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![]() Tomppa wrote:
https://2e.aonprd.com/MonsterAbilities.aspx?ID=31 Retributive strike is monster ability, not champion one in this case.![]()
![]() What you suggest might lead to this:
What about Escape action? Does it apply those agile traits? If it does, what about Slippery Pray skill feat and Acrobatic Maneuvers Swash feats? ![]()
![]() So, page with boon says: Avid Collector - Guns Weapons Select an uncommon item from a curated list of Pathfinder Guns & Gears options; all of your characters have access to it. Can be purchased multiple times on the same character; select a different item for each purchase. But boon text is as follow: Avid Collector - Guns Weapons
Local online GM says boon text trumps general text, so part where all characters gets it is a mistake. Can we have an offical answer to that? ![]()
![]() Greetings. Reading through the guide I have found out that nowhere in the guide it says you can't pass/trade wealth in form of items or gold permanently between players. SFS have this line: Group Purchases In Starfinder Society play, you can never buy, sell, or trade items with another player, but you may allow another player to borrow an item for the duration of an adventure. But for Pathfinder Society there is nothing in the guide says you can't do that. This is already causes a divide between new and old players in our local community. Can this issue be addressed, please? ![]()
![]() So, I was browsing Nethys when suddenly error 403.503 appear. For those who do not know what it means, it basically means my IP is forbidden by server. I did not do any illegal activities, did not try to attack the site. It just happens... Any solution? VPN is short-term one, but I need long-term one. ![]()
![]() I was building a character with mindset to GM a specific scenario to gain access to Orc Hornbow and go Arcane Archer PC. As last AR update, Orc Hownbow no longer counts as Longbow for feats and effects. This will to some degree affect how I should build my character in the future, as well as made a question of a choice in my of bloodline. Mainly, I decided to forgo GMing the scenario, and not getting the Hornbow, but still go for arcane archer archetype with longbow. So, a question, does this errata equipment change allow me to retrain my choices (basically, only bloodline) that i made with mindset of gaining hornbow? ![]()
![]() So, I recently discovered such thing as "Shadowcraft weapon".
So... Does that mean I can form it into Butchering Axe or Orc Hornbow? ![]()
![]() Increased price of an item is not an issue, if you did read my post carefully, you'll notice citation from Society Guide: Equipment: If the price of an item becomes more expensive, you must sell back the affected equipment at its original full market value based on its remaining number of charges (if any). So long as you have enough gp and Fame, you can purchase the same item at its updated cost. So you still have to pay the diffrence _including_ the cost of a slivers. ![]()
![]() So, there is an item called Iron lord’s transforming slivers in Inner Sea Gods. It text says: The metal flings within this pouch are a mixture of adamantine, cold iron, mithral, and steel. The flings are faintly magnetic and stick to ferrous metal but are easily wiped away. If a metal or partly metal weapon is covered in the entire contents of the pouch and placed in a hot forge overnight, it slowly grows or shrinks by one size category toward the size of the creature who applied the powder. For example, a Small +1 longsword coated with the flings by a Medium creature transforms into a Medium +1 longsword. This transformation is permanent. The pouch contains enough material to transform one weapon, regardless of size. The question is, does that item effect presist between adventures? Things that speak not in favor of that is in game guide: A character can have one each of the following spells
Things that speak in favor of that is in FAQ:
If a magic item creates something like an additional item or currency, can I keep it?
But our Regional VC ruled that this item effect does not presist between scenarios. Keep in mind that this item can not be abused to create more costly item by the Guide:
So here is the real question. I currently got one character with Butchering Axe that I got from a chronicle sheet. I asked a large creature for me to use that item and played serval scenarios. To wield it, I have taken a level in Titan Fighter. Since axe no longer can be large, can I retrain that level of a fighter for free? Or I have to pay full PP/GP cost for it? Can I also get my gp for item back? Same question about my summoner, where I used said item to make adamantine Bastard sword Huge (paying the diffrence cost). Can Eidolon retrain EWP feat for free? Can I chose another weapon and get the diffrence in gp (I would rather swing greatsword then, rather than bastard sword)? ![]()
![]() Someone said wrote:
I'm not blaming anyone. And it will be reasonable... If not the fact that he handled first chronicle sheet a week after the game. Still, he is quite good GM nevertheless, always answering my emails. ![]()
![]() Someone said wrote: Did you know, that in my eight seasons now of Pathfinder Society, that button has yet to do anything other than report there's a problem which then sits somewhere with no action being taken? Exactly since it didn't work I'm asking what to do. Someone said wrote: local venture officer No such person exist. Should I ask for help online Venture Officer? ![]()
![]() So, I have quite some questions here. It's about Online play. I started a character, played my first module, and warned beforehand (and after) that I decided to use slow XP track. But then GM making few mistakes. First: He reported game as Core, while it was not. (Figures, we got Occultist, Oracle and some other not core classes)
So here comes my first question: How to remove that stamp? Second: He recorded and handled me chronicle sheet with normal XP track. I pointed that out, he made an excuse and handled new one with slow XP track. Story not ends here. After that game I have played two more scenarios, in winch GMs made same second mistake. They reported as if character had normal XP track. After that on my session list it says that I get 1 and 2 prestige points for those sessions, while it should be 1/2 and 1. So here comes a second question: How to make it show correct prestige points? And last thing. Out of 3 GMs, one completely neglected that I am using slow XP track and not updated chronicle sheet. I'm trying to get it from her, but she ignores my emails. So here comes third question: How can I receive correct chronicle sheet? P.S. In case you are wondering, I have reported those sessions but had no answer from paizo. ![]()
![]() Linda Wellheart 1. Why are you a Pathfinder? Joined the Exchange because it seems like good opportunity to earn gold. Also, she is thrill seeker, meaning adventurer at heart. 2. Do you have a name and surname that is not ripped straight out of existing Earth mythology or popular culture? Wellheart. Gained from her mother. She doesn't like her parents, who neglected her. 3. Which nation did you grow up in? How did this nation influence you? Absalom. I don't know much about that city, so I chose it because it's melting pot of nations and races. 4. What do you look like? What are your wearing? How does this vary when you’re stalking through forests, sewers, deserts or in glittering cities? When not on a mission, brown and white city girl clothes. When on mission, Plate Armor, with skirt and symbol of Calistria on shield. Heavy! 5. What do you love? (Treasure and experience doesn’t count) Children, sweets. She like cute things, kitsune. Also very much likes men. 6. What do you hate? (Unclear and irritating darkness level rules don’t count) Insects, water, bitter things, risking. 7. Which other Pathfinders (PCs) do you rely on for teamwork, survival and butt-kicking? Do you have a bro? a mentor? a father figure? maybe a rival? Charter does not made considerable allies as of yet. 8. How does your race influence your views? Are you a stereotype of a certain race? How are you different from most humans/elves/gnomes/orcs/tengu? As half-elf, she took more from her Elf father. She worshipping Calistria, and was quite kinky at earlier age. Now she calmed down. 9. What are you afraid of? Do you have any phobias or worries? She can't swim, so she is afraid of water. Nearly drowning at early age didn't help it. She got phobia of insects that she does not know of. Thought that something this small can be poisonous to the point of death terrifies her. 10. What is your most treasured possession? Her three children. All from different fathers, whom she does not even know. Surprisingly, they are Elf girl 8 years old, half-elf boy 10 years old, and human girl of 12 years old, residing inside orphanage in winch she lives between missions (being Half-Elf do bring some surprises like children of different races). Raising them became her life goal, that why she does not like risks and need money. |