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![]() Leroy heads off to return the young pig farmer to his parents, stopping to chat for a few moments. The rest of the party awaits his return as the slowly cooling body of the traitor, Daktani eventually stops losing blood from the throat as the blood begins to pool and congeal on the floor of the half-started tunnel. I assume once Leroy returns, you are exploring the last remaining room? ![]()
![]() I'm looking to swap out some older 3.5 temple/cult content with some Norgorber content in Golarion. Since I don't design stuff from the ground up any more, I'm curious if there's any 12-15th level Norgorber content that Paizo has published either in a regular adventure module or part of a PFS Season (or anywhere else for that matter). I've run across the Rise of the Runelords Skinsaw Murders and the Shadows Fall on Absalom. The first doesn't quite fit, the second is lower level and a bit blah. Can anyone point me to something else? ![]()
![]() The Sputtering Torch The most important recent event in Torch is the loss of the town’s eponymous feature. A strange violet flame has long burned atop the hill the town is built around, and these fires burn hot enough to allow the smelting of skymetal. This has given Torch a singular source of income. Smiths, metalworkers, and scavengers from miles around come to Torch to use its flame to smelt and work with skymetals. Now and then, the flame has pulsed and blasted a beam of fire into the skies above town, during which time it isn’t safe to be atop the hill, but until a week ago, the flame has never gone out. Now it has, and no one in town knows why. Without the flame, the town’s primary source of income has been removed, and with a number of significant tithes to the Technic League coming due soon, the town’s leaders are growing desperate to re-light the violet fires. One of Torch’s most beloved leaders, the wizard Khonnir Baine, discovered strange activity in a number of hitherto unknown caves below the city’s central hill, and even recovered a deactivated automaton now stored in his home behind his tavern, The Foundry. But when Khonnir returned to these strange caves to try to learn more, he vanished. The town has grown increasingly desperate for answers, and now looks for the return of their missing wizard as well, but with so many other local and visiting adventurers having gone missing in the caves, fewer and fewer volunteers are stepping forward. The Town Council has posted notices offering a 4,000 gp reward for the return of Khonnir (alive or dead) and another 4,000 gp reward for reigniting the Torch. Feel free to discuss or ask questions of me. You are free to move about town as you wish ... it is late afternoon, but most everything is open. Once you have a DM-approved character built and avatar selected, post here by rolling a d20 ![]()
![]() I've been running a Shattered Star PBP for a few years now. We're about 10-15% the way into Curse of the Lady's Light and need to replace one of our characters. If you're interested, you can find the character creation rules and recruitment thread here and the rest of the campaign info here Please post your character submissions in the recruitment thread linked above. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I resurrected my Recruitment Thread here but since it's a year old, thought I'd post a new link as well. Feel free to drop a suggested character in either post. We've been playing this for a bit over a year and I've been running another campaign (Shackled City) for several years between play by email and play by post, so if you're looking for a game that will go the distance, I'm your guy. ![]()
![]() I play entirely online these days and am looking for the subject map. My artistic skills are crap, so I use my wallet to augment. Looking through the various map packs and flip mat descriptions, I didn't see any that would meet the intent. Anyone who owns them, can you tell me if I can find a pseudo-similar map to purchase as a .pdf? ![]()
![]() Hello, all. Recently had a surprise drop out from my campaign and given it was a critical character, I'd like to replace him. As the thread above mentions, this is Shattered Star, played fairly reliably from the AP, with small changes made by myself to augment flow of play on a Play By Post forum. I'd prefer if you haven't read the AP. I'd ask that you tell me up front if you have. Character that left was an elven cleric of Desna who had intent of becoming a specialist wizard of some sort and then switching to mystic theurge. Additionally, he was the sole source of Diplomacy in the party.
I'm looking for experienced, committed posters. I'll evaluate character applications first on whether they meet the party's requirements of a healer and diplomacy user. Second, on the poster's ability to write well and communicate effectively. Third, based on your posts and your character writeup, whether I think you'd be a good fit with my current players. I recommend you read through some of the gameplay and discussion tabs to determine how you should draft your background.
Thanks for your consideration in advance, I intend to choose a replacement by Friday, 22 March. ![]()
![]() Golarion From the Inner Sea World Guide Just over a century ago, the god of humanity died. His name was Aroden, and he not only lifted humanity out of the ashes and terror of the Age of Darkness (an age that followed the meteoric cataclysm known as Earthfall), but founded the greatest city in the world—Absalom. He defeated the foul wizardking Tar-Baphon. He drove back the demon lord of the Locust Host from the nation of Sarkoris. He eventually left the world to join the divine host after setting humanity on course for a great destiny. Prophecies said that when humanity was ready to ascend back to the pinnacle it once held in the ancient times of Old Azlant, Aroden would return to the world to usher in a new Age of Glory. But instead of returning at the appointed time, Aroden, the god of humanity, died. Welcome to the Inner Sea. The death of the god of humanity marked the beginning of a new age. The previous ages had names to inspire and bolster the spirit—the Age of Destiny, the Age of Enthronement. But this new age is not a time of plenty. It is the Age of Lost Omens, for if a god cannot fulfill his own prophecy, what chance have any others of coming true? Aroden’s death scarred the world with storms and madness. To the north, the world split open and the festering armies of the Abyss spilled out through a tear in reality known today as the Worldwound. To the south, the idyllic gulf of Abendego was consumed by a perpetual hurricane whose winds and waves drowned nations. And in the heartland of the Inner Sea region, Cheliax, where Aroden had been prophesied to return, civil war erupted and thousands died before the diabolic House of Thrune seized power. The Age of Lost Omens has now entered its second century, and in the 11 decades since Aroden’s death, the world has become a darker place. A place where ancient, sinful wizards known as runelords threaten to waken from 10,000 years of slumber. A place where nations are ruled by criminals or devil worshipers or worse. A place where once-great empires now wallow in self-indulgent paranoia or bloody, endless revolutions. A place where nothing is foretold, and anything can happen. ![]()
![]() This thread is for the start up of the closed campaign led by DM Fflash. If you don't personally know either Fflash, m3mnoch, or nomadicc, please kindly refrain from posting character input here. Invitees, once you've created a profile (not necessarily a character) please post here and we'll start with deciding which adventure path we will run and then allow the group of you to develop a cohesive party makeup before diving into detailed character development. Character creation rules to follow once we've determined what we're playing. A reminder: the PRD trumps all other rules and house rules will hopefully be kept to a minimum, I'm pretty happy with the balance that Paizo has struck. I reserve the right to disallow anything outside the PRD, but most assuredly will not allow anything that isn't Paizo or Fflash produced. Basic posting rules: Gameplay Tab: In character commentary only (with small ooc-flagged injects where required) Discussion Tab (i.e. this one): Out of character discussion, level ups, non role-played loot dissemination and announcement of real-life interruptions to posting ability "Indicates speaking"
All rolls will be used with the in-game dice roller.
