David Christ's page
Organized Play Member. 37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
It took a little bit to get worked out but it is live and ready gang. 19 Pathfinder events, the PFS Card game, two wonderful guests (Miss Tonya and Miss Tanis - the Glorious Ladies of Paizo (GLOP). Not as cool as GLOW (but I am a child of the 80's).
For a complete event listing visit - http://wintfan.baldmangames.com/events/
Thanks and hope to see you there
Winter Fantasy
Pathfinder Adventures at Winter Fantasy
6-99 True Dragons of Absalom
6-98 Serpent's Rise
5-08 The Confirmation
6-10 The Wounded Wisp
7-10 The Consortium Compact
0-06 Black Waters
7-05 School of Spirits
7-01 Between the Lines
7-07 Trouble in Tamran
7-12 The Twisted Circle
7-14 Faithless and Forgotten part I: Let Bygones Be
7-02 Six Seconds to Midnight
7-06 To Judge a Soul part I: The Lost Legacy
7-08 To Judge a Soul part II: Karma Reclaimed
7-15 The Deepmarket Deception
7-09 The Blackros Connection
7-13 Captive in Crystal
7-04 The Ironbound Schism
7-11 Ancient's Ambush
Richard Webb wrote: Is there a web landing for the convention itself? You can find all the general updates at www.baldmangames.com
Direct link to the show is wintfan.baldmangames.com
Still working on getting winterfantasy.com transferred over to me (so much paperwork for a digital product in the digital age).
Working with Tonya, Tanis, and Bob on the exact schedule but hope to have it done and up soon (until then there is lots of D&D events listed until our next weeks big announcement with the next batch of new events)
Mark Stratton wrote: David Christ wrote: Mark Stratton wrote: I'm curious as to how games are going to be scheduled. Baldman shouldn't be scheduling them, someone on the PFS side should be. Tonya and I have been talking for a while now. We have some queries out to local PFS VC types and will be working with them on a schedule (to hopefully be finalized here shortly) for the show. Hey, Dave, thanks for this reply! I'm going to try to recruit some local folks to help go up to Ft. Wayne - hopefully that will help! Always helps and is always appreciated.
We'll have a judge sign-up form to gather information ready this Friday (tomorrow - guess I need to finish that up soon) that they can fill out. We'll then get them in touch with the PFS lead for what we are looking for and when.
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: Matthew Pittard wrote: Seems a bit crazy to snub any gaming convention. From what I hear of last year, it was a case of Winter Fantasy snubbing PFS.
RPGA has no real love (with good reason, I suppose) of anything that competes against WOTC products, so they're not going to make much effort to accommodate Pathfinder. Incorrect.
Even with our problems in 2013 (that I am not going to rehash again) the show spent thousands of dollars on PFS. If I wanted them to fail I would have saved that money and stuck them in a table in a corner and ignored them. We are actually expanding our plate of what we offer year after year trying to work back towards what the show was in the late 90's and early 2000's. Something that includes all organized play offerings across the board. To that point this year we will have D&D 5.0, PFS, Living Arcanis, and Shadow of the Demon Lord. Next year I hope to bring in Shadowrun, 13th Age, and a few others. Every single one of them will be on the exact same footing at the show. Same rules. Same benefits. Same everything. D&D may have more tables right now but that might not always be the case. D&D players know what the show offers so return year after year. Hopefully with time we build everybody else up to that same expectation.
Mark Stratton wrote: I'm curious as to how games are going to be scheduled. Baldman shouldn't be scheduling them, someone on the PFS side should be. Tonya and I have been talking for a while now. We have some queries out to local PFS VC types and will be working with them on a schedule (to hopefully be finalized here shortly) for the show.
I will be addressing this but there are few other things I need to do first before doing so. There are proper ways of doing things. Just didn't want people to think I was ignoring it.
Chris Mortika wrote: David,
When do we find out which games we're judging?
Half the schedules have already gone out. I hope to finish the 2nd half before crashing tonight.
Bob Jonquet wrote: So do I understand correctly...
-GM registration, but not player registration is currently open?
-If you volunteer for the five-hour slot option and select PFS, you will NOT be required to run other game systems?
-If you volunteer to GM, you will not be able to select which scenarios you want to GM. They will be assigned to you by the convention organizer?
So many message boards to keep track of.
GM Registration Right now - Player Registration starts this weekend.
You judge what you want to judge - If you pick PFS you will run PFS. I have never forced a judge to run a system he did not want to. Happy judges = fun games = happy players.
