Artemis Entreri

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784 posts. Alias of moafnsteel.


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This sounds awesome! I am excited to learn more about this AP. Now I definitely need to keep my AP Subscription

I am not sure if this is the right area to post this so feel free to move it if necessary.

**Spoilers from Rise of the Rune Lords**

So my plan is to "play" through RotR with a group of characters (by myself). At the end of the adventure path, three of the characters (wizard or arcanist, fighter, and rogue) decide to take city for themselves. The wizard takes on the mantel of Runelord of Greed. I will be adding ways for him to obtain the powers and all that kind of stuff (such as him spending time reading all the books that are found). The other two party members will more than likely be killed off. The fighter and rogue plan to return to Sandpoint to take it over. The rogue will go before the fighter and murder the mayor, and the heads of all the noble families, excluding Scarnetti's and plant evidence to blame them. When the fighter returns he is quickly elected mayor due to his status and glory within the settlement. The next area of plan is to have the rogue infiltrate one of the other major cities to work on taking it over. Also, the fighter and Shayliss are an item and she is given the Sword of Greed (whatever it is called) and becomes the wizard's champion. That is all I have currently planned with the idea that the wizard will eventually plan to/ and may take over Varisia.

No on to my question, I would like to create a higher level campaign with some mythic rules with the plan for the characters to bring down the Fallen 3 (wizard/arcanist, fighter, and rogue)(working on the name still). What are good source books to read up on to help with this idea. I was originally thinking of having the character's start off completing another AP such as Kingmaker, but couldn't think of a good reason to have them try to "save" Varisia from the Fallen 3. Thank for any help

thank you so much for your help! I have a cool idea for a high level mythic campaign and all this stuff will def help!

yall are awesome! Any ideas where I can read more about the Denizens of Leng?

I didn't fully read the appendixes :( lol. I will do more searches on the thread! Thanks!

Has anybody ever wrote out or come up with ideas of the PCs do not "win" this AP. I have recently reread through the AP and wonder what would happen if the PCs didn't defeat Karzoug. Anybody have any suggestions or ideas or even source books to read to get some ideas? I thought about making a high level mythic type campaign that explores this idea but have no clue where to begin. Thanks


We have seen too much death and destruction from monsters, shapeshifters, and gods know what else to be able to trust just anybody. Bring us back 2 dead doppelganger's and we will reconsider whose side you are on. There are some to the north that you probably could take out, as if you didn't know know that...


We live behind the barrier and we all have proven ourselves to each other, through defending from abominations. But I'll tell you what, if you bring us 3 dead doppelgangers we will let you in.


Ha, it thinks we will listen to it, laughs one of the men standing behind the barracks.

How do we know you are actually really the people you say you are and not a group of those doppelgangers?


I will wait for the others to post before I move the dialogue forward.


As Kendellea opens the door she sees, Broken lanterns and several battered doors line this cold,rubble-strewn hall. To the south, a pair of swinging doors lies shattered upon a 4-foot-high heap of wrecked furniture clogging a broad doorframe.

Whoa, there! We got more here! yells a man behind a 3ft high barricade. Three men train their crossbows on the group. (area B4)

Where did you all come from?


The map should be updated and everybody should be able to edit the map now.

The air is silent as you look around the courtyard. An eerie, unearhtly scream can be heard from the room that you were just in, followed by an unmistakable roar from a Half-Orc.

Anybody who turns around can see a otherworldly light flashing from the chute.


I apologize to everybody, I tried to get on last night and had issues connecting to the site, and then I got caught up in homework. So I am sorry.


Trampled flowerbeds lie smeared and squashed across this
muddy courtyard. On all sides, stark gray walls climb toward
a narrow gap of sunless sky.

The courtyard is eerily silent and there is no movement or sound to be heard.


As the group travels up the shoot they make their way to a small dark room. The cold concrete floors give way to dark stone walls. The only light that is coming into this room is from underneath the door.

I was not sure what you were doing Vlad so I did not move your character. MAP has been updated.


I am generally against splitting parties myself, but I am okay with Dervak, we have talked :)


Sorry everybody my in-laws left this morning so I will update everything tonight. Currently at work and have clients in meetings most of the morning. When I can get on my laptop (currently on my phone) I will try to update. Sorry again for the delay


Jayson you can use your new save roll. Also as long as nobody else touches the bodies (without gloves or some other form of protection) you do not have to roll a saving throw.


Jayson rolled a heal high enough that he was able to figure out they were carrying filth fever, however it was only after he touched them. Jayson you realize that the bodies have died mostly from bites, claws, and various weapons. Also you feel fairly confident that the marks seem similar to the "nurse" you fought earlier.

Dervak it will take you 1-2 hours to move the bodies over, at least enough to reach the chute.


After tonight I will be unavailable for posting as my mother-in-law and sister-in-law just got in from out of state and are staying for the weekend.


