Dark Maiden's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My gm added it to our game, just now. They enabled it and I can see the rules. I can see the entry in Card Stack, but can't seem to start a reading, meaning the option to start "New Reading". What are we missing?

Shadow Lodge

Hey, can you tell me if Oreads have Slow and Steady?

Shadow Lodge

Ok, this is for my friend.

He can play any day but Wens. Skype and Maptools preferred.

He's a long time DM who is dying to play Pathfinder. Someone out there running this AP must have room for one more great Roleplayer.

Shadow Lodge

Here we go again.....(I so love the never say die attitude.)

Me and my friends (who are located in the PST time zone) are searching for a GM to run Kingmaker. There are 3 of us (Might be one more), and we are looking to play on any day save Wednesday. (I'm not good for Fridays, but if that's the only day available then so be it)

For whatever reason, it seems really hard to find a mature RP GM to run us through this module, but I can guarantee that if there is a rp GM out there willing to run us, you will have a great time, we are all very experienced player, who are more into the RPing of games then hack and slashers.

Anyway, if you are a GM and willing to run us through Kingmaker, please email me at: Dark_Maiden666@yahoo.com.

Also, please please, unless you are a GM responding to this thread, do not email me about wanting in. We are just looking for a GM, not more players.

Thank you.

Shadow Lodge

Um...................Why is this thread here?

This don't look like your looking for players, looks like you have players.

Shadow Lodge

Well been awhile since I posted this, so here goes.

Me and my friends (who are located in PST time zone) are searching for a GM to run Kingmaker on Skype and Maptool. There are 3 of us (Might be one more), and we are looking to play on Thursday or Friday evenings. .

For whatever reason, it seems really hard to find a mature RP GM to run us through this module, but I can guarantee that if there is a rp GM out there willing to run us, you will have a great time, we are all very experienced player, who are more into the RPing of games then hack and slashers.

Anyway, if you are a GM and willing to run us through Kingmaker, please email me at: Dark_Maiden666@yahoo.com.

Also, please please, unless you are a GM responding to this thread, do not email me about wanting in. We are just looking for a GM, not more players.

Thank you.

Shadow Lodge

Megan Robertson wrote:
Good luck - these are really nice and good players, we just couldn't get the cross-pond timings to work. I'd recommend them to any GM who is awake at the same time as these guys are!

Tankies for the good word.

And I would greatly recommend Megan here as a great GM, for anyone in her timezone. She rocks. :)

Shadow Lodge

Ok trying again:

Me and my friends (2) are looking for a Rping GM to run us through Kingmaker. We are well versed in the use of maptools and skype rping. Looking for a GM that is into the rping part of Roleplaying. We are all fun loving mature players. Desperately needing to find a GM asap. We already have our characters BGs worked out, (we have had two false starts so far, so we now have the characters all sheeted and ready to go) so can jump right in as soon as a GM is willing to run us.

Oh yeah, you can email me at: Dark_Maiden666@yahoo.com

About 8pm pst, on a Tues, or Wens. (Thursday might be open, but iffy)

Shadow Lodge

Megan Robertson wrote:
At the moment I am generally 'here' (that is, online) 7am - 7pm GMT.

Hey, can you email me so we can see if arraignments can be made? Your times are not a prob for, at least, 2 of us.

Shadow Lodge

gordona8 wrote:

Looking for group interested in playing Pathfinder (Kingkiller?) or any of the other games I am interested in. I live in Bellingham WA and get around via the bus. Willing to meet face-to-face on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I can play online with Skype/Maptools pretty much any day of the week it is just a matter of scheduling.


Other games:
- Dragon Age
- OWoD Demon: The Fallen

Female and 22. :D

I'll assume your looking to play not run. LOL

Shadow Lodge

Megan Robertson wrote:
I could run you a play-by-post Kingmaker, but I am in the UK so timezones would make a live hookup a bit tricky!

What times could you do a live and how would it relate to Pst? I'm Est, but I don't have a time crunch. Can you run during the week?

Shadow Lodge

*Bump with update*

Still looking for a GM to run Kingmaker during the week.

