Damian the Sarcesian's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Felix Cohen.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The biohacker theorem "explosive danger" says you can detonate the spores you created with "fruitful danger". This seems to imply that those spores are the fuel for the explosion. However the text never mentions the effect from fruitful danger going away, or even that you can only detonate a given cluster once.

rules text:

explosive danger wrote:
As a move action, you can detonate the toxic spores of a mushroom cluster you have created with the fruitful danger theorem (see above). The explosion deals 2d6 fire damage to each creature within 10 feet of the cluster’s original square (Reflex save for half damage). At 8th level, you can spend a Resolve Point to add damage to the attack equal to your biohacker level and push creatures 5 feet away from the cluster’s square (a success on the Reflex save negates this movement). This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, and any creature unable to move into an empty space does not move. You must have the fruitful danger theorem to choose this theorem.
fruitful danger wrote:
As a full action, you can use a ranged injection weapon to cause the sudden eruption of a toxic mushroom cluster in an empty square within the first range increment of the weapon used. Large mushrooms sprout in the square and release toxic spores in a 10 foot radius. Any creature who starts its turn in or enters the area takes 2d4 acid damage, plus 2 damage per biohacker level (Fortitude save for half damage). The mushroom cluster lasts for 1 round per biohacker level and causes the original square (not the entire area) to become difficult terrain. You can’t use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.

My personal interpretation is that RAW you could detonate it as often as you like while the duration lasts, even twice per round. But RAI the area should disappear after detonation. Or at least be limited to one detonation per cluster

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

I have a question about the experimental armor mechanics lvl 5 "Power Boost" ability.

You gain proficiency in powered armor. You can alter your experimental armor prototype to be identical to any suit of powered armor that has an item level equal to or lower than your existing armor prototype by spending 8 hours of work making upgrades.

Can i use this during a scenario to spend 8 hours (such as during space travel) to change my armor into another powered armor? The point of contention seems to be whether this would count as crafting/downtime, and thus be restricted to only one item between scenarios.

I quickly looked through the downtime section of the guide to organized play, and could only find the rules on crafting that could be relevant. And looked at the character options page for organized play and did not see special mention of experimental armor mechanics.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi everyone,
I've been working on a guide to the soldier for some time now. And now it's finally done. It covers everything that's part of the soldier class, including gear boosts, feat boosts, and fighting styles. My experience is mostly in organized play, so my ratings are mostly based off that perspective.

Check it out here

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Is it possible to install a psychic resonator inside a mk3 (or mk4) null space chamber? And if it can, will it function to double the range of limited telepathy to all creatures on the planet while the null space chamber is open.

The null space chamber has enough capacity to house the bulk of the resonator. The resonator does not have language indicating it needs power to function, although it states it can be operated as a system wide comm unit which in turn states it has a built in generator. The final hurdle i can see would be the question of whether it can function through the extradimensional barrier between the inside and outside of the null-space chamber. There is no clear language to indicate that it is blocked, however the language for what is affected by the resonator also seems unclear to me.

Also, is my interpretation correct that all creatures on the planet where the resonator is located have the range of their limited telepathy doubled? And if so, is the rule in starfinder still that two effects that double a given value combine to triple that value, if i have this and psychic booster active, does my range get tripled or quadrupled?

The character i'm considering using this on is in organized play, so if there is anything specific to organized play that affects your answers please let me know.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

The utility belt is a pretty useful exploit, but how good it is depends a lot on how often it can be used. The last line specifies that:
"Once you have spent the credits deposited in the belt, you must spend 1d4 hours buying supplies in a typical settlement before you can use the utility belt again."
Does this mean that you have to go shopping after every item you pull out, or does it mean that to increase the stored credits you need to spend time in a settlement?

In the first interpretation you can often only use 1 item per society adventure. While in the second interpretation having it completely full allows you to use it far more often if you use it on cheaper items.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

The COM book seems to list the old prices for medicinals. However the Core Rulebook got errata'd to lower these prices. When buying a medicinal published in this book, what price should i use?

I also often play in society and have the "Big Win Against Big Potion" boon. This states: "From now on, whenever any of your characters purchases a medicinal, use the followingg chart to determine the cost of these items:" It then lists the updated prices in the new core rulebook. It then goes on to state: "In the future these prices will become standard, updated by an errata to the Starfinder Core Rulebook, representing the Society's actions in reshaping the Pact World's medicinal costs. However, you gain access to these reduced rates as soon as you earn this boon, and this applies to all of your Starfinder Society characters." Does this boon affect the price of non-Core medicinals i purchase?

My feeling on this is that the pricing in COM is a mistake, and should be fixed if there's an errata. The boon seems to imply that the intention was for all medicinals to be that price.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

I found something i would like cleared up. Sepulchral Evolutionists get a discount on buying necrografts. This is 10% by default, but if there is another discount it increases that discount by 5%. There is a relatively small amount of necrografts, however it is also possible to purchase a biotech or cybernetic augmentation as a necrograft costing only 90% of the normal price.

My question is what the price for a necrograft version of one of these augmentations would be.

Would it be 85% of the originally listed price, meaning the 90% pricetag should be seen as a 10% discount?

Or would it be 81% of the price, as you get a 10% discount starting from the reduced price that is the necrografts price?

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

If a Stellifera in an active hydrobody gets hit by a wound or severe wound critical hit and lose a limb, what actually happens? I see two options. The hydrobody loses a limb, or the diminutive creature inside loses a limb. If the hydrobody loses a limb, can that be reformed by forming a new hydrobody? If the creature inside loses a limb, does this impact how it performs while inside of hydrobody?

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Some creature companions have a burrow speed and can be ridden as a mount. I would like to know if my character can stay mounted while their creature companion is burrowing.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Do sleeves of many garments alter the appearance of magic items? Specifically i would like to wear a goz mask without standing out too much.