The chute is 8 feet high and there are a LOT of bodies. There are enough bodies that you are not required a climb check to get to the chute.

Jayson since I am assuming you have to touch the dead bodies, roll a DC 12 FORT save or contract filth fever. Filth fever has an onset of 1d3 days therefore you will not even know you contracted it and neither would anybody in the party.

Filth Fever:

ype disease, injury; Save Fortitude DC 12

Onset 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day

Effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves


Theo you realizes that it appears that the only way out of this room is to "climb" the dead bodies and make your way up the chute that is above the bodies. You figure the climb once you get to the chute won't be hard, but you have to climb up the dead, rotting bodies to get there.


A broad chute extends diagonally through one of this cellar’s half-crumbled stone walls. Beneath it lies heaped more than a dozen mutilated humanoid bodies. Nearby,a flight of rickety, wooden steps climbs toward the high ceiling—an escape none of the room’s current occupants seem capable of employing. The smell of rot and decay in the room is nearly overwhelming, and the buzz of flies hangs in the air.

Once in the room you notice that many of the dead bodies are wearing the same thing: a plain, white uniform that buttons in the front.

Map is updated.Just to save time, anybody who attempts to go up the stairs is greeted by a collapsed staircase.


Is everybody going through the door? Who is opening the door? Marching order?


Yes I did sorry Kenderella. Eidolon is same as PC, max at first and then roll and if less than half take half.


Rinn for future reference if you can give a good rationale or roleplay reason for your channeling a spirit I will allow it. That way there isnt a delay in you picking a channel because i havnt responded. Also I am a fan of the rule of cool, so at anytime you have an idea that would fall under that send me a PM


Rinn the whole asylum would be considered a place of violence for you to channel the champion spirit.

Mr. Campre looks at Kenderella "I have been here for several years and I am a simple orderly, I help take care of the patients, ensure their safety, help out where needed. As far as the function, Briarstone houses individuals who suffer from ranges of mental illness, though most patients do not stay long term, although we have some who do stay long term. Since it sounds like we are staying for a little, would it be okay if I rested, I am so very tired..."


As the group rounds the corner they see a cold, iron furnace hunkers in the corner of the basement, its four-foot-square door gaping half open. Nearby sprawls a heap of gory clothes and other dubiously flammable trash. As Theo beings to look closer he sees several items of gear, equipment, and weapons. Also as Theo is piliging through the debris he finds an extremely nice viol, albeit it is missing the bow, it does appear to be in remarkable condition. (All your gear is sprawled throughout the debris.)

Mr. Campre looks at Jayon with heavy eyes "Well I havn't been here too long, but I could provide directions as we walk around. But I am afraid I am too tired and hurt to be up and moving at this time, and I am not good in a fight," he replies with a weak grin.

Jayson the door you started to try was unlocked, just FYI.


Looking at Theo "Well the nurse had me before I knew what happened but when I came to she was around the corner of there," the man points the the south side of the room. I know it is not safe up there, so I beg you to help me, I don't want to die...." with that the man breaks down and starts to cry.


As of right now you have no memories other than your names, and class related stuff.


"My name is Campre Linweigh, I use to be an orderly here at Briarstone Asylum. I mean, everything was normal the other night, then throughout the night chaos ensued. I was led down here by the nurse, well at the time she looked human... Patients and staff have been changing into ghouls and into those things that, that the "nurse" turned into. Do you guys know how you got down here? I mean you were already down here in the cages before I came and I don't remember ever seeing you in the asylum before."

Vlad one is your holy symbol and the other is Jayson's.


As Theo is taking the clothes off the nurse for his hat (which you were able to make) you come across a strange necklace and another unique symbol (holy symbols) .

The man on the table begins to shake as the half-orc demands to know what is going on
"I.....I....don't know much, what I do know is one night everything was normal, and then all of a sudden there was screaming, rumbling, ceilings crashing, people turning to monsters, like you just fought, it was all crazy."
The man pauses to collect himself, however upon seeing the sweet half-elf viciously attack the corpse on the ground, his eyes roll to the back of his head and he collapse off the table. (DC 15 Dex or acrobatics check can prevent him from falling onto the floor)

Vlad you can have a BRAND somewhere like your back and can roleplay it however you deem necessary, or somebody else can see the mark and comment when Theo finds the holy symbols. The only catch is you have no idea why it is there or how it got there.


You guys do remember your name, powers, abilities, etc. Jayson you do realize that you have divine powers, but you may not be 100% sure just yet. But you do feel that your deity has given you another chance, but again you are not sure why.


As Dervak slams his tusk into the nurse, they pierce her lower jaw and sink deep into her skull. She slumps over with a sickening thud.

Out of combat, what is everybody's action. The nurse is not caring anything valuable and anything on the surgical table can be used as impoverished weapons but otherwise they are useless.


