The Mad Priest

Daeftan's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

Does Lesser Restoration cure ability damage done by poison? Clearly the normal and greater version of this spell do, but Lesser says:

Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subject's ability scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subject's ability scores.

Is poison considered a magical effect?

Sovereign Court

Two quick questions:

1) I assume the ban on extraplanar travel includes you, too? Thus you cannot use Word of Recall to enter an area you have sealed with Forbidance?

2) The conditional part about alignment only affects the damage when physically entering the area, not the ban on extraplanar travel?

Sovereign Court

My character has the lich template now. I dont want to give up the many diplomatic interactions with the human world. How to I effectively shroud myself so that I cant be discovered?

I already have a ring of mind shielding, which protects against attempts to detect thoughts, discern lies, or discern alighnment.

Is alter self the only spell that changes you into something else? Does that cover all other aspects of detection that someone could use to discover me?

What about detect undead?

How do you counter true seeing?

Sovereign Court

I have a level 15 Cleric that has a sanctuary within her temple. In general, I have been using the Sanctuary as the place were my Word of Recall returns to. If I use Hallow to place Dimension Anchor on the sanctuary, will it prevent me from using Word of Recall to return there? Or would it only prevent me from using teleportation, plane shift, etc once I am there?