We will be using flex time and dungeon crawl mode for expedited posting but I'll explain that later. I use Picasa albums for distributing handouts and maps (generally built with MapTools) Welcome to the game! ![]()
![]() Day 1 of the Flood Festival
Following the Stormblade encounter, you set off to enjoy the festivities and get some much-needed down time
Dalamus/Drink Down the Flood:
The rolls below (and for each of the following days) are your competition’s. These are Con checks, if you make at least one more than him, you win for the day and move on to Day 2, if you fail, stop rolling If you have anything you want to do to help yourself win (i.e. cheat), throw that out there as well DC:5 1d20 ⇒ 10 DC:6 1d20 ⇒ 13 DC:7 1d20 ⇒ 4 DC:8 1d20 ⇒ 6 In the afternoon, while watching Nemoris take yet more money from another archery game causing the poor man to shut down his shop, you notice a man leaning up against another booth staring intently at the party from about 30 feet away.[/b] Malcolm:
You recognize Dalamus from a decade ago. Day 2 Dalamus/Drink Down the Flood:
DC:5 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 DC:6 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 DC:7 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 Crater Lake Monster Hunt Round 1:
The first round’s festivities start with a ton of pomp and circumstance. The town gathers around as local hedge wizards, artisans, and even some grifters set up games, booths, and entertainment to support the opening ceremony’s of the city’s favorite festival event. A 1-hour display of fireworks and acrobats precedes the first 2 competing teams. Your team (named Magma plus 3 since you lack a party designation currently) is faced up early against a group of Town Guardsman. A couple you recognize, with some distaste, from your time in Prison and they don’t seem eager to see you either. Stripping off their clothes, they chomp at the bit to swim for the win. The goal is to find the proper match between the chits you’ve been issued and the boats in the water. Again as before, if you wish to aid yourselves in any illegitimate way (magical augmentation/divination etc.), let me know. Barring that, make 5 swim checks and 5 to-hit rolls for each of the 4 competitors (Magma, Nemoris, Epik & either Malcolm or Dalamus(hungover likely)]. Day 3 Dalamus/Drink Down the Flood:
DC:5 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 DC:6 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 DC:7 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 DC:8 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 Knowledge Local: DC 15:
You notice a knot of half-orcs in multiple places today, well-equipped, orderly and with a blue-tusked boarhead-emblazoned arms. Cauldron’s population of half-orcs last you checked was less than you could count on 1 hand. Day 4 Dalamus/Drink Down the Flood:
DC:5 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 DC:6 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 DC:7 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 DC:8 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 DC:9 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 DC:10 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 DC:11 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 DC:12 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 DC:13 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Day 5 Dalamus/Drink Down the Flood:
DC:5 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 DC:6 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 If you decided to enter the street performance: Perform: DC 20:
You’ve been working at your entertainment it all week, and it seems you have caught the eye of someone important. Day 6 Dalamus/Drink Down the Flood:
DC:5 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 DC:6 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 DC:7 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 DC:8 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 DC:9 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 DC:10 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 DC:11 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 You hear rumors and talk of a fantastic costume party this evening known as the "Demonskar Ball," but try as you might, you can't seem to get an invite. Even Skie, who is invited, says that the invitations are very particular and no "additional guests" are allowed. She seems sad that you aren't participating. Nowzai:
As a member of the nobility, you talk to a couple lesser nobles and find that the Aslaxins are hosting this event. Zachary Aslaxin, the Stormblade, put out an message to explicitly ensure the members of the party weren't invited. Day 7
Nowzai: You receive an embossed invitation from the Bluecrater Academy. It says you have an appointment this afternoon for an entrance exam. It mentions bringing an exam fee but doesn't say how. much ![]()
![]() Ready to get this going again. Thanks to everyone for allowing the break for me to take care of my computer issues, and thanks again for allowing the transition to the paizo messageboards. I really think the tools here will make the game smoother for all of us. But to be honest, it will make things a LOT easier for me. Which is key to keep this thing going. Note there is no recruitment thread, since we are taking the existing party from the play-by-email group and moving forward. If we end up with a vacancy, we'll discuss as a party and recruit if necessary. Please post here to let me know you've found the site and created a profile. We'll work out any bugs and I'll get the campaign up and going before the end of the day! The actual campaign site will still be in use, with the exception of the Party status page. You'll be tracking your own status from here on out. |