DaiShar's page
Organized Play Member. 17 posts (23 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
Yeah I'm a little disappointed as well, will have to change that for my game.
Are they listed in any of the bestiary books or a separate book?

James Jacobs wrote:
Correct; Iomedae, Cayden, and Norgorber are full on deities.
Golarion basically has 3 categories of divine powers.
Deities are at the top—they don't have stat blocks and can't be killed by mortals. This is the category Iomedae, Cayden, and Norgorber are found in.
Demigods are one step lower—these are things like empyrial lords and demon lords. They some day WILL have stat blocks (once we solve the post-20th-level riddle) and can be killed by mythic mortals—their CR scores would range from about 26 to around 40, I'm guessing. This is likely the category that Iomedae, cayden, and Norgorber were in just AFTER they took the Test of the Starstone.
Nascent demigods (such as the nascent demon lords or perhaps really powerful mythic heroes) are CR 21 to CR 25. They can be killed by mortals, but it's a tough fight! This is likely the category that Iomedae, cayden, and Norgorber were in just BEFORE they took the Test of the Starstone.
Thanks James, that is basically what I had been thinking all along. It's hard to picture Cayden, given the stories told of him, being CR 21-25. I thought he got "drunk" lucky and basically stumbled through the Test of the Starstone but maybe that's what he wants everyone to think...
Beckett wrote: Paizo has said they will never reveal the details of Aroden's death. That works for me...makes it easier to decide what happened in my own campaign.
Void Munchkin wrote: James Jacobs wrote:
Of course, if we do our job right, all that extra stuff we tricked you into buying is SO COOL that you appreciate that stuff and end up buying even more stuff from us!
Well that explains it. Well played sir...that explains why I've even purchased the pdf's when I have the books. Since its easier, and not to mention lighter, to carry my Xoom around.

Daviot wrote: Long post, but you asked. ~_^
Somehow, I doubt that all the forum is familiar with the work in question, but as far as geopolitical anthropomorphisms of fictitious states go...
Axis Powers: Golarion
Absalom-a male human whose clothing is a haphazard mismatch of a dozen countries, who compares every situation or place to some part of the City at the Center of the World. Invites other countries to sign trading agreements with him, and tries to stay impartial.
Alkenstar-a female human gunslinger with Old West-style clothing who grumbles at the use of magic, but is shockingly polite when Geb and Nex are involved, and tries to keep the peace between the two.
Andoran-a female human Eagle Knight with a heavy dose of Eagleland tendencies, a pet falcon on her shoulder, and a continual argument with Cheliax. Sometimes has to fill out forms and talk with the People's Council to get anything done. Her navy frequently battles Katapesh and the Shackles.
Belkzen-a stereotypical orc whose solution to most problems is to invade with a horde of orcs.
Brevoy-A human noblewoman with a heavy fur coat and an ambiguous fake-Eastern European accent. Argues against herself with dragon finger puppets representing Issia and Rostland. Often seen with an Aldori dueling sword.
Cheliax-The ever-slinky sexy devil-binding wizardess, who is keen to offer comparisons to the laws of hell, call on her pet hellknights for help, and only offer her friends help if they "sign this little ol' contract". Does not get along with Andoran or Molthune, brushes off Galt and Isger, and is followed along by Sargava. Has an old autographed poster of Aroden in her bedchamber. Has Isger and Sargava for brothers, and is stepsiblings with Andoran and Galt.
Druma-A male dwarven merchant...
I don't think you can call Iomedae, Cayden and Norgorber nascent deities. That aside, I think I'm going to go with the avatar method of gods appearing in the Prime Material plane. That way only the host dies and the god is unscathed. I figure that as long as they aren't sinking islands, raising mountains, destroying nations, etc. they can move about that way unnoticed by the other gods.
Have their been any further details about what happened to Aroden? Yes, I know...dead, but the details of who, where, and how? Like Colonel Mustard in the Green Room with the Wrench?
I just found this post and since it is relevant to actions that will take place in my campaign I figured I would toss my questions in this thread.
So what if a person succeeded in passing the Test of the Starstone? Would they immediately have to ascend? I mean, they don't have the same sense of self preservation that the other gods have and they may not even be aware of what staying on the prime material plane means; they just became a god.
My own take on it is they may not be ready to go, maybe they went to the Starstone for the power needed to defeat some powerful foe like Arazni or Geb.
Is Thassilonian Specialist from the Inner Sea Magic approved for play? I looked in the list of what's allowed and saw Primal Magic specifically mentioned as not available but nothing specific about Thassilonian.
I think Pathfinder will do just fine. I like what they are doing, I like the PFS better than I ever did the RPGA, I've made a lot of friends at the PFS events and the staff from Paizo, that I have met, are all friendly. On top of that I know Monte, knew him for a couple of years, and him coming back to work on 5E gives me an even better reason not to buy it.
I'm actually planning on running this tonight at Redmond Games and Gizmos for existing PFS characters since I ended up running the adventure I planned to run Saturday (Shadows Last Stand pt 1) last night.
I would run it for new characters but at least half the table that was there last night plans on showing up tonight as well. Since its the only other adventure I have ready I figure I'll just have to roll with it.
I know I told a few people at Games and Gizmos last night that I might be able to run a PFS game today but I haven't had enough time to look over any of the scenarios. I really don't want to just run off the cuff so I'll do something next Saturday night instead. I'll figure out which mission this week so I can let people know in advance.
Dai'Shar wrote: How do we do the faction change for our characters on the website? I know I lose all my prestige and all that stuff, I'm just trying to figure out who to change the symbol next to my character. If you can't then no biggie. Cool, thanks.
If there is a module or something I could run this Saturday is there enough interest from people to get together at Games and Gizmos in Redmond?
I would have to start late since my son has a soccer game that morning but could probably start around 12pm, maybe do 12 to 4 and 5pm to 9pm.
thelesuit wrote: Slipstream wrote: Giving up my Slot 2 seat so someone else can have a chance to play. Thanks Slipstream. We also just picked up another judge for the first slot -- so that should make things a little easier.
Still could use a second judge for the second slot though.
CJ I haven't run Pathfinder yet though I have been gearing up to run a campaign and have all the main books. I do have a lot of experience with 3.5 and could give it a go if we needed another gm.
I've just joined the PFS and I am looking forward to getting involved at the July 10th game. Is there a registration for the event or do we just show up? I don't know if RPGA still does this but if you didn't register on the website you were not guaranteed space in a game; that's why I thought it best to ask here.