Silver Dragon

DaiShar's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (23 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Shadow Lodge

Are they listed in any of the bestiary books or a separate book?

Shadow Lodge

Is Thassilonian Specialist from the Inner Sea Magic approved for play? I looked in the list of what's allowed and saw Primal Magic specifically mentioned as not available but nothing specific about Thassilonian.

Silver Crusade

A Pathfinder video game? Something along the lines of Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights? I think the game's popular enough now, at least it seems so, and it might even bring more into table top Pathfinder.

Shadow Lodge

I know I told a few people at Games and Gizmos last night that I might be able to run a PFS game today but I haven't had enough time to look over any of the scenarios. I really don't want to just run off the cuff so I'll do something next Saturday night instead. I'll figure out which mission this week so I can let people know in advance.


The Exchange

How do we do the faction change for our characters on the website? I know I lose all my prestige and all that stuff, I'm just trying to figure out who to change the symbol next to my character. If you can't then no biggie.

Shadow Lodge

If there is a module or something I could run this Saturday is there enough interest from people to get together at Games and Gizmos in Redmond?

I would have to start late since my son has a soccer game that morning but could probably start around 12pm, maybe do 12 to 4 and 5pm to 9pm.
