Holy Vindicator

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1. Belodal Lichthammer (translated Lighthammer), a dwarven cleric of Caiden Caylean
2. Enso Hammerfaust (translated Hammerfist), a human Paladin of Sarenrae
3. Fran Feuerhammer (translated Firehammer), a Aasimarian Paladin of Erastil
4. Djafurn, a Satyr Bard.

Pretty hammerfocused party obviously :D

They are actually pretty boring from a "original party" - perspective but I like them. Especially the Satyr is amazing and the most original in our group. He loves roleplaying and his character is kind of the guy who just f***s with everybody. With his insane diplomatic skills and his huge charisma he kinda does what he wants and it is extremely funny.
Yesterday he laid Kendra Deverin, the mayor of Sandpoint. :D

Nice! I will definetly use that for the upcoming Hookmountain adventure! :)

Oh, I love this guys. Thanks a lot. I'll let you know what I'm exactly going to do.

Hey guys, the next thread of me.^^

My group TPK'd fighting Xanesha. Everyone wants to continue so I have to find a way to start with Hook Mountain Massacre with a brand new group.


The party captured Ironbriar, killed 10 of the cultists in the mill and burnt it down. The held the justice in the mansion of one of the now dead PCs.
So Ironbriar is missing in the city and there will be a search for him.

Then the party tries to finish Xanesha after taking down every cultist in the city except the two or three that escaped from the windmill. Xanesha kills them though.

Noone noticed that fight so Xanesha could still hide in the clocktower. 2 days later, she killed the Lordmayor in his own house (the gardenthing).

Even more days later, the citywatch finds the party dead somewhere (in the place where Xanesha put the corpses). The watch gets suspicious and searches the mansion of the now dead PC. In the mansion they find Ironbriar almost starved.

Then, Ironbriar succeeds in putting the blame of the murders on the PCs. The party, although they are dead already, are now guilty for the starmurders (that's what I call them) and the sawmill massacre. They go down in history as one of the biggest and most successful murderers in Magnimar.

Xanesha then leaves Magnimar because with the murder of the Lordmayor she is done in Magnimar. I think she will go to her sister in TurtlebackFerry and join her or something like this.

Meanwhile, Aldern Fingerhut, who survived, chills and is still licking his wounds in the surroundings of Sandpoint. I plan his comeback in another adventure. Maybe FotSS.

So that's what I plan to happen after the PCs die.

Now to the new PC's:

Two of them are close friends. One is a satyr bard, the other one is a dwarven cleric of Cayden Cailean. Both come from a small village in Varisia (not named yet, basically I can decide what village this is), and now they are travelling around, singing and drinking and fulfilling their sexual needs.
The third PC is an Aasimar Paladin who comes from Magnimar (or a similar city), he is son of a smithy.
One player has not decided yet.

So these are not very detailled backstorys yet. But that's actually better because I have more freedom in planning how to start the next adventure or maybe even contuining in the Skinsaw Murders although I do not exactly know how to do that.

So maybe you have some ideas how to start the next session? Im just looking for some ideas or for some inspiration. Thank you.

Name of PC: "Captain" Sargon
Class/Level: Rogue (Pirate Archetype) 7
Adventure: The Skinsaw Murders
Catalyst: Xanesha

Name of PC: Ogrimm
Class/Level: Fighter 7
Adventure: The Skinsaw Murders
Catalyst: Xanesha and then a tree

Name of PC: Jojo
Class/Level: Monk 7
Adventure: The Skinsaw Murders
Catalyst: Xanesha

Name of PC: Jálos
Class/Level: Wizard 6/Summoner 1
Adventure: The Skinsaw Murders
Catalyst: Xanesha


will edit it later. It was a TPK against Xanesha (modified AE).

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Alright, thanks guys!

I decided to let Aldern dod his thing again. After he was severly wounded in the Manor he took several days (maybe even a few weeks) to recover and then he returns in his Manor. Since his target of obsession is dead, as well as Iesha, he basically has nothing in his life anymore exept the mission of Xanesha. He still remembers the list given to him and after a few days of "chilling" in the Manor he goes on the hunt of these people.
I won't plan this out in more detail however, since the session is in one hour and they won't leave Magnimar in the next two or three sessions.

With Orik, I am going the route you guys suggested as well. The thread about Orik himself was very helpful as well! The PCs will met Orik from time to time, they hear about his bad luck while adventuring. In Turtleback Ferry, he will actually help the Pcs retaking Fort Rannick (I plan to make the siege way harder than written, so extra help will be much needed), in book 4 he will help defending Sandpoint if the PCs ask him to and stuff.

