
Darkmind6801's page

Goblin Squad Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

In Everquest, sony release the frogloks as a playable race. However someone on the server had to do a quest to release them to everyone. Just limit the new races to those who complete a certain quest line

My group and I have found a lot of satisfaction with using a stat rolling technique from Conan 2nd ed. (Mongoose) where you use the base number 8 and roll a d10. Takes out the real bad "suck" numbers and still gives that chance for a high stat roll joy feeling

Dotting for interest, never have played in a PbP before (forewarned as they say).
Was thinking a young man (human) from one of the out laying farms. Whose home is attacked and burned down in the middle of the night, with him being the only survivor or one of. Being a survivor has left a chip on his shoulder feeling guilt for making it
Thinking either Fighter or Rogue

Also Druid might be option, if I remember right the class was based on some of the stuff Merlin did. Gives a lot of ways to go, all just call it a hedge mage or something

6) Keep it as it says, but I would make it a something a person with say a history check DC of 30+ would know

Love it

Good for you all!

Love the the game, but sadly my gaming group does not(something to do with it being to easy to die). But if you are looking for PDF's try its amazing what PDF's you can find on there

Saweet!! :D

Dotting... interested in how you'll make this work

Sounds like your player wants to play out the battle (duel?) between Melkor and Fingolfin. Wants to have a epic battle and die and maybe leave a scar or two :)

Natural Spell for druids, they should be able to cast in any form.

I think Chaosium had something like this.........believe it was called Elan' or something. Of course I have a mind of a goldfish so....