms and this is an essential part of the adventure