
Danivous Skyfire's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Indivar.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I'm just curious. Are there any chronicle sheets that specifically list wizard spellbooks?

Beyond the yes and no, I'm also curious which ones..

Silver Crusade 2/5

So, I'm doing a core run of the sanctioned bits of Half Dead City. Spoilers ahead...

group is about to meet The Scorched Hand at the inn. It leaves it interesting in a few ways.

1. The Hand is hungry for knowledge, and not looking to make enemies.
2. I've got a wizard in the party that may be looking to swap some spells with these guys. Azaz has Ear Piercing Scream, and Velriana has '3 first level spells of the GM's choice' in her book.

So, would the Scorched hand trade some spells? Would giving Velriana a non core spells an okay thing, considering it a reward for a resourceful player?


Silver Crusade

So this rogue talent (The Whole Time)allows a rogue to active various invisibility spell scrolls and wands. Treating the spells as if they were on his spell list.

Obviously, that make wand activation a snap. But a scroll? Is this a UMD check? Some other check? What's the DC?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Well, I've been out of the loop a while, but want to run some games again. I have a comment, and a question.

Firstly, I absolutely hate this website now. It was easy and I was comfortable with it, I turn my back for a year or so, and now it's even worse than the WotC site. Bad form.

Now the question stems from the above. I'd like to run some sanctioned adventure path games, and find I have to mine the site for far too long to get the info I need. Can anyone link me to the page showing which bits of the various paths are pegal for play, and then I would need the chronicle sheets as well. I would hope those 2 items would be on the same page (makes sense right?) but I imagine both are on different pages (likely, based on the level of difficulty I've had with this new design finding anything).


Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

Ok folks! I'm running a home brew, and need a main bad guy. Any of my Stones of Oblivion players.... move along.

So, my bad guy is touted as the Herald of Orcus. At full power, he's CR 20, but when encountered he will be like cr 14 or 15, due to certain binding magics (dampening templates, which I will need). Stripping the dampening templates away allow him to regain his powers, and add CR back.

I'm envisioning some sort of undead/demon type, with clerical casting levels. The special thing is that in its cr 20 form, it is immortal, and I need ideas on that as well. Perhaps, at cr 17 it begins to regain an ability to reform?

Silver Crusade

Ok folks this little game breaker seems like it could derail the remainder of my campaign, so I'm grasping at straws here.

The tie up option line states If you are grappling the target, you can attempt to tie him up in ropes, but doing so requires a combat maneuver check at a –10 penalty.

Is that combat manuveur check a simple, flat CMB roll at -10? Any bonuses for improved grapple and/or controlling the grapple yo that roll?

Sovereign Court

So here's an idea.

A druid has a Roc companion. He has the Roc carry a jar with a swarm in it and drop it on a certain spot.

Do able? Would something like that be a handle animal /push type trick? How would this be done?

Silver Crusade

Well I need a character idea. My feral mutagen swilling alchemist/urban barbarian bit the dust as the curtain closed on book 1. Im bummed and stumped on what to play for book 2. I've got the melee role, but tired of paladins and barbarians. Any ideas? (Nothing from ACG please)

Silver Crusade

Found this item (cursed version of intellect) in a certain AP. What exactly does this do? Lower ones int instead of raise it?

Liberty's Edge

What are some good cleric spells for this feat? I have travel and leadership domains. Once I get it at 5th, I am thinking murderous command, as my cleric is built to be a caster first, healer/combattalion second.

Silver Crusade

So I will keep the current situation vague so I don't put spoilers out.

Our group is exploring a bandit town and need to overthrow its leaders. We known who they are, and it looks like the majority of our opponents are humanoid.

My sorcerer is an air elementalist, and almost 5th level. I have shield, burning hands, magic missile, color spray, obscuring mist and create pit. I get scorching ray next level ( and have precise shot and pbs). I carry a wand of mage armor, and scribe scrolls. Stats are S12, D12, C14, I12, W10, 18Ch.

The mist spell has saved us, and the color spray is still very handy. I am more than happy to pick up another 1st level spell with FCB. We will likely be in close quarters, so vanish is on my to get list with FCB.

That leaves a first and a second. Thoughts? Summon monster 2? Grease? Sleep? Mirror image? Glitterdust?

Scarab Sages

So the ettin attack line reads 2 flails +12/+7; it also has superior 2 weapon fighting.

I am a little confused. Does the ettin make 2 attack rolls or 4 on a full attack? I am guessing 4.

Dark Archive

So what field of craft would you need to build an alter? Just simply craft-alter?

Looking for something suitable for casting desecrate.

