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I3igAl wrote:

I know the druid is fine, I would prefer not being a druid though. A 4-level dip could work though.

There is also that new Ranger/Druid feat(forgot the name), that lets their abilities scale further when multiclassed.

So a Primal Companion Hunter, whose pet dies can get lots of Evolutions.

You're thinking of the feat Shape-shifting Hunter, let's your ranger/druid levels stack for wild shaping and favored enemy

Thanks for the insight on how Crossblooded works with Dragon Disciple guys.

I actually thought that Draconic Bloodragers just always had claws on, as their description just mentions growing claws, without the part about when bloodraging that gets mentioned in the Abyssal bloodline. Well I guess it's back to the drawing board then

Wow, I did not expect this to get so much attention.

Thanks for the views, I completely agree with the view that two of them can work together, that's what I was thinking to begin with.

And thank you for the insight on the Iroran Paladin, I'll have to remember to use Archives as my default search next time I look something up

I've been looking at playing a Bloodrager entering into Dragon Disciple. I have a couple questions about it, that I haven't been able to find answers for.

1) How would entering Dragon Disciple affect bloodline progression of a Crossblooded Rager? Would both bloodlines still progress or only the Draconic bloodline?

2)How does Draconic Bloodrager interact with Dragon Disciple for natural attacks? Since Draconic Bloodragers get permanent claws at level 1, would adding Dragon Disciple add a permanent bite attack too?

Hi All,

I have a question on how a couple of different abilities interact.

1) Sidestep Secret (Lore Oracle): Use Charisma mod in place of Dexterity to determine Armor Class

2) Confident Defense (Enlightened Paladin): Add 1 point of Charisma mod to Dexterity bonus to Armor Class per level

3) Arshea's Boon (Deific Obedience): Use Charisma mod as Armor stat for Armor Class when fighting unarmored and in revealing clothing.

Would all three of these abilities be able to interact together for 1 character's Armor Class? Or would only 2 of these abilities interact together?

Aleron wrote:
I remade my favourite kobold monk/disciple of draconic mysteries for fun with the Unchained Monk and he turned out not too bad at all. Something to be said about a kobold capable of darting around at the speed of sound and flurry clawing people's faces off.

Can you tell me more? How does a Kobold reach that level of greatness?

So I love the flavor of Kobolds. That said, the huge penalties make them a little daunting to play. I was wondering what people on this forum would play a Kobold as? Assume 20 pt buy and everything Paizo is available