I apologize to everybody about last night. My son was having a rough night and when I laid down with him I ended up falling asleep at 8pm with him lol.



AoO: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
DAM: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
ATK1: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 8 - 2 = 14
ATK2: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 - 2 = 21
DAM1: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
DAM2: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

As Jayson takes a stab at the nurse she is able to move out of the way and slash him with her sharp claws (8 DAM).
"I will show you an abomination," growls the nurse as she turns and swings at Dervak. Dervak is able to block one of her attacks but her second claw tears into his stomach (6DAM).

Round 4


I will be moving the post forward later tonight, but I did want to apologize to you guys as I was not running the game fair last night. In all honesty the nurse should have attacked Dervak but I did not want to potentially kill him. This is a tough encounter and I am not a fan of the way they wrote the tactics. My rational in my head was that Dervak was behind her and when he bit her and then got hit in the face with acid she just lashed out at the first thing in front of her, aka the pony. But again I am sorry for trying to "protect" the PCs from dying as I know that can ruin a game for people by my "protecting" the PCs. So I will do my best to be fair and ensure that I am using the best tactics even if it means I may kill one of the PCs. I guess at times I try hard to please everybody since this is almost all new to me again and I just want everybody to have a good time. Again sorry to everybody and I look forward to you guys running this AP with me!


Dervak's teeth sink deep into the nurses shoulders and she lets out a deep growl before she easily bats away the pony's attempt to hurt her again. As the nurse is recovering from Dervak's bite she is smacked in the face with a splash of acid to her face.

With a roar she turns to attack the pony and slams the pony with both of her claws which both tear into the pony's flesh (23DAM to PONY).


ATK1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
ATK2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
DAM1: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
DAM2: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

third round.


Kenderella thank you for bringing up the pony's attack, in my earlier error with evil eye I completely missed that the pony attacked her and did damage. I really need to get back in the swing of things here lol, promise will get more on top of things. I will update everything around 12ish when I have lunch at work.


Kenderella I will allow you to use a piece of garment for mage armor.


break grapple: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Despite Dervak's best efforts to hold her still, the nurse is able to burst out of the grapple with little effort.
"I will not go down so easy my subjects," cackles the nurse as she prepares herself for the fight.

I have checked the internet to make sure I did the break grappling right, as it seemed far too easy for her to break out.

Rd 3 is up make sure you move your character please (Rinn I moved you to where I think you would probably be but feel free to move it)


Dervak if you were not behind bars it would have easily. I will post her round 2 move here in few hours when I can get to my laptop.


The attached was at the pony but it was no longer needed brcUse Dervak grabbed her first. I don't remember how long does the pony last? I know it's longer than the normal spell right? And Rinn you are good to not have to take an acrobatics check, she is grappled.

Once everybody posts their second turn I will post.

We aren't using damage threshold. When you guys take damage I will usually let you know. When I originally posted the dam for the pony I thought it only lasted one round.


[occ] the pony's attack still misses[/occ]

As the nurse tossed the pony to the side she turned back around and was greeted by the stare of Theo, and his cackle rattles her as Dervak is able to grab ahold of her. With her being held down, Rinn is able to easily grab the keys from her waist.

sorry about the mess up everybody, round 2 everybody. Rinn you can let yourself out and open the next cage during your turn.


Thank you Kenderella! I just read the little blurb, I'm not super familiar with hexes and I'm a little rusty lol. Sorry guys will correct it now


"I told you to shut it you runt!" The nurse makes her way towards Rinn. As she approaches Dervak attempts to grab her however, she is too strong and deflects his attempt. She turns at the last minute to see the Pony attempting to bullrush her. However, she stops the pony dead in its tracks before it can hit her.


ATK: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
DAM: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

When Theo glares at her, he is surprised to realize that it has no effect on her.

A ball of light emits from Jayson's hand and lights up the room. The sudden light makes the nurse shrill as she attempts to cover her eyes.

Rinn you have a chance to pickpocket her. Roll a DEX check.


That's a very good idea about the map. I will get that set up later today when I can get on my laptop.


you can find a small pebble, you also notice that the yelling from the other two really got her fired up.



You notice that the keys the nurse mentioned are dangling from her waist, if you could only get her close enough you may be able to grab them.


Sorry everybody for the delay, I fell asleep before the internet came back on. For some reason I am having a lot of trouble with the website and it took me almost 30 minutes to even finally get a post loaded.


"Haha, you may be big and scary orc, but I am a chosen. Plus my dearie you are locked behind a cage and only I have the key, haha. Now hush, don't be rude to my patient, your turn will be soon." The "nurse" turns back around and begins to walk around the man trying to figure out where to make her next cut.

"QUIET! I said! Your turns are next" (to Vlad).

Everybody give me a perception check. Just FYI nobody is armed with anything. The only thing everybody is wearing is undergarments.

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