Shadow Lodge

Mike Bohlmann wrote:
Dark Maiden wrote:
I hope there is at least, one spot left.
There's still space, join the discussion forum mentioned above to get locked into a spot.

I registered, but it won't let me post

Shadow Lodge

See this is what I get for missing a day looking on this board. LOL

I hope there is at least, one spot left.

Shadow Lodge

Ok well, what seems to be needed is a GM for Kingmaker that can do voice chat. My friend can walk them through maptools, if they are not used to it. (He wants to play not run it seems. LOL)

Shadow Lodge

Well still looking.

Seriously why is it so hard to find a non-pb (whatever) game online, or players willing to play. I mean roleplaying is about interaction between ppl, not between typed words.

Outside of being able to find a table-top game I would think voice chat games would be the best option for ppl.

Ah well, maybe I'm just too old fashioned. LOL

Shadow Lodge

Sunderstone wrote:

I might be starting up a Maptools/Ventrilo Serpent Skull or kingmaker within a few weeks. Im still reading the SS modules at this time (book 4 currently).

My IRL crew has pretty much dispersed to the winds after 20+ years due to RL events/moves etc. So im pretty interested in this as a possibilty.

Im on eastern time and it will likely be a weeknight 7-11 or 8-12pm thing unless its on a friday night (which can start and end later).

Any chance at using Skype? And we are really only up for Kingmaker at this point as our usual GM is dying to play that. I'll have to check on the times too, they are PST and they usally start at 10 our time.

Shadow Lodge

darthugly wrote:
I don't see anything but pbp and irl games here, so I was wondering if anybody was looking to start a Maptool Pathfinder game.

The game I have listed is maptools/Skype. We are looking for a GM or a player. Kingmaker is the game.

Shadow Lodge

Well, sadly, things kinda fell through on the last go round so gonna give another shot.

The changes are, there are now 3 (Solid 2 with a good possibility of the 3rd) of us looking for a GM to run Kingmaker online. (We are also willing to join a game if one has room). We are looking for someone familiar with Maptools and skype.

It has to be on a weeknight (preferably Tuesdays, but Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are also ok)

Also, we are looking for 2 ppl to play in a Kingmaker game, but they have to be serious, mature rpers. This game would be on a Friday night. (like around 8 PST)

Contact me if interested or if you are willing to GM: Dark(underscore)Maiden666(At)yahoo(dot)com

Shadow Lodge

scranford wrote:
Dark Maiden wrote:
Is this PbP?
Yes. It will be when we get it started. Are you interested in playing?

Sorry, but no.

Shadow Lodge

Is this PbP?

Shadow Lodge

Question wrote:


Heres the link to gametable. But right now we need to put recruitment on hold because our DM had to drop out, we are sorting things out now.

Unless someone wants to DM on a more permanent basis?

Please keep us updated if you can.

Shadow Lodge

Question wrote:
Filios wrote:
What is gametable? Will this be a PbP...if so, check profile for Rogue Scout build.

Gametable is a program for playing tabletop RPGs online, its pretty good. Grid based map, dice roller, etc.

No its not pbp.

Not sure what gametable is, I'm assuming it's a prog. I'd be interested if you still have room.

Dark(underscore)Maiden666 At Yahoo (dot) com

Shadow Lodge

Rdrp wrote:
Tried to email you twice, got a bounce back. Is your email posted correctly? Dark<underscore>Maiden<at>yahoo<dot>com?

Ok me not so bright. Sorry that's supposed to be


Shadow Lodge

Rdrp wrote:
Dark Maiden wrote:
Rdrp wrote:

I've been running online games via AIM and/or Skype, both 1 player-1 GM and groups of up to 4 adventurers for some time.

I've been itching to run my copy of Legacy of Fire or Kingmaker myself.

Hey. Have you used Maptools before, or how do you work the map thing when you run?

Have used Maptools before, but been long enough that I'd need to spend a few hours learning to set it up again.

For the group I've been running with, we just image-ripped maps off Adventure Path PDFs and emailed it, since it was faster. I wouldn't recommend doing that with a group I've never worked with before, as the lack of minis becomes a problem. My group worked only because we used a chess-based naming system for the squares on a given map.