I do my very best to give you the exact schedule you want. The earlier you sign-up the easier it is to do that. Those at the tail end are filling gaps based on player registration (it does me no good having two extra judges on Event X while Event Y is short a judge for example).
Just let me know if you have any other questions. We do our best to make judging as easy and fun as playing.
Bigger, Bader, and Balder? It’s that time of the year again gang. Winter Fantasy is on the horizon. We’ve been working hard on signing up new events and new things to do at the show.
Last year we expanded the show beyond our D&D roots and this year we continue that trend. As part of that continuing change, Baldman Games is pleased to announce that they will be expanding their show offerings to include the following:
• Living Arcanis events and premieres
• Witch Hunter events and premiere
• Magic: the Gathering: We are lining up our judges and scorekeepers right now but we hope to host a Super IQ event Saturday with some smaller events on Friday evening and Sunday as players warrant
• Artemis Starship Bridge Simulator: Setup and running all weekend. If you haven’t tried out this fun and exciting teamwork game you will want to set some time aside at the show.
We will of course have all the old favorites as well:
• Living Forgotten Realms: A core paragon trilogy, two specials, a two-round battle interactive, the 30th level Epic conclusion, and the introduction of the LFR All Access pass should keep you all happy. More big announcements on LFR event front to follow.
• Pathfinder Society: A dozen of the newest events on the schedule will hopefully make year two of PFS at the show an even bigger success.
• Board Games: The Gen Con Games Library will be back this year!! With over 800 board games there is without a doubt something for everyone.
• D&D Next: Previews and brand new content as always. Come see what all the buzz is about.
• Special Guests: We always have plenty of them wandering around the show playing and judging your favorite events.
Want to stay up to date? Visit our website (http://www.baldmangames.com) for more information, or follow us on twitter (@WinterFantasy @BaldmanGames), Facebook, and Google Plus for more news as it comes available.
Baldman Games and its volunteers have been organizing and running gaming conventions since 2001. We are fans of the games we run, and are always looking to help spread the hobby to more people, every chance we get.
A few days out from the show and still recovering (that means it was a great time). Just wanted to again thank all the judges and volunteers who make a show like this possible. Things went smoothly and great (other then me printing a wrong time on the judge schedules - first time in 10 years so you guys are good for another decade at least). I hope everybody else had as much fun as I did and hope to see you all again next year.
Furious Kender wrote: nb3D wrote: David Christ wrote: I will never stop accepting GM's (especially good ones). I also am looking for a few front desk helpers (for those that would love to get a free room or badge but don't think they are up to judging yet). This may seem like a silly question, but I've never been to a convention before, and I can't seem to find a straight answer on the Winter Fantasy website: does buying a badge cover you to play in PFS sessions for the entire con? Or do you need to buy a badge, and then buy additional tickets to each specific slot?
(Hoping not. But if so, how much are tickets to each slot?) Each slot is $8. Each slot needs a ticket. What he said. The badge covers entry, vendors, all the boardgames you can play from a massive library, and meet-n-greats with show guests and such. Games have an additional small fee. I've found having a small fee lets us better gauge interest in events and people actually show-up when they have skin in the game (or turn them back in for a refund so somebody else can sit down to play). Free tickets just equals people grabbing lots they won't use and makes it impossible to gauge needed volunteers.
I will never stop accepting GM's (especially good ones). I also am looking for a few front desk helpers (for those that would love to get a free room or badge but don't think they are up to judging yet).
12/12/2012: Cannot let 12/12/12 go by without another cool update. We are proud to announce our Special Guest line-up for the show as well as a first of its kind Pathfinder Society Special event.
Special Guests: Some of the best in the industry as always
D&D Next Freelancers
Miranda Horner (D&D Next Editor)
Robert Schwalb (D&D Next Lead Design)
Jason Bulmahn (Pathfinder Lead Designer)
Mike Brock (Pathfinder Society Campaign & OP Coordinator)
Wizards of the Coast
Greg Bilsland (D&D Producer)
Chris Lindsey (D&D Brand Team)
Mike Mearls (Senior Manager D&D R&D)
Chris Tulach (Organized Play Content Developer)
PFS Special: Ruins of Bonekeep: Level 1: The Silent Grave - By Jason Bulmahn, Pathfinder Lead Designer: Just outside the city of Absalom sits the ruins of a long-forgotten siege castle. Torn down nearly to its foundation, the ruins of Bonekeep have been silent for decades, but the Pathfinders have learned of a series of dungeons beneath its crumbling white pillars, and it appears that they are not-so silent after all. Foul creatures and deadly traps await those daring to plunder its depths, but the rumor of untold wealth and forgotten relics make such dangers worth any risk. This is a Pathfinder Society special event for 3rd- through 7th-level characters (Tier 3–7). This is a deadly event designed to push characters to their limit and beyond, but with such danger comes greater reward for those that survive. (Slot 2 thru 12)
The title says it all gang. Event registration is now live with over 200
hours of gaming goodness and boardgames awaiting. Tickets for some hot
events will go fast so don't delay.