Scarab Sages

Well my conjurer can cast 6th level spells. What's a good combo for quicken and heightened if needed?

Silver Crusade

So I am looking to put in a nice magic item, say 5000 gp or less, for the party monk. I need an idea besides amulet of mighty fists, but could throw down a custom item as long as the numbers work.

The monk in question has 14s in his Dex/con/wis/str, is quiggong, and has boar style. I considered a custom headband of wis+2 with some other minor ability, or the like. Ideas?

Silver Crusade

Well I must say the last 2 sessions have been pretty exciting. The party is in book 2 and battled the Vanth earlier ( sebti had to use 3 breath of lifes!), and last night it was Bheg, who I used as a regular ghast alchemist.

It was a battle for the ages folks. We had a coup de grace attempt vs the party tank ( Nat 20 on the save!), people struggling with paralysis ( basically 2-4 people were always paralyzed) and a grim tone as the battle tetered on tpk, and yet they survived. Thanks to the writers!

As a question, it seems from this point on it has 5-6 really nasty fights. Anyone elses party struggling? Anyone breezing through? I was fairly strict with character creation, was anyone else?

Scarab Sages

So could a wizard aasimar with the daylight SLA eventually qualify for dragon disciple ( using his SLA to qualify as spontaneous casting)?

Silver Crusade

My son played his first two sessions of society play, and wants to try his hand at magic. He liked magic missile, butdoes not like being squishy. I think magus will be to complex, but aasimar eldritch knight might not. Any simple aasimar build ideas for me?

Silver Crusade

So can you command your AC while in wild shape?

Liberty's Edge

As much as I like this spell, I just cannot find a way to use it. I imagine it would be good some how in exploring a site but which questions would one ask? How have others used this spell?

Silver Crusade

OK the item in mind is a bracelet which can cast produce flame. In this case it is a cleric with the fire domain, so it is a 2nd level spell. I suppose the cleric could try to hire a level 1 druid to aid in the effort. Furthermore, I can't quite figure the formula to get a price on this gadget. I suppose it could be charged for maybe 5 daily uses? Or 50 charges? 10 charges? Unlimited? The crafter is 3rd level and has craft wondrous. Help?

Silver Crusade

So my party is looking for a temple of Sarenrae for healing, but it looks like aside from Abadar and obviously Pharasma, that's it. Or is it? I basically ruled that there are several followers and a smattering of clerics through town, but no actual temple to the dawnflower. Am I missing something? What have others done? Perhaps I could put a few good shrines at the grand mausoleum?

Silver Crusade

So my party has nearly cleared the outer grounds of the manor. After the first encounter with the centipede, they had to retreat and heal Dex damage for 4 days. After that, they returned and searched the right wing of the outer grounds.. Now they are leaving to rest again before exploring the inside.

Now what about the div that lairs here. Wouldn't he notice that his outter buffer has been breached? After 5 days wouldnt the div notice the activity? What steps could he take? Possibly lure in a new buffer critter from the random encounter list?

Silver Crusade

Just kind of waiting to see what this looks like.. Has anyone gotten it yet, and have feedback?

Silver Crusade

This thought hit me recently regarding clerics and the way they cast spells. This is similar to the way 2nd edition priests worked.

Clerics choose 2 domains as normal and gain all of the powers as they would normally. They also access the other domains. The cleric can only prepare their domain spells. The slot normally reserved for domain spells is now used to prepare normal cleric spells ( kind of a flip).

What does everyone think? Where this would seemingly make more sense, it would limit clerics. Would giving them all of their possible domain powers offset the limited
spell list?

Silver Crusade

So can this spell affect invisible foes in range? Also, if it does, what effect does being on fire have with being invisible?

Silver Crusade

We are on book 2, and just leveled up to 5th. My wizard is an evocker 4/ orc/gold draconic sorc 1 blaster.

I have Burning arc and Blindess/deafness already. I need 2 new spells, create pit is one and the other has to be evocation. I really need a defensive spell, but want the pit. A friend say that frost fall would fill the bill. Thoughts?

Silver Crusade

So for mummy's mask, someone is looking ant rocking a Nodachi. That's fine with me, but since those are likely more common across the world, how can I handle the accessability? Like 20-50% more costly (50%?), and maybe when players go to find eastern magic weapons/armor, instead of the 75% chance to find it like a 25% chance?

Silver Crusade

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So I am gearing up to run Mummy's Mask, and have a player considering playing an invulnerable rager. What do you people think? Is it too powerful?

On a note, I am also running what is likely to be a 5 man team, so I am anticipating having to up the encounters at times.