Thank you very much.

Thank you VERY much for your reply!!

I don't know about your idea with Aldern though. In which way would Lucrecia benefit from Alderns help, considering he is a ghoul? Isn't the plan of Lucrecia to mark the people of the little town (forgot the english name) with the rune und then kill them all at once. Having a scary ghoul at her side wouln't really help her much, would it?

I like the Orik thingy though, thanks for that!

Hey guys, I (GM) and my are currently playing the Skinsaw Murders.

In the last session they went into the Sawmill and killed all Cultists and captured Ironbriar in a very long battle.

So why I'm creating this post (you saw it in the title already i guess):

Orik Vancaskerkin survived. In Thistletop the players talked with Orik (he was alone and knew he would not be able to overcome 4 people without help, so he tried to talk himself out of danger) and the players agreed on letting Orik flee.
Sending Orik to the Black Arrows is an idea I found in the forums here, but unfortunately the PCs didn't capture Orik, no, they just let him go, so why would there be a trial for Orik?

Coming to Aldern, in the Skinsaw Murders they fought Aldern in the Misgivings. Aldern succesfully killed his target of obsession and then dived into the pool into safety. So he lives aswell.

So now I need some ideas how to implement these 2 guys in the upcoming story. Since I'm a GM-Noob, I kind of forgot about Orik the whole time and for Aldern... I just didn't rly know. So it would be nice to get some ideas. How would you reintroduce them?

Oh yeah, fine, I will do something cool with it. ^.^

Hm, I don't know yet. They are currently in Magnimar, visited the Townhouse and did some random political stuff.

I dont know if it would be too logical for Aldern to return to Xanesha, would it? He kinda failed his mission, AND he got caught. Right now, I am curious how Aldern would react to this.
He could infiltrate Sandpoint continuing with the murders, or he could remain a pawn of Ironbriar/Xanesha or he could do something completly different, since his target of obsession is dead. Hr... Dont know.

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Name of PC: Rag'zor
Class/Level: Half-Orc, Barbarian 4
Adventure: Burnt Offerings, Thistletop
Catalyst: Yeth-Hounds
Story: So Rag'zor was the PC that seeks for a fight in every situation possible. He basically killed everything incredibly fast in the earlier adventure, Goblins, Brutazhmus, Gogmurt, everything went down with ease due to the heavy hits of Rag'zor. This time, though, the party encountered the 2 Yeth-Hounds in the cathedral in Thistletop. Standing in the door as the tank, Rag'zor first failed his Save against the Bay-Attack of the first hounds. He tried to escape as he was panicked, got no chance though. The second hound bit him, scored a hit, AND Rag'zor failed this Save again!
While the rest of the party tried to save him the Yeth-Hounds bit him every single round and every time, Ragzor failed his save. So basically the fearsome Ragzor was a little puppy on the ground getting eaten by Hellhounds.

Name of PC: Sam
Class/Level: Human, Rogue 4
Adventure: Burnt Offerings, Thistletop
Catalyst: Nualia
Story: The party was in a fight with Nualia and Lyrie, they killed Lyrie fast, but then, suddenly, Sam died. Nualia did hit him with her sword and he was just dead, out of nowhere, nobody really expected it, so nothing epic here. Pretty sad, Sam was a cool character.

Name of PC: Ezerios
Class/Level: Half-Elf, Ranger 6
Adventure: Skinsaw Murders
Catalyst: Aldern Foxglove
Story: I have to say at first, that the party I GM for is not even close to be Minmaxed or something. They are pretty weak actually since this is the first adventure they play in a PnP. Ezerios (hard to pronounce for you i guess, we are german) though was really good. He was a Ranger fighting with his bow and while he wasn't the best in Burnt Offerings, he was the star in Skinsaw Murders.
He was the victim of Alderns obsession, he was the one with the most hitpoints, the one with the highest Attackbonus, the one with the highest damage, the one who f**ked Shayliss, he was huge.
The fight against Aldern really was an epic clash still. I didn't use the goblin ghast because I thought that would be too hard for my party. So Aldern was the only enemy. It was a big fight though, he charged Ezerios, he did hit him with a big crit. Ezerios tried to flee, he just ran out of the room with his Retreat action and got onto the slippery... circle above the water. Aldern chased him, only one of the AoO came through, not hurting him too much. The chase ended with Aldern and Ezerios falling into the water (miserable Acrobatic throws while trying to run over the slippery circlethingy). The rest of the party, almost killed Aldern in the water (9 HP), still, Aldern killed Ezerios in a big epic Grapple fight underwater (dont remember it exactly, but it was definetly underwater). Then Aldern dived down and was never seen again (party didnt chase him, they thought it was suicide - they didnt know that he could breathe underwater (he can, right?)).

