
Cybel's page

35 posts. Organized Play character for Sethran.

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

For any out of character discussion, let's try and keep Gameplay as free as possible ^^

Liberty's Edge

Please dot in here ^^

Liberty's Edge

Hi All! Welcome to a Playthrough of SFS 1-05:First Mandate!

Standard etiquette of one post per day and one over the Weekend, if you will find yourself away for any reason please let us know and have botting instructions in your Signature.

I am based in the UK and will aim to check several times during the day here, just so you're aware of any timezone differences ^^.

I will generally roll Initiative and Group Perceptions as needed just to keep
things smooth, if you are required to make a saving throw, please make it the first roll in your post.

Happy to answer any Questions!

Please provide the following for your PC:

Character Name:
SFS ID and character number:
Your email: (for Online Support Program)
Day job Roll:
Boons (Happy for this to occur after the briefing)

3 Spaces Reserved for First Refusal: Kat5e, Oda and Farol

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

For any out of character discussion

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Please dot in here when accepted

Liberty's Edge


I am intending to run the Consortium Compact, a level 1-2 Evergreen module for the first part of Gamesday. This will start on August 25th and I aim to have it completed in the first half as I am away to New Zealand on the 6th October.

As ever I would prefer one post a day minimum rate, but I do understand that life sometimes happens. I will Bot if necessary in Combat to keep things moving.

Most of All have fun!

I will be recruiting for 4 people as there two slots in reserve. I will take recruitment for a day and will have a slot aside for a new player if required and will give consideration to those who have GMed for me in the past.

Information I need:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Day Job:

Any Special Notes:
Normal or Slow Path:

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Sheila Heidmarch stands before a window in her study, sunlight glittering on her signature emerald garments. She speaks in a deep and sonorous voice, and wastes no time getting to her point.

"First, thank you for gathering here on such short notice. Please have a seat. Once you've heard what I have to tell you, I believe you will forgive my enthusiasm. Documents we recovered from our Thassilonian excavations describe an elven fortress on the border between the Mierani Forest and the former Thassilonian province of Cyrusian. Because the borders of the forest have receded in the years since, any remaining ruins must be well outside of the forest as it now stands. As I'm sure you're aware, the elves of Kyonin typically guard elven historical sites closely, but in this case it seems the elves have lost all record of the site; they don't even know it exists. Needless to say, this discovery represents an invaluable opportunity for the society to explore without supervision. Take this map and make your preparations. I want you to reach the tower before news of its discovery reaches any of our rivals.”

She takes a pause to allow you to digest this information before continuing, a light of fervour apparent in here eyes.

"First, verify that the ruin even exists. Assuming there's still something there, I want a detailed report on the architecture of the site. We don't gain access to ancient elven ruins often, and this investigation must be thorough. Finally, bring back any surviving artifacts left by the elves who built and occupied the tower."

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Discussion thread for the High Tier Game, Please post the following:

Character Number:
CHaracter Name:
Player Name:
Slow Progression?

Any other Notes(Re-roll etc)

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

All out of character discussion to take place here. When accepted, please post the following:

Character Number:
CHaracter Name:
Player Name:
Slow Progression?

Any other Notes(Re-roll etc)

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Please Dot here when accepted

Liberty's Edge

Good Evening Everyone! I have four slots open for Tower of the Ironwood Watch which is a 5-9 scenario in Standard PFS. I will be doing a lottery on Sunday to determine the places!

Booked Slots: Qstor, Dragonforcehair

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Please keep any OOC discussion here!

Liberty's Edge

Hi guys! I will be running the Crypt of the Everflame and may run into the other two of the trilogy based on how well it goes. I have run campaigns, modules and scenarios in real life and a few on here but my first Module.

Three Slots have been Taken already and three are open. This is for level 1-2 Characters and is an Evergreen. I will be doing a lottery tomorrow Night (UK time).

Information I need:

Character Name:
Player Name:
PFS Number:
Day Job:

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Gameplay thread, Once everyone is dotted in we will get started.

Liberty's Edge

Feel free to discuss OOC details here!

