Silver Dragon

Cyrus007's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 116 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 38 Organized Play characters.

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Liberty's Edge

Hello. I have a minitour (large character) barbarian who has the giant instinct. If I have the Titan Mauler feat, which comes with Giant Instinct, what damage would a Greataxe do? Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


As I understand it, a cantrip listed as heighted 1, for example, means you applying the increased effect of the spell every level past 1st, i.e., at 2nd level, 3rd level, etc. However, when the spell is listed a Heighted 2nd, what does that mean specifically? For example, does that mean that for the cantrip, Animal Form 2nd, you get the spell effect starting at 2nd lvl. and every 2 levels past 2nd level or does it mean you get the effect starting at 2nd lvl. and then every level past 2nd, e.g., at 3rd, 4th, etc.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

If I played all of the Extinction Curse AP modules, can I play the Staff Acrobat Dedicaiton Feat in a Pathfinder Society organized game? Thank you.

Liberty's Edge 2/5


I am retiring soon and I am thinking of moving to South Dakota. Is there an active pathfinder community in SD. Also, who is the current Venture Captain in SD? Lastly, could I get their contact information or the website for the SD Pathfinder site?

Thank you very much!

Liberty's Edge

Hello Everyone,

I am in a group that is doing the Extinction Curse AP. We are all 9th lvl. and struggling a bit. We just switched over from 1st ed., so we are all still learning the game. However, our rogue player seems very frustrated with 2nd ed. One of the issues is that the damage he does has not increased for many levels; btw, all of the melee have +1 striking and potency runes on their weapons. Moreover, he seems to think some of the changes in the game rules are rather obtuse and arbitrary. For example, the rogue cannot use his thievery skill to look for traps.

Can anyone suggest any ways that the rogue can increases his damage. He already puts bleeds on his targets, but any ideas on how he can increase his base damage?
Also, does the damage curve go up for players at 10th level?

Thank you and have a great day!

Liberty's Edge


Does anyone know where to find Shoony miniatures or pawns?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


Can you place the Weapon Special Ability "Training" on a Dwarven Boulder Helm and have the feat apply to you in a general way. For example, could you pick "Combat Reflexes" as your the weapon special ability enchant on your Dwarven Boulder Helm and have it apply to a warhammer you are using in combat.

Training Weapon Special Ability


Popular among those who seek to impersonate skilled warriors, a training weapon grants one combat feat to the wielder as long as the weapon is drawn and in hand. The feat is chosen when this special ability is placed on the weapon. That feat cannot be used as a prerequisite for any other feats and functions for the wielder only if she meets its prerequisites. Once chosen, the feat stored in the weapon cannot be changed.

To note, since you are wearing the helm, would that not count as having it drawn and in hand?

Thank you and have a great week.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to quickly make some observations and comments on the state of PF1, and a hope for PF2. First, role-playing has been my hobby of choice for 40 years. In that time, I have played in an incalculable number of game systems. As far as PF1 is concerned, Paizo has created an engaging and exciting game system-I greatly admire and respect everything that they have done with this system. Many thanks to them, especially for their creative output and I greatly thank them for the Adventure Paths.

However, it my belief that PF1 now is in the same dilemma as what 3.5 was in at its end; a system that is very unbalanced in which power creep has warped the overall game system. For example, I run AP's and in the last AP chapter I ran, I saw 9th level players make DC:60 rolls and hitting AC:30+ creatures for over 300 hps. in one round, and that was on a bad day. In fact, my players are begging me to triple or quadruple the hps of the monsters. In addition, my players are not power players per se, but just working people that enjoy playing. Now Hero Lab (which I really like for its utilitarian value) has helped them a lot to manage their characters. Nevertheless, PF1 is no longer a challenging, nor by approximation, an exciting game system-and I know most of all the tricks and creative ways to make an encounter more engaging and difficult. The characters are just so powerful that the players are not exited nor challenged by the listed opponent(s) that they face.

