Danny Shirley's page
8 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.
What ever number this one would be;
What if world war one did not end and it raged for 50+ years,Kaiser Wilhelm was involved in the occult,and the alien crash at Roswell yielded results, including a machine gun that can cycle up to 600 rounds and not overheat. If this sounds like a board game it is. This is Tannhauser's(all rights to the fantasy flight games and bring it on company's) time line and it beg a few interesting questions.
I can't say I have been at this gaming thing as long as some, I am approaching my second decade, but this is my opinion of what the aforementioned wingus of a DM tried to pass off as an attempt at gaming. I assume it made a fist fight at a blind person's convention seem more organized, but it defiantly didn't get you what you wanted Senator, I recommend for an ol warhorse such as your self(No offense intended) to find some one with enough brains to blow their nose,if brains were dynamite of course,and have them teach you how to play and of course purchase the fine products that Paizo.com(shameless plug ahoy!)has to offer, even the PDF's, at lower price,to get your feet wet. I cut my teeth on Dark Sun,second edition, still my favorite world bar none, so now that I have tossed my 2 ceramic pieces in,I hope it gets better for you. And above all welcome to the community, and to Saren, I donate one steel long sword, it being the sword that saved my life many times in the Pit.
The Crimson Gladiator,
Hand Crossbows only require 1 hand. To use and reload, any other crossbows the dual wield is kinda clunky to use. I am play testing the class for you friend, and will help you in anyway I can.
Danny Shirley
My group of players
7th level Fighter, 2 Handed Spec
7th level Rouge, Poison Use Master, Dual Wield.
7th level Cleric, Healing Deity
7th level Sorcerer, Fire Bloodline
7th level Wizard, Arcane Specialization
This experienced group fought a 9th level Summoner and a small (4-6th level)
henchmen group. This was nearly a party wipe, mostly because of the Eidolon and some poor rolls. I ran the combat again to see if the rolls could be different. In all but one case the party was almost wiped out to a man. The Summoner is a very effective class, now the party is going to roll up at least one if not more. We also have a witch in the group now, but she has only adventured for half a level.
The Cavalier has so far work like a charm for us. The Oracle has replaced the favored soul in our game we have not ran into a balance issue or any other issues so far. If we find one we will send it to you.
Bellona wrote: <Warning - character optimization ahead!>
Arcane Archer?
For me, that PrC was never about the spellcasting. As everyone has pointed out, there is no increase in spellcasting levels in that PrC. What the Arcane Archer is about is doing nifty things with one's arrows.
The most interesting ability of that PrC was at L 1 - Enhance arrow +1. Take that, and you never, ever, run out of magical arrows. Make sure that the character has access to cold iron and other "obscure alchemical metals", maybe toss in a Holy or similar bow, and you're set as a missile specialist in most cases.
A good multiclass combination with Arcane Archer would include not only some Fighter and/or Ranger levels, plus one Sorcerer level (no worries about losing a spellbook, able to use many wands, etc.) for the arcane spellcasting pre-requisite, but also at least two levels from Order of the Bow Initiate (C.Warrior). Ranged precision adds extra damage at L 1, but - more importantly - Close combat shot at L 2 allows the archer to "attack with a ranged weapon while in a threatened square and not provoke an attack of opportunity" (bolded emphasis is mine).
Needless to say, both PrC (Arcane Archer and Bow Initiate) basically use the same pre-requisites. Basically, it's my personal no-brainer combination for an archery-based missile specialist.
My only statement to the whole prestige class thing is this. If you like them use them, if not don't,it's totally a DM's call, what ever make the game more enjoyable. That was my DM perspective, now as a player my favorite character was a level 15 Barbarian/10 level Frenzied Berserker. With a 35 Strength and a +5 Greataxe.
Lanx wrote: My PFCS has the bulgy cover, too. Of course, since it travelled three weeks over the great pond to Germany, I didn't thought much about it, but now I am reliefed that my book isn't the only one. Otherwise it is fine, though, and I don't mind the bulge. But it is a little bit creepy how the book tries to flex its muscles and grap more space in the book shelf ...
By the way, did you think of a special edition bound in flexible goat skin semi-yapp style with red under gold edges, full leather linings and three ribbon markers ...?
*rubbing my hands in anticipation*
"That's just disturbing Lanx" Interesting thought there.
Weapon Focus (spiked chain) is a darn good start, then at 4th level take Weapon Specilization() the chain while amazing is low damage.Then tack on Improved Critial for extra goodness. Also I recommend the Dodge and Combat Reflexes trees for better mobility with afore mentioned chain. When I play a Fighter I almost always use a 2 handed weapon I.E. Greatsword, Greataxe..... Not very original, but hey dead is dead, 2 handed weapons get them there quicker.