Going through them in the order received every free moment I get. I will not be processing any tonight (nice 14 hour work day) but hope to get back at them again Thursday night.
Chris Bonnet wrote: David I think I signed up for 6 games instead of the needed 7 for the hotel. If you can accomadate the additional slot I would be pleased. I can make that happen Chris. If you get your schedule and it says 6 (aka I pull a brain fart) just poke me and I'll fix it.
Thefurmonger wrote: David,
Are another round of judge e-mails coming out? either soon or not.
I think Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome and I are losing it.
Many more are coming. I did the first batch on lunch break last Wednesday. Then I was dealt a potential curveball on the schedule so I stopped until I could get a few answers (hopefully today - I have a couple conference calls setup) then I'll be back at it. I'd rather give everybody the correct information then rush them out bad info and have to fix it two weeks later.
Ill_Made_Knight wrote: I am kinda confused, so will PFS events cost 8 dollars a session? That seems like a lot, it is even more then Gen Con plus 30 dollars on a badge and hotel stay. They will. It's $2 more than Gencon but I also cover all the hotel rooms and badges for all my judges. At Gencon Paizo is paying that cost. For obvious reasons they are not paying that cost for my show. $16,000 to cover just hotel rooms alone has to come from somewhere (the vast majority of shows do not cover hotel rooms for volunteers - I do - 4 nights worth at that).
Hotel costs half what Gencon does and the best is less than half (and comes with free boardgames for the entire show on top of everything else).
So yes there are some costs involved. I think we give pretty darn good value for those costs though.
Daniel Luckett wrote: Is there a rough ETA on when the JB Special will be ready for reading? Just want to work enough prep time into my schedule. For example, knowing I'm getting it the weekend before the con Gencon style means I'd want to clear that weekend out. I have no timeframe on it yet. It's that new of an idea/endeavor (as Erik pointed out). There are lots of cool ideas floating around on it so I am excited to see what sticks and things start firmming up a bit more so I can pass details on (most of those details outside of blurb and title will be on the judge list just FYI).
Chris Bonnet wrote: I am still on the fence about GM'ing or playing. How vacant is the GM pool at this point? Do both. The show has 12 slots. You only need to judge 5 for a free room. You'll be focused in on a group of 3 mods for those 7 slots. So pick a group of 3 you've run/played already then play 5 other things in the off slots. Best of both worlds.
I go as fast as I can good sir. I had a week hospital stay (after 20 years of not even needing a doctor once) collide with starting a new job. I am sure I will use you as a judge and can find something for your shorter half to do as well.
Daniel Luckett wrote: Not happy till I know if I'm accepted as a GM, and what I'm running.
Don't make me throw a Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome at you!
Your a VC I'm going to accept you as a PFS judge (I use quality peeps I don't toss them away - your mine buddy). I just need to get registration rolling then I'll roll back around and get judges their schedules (you should have a schedule 2 months out frmo the show - not to shabby I think).
More goes up tonight (or tomorrow if my home game/playtest goes late) on the website but a sneak to get you ready.
PFS WF Scheduled events
Exclusive Pathfinder Society Special – Written by Jason Bulmahn himself. If you liked the LG Specials in the day you’ll want to get your ticket for this sooner rather than later.
Intro 1: First Steps: In Service to Lore
Intro 2: First Steps: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
Intro 3: First Steps: A Vision of Betrayal
3-EX Cyphermage
4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild
4-05 The Sanos Abduction
4-06 The Green Market
4-07 Severing Ties
4-08 The Cultist's Kiss
4-09 The Blakros Matrimony
4-10 Feast of Sigils
4-11 The Disappeared
4-12 The Refuge of Time
That should be enough to keep peeps happy for a day or three.
Dave C
The Baldman
Greg Hurst wrote: Does anyone know the food situation at the convention center in Fort Wayne? We were super spoiled at Origins where the food court was down the hall and the prices were incredibly cheap. Gencon maybe still had it beat with the food trucks. Not quite as convenient but affordable and tasty. We can beat even Origins (usually). Right accross the street from the convention hall is a King Gyro's. Cheap and has a menu the length of my arm. Even better then that is we have a deal with the local Jimmy John's and they'll actually deliver your food right to the table (just give them your table number and have money ready). In the hotel (also across the street but attached by a walkway that winds through a really cool old theater) is Champions for more sitdown food and beers.