Therefore, my hope and advise to Paizo is that they take their time and carefully release PF2 with the goal to both entertain, but to challenge the players. I have seen comments on the forums that the monsters in PF2 (which I play tested) were too difficult. My suggestion is to not water down the monsters and to keep as they are, or to make it possible to easily adjust them to fit the play styles of individual game tables. As a gaming axiom, the more difficult and clever the monsters are, the sweeter is the victory in the end. Character deaths, which are not welcomed, must be allowed to happen from time- to-time to reinforce the sense of risk, and therefore, excitement of the game. My hope is that PF2 is enjoyable, challenging, exciting, balanced, and easy to learn.

In conclusion, many thanks to the staff at Paizo and to the PF2 play testers. I am really eager for PF2 to be released.

P.S. I really hope Paizo continues to release Adventure Paths. The APs are really a godsend to working adults that don't have the time to create adventures on their own. Overall, they have been exceptional and very fun to play. My only comment is that a stronger editorial presence is maintained for all 6 of the AP chapters in order to maintain both the continuity structure and qualitative aspect of the AP. The narrative thread of any multiple part story must be carefully maintained within the different parts in order to sustain the fundamental coherence of the story.

Thank you and please have a great gaming year.

Liberty's Edge


I am looking for add another player to on-going Iron Gods AP. The group is looking for a mature, easy-going player to come into the 3rd chapter of the campaign. We have been playing for 25+ years. We play on Saturdays, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. We play in the Lawndale, CA area.

If you are interested, please e-mail me at:

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge 2/5


As Pathfinder 2 will be released next year, I strongly believe that PFS should take this opportunity to change their policy of allowing people re-play PFS scenarios-in the context of playing within the PF2 system. As they do in the Adventure League for 5E, I think allowing you to use a different character per scenario would go along way to extend involvement with PFS for a lot of people.

Furthermore, you can easily have mechanisms in place to regulate re-plays in a way to prevent situations like the ones that arose in the World of Greyhawk.

In the end, I think a change is in order with the release of the new edition, which would add a lot to the longevity for PFS.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Do character saving throws (Fort, Will, Ref.) scale like the the rest of the skills in the game. So it is your level+ability score mod.+ the other variables.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


I think I am not getting something regarding the following two issues:

Spell DC's-if a Spell DC is calculated by adding 10 to your primary stat. and that is it, then are not Spell DC's going to be static? Therefore, is not a 1st level spell going to have the same DC as a 7th level spell?

Spell Points-they are often the same number as your primary stat. bonus, in addition to any extra spell points from feats. For example, the Bard's Inspire Heroics Power is rated as being a Power 4*; and so if it requires 4 Spells Points to use, even with a few more Spell Points from feats, are you not going to consume a lot of your Spell Points in a power that will only modify Inspire Courage for one round? Is that correct?

*Does the Power rating stand for what your character level must be before you cast it or does it stand for the spell level that you can cast before you can access the Power?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

7 people marked this as a favorite.


First of all, I want to thank Paizo for really making a terrific game. I have been involved with role-playing games for 40 years and I have played many games in that time. Paizo has really done a very good job at making their game system fun and exciting to play, esp. the APs.

Nevertheless, as it is inevitable in most game systems, with the ineluctable publish or perish axiom for game companies, the game has become very wonky and unbalanced. When a mid-level character can easily do over a 100 hit points of damage in a round, or have skills in the upper 20 region, if not higher, a GM really can't do a lot to consistently challenge players which does not become repetitive.

Therefore, having just bought the new 2nd edition Pathfinder rulebook, I want tip my hat at what I see as Paizo creative attempt with curtailing the power creep in the game. Although I am still analyzing the new system, I find Pathfinder 2nd ed. to be a much more balanced and broadly designed system than what the state of the game is now. I think it will challenge players in a way that will make the game more exciting and interesting to play, e.g., I hope most skills DC's will become appropriate for the players level and that fights do not last just 1 or 2 rounds-although I am not championing for the horrendously long fights that typified 4th edition D & D.

In the end, I want to thank the game designers, the playtesters, and the staff at Paizo for making what I hope will be a challenging, fun, exciting, and balanced new edition of Pathfinder. I was becoming burned out with the game and now I see a very bright glimmer of hope on the horizon!