Ok. Drop me an email if you have room.

Please and thank you. :D

Dark_Maiden At Yahoo (dot) com

Shadow Lodge

Ignatio Aulamaxa wrote:

I'm going to make a completely friendly suggestion / observation here, I mean no disrespect in what I say, so remember that...

As a person who just stumbled across your post, I am slightly disappointed with its lack of subtlety... You are, of course, entitled to your preferences when it comes to the medium through which you Role Play by, but that does not mean you have the right to be dismissive of others for not playing your way. Try to be a little more... PC..

Again, totally friendly suggestion. I was not insulted by your post, just interested in your approach to the subject!

Ciao! :D

I'm sorry, not sure what type of subtlety would you have wished from me. Please, do not answer, it was a rhetorical question.

As I read over my statement I do not see where I was dismissive of anyone, seeing as I don't know any of ya, to have you matter enough to me for me to be dismissive of you. I was being dismissive of "Pb's" No doubt there. I do, I believe, also within the post state this was my personal opinion. Should I not have a personal opinion? Again Rhetorical.

What this seems, to me, is a classic case of individuals feeling themselves being persecuted and marginalized, due to a particular pastime. It is not new within the gaming community. I've seen it over the decades. Be it War Gamers, Miniturests, LARpers, you name it, people will find themselves beset with those seeking to demean them for how they approach gaming.

That was not my intention.

I was simply saving anyone looking to contact me, who's game was based in the Pb's, time. Nothing more, nothing less.

Shadow Lodge

Rdrp wrote:

I've been running online games via AIM and/or Skype, both 1 player-1 GM and groups of up to 4 adventurers for some time.

I've been itching to run my copy of Legacy of Fire or Kingmaker myself.

Hey. Have you used Maptools before, or how do you work the map thing when you run?

Shadow Lodge


I've been rping for decades and really into Pathfinder, as a friend and GM introed me to it a year ago. We are currently playing CotCt, and looking to run Kingmaker at some point.

I'm looking for another online game to hook into, but I have prereqs for what I am looking for.

*Not looking for PbP or Pb-Im or anything that starts with Pb. That's not rping, that something that starts with an M and ends with a tion. Sorry personal opinion there. LOL My current group is using maptools and Skype, works smoothly so a game working with that is cool by me. (No vid gaming...just sayin. LMAO)

*Must be about the RP. Its all cool to beat up the monster and all, but I want to have that time to associate with my fellows and talk the bad guy out of killin us that sort of thing. I find Pathfinder is big on being more then just the Big Ol Killin Machines wompin the Big Bads and gettin the Big Loot and I'm looking for games with that kinda flavor and GMs that have that kinda play style.

*Fridays are out between 10pm and 5am Est.

*Pathfinder rules. We've all payed the home rule thing, I know I have, but Pathfinder just got started and I'd like to experience what they have put together first before indulging in other people's bastardizations.

Well, that's it, for the most part, hope there's a campaign out there for me.

((Oh yeah, my current GM is also looking for 2 ppl to join the Kingmaker campaign when it starts, but ya got to be rpers, if ya looking to just swing a sword or cast some spells get the loot and move on, then ignore this. We ain't about all that. LOL))

Shadow Lodge

MisterSpaghetti wrote:


I'm an experienced DM (25+ years using D&D, AD&D, 2e, 3e, Pathfinder) looking for serious roleplayers to begin the Council of Thieves Adventure Path using MapTools and possibly Skype.

Sessions will take place on Tuesday nights at around 8 p.m. EST and run for 3-4 hours.

If you're interested, please reply to this thread or send an email to pantherbytheshore -at- gmail.com.

I look forward to hearing from you!

I am interested. I'm also EST so the times work. Dark_Maiden666 at yahoo(dot)com

Shadow Lodge

Question wrote:
Not sure whether i can post this here, but i just want to say that the pathfinder campaign i am in could use 1 or 2 more players. We are planning to start out first session on friday 9pm GMT-8. Anyone who wants to join in, just post here or PM me.

How do you plan on doing your game online?

And what time is that EST?