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote: Greg Hurst wrote: 4 hour slots! Those are gonna be a little tight for season 4 scenarios. We'll have to TPK during the 2nd encounter. LOL ... and back to back ... hope there are food runners or this bunny is going to be DRAGGING by the end The only back to back is the two slots on Sunday. All others have a 2-hour gap between them for seminars and food. The 4 hour may shift some as well once the seminar schedule firms up a bit more (some peeps are dragging their feet on me).
Winter Fantasy Judge Registration is Open
11/15/2012: Judge registration opens with a roar: Judges get excited because the show you love is now open for business for judge registration. Hotel rooms, badges, glory, swag, and handshakes abound for those with the mettle and skill to run a fun game. Follow the bouncing link for more details.
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote: Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote: David Christ wrote: Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote: hrmm .. sign-up information still not found ... any idea when it'll be up? Judge sign-ups should go live tonight (announcement on the website, twitter, facebook, judge pool list, here, etc.)
If not then you guys can hold my feet to the fire. As soon as I nail down the PFS schedule registration for the show itself will go live next week.
Dave pulls out pile of firestarter and begins to build the fire begins pushing her mobile fire under Dave's feet wondered why it was getting a little warmer. Just waiting for one e-mail back and I'm good. I want the PFS part of the sign-up to be as close to final as I can get it (so judges know what they are signing up for).
Thefurmonger wrote: David, will you be allowing people to sign up to assist in PFS HQ?
I plan to sign up to be a Tier 1 GM and my wife normally does the HQ thing. however some sites do not have a function for that type of signup.
Thank you
Chris Laurie
Non-judge help sign-up is built into the system (and it has details on it as well). I'm not sure I'll need help in PFS HQ specifically but I do need plenty of non-judge help to make the show happen.
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote: hrmm .. sign-up information still not found ... any idea when it'll be up? Judge sign-ups should go live tonight (announcement on the website, twitter, facebook, judge pool list, here, etc.)
If not then you guys can hold my feet to the fire. As soon as I nail down the PFS schedule registration for the show itself will go live next week.
For those thinking about WF let me put it how I do for others.
Take all the RPG gaming of a Gencon.
Put all your friends there.
Take away all the Gencon crazy.
Cut your costs in half for hotels and probably by a 1/3rd for food and drink.
Add in all the industry people you'd love to talk to but they are now calm and having fun and are accessable instead of crazy (aka Gencon).
Now surround the place with a ton of snow and cold so you have no excuse not to just stay inside and game, drink, and have a blast for four days.
I spent one afternoon last show playing Talisman (original of course) with Stephen and Bulmahn (and a crazy Matt James). That night I had beers with Rob Schwalb while we twisted his arm to not game again that night and stay with us.
That's Winter Fantasy.
<insert here - I have nothing against Gencon in any fashion and will go every year till I die (or my wife tells me to get back in the basement) - it's just not the best time to chat with people at times>
Tracy Windeknecht wrote: PFS Indiana plans on helping as much as we are needed, but at this point, David Christ is taking the lead on organizing. I've spent the weekend in the hospital and then had one day to recover before starting my new job so please bear with me as I continue to play never ending catch-up.
I think we've had a few miscues along the way and I think I've sorted most of them out with Mike at this point.
I'm taking lead on organizing in the sense of it's my show. It's my bank account that empties out when things fail and my name that gets dragged through the mud if things go wrong.
Now having said that I like good eggs. I reward good eggs. Judges for the show have to process through my existing system because that is just how I track, schedule, and report things. I'll take all the help and suggestions from those in the PFS trenches on who I should use and not use (I know half you guys already). I take the lead because that is just how I work and it lets me protect those doing work for me from taking the hits. It's my job to take the good and take the crap when needed.
So if the PFS Indiana types want to chime in offlist to me and help work out a schedule or offer suggestions then I'm all ears. I'd love to hit 250+ tables of PFS at this show (and I honestly think we can hit that). My goal is to make this the biggest PFS presence in the world that doesn't sit in the summer (PaizoCon/Gencon). I know we have the judges and players to make that happen.
We will have lots of cool PFS at the show.
We will have some cool PFS guests at the show.
We will just in general have a damn good time at the show.