Sorry for the english, Im german :D

Is it known that Ironbriar is part of the Brotherhood?

:D sry, im rly wondering

Nice, thank you very much.

Hey guys, just a short question:

What does the normal magnimarian citizen know about the Brotherhood of the Seven? Does he even know that this organization exist?

One of my PCs grew up in Magnimar, so what should i tell him? Does he know the Brotherhood of the Seven? If he knew them, WHAT would he know?

Didn't rly find an answer for this in the AE Edition Book.

Ok, thank you.

So again, can you change the appearance of magic items? Can you take a long Gandalf-like staff and create a wand out of it, even when wands are normally small sticks?

I did let MotFF out and just played out Boggards in theBrinestump Marsh, way easiert to prepare and worked out just fine. Integrating MotFF is maybe an idea, but for me it was just too much work.

more questions on the way:

Does a familiar fight? Or do they only give the Wizard the bonus and that's it (apart from RP-fun of course)?

Can a Wand be longer than a few inches? I kknow why they are as short as they are, but when you create a wand by yourself, can you use a longer stick?
-> Is it possible to use a wand (wands are not that expensive, thats why i dont mean rods) as a walking stick?^^

Hey, has anyone tried to implement the free module Master of the Fallen Fortress into Rise of the Runelords?

I even thought about combining Boggards in Brinestump Marsh with the module.

So the adventure would happen between Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders. You can sort of replace the enemies with the boggards from the Brinestump Adventure.

The "boss" could be something like the Old Megus. Or maybe, the Old Megus is not even controlling the boggards anymore, instead, a different person, maybe an evil mage replaced the Old Megus and is controlling the strong boggardtribe right now. I don't know, something like that.

Has anyone tried this yet? Maybe you could share some of your experiences with this^^

Had that idea as well, but we are new to RPGs and my player found these rules too complicated, so they don't want to use them.

They had one thing, one goal they want to achieve, as far as I remember. Maybe that's too RotRl-specific for the Adviceforum, but they wanted to use

as their base. They want to renovate the whole fortress.

We ended Burnt Offerings last session, so we're between Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders.

Yeah, I actually know that, but there are weeks and weeks between the adventures (I just said for me that there are 7 weeks between the adventures). I have some sidequests ready and stuff, but what should they do so long?

I am especially searching for examples, because as I said, my main problem is not that i do not know WHAT to do, my problem is that I don't know HOW to it practically. So like youtubevideos or some adventurelogs where people did "roleplaysessions".


So we're playing a campaign (me as a GM, RotR) and we are between two adventures. Several weeks will pass before the first encounter of the new adventure appears. So how do I handle it this time?

I've read some threads in several forums about this and most people gave the advice to use the time to bring Sandpoint closer to the PCs. Like a sandboxy session with a few little encounters IN Sandpoint, like meeting new NPCs and stuff.

So far so good, the problem I have now is how to do this: I never GMed a session like this, I have absolutly no experience, I did not even see other people doing sessions like this. (my players have zero experience either)

Now I am trying to get some information on how to handle this time between the two adventures when nothing with the mainplot happens. The thing is that I actually know what my intention is, i know WHAT to do, but I don't know HOW to do it. I never had an example how to play such sessions out. I just cannot really imagine it.

So are there any examples you can give me on this topic? Like a youtube-video, a detailed sessionlog of a campaign someone else played, or something like that.

And do you have some advice you want to give me concerning this topic?

( I hope, I made my point clear lol )

Oups, yes is mean caster level ^^
Ok fine, thank you.

Next question (bit complicated, the whole magicstuff in pathfinder...):

What is your spell level? As far as I know, as a Wizard 3/Summoner 1 your spell level is 3 when you cast as a Wizard and 1 when you cast as a summoner.

Is that right? Or is my spell level 4 because I have 4 levels in Classes that are able to cast magic?

If it would be the first option, what about scrolls and magic items? When i cast a spell by using a scroll, what is my spell level then? And when i create a magic item, what's my spell level?

I've got another question about the spell "Mirror Image". Do the images also copy your attacks? For example, when you cast Magic Missile while your images are active, do you cast the spell 1d4 times? Or is it just you who casts the spell?