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Feel free to introduce yourselves here!

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Out of Character discussion here!

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Feel free to start interacting and roleplaying with one another, we will start once everyone has their character ready

Sat in the office of Ambrus Valsin, venture-captain of the Pathfinder Society and harasser of the newbies you await for the Captain to speak. He looks you all up and down for a moment before pulling out a Journal from his desk drawer and placing it on a table in front of you.

"We received word from an Explorer associate of ours Ulisha that she had come across a valuable Relic known as the Silverhex and she wishes to sell it to the Society."

Ambrus breathes out a sigh before continuing.

"That is where things get tricky, we sent agents to the agreed meeting place but Ulisha did not show, it would appear that she has got in some trouble with the nobility of her homeland is now on the run. Our agents however, did find this journal with six promising leads, which would give us ampl opportunity to explore more finds before we purchase the Silverhex. Your task is to investigate the finds in the journal and then meet up with Ulisha to purchase the Silverhex on behalf of the society. Clear?"

Journal entry #1 - the Mausoleum:

The only thing worse than working for a Galtan nobleman is working for two Galtan noblemen—in my case, Lords Tullivor and Sarvio, both of whom are happy only when the other is not.

I made a tidy sum recovering their heirlooms, but when Laban Tullivor tasked me to steal a platinum chalice belonging to the Sarvios, I took my leave (and the cup), and they’ve been hounding me since. Now Laban’s deceased, and it’s rumored his mausoleum in Gralton’s cemetery harbors a treasure.

I hope you’ll not balk at tomb-robbing. Remember, these are aristocrats. I say, a plague on both their houses.

Liberty's Edge

Greetings All!

I know Gamesday is underway but I have found some time to get another scenario on the go and thought I would try my hand at Silverhex Chronicles. I will open it up to the first six players to sign up.

In case you haven't heard, Silverhex is open to any First level character, so no pregens needed!

Information I will need:

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS number:

Anything Else:

Liberty's Edge

Hello all! I will be running Scenario 5-13: Weapon in the Rift for the second slot of the Gameday so plan to start on the 12/10/2016. There has been two slots reserved so I have 4 slots available for the game.

It is 5-9 but we are looking at playing this on Low Tier (5-6).

I would like the following Information please:

Character Name:
Player Name:
PFS Number:
Day Job:

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Feel free to discuss anything here!

Liberty's Edge

Feel free to dot in here before we start on the 27th ^

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact


Within the Grand Lodge in Absalom, city at the centre of the world, You all sit among the class of ‘Advanced Alchemy – The difference between Potion and Poison’. Just four fresh faces amongst a bunch of Pathfinder hopefuls, yearning to earn your confirmation and get out into the field. Your tutor, Janira is painstakingly lecturing you on ways to tell if the bottle you have found contains a lifesaving potion or a deadly poison.

It is the middle of a sweltering summer afternoon in Absalom and you find yourself drifting off despite the Halfling’s eager voice, one student knocks over a vile of acid, the caustic liquid melting through their desk, and trousers, before they awake with a start.

Then something unusual happens, a roar can be heard across the city and then the ground begins to shake, the very walls of the Grand Lodge rumble and creak and then, as suddenly as it started, the earthquake stopped and all returned to normal, albeit with you all albeit more awake. Janira for her part doesn’t seem to notice the strange occurrence and her lecture continues unabated.


A few days have passed and it is lunch time at the Grand lodge in Absalom, you huddle inside the great hall as the rain hammers down outside, giving the summer day a grey overcast dismal look, lunch tray in hand you sit at the only table free in the crowded space, everyone hiding from Marcos Farabellus and his enforced fitness tests. You look around you, and the three others sat at your table…

Liberty's Edge

Consortium Compact

Hello and welcome to Pathfinder Society by Play By post! Please all post below with the following information:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Number:
Day Job Roll (Feel free to roll now):
Any Notes (Re-rolls etc.):

Once everyone is ready I will get a move on, switch to the Gameplay tab to see my introductory post and introduce yourselves!