Judge sign-ups and event schedules should be going up in the next week as I catch-up on things. Being in the hospital 4 days put a big crimp in being productive.
Lisa Stevens wrote: David Christ wrote: Lot's of cool facts about RPGA at GenCon Thanks for stopping by, David, and showing that the RPGA isn't dead yet. Matter of fact, she's feeling happy. Maybe she should go for a walk! :)
Also thanks to Pierre for letting us know what is happening with LFR.
I have a strong place in my heart for the RPGA. That is how I got started in the gaming industry. I had my first article published way back in Polyhedron #25 I believe. I used to go to GenCon and game from the first crack of Thursday until the end of the day Sunday and had a blast. Many great friends were created back in those days, and it got my foot in the door, so that when my first company came around, I was ready, willing and able. Without the RPGA, I doubt that I or Paizo would be here today.
Glad to see the old lady is still alive, kicking, and taking names!
-Lisa It holds a special place in a lot of our hearts. I would not be where I am today in the gaming industry without it either. Many at Paizo and Wizards have that in common and wear that badge proudly. It's part of the reason I took over running Winter Fantasy/D&D Experience because that shows means so much to so many of us that I just couldn't sit by and watch it die. The 'RPGA' name may not be tossed around as much as it used to be (relegated to a sidenote compared to Wizards Play Network these days) but the community is still the RPGA.
So we ran a 500 person show just a few weeks ago packed full of LFR and AoA goodness (our winter version of PaizoCon - I would say though we've been around longer so they can be the summer version of us - take that Jason/Erik). Sponsered by Wotc and attended by a lot of Wotc staff members (including brand and community managers).
I have full schedules for our Origins and Gencon presence (LFR, AoA, D&D Championship, etc.) once again paid and sponsored by Wotc. I fully expect to run 1,000+ tables of games at Gencon again this year (once again in a room paid for by Wotc, with judges in hotel rooms paid by Wotc, and handing them stacks of judge prize support paid for by Wotc).
I am already working on shows for next year (once again with Wotc).
Not saying any of this to bash on Paizo or Pathfinder or any silly edition wars. Just want to get some actual facts out there instead of random assumptions and guesses being tossed out as facts.
Dave C
RPGA Senior GM (DDXP, Origins, Gencon)
Baldman Games (www.baldmangames.com)
Joshua J. Frost wrote: David, I think a lot of folk's impressions are guided by the room size and the time of day that they pop in. I dream of a day when folks can look into a room as large as the Sagamore, see Pathfinder Society filling "only" half of the tables, and complain that the turn out seems down. :-) Great to see you cruising by the Paizo boards--wish I'd had time to stop by and say hi at Gen Con. Was nice spending some time talking at Origins because we both know that just doesn't happen at Gencon. I had my family with me this year as well which made any minor free time I had disappear even faster.
We're an easy target I know that. Like you said hopefully PFS does great and you can join us in the 'easy' target category. You can't have my ballroom though. It's super sweet and I have pics of Gencon staffers to guarantee me keeping it forever.
Chris Mortika wrote: David Christ wrote:
RPGA #'s were actually up this year from last year for Gencon. We added over 50 tables to the room from last year so while there might have been more empty tables we were actually sitting more tables then in previous years.
Thanks for the accurate scoop, David.
Forgive my asking, because I'm very ignorant about how Living Realms works, but how do you handle things like experience, loot and equipment in the RPGA these days? The RPGA has actually stepped back to a slightly less paperwork model (the full sheet AR is something Jason and myself came up with for LG back when we ran things so I am familiar with how it works as well). XP and GP are tracked normally on a logsheet. There is also a choice at the end of each adventure of 4-7 treasure 'bundles'. You can pick one bundle for each level of your character. So if you pick on in your first adventure you cannot pick one again till you hit 2nd level (and yes you can save picks for later if you want). This keeps character power in balance while at the same time trying to simulate a normal D&D group rotating who gets magic items as they adventure. There are also 1/3 sheet story objects you can earn as well.
bugleyman wrote: Cluke04 wrote: I will also add that Sagamore Ballroom (RPGA's room at Gencon) had a lot more empty tables this year than I have seen over the past few years. I played a few delves and I noticed the same thing. LFR specifically seemed way down from last year. RPGA #'s were actually up this year from last year for Gencon. Which I think is a great indicator of the LFR campaign as last year was a launch year (for LFR and 4th edition). We added over 50 tables to the room from last year so while there might have been more empty tables we were actually sitting more tables then in previous years.
Just clearing that up (I hope PFS does great and people have a blast as I have a lot of personal friends who have put a lot of work into it).