Thank you. Have fun everyone.

Liberty's Edge 2/5


In PFS, can I take the Racial Heritage feat to qualify for the Half-Orc Favored Class bonus'for Alchemist?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

I had a quick question regarding Bane with a Metamagic feat modifying it.


Range 50 ft.
Area 50-ft.-radius burst, centered on you
Duration 1 min./level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

Bane fills your enemies with fear and doubt. Each affected creature takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Bane counters and dispels bless.

Therefore, if I use a Metamagic feat to modify Bane, which states "You cannot use this feat on a spell with an instantaneous duration or a spell that does not target a creature or object, " would it work on Bane? Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


I just wanted to make sure that I am interpreting Shifter's Fury correctly.
Shifter’s Fury (Ex)

This ability has been added based on this FAQ entry.
At 6th level, a shifter gains the ability to make several ferocious attacks with the same natural weapon. Instead of attacking with all her natural weapons, the shifter can choose a single natural weapon and make a full attack with that natural weapon, gaining a second iterative attack at a –5 as if it was a manufactured weapon. When she does so, all her other natural attacks count as secondary attacks and don’t benefit from shifter’s claws.
At 11th level, she gains a third iterative attack at a –10 and at 16th level, she gains a fourth iterative attack at –15.
Therefore, if I am in a Tiger form, I can get two bite attacks, and my claw attacks would be considered secondary attacks that do not receive the benefit from the shifter's claw class ability? So if I have a +10 to hit on my bit and claw attacks, my attacks with Shifter's Fury would be +10, +5, +4, +4?- 6 BAB with a 18 Str.
If that is the case, would not just making 3 +10 attacks be better? Also, it would mean I would get the benefit of the Shifter's Claw class ability.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

We are looking for 1 additional player to join an Iron Gods AP. We play on Saturdays from 6 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. We have been playing for 25 years-yes, we are an old, um, older group. Therefore, we would like a very relaxed, easy-going, and mature person who just wants to have fun and play some Pathfinder.

If you are interested, please e-mail me at:

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


I just want to make sure I am running this ability correctly. The Damnation Inquisition has the following granted power:

Fear the Flames (Su)
You can give a creature you can see within 60 feet one chance to avoid an eternity of suffering by ordering it to carry out any one simple action that would take no more than 1 round to complete. Good and neutral creatures that refuse become shaken for 1 round (Will negates), while evil creatures that obey gain a +2 morale bonus on all rolls and checks made for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a language-dependent, mind-affecting effect.

Therefore, a character can order an evil enemy to say "lie down" in combat with this ability. The save would be 10 + 1/2 character level + primary caster stat.

Is this correct?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

If someone receives an Iron Gods Chronicle sheet with tech items listed on it, can they use the tech items? For example, if a chainsaw is listed on one of the chronicle sheets for Iron Gods, could you buy it and use it in a PFS game?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


I just wanted to make sure I am reading the FAQ and other forum entries correct. Essentially, using the Enhancement SP Augment cannot be modified by the Idealized Arcane Discovery. Is that correct?

Augment (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch a creature and grant it either a +2 enhancement bonus to a single ability score of your choice or a +1 bonus to natural armor that stacks with any natural armor the creature might possess. At 10th level, the enhancement bonus to one ability score increases to +4. The natural armor bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This augmentation lasts a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1 round). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Idealize (Su)

Prerequisite(s): Wizard 10

In your quest for self-perfection, you have discovered a way to further enhance yourself and others.

Benefit(s): When a transmutation spell you cast grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score, that bonus increases by 2. At 20th level, the bonus increases by 4.

Liberty's Edge 2/5


I just wanted to confirm that if I run a PFS module for 6 players, I run it as is. Specifically, I can't adjust the encounters up to meet the increased number of players-the module is written for 4 players.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


I am trying to figure out the proper rules for an Eidolon that has 3 sets of arms. If each set of arms had a Longbow, would each set of arms have 2 attacks if the Eidolon's BAB was +6. Also, what would the "To Hit" modifiers be on such an attack if the Eidolon had a 16 Dexterity and Rapid Shot? For example, would the Eidolon have 6 attacks (2 per set of arms)and would look like this: +7/+2, +7/+2, and +7/+2.