Scarab Sages

Alright so my party is in the works for Mummy's mask. Thus far, we have..
Emberkin cleric of nethys
Half elf paladin, undead scourge
Necromancer (?)
Goblin Rogue

So I am curious how Osirions would generally react to such a party. The top 3 should be OK one would think, but a Goblin? How would society treat this guy and or his friends? I have some ideas but would like more input.

Scarab Sages

Ok I am looking to build an arcane archer, and I am faced with the debate of when to take feats. Let me post the basics.

Dwarf Ranger
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8.

At 7th level, I am taking a level of Empyreal bloodline Sorcerer.

I like dwarves quite a bit, so I am not to keen on changing the race or stats. It is for a homebrew campaign, so I am also not keen on min maxing for optimization cheese effect.

Now once I hit 8th level, here are the feats I can see

1. Point blank shot or deadly aim
2. precise shot or precise shot
3. deadly aim or point blank shot
5. rapid shot
7. weapon focus bow.

To summarize, I am eyeing point blank shot, deadly aim, precise shot, rapid shot, and weapon focus, but I am curious as to which order. Any ideas?

Scarab Sages

So what is a good low/no magic setting or system to play? I roll dice with some that are not comfortable with pathfinders magic system, and I am considering giving them some other avenues to pursue. I know of savage worlds, which I am a big fan of, but is there anything d20?

Silver Crusade

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So Say a fighter with a 10 strength is wearing no armor, but is carrying a heavy load. Does the -6 check penalty apply to attack rolls?

Dark Archive

So if you cast wind wall INTO the area of a cloud, does it effectively create an area that the cloud now cannot enter? Like you could cut a stinking cloud in half? Does this spell work on obscuring mist?

Silver Crusade

So I am gearing up for a casual campaign, and it looks like I will have 2 full time players, and maybe 1 more. I figured it would be a good idea to add in an NPC friendly to help fill the ranks, but since the party is so small, and the party needs melee types, I might go with a fighter and possibly a warrior (or just 2 warriors at first).

How would people split the experience points in these cases? RP and problem are for PCs only, and combat is for all? Or..?

Silver Crusade

So I am trying to advance a creature. It has a 1/3 cr, and the template is +1 cr. What is the new CR? 1/2 or 1 or 2?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

So after a miserable defeat at the first encounter in The Waking Rune, I am done. No more PFS for me, at least for a while. The requirement to meta game to survive, the inventory tracking sheet, thousands of pages of data....I am backing away. Sorry guys, but the thrill is gone.

Silver Crusade

So according to the SRD, which is unofficial, it lists the medium/younger allosaurus's claws as a secondary attack, then its a primary at 7th level (when it advances). This is not listed in the PRD (which is the official source).

Is this a typo in the srd, or am I just missing something because I have not actually referenced the beastiary 2?

Silver Crusade

So if you have a shield, not donned, Is it a move action to draw it and a move action to Don it? Is donning the same as drawing a shield? We seem to have some confusion between drawing and donning a shield in my area. Thanks.

Silver Crusade

So I am part of a new party that is being built. We have a pack lord druid, a gunslinger, an evoker, a paladin, and a yet to be named. Would it be better to have wolves or lions running about? I understand the lion has pounce, grab all that good stuff later, but wolves tripping people is just tempting. Thought?

Silver Crusade

So this spell is a way to get an escape artist check to escape a grapple, which is awesome. Now here is my question - its an immediate action, which can be preformed at anytime. Say the caster gets grappled - since its an immediate action, does that mean there is no concentration check to cast this? I would imagin that is the intent, but the timing is the question.

Silver Crusade

SO one of my players wants to take 1 level of wizard to get a familiar. He is a tanky fighter, but wants the critter... His int is 7, so casting 1st level spells is not happening, but what of other functions? Cantrips? Daily powers? Using wands/scrolls? Obviously casting in armor is an issue as well, but...?

Silver Crusade

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So I have played my lore warden /paladin up to levels 6 and 2 respectively. I have +1 mithril full plate, a +1 cold iron/+1 mithril meteor hammer, and the following feats: Weapon focus, Combat expertise, weapon specialization, power attack, improved and greater trip, combat reflexes, two weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting.

When I hit 9th level, I am kind of at a loss of where to go feat wise. I am considering improved critical - he has 4 attacks per round, with a 20 crit weapon, so maybe the sheer number of dice rolled will work out. After that....more two weapon fighting feats? double slice (would that work with power attack?)? Bleeding critical? Other manuveur related feats?

What do you folks think?