Thank you very much, Some Other Guy :)

Hey, i have some questions concerning the Wizard, the Summoner and when you multiclass both of them to Wizard 3/Summoner 1

1. A Wizard prepares a spell out of his spellbook, let's say Shatter, one time. But in fight the target of the spell succeeds with his Willsave, so his weapon doesnt break, is a Wizard able to try to cast this spell again or is this prepared spell lost?

2. I multiclass Summoner and Wizard. When i know spells as a Summoner, am i able to write them down in the spellbook as a wizard? Would make sense, but how is it handled mechanically?

3. As a Summoner i get Summon Monster I as a ability. When i summon my Eidolon, i cannot use this ability as a summoner, i cannot use it for other monsters anymore. But when the "Wizard-part" of my character is able to cast Summon Monster I, can i summon these monsters?

ok, thx ;)

Hey, i have another question:

Armor for unusual creatures costs 2x as much as armor for humanoids. The consequence of this is that this armor is different than the armor for humanoids.

Does this actually mean, that Outsiders (Oreads or Aasimars as PCs for example) cannot wear armor of "normal" humanoid enemies? If that is the case, wouldn't it be a huge disadvantage?

I mean, there is almost no possibility to find good loot for their race/type.

Beast Rider Archetype! Thx, everything clear! :)

Hey, my player in my current RotR-campaign ist creating a new character right now, and he is tendinng towards the cavalier.

But he is complaining about the mount:
In the book, it is said, that his only option is to take either a horse or a camel (for nonsmall characters). But the GM is allowed to approve other animals as suitable mounts.

So in d20spfrd, i found a list with more mounts he can choose from (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/cavalier#TOC-Mount-Ex-).

But seriously, neither me nor my player get why there are so few choices. He especially talked about a bear, but he also mentioned cats (like geopards and stuff, i don't know the word in english for it lol), dragons (wtf), lions and so on...

So is it possible for him to take those animals as mounts? How would it be played out?

We use the Chessex Mega Mat which is big enough for most of the maps.

When you have something like Thistletop, sometimes you can divide the map into two sections (the thorns and thistletop itself). This isn't always possible, but with the Megamat, you can easily handle the first 2-3 adventures (I don't know about the others.)

So i really recommend it.

Another Thing:

Where does the smugglers tunnel lead to? I know about the catacombs and about the exit to the sea. But the long part, leading out of Sandpoint? where does it end?

Well, i mean, they don't know, what Malfeshnekor is. And they neither got an idea of the possible power of a demon (or what Nualia wants to be).

I will let Father Zantus have a Remove Disease Scroll in storage, just like Kalshane did.
The player who got bitten absolutly LOVES his character, so i don't want him to die to be honest.

What is the DC for this disease? (I'm talking about the Remove Disease Spell)

I think, I'll just play out the next session.

Actually, there are enough people in Sandpoint that are smart enough to realize, that this attack is not defendable.

Additionaly, as you said, i can just send Shalelu back to the town (she is observing the goblin tribes right now), the players trust her (they like her pretty much) and i think they will believe Shalelu when she says that it's the best option to go to Thistletop.

Btw, i don't understand their motivation too. But i don't want to interrupt them in their considerations..

Ye, that's true, but they could convince the Mayor NOT to blow up the tunnel. (They COULD.)

They don't have that much respect for her. But I still think they would do it. But they wouldn't do it, when there is no reason for them. I need to convince them (as the mayor or ameiko or whoever), i guess.

Well, my group just talked about the happenings in the campaign in our Whatsapp-group. And i think i've got another problem.

My group is absolutly convinced, that they will be able to protect the town. They know that Hemlock isn't in the town, and they discovered the tunnel beneath Sandpoint.

Their plan right now is to create a defensive line in this tunnel to create a "300-effect" (less people can defend a very thin spot incredibly long). The rest of the goblins are easy to defeat in their opinion.

I should add, that they think that the attack is coming the next day already (or at least in VERY near future).

So they just want to stay in Sandpoint. They know about Thistletop (although they did not talk to anybody about that) but they do not plan to go there. The whole group agrees with defending Sandpoint even without Hemlock and the extraguards.

What if i play this out? Would it be logical that Nualia still attacks Sandpoint (according to her plan), although she doesn't hear anything from Tsuto?

Alright; i think with your help, i'm pretty confident now.

When the players get up from the catacombs, I'll let them see how the graveyardguy (forgot his name) is transporting the corpses from the glassworks to the... graveyard or wherever.

