Daniel Gunther 346's page

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Whether or not you see this as good or bad for the country is irrelevant for the purposes of this thread...I am vehemently opposed to It. Be that as It may, It has become an inevitability that it is coming largely due to the Supreme Court's ruling that it is a tax and can be instituted on those grounds. So now the idea for this thread is to discuss how the bill for the healthcare will be covered. My understanding is that it is going to be something like car insurance with additional funds being raised by taxing companies that manufacture and sell medical devices. I believe there are several other sources. The one that has me concerned is the apparent 3.8% sales tax that can be imposed on unearned income particularly in regards to the sale of a home. I admit to being uncertain if this is true. I hope not. Since government healthcare is coming how exactly IS it going to be paid?

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Jack Berkenstock Jr. I am the Executive Director of a non-profit company called the Bodhana Group, which is based in Ephrata, PA. We are dedicated to reducing the impact of sexual abuse through treatment and professional and community education.

We are planning a fund raiser event for December 2nd through December 4th called Save Against Fear. It is a marathon role playing fund raiser that will be held at Six Feet Under Games located in New Holland, PA. The gaming will start at 9pm Friday and go straight through until 6pm Sunday evening. We will be featuring multiple games across multiple genres in a 45 hour extravaganza. These games will feature not only established products, but also home-brew systems from local designers and various other table-top and miniature games.

We are seeking donations of any materials, products, or gaming supplies that can be used as items for gift bags that will given to participants participating in the full weekend. We will have approximately 50 - 60 tote bags. These items can include anything from promotional materials, dice, printed gaming materials, miniatures, etc. Any single use items will be used for awards to excellent players or as door prizes in drawings. Any assistance in this area is well appreciated. We will acknowledge contributors through printed materials for that day, as well as a listing of companies on our web site and on our Facebook page.

Jack Berkenstock Jr., MHS
Executive Director

The Bodhana Group
448 North State Street
Ephrata, PA 17522