
Cyril Corbaz's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 10 posts (16,101 including aliases). 26 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 24 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.

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List Price: $8.00

Our Price: $7.50

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One of the best in the set


An excellent mini, as the first reviewer put it. Two things stand out with this one: the pose, as well as the excellent paintjob on the wings, particularly.

List Price: $10.00

Our Price: $7.00

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Larger than life


This mini is absolutely outstanding: the details & sculpt are amazing, and its sheer size makes it very impressive.

Add Case $511.68

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So much progress!


To be honest, I was one of those skeptical people about the Shattered Star set. I don't intend to play the AP, and I couldn't even imagine a creature I really wanted to have as a miniature from that adventure path. I was dead wrong.

Paizo and Wizkid put so much work into this set that the result is simply outstanding! Some of the minis in this set are simply some of the best I've ever seen. Some examples of those include the Alchemical golem, all eight elementals (four mediums, four larges that lean toward the huge in size), the Clockwork reliquary, the Wyvern, the Troll Champion... I could put half the set on this list easily. The details are incredible, the material and colour are amazing, and the sheer size of some larges is off the charts.

Granted, the price is still high, but I'm a firm believer that quality has a price. Thank you Paizo and Wizkids for matching the former with the latter.

Suprisingly, I haven't talked yet about the Gargantuan Blue Dragon. As some people rightly stated on the RotRL set reviews, the special miniature of a set deserves a special treatment and should be outstanding by nature. The dragon certainly does match this description, but my point is that it isn't even the best part of the set!

My conclusion will go back to the title of my review. This set is so great that it makes me appreciate the incredible progress Paizo and Wizkids have made over the course of only three sets. This bodes well for future sets, and they can certainly count on me buying their production.

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