When they go outside I want the players to be confronted with the atmosphere in the town. Didn't show that too much before the glassworks. I am not hundred percent sure how i do this, but i'll start with the people standing around the glassworks, i'll try to describe them the emotions the citizens have.

And then, I will just implement your ideas.
Thank you guys very much! :)

Btw, is there a chance for our barbarian to heal the Vargouille-thing? Or will he just die? Because neither Zantus shouldn't be able to prepare the right Spell nor the wizard of the town (Turandarok; or does he?

(sry for the bad english, but i try :D)

so my group just finished the glassworks. They called for Kendra Deverin, i tried to played her as a very shocked person. She wanted to start directly with the funeral and hear of nothing else.

Playing Ameiko sad was a bit hard for me, i dont think i did that very well.

So the group decided to investigate the smugglers tunnel, and they cleared the catacombs completly, killing everything incredibly fast, including Erylium. They really rushed through it without any drawbacks. Well, ok, our half-orc barbarian got kissed by the Vargouille, but actually, he doesn't rly care (I don't know why lol).

So we stopped in the catacombs and in the next session, they will obviously go back into the town.

But what should happen there? How do the NPC's behave now? What should i do? Should i let Kendra Deverin convoke the Sandpoint council to speak about the recent happening?

How long does it take for Belor Hemlock to return from Magnimar? How can i show the players that the town is kinda... depressed and feared?

I don't know, and i need to get them to Thistletop...

I just don't know how I prepare the behaviour of the NPC's in our next session..

Maybe you can give me some tips :)

Could someone post a new index? I mean all the other stuff, no maps.

Because in the last one, 50% of the links are dead.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:


Wow, that's amazing! Will definetly use that.

I do not really like the downtime rules in Ultimate Campaign. First Reason is, that it is pretty complex and because of that it is quite hard to understand everything in english. And Ultimate Campaign is not available yet in german (for free it isn't).
Additionally my players are kind of new to the game and they do not really like it when i add too many rules/stuff they need to understand.

So i think Douglas' ideas are absolutely perfect! Love 'em

Thank you all for your answers :)

Oh, alright. That was very clear. Thank you very much. (although i don't really know if there is a disadvantage when you try to move through a threatened square (example 1). Is there a disadvantage?)

Alright, thanks guys, those are very nice suggestions!
(love this forum btw)

Hi, i'm GMing my first adventurepath with my group. We actually only played the Beginner Box adventure.

My group is in the Catacombs of Wrath right now, they just killed Erylium (oh, they demolished her so hard). It is so much fun.

But actually, me, as a GM, i have a problem with my players. They do not know what to do, when they... well, when they got nothing to do. They don't know what to do in their downtime. Due to that, i kind of pushed the events pretty closely together. In our campaign, it's just Wednesday. They finished the second part of Burnt Offerings in two ingamedays.

So, the problem is the following: I can continue like that, remaining with my immense speed the events are happening. But some day this will be a bit... unrealistic.

I hope you know what i mean. (a bit hard to explain as a german-speaking person)

So how can I let my players having FUN in such downtimes. Should i even roleplay them? Or should they just shortly say what they do and then i skip a few days without any roleplay?

I am a new GM and i do not really know what to do. I hope you can give me some advice :)

Ok, thank you.

Let us take your example:
(E=enemy, A=ally, X=me)

To pass the two Enemies in front of me i can take one move-action, as you said, with the DC'S CMD+5 and CMD+7.

But what if i fail the second acrobatics-check? I would go back to the position where i started, wouldn't i?

If this is the case, which enemy would be able to take an Attack of Opportunity? The first or the second enemy? Or both?

aah thanks guys, i got it now ! :) We are playing the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path and a fihgt in the first adventure was kind of a mess with noone really understanding the acrobatics-rules.


Hey, me and my group - we are playing Pathfinder for a few weeks now and we love it. But there are still some problems with the rules while DM-ing. Most of the time i just make something up, but some rules, well, you cannot completly make them up by yourself.

Ok, so 2 questions for now:

You can use acrobatics for moving over a field with an enemy. When you do that, does it provoke an Attack of Opportunity? And can you use this for more than one time in a round?

Next question is about preparing spells. For the Wizard, it is finde, he is able to prepare all the spells written down in his spellbook. But what's up with Cleric and Druid for example? They have no Spellbook, so can they just choose their prepared spells from the Spelllist all the time? I mean, if this is the case, wouldn't be the Druid too powerful, because he has so many spells to choose from?

I hope you understand my question and thank you in advance for answering them!

I am not a native English Speaker so sorry for my bad Englisch ! :)