Thank you.

P.S. I did a search on the forums, but I am still confused as it relates to this question and PFS.

Liberty's Edge


Does the spell Glitterdust work on Invisible Stalkers? In the description for Invisible Stalkers, it states that the spell Invisibility Purge does not work on them. Therefore, it seems to me that a lower level spell like Glitterdust should not work as well. Thank you.

Liberty's Edge 2/5


I just wanted to know if in PFS it is legal to summon other than the standard elementals using Summon Monster spells? In the spell's description, it just states that you can summon elemental, but it does not specify the type of elementals you can summon.

Any input on this issue with and official ruling would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


Quick question here: Can an Unchained Eidolon exceed the maximum allowed attack per level if it uses feats or magic to do so.

For example, at 7th level, an Eidolon with two sets of arms, using a bow, has a "to hit" of +6/+1 per set of arms, or 4 attacks. The maximum allowable attack for a Eidolon of that level is 4 attacks. However, if the Eidolon has the Rapid Shot feat, can it shoot an extra shot per round per set of arms, or 6 shots per round. Also, if it is Hasted, can it then shoot 7 times a round.

Thank you very much for any input.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Liberty's Edge


I just wanted to know if you can use the Intensified Spell and Empowered Spell metamagic feats on inflict wounds spells?

If you could, then what how would an Inflict Moderate Wound spell look like and what level would it be?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


Quick question: As a Summoner, can I have both Summon Minor Monster and a Summon Monster spell in effect at the same time?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


At long last, they made the dreaded changes. My 11th level Brawler was getting, if I was lucky, 300 to 400 points of damage on a charge. Goodbye sweet and ungodly damage...I shall miss you :) However, I agree with the changes.

Have fun everyone.

Liberty's Edge


I'm reading a lot post on summoners, both APG and the Unchained version. Most of the post are all about the Eidolon and not about the summoner's ability to summon monsters.

Since you can't have both an Eidolon and a summoned monster out at the same time, most people just seem to ignore the latter and concentrate on the former.

However, is not running an Eidolon a viable option for the Summoner? I would prefer to focus on the summoning aspect of the class instead of the pet aspect of it. I think conjuring monsters from the deep unknown parts of the world seems, for me atleast, a fun role playing thematic than the Eidolon component of the class, but each to their own.

Anyway, I was just curious as to the viability of the class without having the Eidolon tagging along. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge


I checked the forums first, but I only found a thread 3 years ago...with no definitive answer to the following question: Is a club a manufactured weapon?

According to the rules, animal companions cannot use a manufactured weapon, but could they use a club?-if they had opposable thumbs?

Lastly, if a animal companion picked up a club like log from the ground, would it be considered a club for purpose of the Shillelagh spell-if it is considered a improvised weapon, would that log or "club' still be considered a club for the spell?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


I saw multiple threads on this issue and I wanted to make sure this is legal in PFS. Can a insect or plant based druid, that is also a Sylvan Sorcerer cast Enlarge Person on his insect or plant companion?

Also, how many times can a weapon be enlarged from spells. For example, can a Druid that enlarged themselves then use the Shillelagh spell? Also, if there is another effect that makes the weapon count as a size larger, can the druid use that as well, so the weapon is now effectively 3 times the original size?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge


I need some advice on a recent encounter (1st time GMing a Witch in a party).

A Witch used stealth to move up to two enemies hiding next to each other: The Witch spotted them and they did not spot him.

Surprise Round: Initiatives are rolled-The Witch gets the top initiative for the party and over the monsters. The Witch cast the Slumber Hex on one of the monsters, it fails it save and it goes to sleep.

Regular Rounds Begin: The Witch goes again and cast Slumber Hex again on the other monster and Cackles. The monster fails it save. Both monsters are now sleeping, and the Witch continues to Cackle as the party moves up to the monsters and they use Coup de Grace to kill them..they both die.

Is there anything I did wrong here and/or is the use of the Slumber Hex and Cackle correct in a situation like this?

Thank you.

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